The only thing that made me laugh out loud in the past few days:
That’s …….. that’s not how fire works.
— NotOutlandishHat (@Popehat) April 7, 2019
The whole thread is full of win. If you need a laugh.
Here’s the big guy:
I know you are all looking for a Bixby update. It’s a pretty dire situation, although I think we may have gotten lucky. He had a rare and yet devasting reaction to the anti-nausea medication. So rare, it took a lot of research and ignoring a lot of veterinarians and trusting my instincts to figure it out. Because of course, I watched it happen in real time.
The outlook is murky because the few dogs or cats it happens to are euthanized within a week because it looks like they have had some type of massive traumatic event without a real diagnosis, there is a lot of guessing and expensive, negative tests.
But the dogs that fought through it see recovery within a few weeks, with a long rehab after that. Bixby has been fighting since day one – he literally crawled outside the first day when I wasn’t looking. I’ve now put up the baby gate. He doesn’t want to potty in the house. Such a good boy. I’ve sacrificed the large living room area rug without even a thought. Easy to replace. I haven’t seen my bed since Tuesday. I’ve had a revolving door of people helping out and one friend who has definitely gone above and beyond to help out. Bixby is loved.
He’s regained more feeling as days drag on. I am hopeful and terrified depending on the moment. I’m sleep deprived and living on stress and caffeine. I’m not even sure I’m writing in English at the moment. My fingers could be on all the wrong keyboard keys.
Keep a good thought.
I know I am not the only one struggling right now, so I am sending good thoughts to all of you. Or I will when I can have actual thoughts.
Here, in this thread, is where you can share and find comfort.
NO! Politics open thread
(the only good news is I have absolutely NO idea what is going on in the world outside my little corner right now)
I hope Bixby gets better and quickly.
What was the medicine??
TaMara, thank you so much for the update. You and Bixby have a lot of people who are worried and sending you their best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hang in there and let us know if there’s anything we can do. Bixby is the best boy.
Thinking of you and Bixby. There are times thoughts and prayers are appropriate and this is one of them.
I — along with every Juicer, I’m sure — have been thinking about you and Bixby, hoping and wishing and praying for good news. He is such a love, and I know I’m not alone in wishing him many more years of health and strength, and the same to you, dear TaMara!
Thank you for the update. Sending gentle hugs to Bixby and you and beaming every good thought possible for his recovery. Hang in there.
Amir Khalid
Sending good vibes to Tamara and Bixby the big brave lad.
I really do hope Bixby gets back to his old, active self and very soon. Good to hear he has fought his way back this far. Sending prayers and good wishes for you too. Take care.
Cheryl Rofer
Tamara, I’m glad you’ve figured out what the problem is. Good thoughts to you and Bixby and the other critters.
Hugs for you and Bixby. Hang in there.
Sending thoughts of a quick and complete recovery to the big guy.
zhena gogolia
I’m praying hard for Bixby!
TaMara (HFG)
@Cheryl Rofer: Thank you. It took a lot of angry tears and fierce belief in my intuition until we found answers.
There were many times I thought I had lost my dogs before they finally were lost to old age. Bixby is lucky to have you. I hope his recovery is speedy.
Laura Too
Thank you so much for the update, I have been trying to scour every post for any news. Keep you all in my thoughts.
Anne Laurie
Crossing my fingers for Bixby, and for you!
Damn, one way you can be *sure* Great Danes are sight hounds — they have as many ‘atypical’ reactions to different medications as your average cat! Good for you that you didn’t accept the vet’s ‘yeah that never happens’ shrug-emoji response to your immediate assumption it was an allergic response to the new anti-emetic. And you’ve worked so hard, all his life, to make sure that Bixby was in peak shape and well-nourished, so that he has the best possible chance to make it through this crisis.
(Extra prayers for Scout, who’s no doubt confused by this whole meshugas, and Bixby’s other housemates.)
Amir Khalid
@TaMara (HFG):
You fought for Bixby like only a mother would.
Thank you for the update. We are all rooting for Bixby and sending love and positive energy to him – and to you, too.
Mary G
@Anne Laurie: I think you meant Scout, though I am certain Bailey’s up in heaven rooting as well. Keep following your gut, Tamara, and fuck that vet that blew you off.
Oh TaMara, I wish I could help out!! Rooting so very hard for Bixby – I know he’s your rock! Sending you all energy and strength and healing.
TaMara (HFG)
@Anne Laurie: Right!! Scout has been a dream, seems to understand I’m fragile and just snuggles me when she can and happy for the extra ‘treats” because Bixby is on a 1950s housewife diet: cottage cheese and hamburger and she gets a bit in her food, too.
Peace, comfort and rest to all of you. It’s never easy when one gets sick but trying to do what’s right by the rest of the critters can just drain you. Eat the comfort food, take naps as you can, and please keep us posted.
White & Gold Purgatorian
Good vibes and healing thoughts to Bixby and the whole family, including friends.
@TaMara (HFG): If he’s still having gastro issues, have you tried chicken flavored jello? My Gromit had pancreatitis and his numbers (300 is considered too high and serious) were 1100. He could eat chicken broth with unflavored gelatin dissolved in it. Boil 1 cup broth for each packet of gelatin(keeps it from getting rubbery).. Pour into ice cube tray to set up in fridge. Or let it cool and see if he wants to just drink it. You might switch him over to boiled chicken instead of beef for a few days.
All good thoughts for Bixby. The fact that’s he’s a fighter and has already been aggressive about this is very good. Keep it up, Bixby!!
What a horrible situation. Hopefully the worst is behind him (and you) and he recovers quickly.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Baylor 81 – Notre Dame 80
Those poor Irish girls – lost the game on a missed free throw with 1 second left in the game.
Sending warm (or cool, as appropriate) thoughts and love to all 2 and 4 legs who need it…
I spent the weekend in the hospital with my sister, who pretty much collapsed yesterday morning while at an art exhibit, from a heart arrhythmia and tachycardia. Thankfully, she’s OK, she was with friends who called 911, the hospital was responsive, the nurses were terrific (what’s new?) and phew, that was scary as all get out.
Wishing everyone the best.
J R in WV
We have always had good luck with a chicken breast cooked with white rice for puppys with an upset. But if he likes cottage cheese and hamburger, that’s good too!!
So glad to hear from you… so good that you aren’t following the news!! So glad your big boy appears to be doing better. What a good dog!!
TaMara (HFG)
@J R in WV: We are starting to suspect he has a rice allergy. Because you know, the thing you are supposed to turn to when the digestion goes south, that would be too easy, right?!
@MoxieM: Holy crap!! Wishing your sister a speedy recovery! (and you as well, that must have been quite the fright)
Adam Lang
Maybe get a patch of astroturf? Easy to clean and may make your pup happier than going on the rug.
Poor Mr. Dog. I hope he feels better soon.
Sending positive thoughts for your big guy.
Baud ❤️??
@TaMara (HFG):
Bixby will keep getting stronger. He wants to, you want him to, we want him to.
I’ll keep repeating this as often as necessary.
WTF moderation
This is stupid
Ah, my bad. Typed .con instead of .com
It would be so much easier if we didn’t have to enter nym and email every fucking time.
Patricia Kayden
Hoping that Bixby continues to fight and get better.
@TaMara (HFG):
{{{{TaMara}}}}, {{{{Bixby}}}}, {{{{Scout}}}} and everyone else pitching in and helping out.
Maybe Quinoa?
Get a couple cheap, soft, low tuft mats and a pee pad, ( quilted fabric, waterproof on both sides, washable). You can rotate the mats as needed, and the pad if needed. I used to do this when sailing with the dogs. Instead of having a washing machine and dryer, I could tow them behind the boat and air dry them.
Happy and relieved to hear a Bixby update! Sending hopeful thoughts and wishes for a complete recovery!
I don’t understand why the vets you consulted were so lousy at their jobs. I don’t understand how they can be in business with attitudes like that.
@TaMara (HFG): You are a fierce mama bear protecting your cubs. What a lucky boy. Sending love and prayers and good thoughts to all of you. I’m so grateful for the friends you have helping you.
Another Scott
Hoping for a speedy and complete recovery for Bixby. Hang in there, everyone.
Best wishes,
Bumped up from downstairs:
New Unforgotten on PBS tonight. Check your listings.
“When the body of a teenage girl who went missing at the turn of the millennium is found at a building site off the M1 motorway, four men are placed under the spotlight.” Nicola Walker, Sanjeev Bhaskar.
ETA: This is Season 3. Previous two seasons available on Amazon Prime. Recommended.
@TaMara (HFG): So, shredded chicken with a little more shredded chicken. I thought the chicken jello idea posted by (oooh I’m sorry I missed the Nym) was terrific, and I’m going to add it to my list of tummy stuff. (Murphy is a fussy eater and has a sensitive GI so I’ve enhance my repertoire of things she might eat when she’s out of whack.) I’ve had good luck with the Bil-Jac food for sensitive tummies.
They also sell a canned veterinary bone broth–I’m sorry I can’t remember where I bought it, but might have some. For me, they deliver practically overnight. That would make a dandy and nutritious jello or ice cube item
Wishing you and the Big Bixby the Best
Does anyone near you have one of those square furniture/moving dollies? Just 4 boards with rolling casters underneath? If I were there I would offer to try to rig up a big dog wheelchair of sorts to help him feel like he can go SOMEwhere.
Sent with all good wishes for quick recuperation for the big guy!
Did you see the capybary video Anne Laurie posted? Sorry if it was you or someone else instead… the one with baby goats dancing on the giant creature’s head, apparently fine with the capy?
@TaMara (HFG):
Rice allergy!
Completelly unfair.
Good for you for sleuthing out rare side effects.
Sending many healing thoughts and much Light.
Oh, thanks for updating on Bixby! Been worrying about you guys all weekend. All my love and most powerful positive thoughts heading west straight to you all. Give Scout some extra scritches, too.
TaMara, All good wishes for Bixby and your household. Thank heavens you figured out what was going on. You saved him. Now on to the healing! Me and my kitty and puppy are pulling for you all.
@SiubhanDuinne: I added WaterGirl to my address book on my mac, so as soon as I start typing it autofill comes up for me. So it’s marginally less annoying than it was originally. Marginally.
Felanius Kootea
Here’s wishing Bixby a full recovery and hope you are able to get some sleep.
@Adam Lang:
Astro turf is a huge idea. Put in behind a wall boxes so Bixby can feel like he’s going somewhere.
Or you could get actual sod. Real grass. Over plastic sheetin. Compost it later.
@TaMara (HFG): @MazeDancer: When I suspected my Tucker might have food allergies, I put him on the classic Lamb & Rice diet — and he got way worse right away!
Yes, he is allergic to lamb and to rice. Actually, the list of what he is NOT allergic to is probably shorter. Happily, he is not allergic to pumpkin, which he adores, so that makes a nice treat.
Ahhh Bixby Bigstuff, so glad to see you. Yer ma is speaking in tongues (perfectly articulate, as usual) so please to be getting well soonest. Love also to your family and friends.
ONE of Lil Bit’s conditions is Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia She was diagnosed about a year after we rescued her and she’s been on meds for that ever since. It can be deadly and because survived a year she was made the cover girl on Miesha’s Hope, a now defunct site dedicated to critters with IMHA. We never know what’s going to happen to them or to us but, as long as they are hanging in, there’s hope.
Best wishes for Bixby, and for you, for his recovery.
@Lyrebird: We have a “buggy” that I push them everywhere in.
@Raven: Is that the same as autoimmune hemolytic anemia? My cocker mellon had that and lived for years with pred, as I recall. We were able to get her down to half a pill a day, but any less than that was NOT GOOD.
Ohio Mom
Glad to hear Bixby is turning the corner. More than once, I’ve had to redirect doctors, not surprised the same is true of vets. And it’s not that I expect them to be infallible but do they all have to be such bad sports about it?
@MoxieM: Yikes! Was this out of the blue, or did your sister have heart issues before? Hope she gets answers and a doable treatment.
@Ohio Mom: Thanks — she’d been having what she thought were work-induced anxiety attacks. She very doctor-averse … They put her on a beta-blocker and will monitor. I hope it scared her enough to pay attention to the docs. She’s otherwise in very very good health, especially for someone in the mid-sixties. We’re getting old!!! Holy Crap!
@WaterGirl: We have used Atopica and it’s done the trick for years. Interestingly the active ingredient is cyclosporine which is also one of the seven eye meds she gets 3 times a day. They did put her on mild pred because of he awful cough and it seems to have worked well. She goes for her ultrasound Tuesday so we’ll see where we go when her enlarged heart is officially diagnosed.
All good thoughts in your direction Tamara! ?
Ole Possum
Long time lurker first comment.
Just wanted to say I’m wishing you and Bixby the best. He is obviously the best boy.
So glad he has you and everyone loving him.
Adam L Silverman
Since this seems to be the comment thread for this sort of thing, I’ve heard from Yarrow. He’s doing fine, but he’s been busy as he’s been providing a lot of support for his dad, uncle, and aunt – all of whom have some had some serious health issues. They’re all doing better/improving, so that’s the good news.
Sending up prayers??? for the beautiful Bixby??
Keith P.
I can see where someone got the idea to use gasoline. When someone on TV’s “Gold Rush” wanted to thaw out ground so they could mine it, they dumped barrels of kerosene or gasoline on the ground and lit it. The show played this super-triumphant music (which they play any time someone manages to pass a difficult turd or find their car keys)
Same mindset that brought us “Close up the Macondo well by nuking the ocean floor!”
@Adam L Silverman:
Sending Yarrow and Family Yarrow positive thoughts??
Sending a whole bunch of good thoughts for you and Bixby.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Congrats to Baylor. My Ducks lost to the Champions which make our loss a bit more palatable. Best wishes to Virginia on the mens championship for the same reason.
@Keith P.:
And the Yukon fined them $250,000 and pulled all their permits.
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks for letting us know.
@Keith P.:
Look, if it worked in _Pacific Rim_…
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: Happy to do it.
I’m trying to coax him back out from lurking, so if he turns up don’t make any sudden moves or loud noises so as not to spook him…//
Yes, keeping Yarrow and family in my thoughts.
Sending healing thoughts to Bixby.
Best thoughts to you and to Bixby
Now on the the tread. The videos of the infield reminded me of the most insane concert I ever attended. Mid 80’s, the venue was a junkyard in Commerce City, Co. band was a German Industrial Noise band named Einstürzende Neubauten. The band apparently spent the the day improvising their drums and percussion instruments from the junkyard. At the climax of the concert, the lead singer jumped off the stage and soaked the dirt in front of the stage with gasoline. He jumped back on stage, and tossed in a march. Insanity ensued.
Sending healing vibes to Bixby and hugs your way. Hang in there.
Sending positive thoughts for Bixby’s continued improvement and a full recovery!
Ohio Mom
@MoxieM: She’s a stoic, your sister. Somebody else having what they thought were anxiety attacks would have gone to the doctor for that.
It’s ssid there are two types of heart doctors, the plumbers and the electricians. Your sister now has an electrician.
Hugs and prayers for you and Bixby.
Joy in FL
holding goodness for Bixby and all who love him
Ohio Mom
@Adam L Silverman: And all this time, I’ve thought “Yarrow” was a girl’s name — keeping my average score for guessing genders for nonspecific nyms at zero.
I hope he is getting some outside help. It’s hard enough to be the caretaker of one convalescent but three!
Ohio Mom
@Ole Possum: Don’t let this be you one and only comment — come out of lurking permanently!
Miss Bianca
Rooting for Bixby and you. Hard to bear others’ animal sadness right now, the only good thing about it is hearing about persistence in finding a treatment.
I remember when my boy Larry began suddenly and mysteriously ailing. The vet I had at the time could not figure out what was wrong with him, but kept persisting. In the meantime, she told me to take Larry home and prepare for the worst. It was so awful to watch him slither downhill to the Rainbow Bridge.
Then, suddenly…the vet (an amazing diagnostician, as it turned out) figured out that what he had looked like a fish parasite. To this day I don’t know how he got it (I suspect it was the food I was feeding him at the time), but she treated him for it and I got a good number of years with him after that. It can get better…it’s just hard when *you* have the be the diagnostician for your pet!
May I just sign on to these remarks…
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: So glad to hear that, thanks for the update!
I’m keeping good thoughts for that very good boy Bixby. I’m glad to see he’s showing some improvement.
There was a Pacific Rim, The Uprising sequel,
So obviously, it didn’t even work in the origional Pacific Rim.
Blessings to Bixby! Also, try Nutri-cal Nutrition gel. We had recent episode with our bully pit. Stopped eating, constant diarrhea, would not eat anything, even all her favs. She slowly got better, but the vet didn’t really have much to offer. Lots of tests, but nothing conclusive. The Nutri-cal at least was a way to keep nutrition going in. Just smeared it in her mouth and on her gums which she couldn’t spit out. Positive thoughts are coming your way!!
Odie Hugh Manatee
Wow, this is really sad to hear of the allergy and poor Bixby being stricken with it. Best wishes to your big boy and yourself. Bixby knows that he’s in good hands and that will help him a lot with recovery.
Thanks for the news. Continued best wishes for Bixby!
Good thoughts to you Tamara, and sending love and light out to elegant, graceful and dignified Bixby.
Some good news: A very nice guy drove up to our door this afternoon with a wonderful cat from Minnesota. (It was like that sweepstakes prize that they promised would knock on the door. Except this happened.) It happened because of this blog and because debit is outright amazing.
We had thought he would arrive tomorrow, but Steve the driver had to get up here and then quick out of state before a snowstorm tomorrow.
Infinite Kitty has been his code name, so now we’re calling him Finn and Finney. He spent 2 1/2 solid days in the crate. Steve’s report to me was: “He HATES really HATES HATES HATES crates.”
Finn’s been bouncing around the room with me here for hours now. He’s smart, social, polite, hungry, sweet, playful, determined, gorgeous.
It’s good to see him relax more and more with every half hour. I’ll send some pics to a FPer tomorrow and also put them at a link in case they are busy.
Oh Finn
Look at
the world
you’re in.
Miss Bianca
@Aleta: Awww! Sounds like such a special kitty! I am glad he made it safely!
Ohio Mom
@Aleta: Love that image of the sweepstakes guy knocking on your door with your prize.
Wishing you and Finn many happy years together.
Adam L Silverman
@Ohio Mom: I think Yarrow is a he, I could be wrong.
Adam L Silverman
@Aleta: Excellent!
Mary G
@Aleta: AAWWWWWWWWWW. Please do send pictures. I love a happy ending and Finn for a name.
All the best to you and your beautiful pup, Tamara—I’m praying to DOG for you both.
TaMara (HFG)
@Aleta: That makes me so incredibly happy!! And I can use some happy.
It’s good to hear that Bixby is hanging in there. Hugs to you, TaMara, and to all your critters.
@Aleta: I knew right away when John posted Walter’s picture that he was my dog. I felt that it must have been the same way for you when you saw Finn’s picture. So happy that he’s with you, snug and happy.
For the contributors: We used a shipper out of Florida called 4 The Luv of Pets, a small mom and pop (literally) operation. We were super lucky because someone else in Minnesota had already contracted them to get a puppy from here to the east coast and Finn got to tag along, almost like it was meant to be. I found Finn on Friday the 29th and in exactly one week he was off to his forever home with Aleta. You guys did that. I love all of you.
Finn’s a great name for that little face! ?
I fell instantly in love with that kitty from his “bleg” photo and I’m not even a cat person. So glad you adopted him.
In other kitty news, I do SO love the story about the rhino poacher who got trampled to death by an elephant and then eaten by lions. Just hope the rancid meat didn’t upset their tummies.
@Aleta: Great news!! Looking forward to continued updates when you can!
zhena gogolia
@Aleta: @debit:
So happy for Finn! He is a real cutie, and I’ll never forget his violin video.
@TaMara (HFG): Have you tried barley? Wheat can cause gastric upset and if he’s allergic to rice, you might try barley for a filler. When Gromit had pancreatitis, the vet researched it and found that over cooked white rice was better than regular cooked rice of any color. We cooked it until it looked like paste with rice boogers in it. Might over cook the barley if that works for him. My vet said the over cooking partially digested it so it was easier on their gastric system.
@TomatoQueen: I’ve been wanting to thank you and CarolPW and Mary G for telling me about your loss of a cat because of hyperthyroid or kidney disease. What you said helped a lot. Besides the shock and pain I was having horrible guilt. You all made a big difference in my pain, which felt like I might not survive it.
And every other kind word from everyone gave me relief .
I’ve felt a lot of guilt for following the (standard) vet protocol to wait, even though I felt and said that I knew he was sick from his behavior and just my sensing him. I’m not blaming the individuals who gave me a limited picture. I think maybe the system or business model that’s drawing the picture is making flowcharts for them instead. Or something else. Just something wrong, and my reasonable polite questions are answered with “no one could have predicted.” I understand that. That can be true AND it shouldn’t be all they are willing to say. I’m still trying to figure this out.
Also blaming myself for not having the energy and courage to do more.
Glad to read some good news???
When I had to send my cocker back to the rescue org because I could no longer keep him, found a guy that would fly all over the west delivering pets in his private plane. One Saturday about 20 pets in cages were loaded in the cabin and he took off. There was room for him to fly. Just. Cats and dogs. It was amazing. And heartbreaking.
@zhena gogolia: You were solidly enthusiastic about him. I’ll be sure you see pictures.
@Aleta: Congratulations on Finn the new kitty! So happy for you—
You’re good people!
Major Major Major Major
Thanks for the update. Hugs!
@eemom: I read today there may have been more than one poacher. It’s not known how many, because they were pretty thoroughly consumed. Only one skull and several boots and the poaching equipment were scattered around the bloody bushes.
@Raven: That is awesome, so much better than a furniture dolly!
@Adam L Silverman:
Thanks for the update.
Somebody send the Dump princes over to investigate. And add it to Jared’s “portfolio”.
Sandia Blanca
Wow, this thread contains such a heart-tugging mix of good and tough news. Thinking of all who have lost their pets recently, praying for TaMara and Bixby, and sending up thanks for debit and Aleta in rescuing Finn! This is a beautiful community.
patrick II
Back in the 70’s and into the 80’s men’s fastpitch softball was pretty popular, particularly in the countryside. One tournament had some bad weather luck, and after the usual sand and sawdust didn’t dry the field sufficiently they called in a helicopter that hovered over the field and and dried it out so the game could continue. They took their softball seriously.
Finn’s home! Welcome in, you’re safe now, no crates, just love. {{{Aleta}}}
Best wishes for Bixby.
Adam L Silverman
@Aleta: @eemom: Probably something like this:
Happy the big dog is feeling better! Long time lurker in New Mexico is quite relieved!
@Adam L Silverman: That’s really good.
“Cut to the end will ya, how do I kill it.”
Universal tragic cry these days.
@Adam L Silverman: I like instructional films that are entertaining. Humidity control in the archives is very important. Really brings the lesson home.
Adam L Silverman
@Aleta: Yep.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: As someone born in Florida and who has lived in south Florida, central Florida, north Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, and central Pennsylvania, I can honestly say that it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity!
Fingers crossed for Bixby.
Sending love and healing light to you and Bixby. Bless you, TaMara!
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks for letting us know!
I do love a happy ending!
Orchid Moon
So glad that Bixby is doing better. Thank you for the update. Will keep sending Bixby and you healing thoughts.
Hope Bixby keeps getting better. Knowing the reason and knowing it can get better with time and treatment is a big morale boost.
Yeay for the resiliency of our pups. Sending healing energies your way.
Scamp Dog
Thanks for the update, TaMara! Like so many others, I’ve been wondering about Our Favorite Great Dane (tied with Scout, of course). Best wished for continued improvements!