I’ve never sent a “dick pic” before. Am I doing it right? pic.twitter.com/qG8sCnCdcj
— #RandomWhiteGuy (@coleyworld) April 7, 2019
I hope it's not because he has windmill cancer. https://t.co/h8oPmB2MIN
— Michelle Wolf (@michelleisawolf) April 6, 2019
I LOL’d… and then I started to sob:
This is who I know these two women to be. And like so many strong women, they carry as they climb. https://t.co/FVAd6f8Uqq
— Connie Schultz (@ConnieSchultz) April 7, 2019
Sweet Christ almighty I’m ready for a woman president.
My usual dick pick was Richard Nixon
I’m pretty much ready for women to run everything.
Dudes, y’all had a good run.
joel hanes
The White House Correspondents Dinner should have been abolished after Colbert told them to their faces that they’re useless tools; that was a perfect mic drop moment.
The comity ones compromise the press, and contribute to its uselessness.
@Suzanne: Did we, though? I feel like we kinda just tripped from one fuck up to another and just barely managed not to immolate the globe (much).
Mary G
I love that picture of the senators.
@Damien: so, Ivanka 2024?
@JCJ: Ivanka for prison 2020
Long maybe, but good?
Chetan Murthy
@Ruckus: I take it in the sense of “children, each if you is the prettiest”.
Sister Golden Bear
Joe Biden: Loses 1988, 2008 Democratic Presidential primaries
Bernie Sanders: Loses 2016 Democratic Presidential primary
Pete Buttigieg: Loses 2017 DNC Chair election; 2010 IN Treasurer race
Beto O’Rourke: Loses 2018 TX Senate race
Political Press: These guys really connect with voters!
Amy Klobuchar: Never loses an election
Kamala Harris: Never loses an election
Kirsten Gillibrand: Never loses an election
Elizabeth Warren: Never loses an election
Political Press: But can a woman win?!
(from Annissa Nissa)
And before I get tone-policed for not being “nice” to some candidates, to state what should be obvious, I’m critiquing the rather obvious misogyny in the news coverage of the candidates.
@joel hanes:
If it was Obama, there would have been a lot of tsk tsk type of shit. It’s amazing how when Trump does it, it’s all silently dropped. Our press is a) racist b) against democrats.
@Sister Golden Bear: it always comes back to the “framing” and setting of the narrative doesn’t it? One of those things if you think about the amount of shade that was thrown at HRC during the last election and while she served as SOS, I imagine everyone who only casually pays attention to things outside their day-to-day would have to assume that she’s either already in jail or soon to be on trial….
So we’ve got two guys cat-fighting and two women supporting each other*.
Sounds about right.
*I would say they were being bros, but that might be misinterpreted
Salty Sam
I’ve been back and forth between Harris and Warren for some time now. That pic has convinced me that they need to figure out a way to run as a duo- is that precluded by the constitution?
If only that were true. We did have our moments, though.
It’s way more than two, it’s four in the race and much of the Fresh Woman class.
I like it.
@joel hanes: Got tickets for Samantha Bee’s Not the White House Correspondents Dinner. Looks to be a lot more fun than the “real” thing, and more meaningful.
Anne Laurie
@Salty Sam: No reason they can’t run on the same ticket, with Warren to reassure the ‘must include WHITE person’ demographic, and Harris to reassure the ‘too old for the job’ ditto. I’m agnostic as to which one gets to be top-of-ticket, and I suspect so is my senior Senator…
Of course, a Harris/Warren or Warren/Harris ticket will deeply alarm the ‘where’s the PENIS?!?’ voters, but right at this moment I’m feeling not a micron of an iota of an increment for those people (most of whom IMO will inevitably vote for either Trump or Sanders regardless).
@Anne Laurie:
A Harris/Warren or Warren/Harris ticket will literally be the death of spluttering white rethugs. A twofer win win.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Political press: why won’t that bitch Hillary just go awaaaay!
@Anne Laurie: I would criss-cross the country to get a Warren-Harris or Harris-Warren ticket elected. I’m sure the beltway press won’t understand having spent the last two years up the asses of trump voters. But I don’t care. I would be propelled by rapturous joy.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Uh huh
Uh huh ??
@Salty Sam: not so long as they are from different states….
@CliosFanboy: Bush/Cheney showed how to get around that.
Another Scott
@CliosFanboy: VP Cheney would like a word…
@Damien: This, this, this.
That selfie is simply wonderful. I wish I could vote for them both.
Fyi, Connie Schultz is Senator Sherrod Brown’s wife.
Another Scott
@Ken: (Curses! Too slow again!!)
@Damien: YES.
Ohio Mom
@BruceFromOhio: I read Connie’s twitter a couple of times a week, and each time walk away very disappointed Sherrod decided against running for the presidency. They are a great pair.
zhena gogolia
That’s the ticket right there. Someone print the Harris/Warren signs and I will cover my lawn in them. Time to go drop some more money in both campaigns.
BC in Illinois
Mitt Romney . . .
– – loses popular vote, loses electoral vote
– – “He should run for Senate”
Hillary Clinton . . .
Wayne Marks
@Anne Laurie: I think the “where’s the penis?” voters are dying off. I’m in my early 50s and have worked for and with women my entire career starting when I was 14 at an after school job my mother got for me at her office. Gen X and younger and probably many boomer males I don’t think will have a problem voting for a woman. BTW – Trump’s voters are dying off – he’s beatable – woman or a man.
Love the Warren/Harris pic. They’ve been my top two pics, going to send them some cash since our media can’t seem to give them any attention.
Dan B
What a cool photo and amazing pair! If they run whi wiuld we want in the cabinet? Although I love Abrams I’d like the Senate flipped Dem. Some of the guys running don’t seem like good choices for a cabinet position. Starting with my state: Inslee for EPA or for a new Green Energy Dept.?