2020 alert: if i say a candidate did something well, or interesting it doesn’t mean I’ve tossed everyone else into the dumpster. I prefer to note positive things (except abtTrump+people who hate clogs) so pls don’t @ me+tell me how disappointed u are in me, i have cats for that
— alyssa *feeling like rachel green* mastromonaco (@AlyssaMastro44) April 2, 2019
Me properly calling out poor behavior in a Dem candidate does not mean:
??I’m eating my own
??I’m the reason Trump won
??I’ve just ensured another Trump win or
??I’m too hard on DemsFrankly, trying to silence my opinions or supporting someone who does makes you look suspect.
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) March 30, 2019
It’s a big field of solid choices, I just don’t want anyone in the general that can’t hit Trump with everything. Every moral lapse. Every broken norm. Doesn’t mean I don’t think they’d be fine, but we need the win and it’s going to be the dirtiest campaign in modern times.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) April 1, 2019
The Dems want certain documents from ex WH counsel Don McGahn, ex WH strategist Steve Bannon, ex communications director Hope Hicks, ex chief of staff Reince Priebus and ex McGahn aide Ann Donaldson, @HouseInSession reports. https://t.co/VRWzFAVS6e
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) April 1, 2019
House Democrats are taking the first steps toward issuing subpoenas for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s entire report, as well as for documents from five former associates of President Donald Trump, setting up potential legal showdowns.
The House Judiciary Committee plans to hold votes on Wednesday to authorize the subpoenas, the panel said Monday in a news release. Three days earlier, Attorney General William Barr said he would provide Congress with a redacted version of Mueller’s report on his investigation into Trump and Russian election meddling by mid-April.
“Congress requires the full and complete Special Counsel report, without redactions, as well as access to the underlying evidence,” Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler said in an emailed statement Monday. “Attorney General Barr has thus far indicated he will not meet the April 2 deadline set by myself and five other Committee chairs, and refused to work with us to provide the full report, without redactions, to Congress. The Attorney General should reconsider so that we can work together to ensure the maximum transparency of this important report to both Congress and the American people.”…
Chris Johnson
They need to get aggressive on this, because the alternative is rolling over to fascism just when it was most important.
I guess everybody is still sleeping.
Good Morning, Everyone ? ??
Where is my blech ?
@OzarkHillbilly: I’m up. Unfortunately it’s because I had surgery yesterday and am too uncomfortable to sleep, but I’m up.
So good morning!
Hope that you are healing ?
Subpoena ALL of them ?
Amene (@Ange_Amene) Tweeted:
What folks fail to understand is Kamala Harris could have kept her ass in CA and raised $12 million in no time.
Just like every other Democrat that comes to this state only to raise money.
Instead she went out of state and impressed Democrats from across the country. https://twitter.com/Ange_Amene/status/1112928490246946816?s=17
Hercules Mulligan (@johnvmoore) Tweeted:
Black woman raises $5 million more than white dude and white dude gets the praise. https://t.co/vjIoGkzjuB https://twitter.com/johnvmoore/status/1112913426756534273?s=17
unimpressed.➒ (@dilemmv) Tweeted:
I been telling y’all Kamala Harris was THAT GIRL for 2 years now.
$12 million dollars for a black female freshman senator who the media has been ignoring for two months in favor of white men. https://twitter.com/dilemmv/status/1112881210815115264?s=17
John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) Tweeted:
Merrick Garland is a reminder that the only POTUS ever denied an up/down vote on a SCOTUS nom was also the only black POTUS.
Not saying Mitch McConnell is racist for obstructing.
Just saying Mitch should have to defend why it wasn’t racist, every day, for the rest of his life. https://twitter.com/JohnFugelsang/status/1112802073534398471?s=17
Uh huh
Uh huh ??
Wakandan War Dog (@Kennymack1971) Tweeted:
If this isn’t peak white dudebro I don’t know what is.
Take a black women’s accomplishment and make it all about a fellow white dude.
And yet they wonder why we talk about them the way we do.
SMH. https://t.co/x8kArsFUg6 https://twitter.com/Kennymack1971/status/1112907136508612608?s=17
Amene (@Ange_Amene) Tweeted:
Don’t be alarmed at white males diminsihing Kamala Harris’ accomplishments.
They aren’t team Black Women. https://twitter.com/Ange_Amene/status/1112907958239715328?s=17
@rikyrah: Blech.
@Nicole: May you soon fall into the sweet embrace of your doctor’s choice of opiate, but not so deep as to never relinquish it.
Uh huh
Uh huh ?
Mr. Weeks ?? (@MrDane1982) Tweeted:
White male privilege is when you get 59k less donors than a Black Woman, $5M less in donations than a Black Woman yet you’re looked upon more successful over the black woman.
Kamala Harris raised $12M from 218k people & Pete Buttigieg raided $7M from 159k people.
Respect her! https://twitter.com/MrDane1982/status/1112901299132096514?s=17
Phuck Outta Here ? ?
Axios (@axios) Tweeted:
President Trump says Republicans are developing a “really great” replacement for the Affordable Care Act, but it would not happen until after the 2020 elections https://t.co/B863AJqIVN https://twitter.com/axios/status/1112923491232178181?s=17
Mr. Weeks ?? (@MrDane1982) Tweeted:
And yall thought it was just Hillary Clinton…. look how the media is ignoring all the women presidential candidates. https://twitter.com/MrDane1982/status/1112903241317183489?s=17
They handled it better than me. I would have cursed her azz out ??
lexi for kirsten 2020 (@PelosiForSF) Tweeted:
Bernie Sanders supporter admits she voted for Trump and gets flustered trying to justify it.
“Part of it was kind of a joke.”
Props to the woman of color who called her out ?
https://t.co/dzXVwoFVhj https://twitter.com/PelosiForSF/status/1112854794228645888?s=17
@rikyrah: One thousand times this!
@rikyrah: In the software bidness we call that vaporware.
ETA: Didn’t he promise that in 2016 and they had control of Congress and the White House for 2 years and there was NO PLAN?
@rikyrah: So “really great” it takes a decade to develop.
@mrmoshpotato: Apparently so, never saw anything move out of the House; even though the Republicans controlled the House from 2011 to January of this year.
ETA: Though I do believe there were like over 150 votes to repeal the ACA.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Oh we saw things move out of the House. They were just a bunch of repeal attempts.
ETA : 150 attempts? I thought it was around 60. Ugh.
@mrmoshpotato: Yeah, added that in my ETA; but no plan to replace it with anything.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Didn’t the Rethugs get something through the House, then they had that kegger at the Rose Garden to celebrate taking away health insurance?
@mrmoshpotato: I think I saw a count on my TV machine a few years ago that said it was 147, so more than 60.
Who knew healthcare could be this complicated?
@eclare: Yeah, then the old meany John McCain voted against their bill.
@OzarkHillbilly: Yeah, you know Trump actually said that.
They have always planned to replace it with penury and death.
@OzarkHillbilly: Nah, it took me 35 minutes to find a damn needle to sew on a button!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yeah, I was ridiculing his idiocy. The answer to his question was of course, “EVERY.FUCKING.BODY.WITH.HALF.A.FUCKING.FUNCTIONING.BRAIN.”
@OzarkHillbilly: I think they call it “selling insurance across state lines”.
ETA: I see that David has a post on Graham-Cassidy upstairs, looks like the Fuck California Healthcare Act of 2019 to go along with the Fuck California Tax Act of 2017.
A Ghost To Most
$12 million for Harris. That’s what I’m talking about. Average contribution: $20.
212,000 contributors.
Pete who?
I wish I were. I do not care for this time of day.
Yes, their exclusive “no-claim policy” in which you are fully covered until you make a claim.
The dollars prove there’s enthusiasm, but I can’t help but feel it’s wrong to be all about the dollars.
My other question: Will there be a gap period between the end of ACA and TrumpDontCare or will ACA stick around until it’s ready to go? I can’t imagine there would be, but with this clown in office…
@debbie: Trumpcare is like The Mustard, there is no Trumpcare.
Patricia Kayden
Good. Glad to hear that Democrats are exercising their subpoena powers. There’s so much to investigate. Most of all I need to hear from Mueller and Barr while we’re waiting for the unredacted report to be released.
Hope you’re right. God, the fucking chaos.
@debbie: If a three judge panel from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upholds the crazy Federal District Court judge ruling from Texas striking down all of the ACA; then the Fifth Circuit can and likely would decide to hear the case en banc which means all the appellate judges on the Fifth Circuit (I think it’s eleven or so right now) rehear the case (new briefs, arguments, etc.) And if they also uphold the total annihilation of Obamacare, then the case will go to the US Supreme Court and be decided there. If any of this happens, there will be a stay, like there is now, giving the ACA another three years of life before final decision.
But none of this will happen. The three judge panel in the 5th will reverse the crazy judge and although there will be other appeals, no other Court will be hearing it. My prediction.
@Immanentize: I hope you are right.
Thanks. Better your prediction than Trump’s pronouncement that “his” Court will support him. :/
Do you believe that Roberts will protect the Court’s “integrity”? I listened to a Fresh Air interview with Joan Biskupic, the author of a new biography. I don’t know anything about her expertise, but she seems confident that Trump will get nowhere.
@JPL: Time will tell, but the odds, in this case, are ever in our favor.
@debbie: Trump’s are not the ideas the Judges he chooses are protecting. They can reverse his crazy often, but at the same time swing the law to a very unpleasant place. Roberts will not let the Court devolve into total partisan decision making, nor will he become a steadfast liberal.
So, out of a random 24 jackals picked by lottery, one of them will be allowed to live? Boy, do I feel better now.
Betty Cracker
So, in our local newspaper, there’s an account of a recent Coast Guard rescue of some boaters whose craft capsized in the Gulf of Mexico. Everyone is okay, thank goodness. But there’s a self-proclaimed boating expert in the comments section scolding the survivors for excessive speed (there’s nothing in the story indicating they were going too fast), criticizing life-jacket stowage, issuing advice about wind knot speed tolerance, and incorrectly identifying the hull type (there’s a photo, FFS) and criticizing that. God, what a self-important asshole. I would bet $1K that this person is a man and $100 that he voted for Trump.
Obeisance to Trump may not be sufficient to save new Fed nominee
Rachel Maddow reports on the mounting scandals plaguing Donald Trump’s nominee for the Federal Reserve Board, Stephen Moore, whose co-authorship of a book called “Trumponomics” may not be sufficient qualification to secure his confirmation.
Protests planned if Barr fails to meet deadline on Mueller report
Rachel Maddow reports exclusively that the Trump Is Not Above The Law coalition is planning nationwide protests if A.G. William Barr fails to turn over the Robert Mueller report by the deadline set by Rep. Nadler and fails to respond to a subpoena for the report.
The Damage Report (@TheDamageReport) Tweeted:
WATCH: “Black children are just plain old, more disruptive in the classroom’– How did you come to that conclusion?”
– @RepKClark calls for Betsy Devos to resign after her use of a racist study to defend black kids being disproportionately disciplined. https://t.co/JUJfrQl0vJ https://twitter.com/TheDamageReport/status/1112842151619190784?s=17
We’ve been coming to the bakery at 7am for almost 20 years. I was just informed that they will now open at 8 on weekends. White people problem.
Mystery case may play role in release of Mueller grand jury info
Rachel Maddow reports on the latest developments in the case of an unnamed company that is resisting a Robert Mueller subpoena, and explains the connection between that case and push for the release of the grand jury material in the Robert Mueller report.
Even his friends have said he’s not qualified!
Barr redactions of Mueller grand jury material contested in court
Katie Townsend, legal director for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, talks with Rachel Maddow about the legal effort to override any redactions by William Barr of grand jury material in Robert Mueller’s report.
Congress seeks White House security clearance scandal testimony
Rachel Maddow rounds up some of the reported security concerns about Jared Kushner and other members of the executive branch, and looks at how whistleblower accusations of “grave and continuing failures of the White House security clearance system” have drawn the scrutiny of the House Oversight Committee.
House poised to subpoena former White House security official
Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi talks with Rachel Maddow about the House Oversight Committee’s interest in a whistleblower’s testimony that the Trump White House’s poor regard for the security clearance process is putting national security at risk.
@OzarkHillbilly: It could be two!
hope that you are correct.
@debbie: Stephen Moore has friends ?!?!
@Raven: Say WHAT???? How dare they! We should organize a boycott to begin promptly at 7 AM every Saturday and Sunday mornings, ending sometime after 8 AM so we can all have coffee and a danish.
@Raven: You should show up promptly at 0800, with coffee and danish from a competitor already in hand.
@Immanentize: “Attention, attention, Tributes: There has been a slight rule change. The previous rule change allowing for 2 victors from the same district has been revoked and only one victor may be crowned. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.”
@Patricia Kayden: The Dems should subpoena Trump’s tax returns. That the Chair of the committee with authority to do this has not done it is just so mind boggling.
Good morning everyone.
Sad. It’s terrible news. Someone has to cover state politics and policy or state politicians will go completely unobserved. I know there’s no way to do this transfer but I can’t help but think one could fund daily newspapers in every state by just diverting some portion of national cable coverage. Ohio newspaper reporters make next to nothing. One Jake Tapper or Rachel Maddow show would be hundreds of regular reporters. If you watch local tv news, local tv news gets their content from local newspapers, so that will go too.
@Kay: I assume the layoffs are because the PD is losing a lot of money. And I assume they’re losing money because they don’t have buyers for their product. And I think the real tragedy is that the citizenry (not just in Ohio) has no appetite for local news. Everyone thinks they can stay informed through Twitter, or Fox News, or Facebook.
And maybe I’m just an old man yelling at clouds.
Naked Swedish police officer apprehends fugitive while visiting sauna
@rikyrah: Thank you! I’m at the “looks worse before it looks better” stage. I need some patience. Thank goodness for Netflix.
They say advertising revenue is down. I don’t know if it’s true, but they say local businesses advertise on Facebook?
I do know Facebook (and Google) have really aggressive sales teams who pitch small businesses. The Google people are particularly annoying and insistent- they’re essentially cold-calling. It’s appealing because it’s cheap but there’s a lot of skepticism from small business people because there’s no way to check their claims of how many people they reach, there’s a sense it’s something of a scam, that they inflate claims, and a scam isn’t cheap at any price. I personally wouldn’t trust a claim from Facebook as far as I can throw Zuckerberg, and I don’t buy things I can’t verify. He’s a flat-out liar. Google is also opaque. I wouldn’t know where to start to verify anything they say about their advertising business.
Why Chicago’s mayoral election should matter to you
By Ray Sanchez, CNN
Updated 3:01 AM ET, Mon April 1, 2019
(CNN)No matter who wins Tuesday’s election in Chicago, the nation’s third-largest city will for the first time elect an African-American woman as its mayor.
The Windy City could also have its first openly gay mayor.
The historic runoff pits Lori Lightfoot, 56, a former assistant US attorney who describes herself as “an out and proud black lesbian,” against Toni Preckwinkle, 72, a political insider who heads the Cook County Board and chairs the Cook County Democratic Party.
The winner will replace mercurial, two-term incumbent Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who announced last fall that he would not seek re-election.
“Residents of every other major city should be paying attention to how Chicago manages to address the problems they have,” said Marcus Pohlmann, a political science professor at Rhodes College in Memphis. “No big city is insulated from these issues.”
@Nicole: Take care!
Good Thread
Maya Contreras (@mayatcontreras) Tweeted:
1/ Just briefly wanted to talk about some of my concerns about how the media is covering the 2020 Women Candidates but I’ll start with 2016. #MondayMotivation #mondaythoughts #GroupThink #WhiteMaleMedia #Bias
#Misogyny #Racism #Hypocrisy https://t.co/xvAGqE2veM https://twitter.com/mayatcontreras/status/1112781618568224779?s=17
Uh huh
Uh huh???
Esosa Osa (@Esosa_Osa) Tweeted:
@katiezavadski For Context: The IRS lost $1.6 billion in 2016 on fraudulent tax refund claims. (generally low income folks)
They lose $458 billion EVERY YEAR from tax evasion. (generally very wealthy folks)
Yet they audit a poor black county in MS the most. #America
https://t.co/uKZ1ba7zIt https://twitter.com/Esosa_Osa/status/1112819447239147523?s=17
We advertise once a year on a local country music station because that’s what our customers listen to. I don’t “do” the ad because we have a lawyer who is better at it, but I decide where to advertise and how much we should spend. I listen to the station too, in the car. It’s kind of pleasant and undemanding. The station spends a lot of time on high schools sports, which is really popular. I don’t like sports but I recognize the names and since people talk about it so much I like to have some idea of what they’re talking about. We either know the kids who play or know their families or went to the school. There’s a connection
I also buy the local daily newspaper and the Toledo Blade. The Blade just cut back (paper) publishing.
#ListenToBlackWomenKamalaHarris2020 (@psddluva4evah) Tweeted:
Liz Warren out here talking policy and substance and yet folk so busy riding the latest white male hope wave that now they writing articles bout her fundraising lacking. Heck Liz isn’t even my candidate but I sent some money her way cause at least she’s talking substance! https://twitter.com/psddluva4evah/status/1113049125036199936?s=17
Betty Cracker
@Spanky: I think you’ve identified a large part of the problem. But even the national digital media outlets are getting hammered (Buzzfeed layoffs, etc.), and a lot of that’s on the investment structure, which for some reason relies on the tech model. It doesn’t make sense for that product.
TS (the original)
@debbie: He has friends?
Uncle Cosmo
@OzarkHillbilly: “…what could otherwise have become a particularly heated confrontation…” In a sauna? Y’think mebbe? :^D
@Raven: Bastards!
edit: written before seeing debbie’s reply at #55.
Dan B
@rikyrah: It seems like a typical media bias/clulessness issue. I like Pete but Kamala is my first choice and has been, with Warren number two. I’ve been seeing four posts about Pete and two about Warren for weeks. Part of ut us the gay blogs I visit but WTF I want to hear more about Kamala from MSM and social media. Is it because she’s not making waves as big as Obama did at this point. I don’t think so. Racism and misogyny are a part (big part) of the mix but another part of it seems to be media not knowing what the story is. An openly gay pres candidate is the magic “New” that makes for an easy story. I don’t care. I want more Kamala stories!
F**k the so-called media! Useless for democracy. Kamala is impressive. Does she have to appear on Fox / KKK media for it to be a story?