I love gorillas. And they seem to really like this guy.
As promised, some pet pictures. Tonight from geg6:
The new kitty, Cleo, is doing well
A little Lovey:
No family resemblance at all with Thurston, LOL
And Koda is looking good, hogging the couch!
Soaking up some rays!
Thanks to everyone who sent me pet photos. Keep ’em coming, along with any fun or good news stories you’d like me to highlight.
And now for some news – Sunday we’ll have a writing chat, our own WereBear has written up something to share and we can all catch up on where we are at on projects. See you there – 12:30edt/11:30cdt/10:30mdt and 9:30pdt.
Non-political open thread. Be kind.
geg6: What’s the back-story on Cleo?
6:30 HST.
Well there are some fun games going on in March Madness Day ONe!
Happy Holi! and Happy Nowruz (New Year for Parsis)
I love your cuties, geg6! Look at little Cleo…and you’ve mentioned Lovey and Koda many times, but this is the first time I’ve seen them – adorable.
Thanks for this thread, TaMara!
Dorothy A. Winsor
It’s possible this counts as unkind, but I just watched my first ever episode of Hoarders. Holy moly.
Also I’m reading Minette Walters’ The Last Hours, a novel about the Black Death. It’s well written but once again, holy moly.
@spudgun: Even though some dork bigfooted you!
Today was a good day. I had to go for a medical check-up and everything looked good. Had a great lunch, Thai food, afterwards. It’s been a stressful week and it was good to have a peaceful day.
I may take off tomorrow and go see the horror movie “Us.” I’m hearing good things about it.
We found her as a little kitten last fall. She was in our garage. John must have left the door open and a mama kitty must have left her sleeping or something and John closed the door, not seeing her, and voila! Cleo was ours. She was very tiny, only about 3-4 weeks, according to the vet. So once she came out and was so happy to see us, we took her to the vet, got some cat milk and she’s now the most spoiled kitty ever. I’ll try to get some pics of her on her luxury condo tower, from which she rules the world. She’s a total sweetie pie.
@Brachiator: Avalune and I are seeing “Us” tomorrow. We really enjoyed “Get Out” and can’t wait to see the new one.
Yay! I so needed sweet kitties and puppies. Cleo looks so much like my childhood tabby Pepe.
Koda is an angel and Lovey looks like she’s full of hell!
Happy looking critters.
Stomp! Oh well, I’ll put’em up anyway. Here’s Bert yesterday, the first day of spring. One happy dog.
Can you imagine how that guy felt about the gorilla troup passing through and checking him out like that?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@chris: We all should enjoy ourselves that much.
@chris: Burt looks a lot like 15.5 year old Bohdi.
You’ve pegged the pups perfectly. That is exactly their personalities. Cleo still such a kitten, so she’s super playful. Still a little shy about touching, but when she wants her favorite, belly rubs, she flops on her back and just lets you know it’s time! She likes to touch noses with me, too (but not John—LOL!). When I was sick a few weeks ago, she laid on the couch and dozed with me all day. That was a first and, so far, only time she’s been that cuddly. I thought it was sweet.
TaMara (HFG)
@chris: So very happy!
@Raven: We can track two at the same time! ? We’re Democrats, right? Holding more than two thoughts at a time…or whatever the saying is.
Adam L Silverman
@Dorothy A. Winsor
Expect you’ve already read it but if not I highly recommend A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century by Barbara Tuchman.
Awwww, happy pup!
Great book.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: We try.
@Raven: He’s 8 and a bit and only 50 pounds. Mostly Little River with a touch of Yellow Lab. I’m hoping for 8 more years. Heh, for both of us.
Italics fail. Fix.
@Dorothy A. Winsor
Expect you’ve already read it but if not I highly recommend A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century by Barbara Tuchman.
@chris: Happy dog!!
p.s. help, last comment in mod because I misspelled my email, durr!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@NotMax: I have read it, though it’s been years.
I also read Connie Willis’s Doomsday Book, which is also about the Black Death. Spoiler alert! Everybody dies.
TaMara (HFG)
Want some fun? Google: Florida man and your birthday month and day.
I got Florida Man Arrested for attempted striptease.
@chris: Bohdi is the same weight, the DNA test said siberian and samoyed. He was pure white his first 8 years or so and has turned yellow since. We know we are fortunate he’s doing so well for his age but it’s hard to see him slipping.
@TaMara (HFG): @geg6: @spudgun:
He is. But you should see the look of utter misery when I tell him he has to stay home. Breaks my heart every time.
@Raven: It is so hard isn’t it? Bert is #5 for me and I’ve watched his face turn slowly white and… well, you know.
@TaMara (HFG):
Me: “Florida Man Finds WWII Grenade, Takes It to Taco Bell Before Calling Police.”
Mike in Oly
Such cuties! It was a good afternoon here. Warm and pleasant. After work I spent some time weeding my iris beds with the cats and saw a sharp shinned hawk swoop over carrying something and dart into the fir trees nearby. Stopped and went to check it out and saw it had nabbed one of the northern flickers that lives here. Feel bad for the flicker, but predators gotta eat too. Super cool to see.
I love watching the face on the guy while the gorillas check him out. What an amazing encounter! (He also looks uncannily like Pete Carroll, the Seahawks coach, which made it all a bit odd.)
Four days of lovely weather in Seattle, with the forecasters saying it’ll turn to rain soon. Ah, well.
Eric U.
@TaMara (HFG): the first one for my birthday is florida man doing something horrific and the second one is florida man almost doing something horrific. So not much fun.
normal liberal
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I just finished The Last Hours a few days ago. I gather there’s a sequel being published later this year. I need to reread Connie Willis, not to mention Tuchman.
Yes, I know, missed the thread.
Cleo is adorable ??
The rest of Family geg6 is too cute??
@TaMara (HFG): This is mine. Florida man finds pot package
@Eric U.: My birth month and year brought back results about a Florida execution and a rapist. Ugh.
Today my Luca who will have your hand off at the shoulder if you look at him funny seemed to begin to turn the corner toward getting well, after several days of dehydration, congested nose, and what seemed to be the beginning of kidney failure. Scared the daylights out of me and we are not out of the woods yet, but I think maybe the $$$ vet visits, subcutaneous fluids and antibiotics have started to take hold. If I click on that Floriduh man link, it will most likely turn up a variant of my exhusband, no thank you.
@TomatoQueen: So glad to hear that your baby is on the mend!!
We have begun keeping a bag of subq fluids and line at home, just in case of an elderly kitty illness beginning outside of vet hours.
@Mel: @Mel: Thank you. I’m thinking we’ll need to make similar preparations for the same reason, at least until we can figure out why this is happening, as Luca is only eleven.
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