Took this last night.
I wonder what he’s plotting.
I don’t know about you all, but I had a hell of a week and am exhausted. Super ready for the weekend! I’m going to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden for an early look at the cherry blossoms on Sunday, if the weather holds. Looking very forward to it. What’s everybody else getting up to?
It looks like it’s too early for a respite open thread, so consider this a normal open thread with non-political content strongly encouraged.
Shantanu Saha
#1 son and I are on the train to NYC to go to the Met.
He is SOO adorable :)
Tripping over my dogs while gardening.
Phuck Outta Here ? ?
Angie Ange In The Morning (@AngieAngeAM) Tweeted:
Recent reports have came out that Howard University Students feel disrespected by residents using the yard as a dog park ? but this resident thinks the campus should be moved ??
She’s not bossy, she’s the boss. (@MCTW5) Tweeted:
@T_FisherKing @chucktodd My kid the millennial / gen X who is living in the south said last night that his impression from people he comes into contact with, both in the under 25 set and regular people, is that Kamala and Beto are the two who can win. Pete was not on the radar and Bernie a non-starter.
Another story within the story from the Mueller report:
Julian Assange fabricated the Seth Rich murder story as a smokescreen for Russian intelligence handing him the hacked DNC materials.
The smoking gun was found. Wikileaks is a Russian asset.
Betty Cracker
Currently waiting for a big storm to blow through. It’s dead calm right now, but we’re supposed to get high winds starting in a few hours, then hellacious thunderstorms this afternoon.
Heading to Boulder with my better half for a hike this morning, helping out at a church tomorrow morning making hot Easter dinners for the homeless, and skiing Sunday.
Tiffany Cross (@TiffanyDCross) Tweeted:
Anyone who puts #SarahSanders @PressSec on TV is knowingly putting on a well documented liar & clearly does not respect their viewing audience. PS- we’ve known this for quite some time. Hope y’all finally catch up. PSS- same applies to pretty much anyone in the #Trump admin.
Gin & Tonic
@Shantanu Saha: Sure hope that’s the Metropolitan Museum and not the Metropolitan Opera, because you’ll be disappointed if it’s the latter.
Neera Tanden (@neeratanden) Tweeted:
Dems – this isn’t hard. House committees investigate so the public understands what happened and they may in fact get additional facts and testimony in the cold light of day. Candidates can talk about health care and jobs. Walk and chew gum people.
Roger Moore
Given my experience with feline behavior, I would guess a nap, probably in a convenient sunbeam.
Gin & Tonic
@Betty Cracker: We had high winds overnight and I woke up to no electricity, but that was fixed before I’d finished breakfast.
Not a single, solitary lie told ??
Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) Tweeted:
Obvious: The only reason we’re seeing even one line of the Mueller Report is because Democrats won control of the House in 2018. Period. Zero question about this.
It’s day 2 of a chilly, rainy weather pattern that continues into tomorrow. After Sunday it’s going to apparently be frost free going forward so I’m deciding where to put the three raised bed grow bags I bought for the tomato plants and dahlia tubers. Looks like most of my roses didn’t survive the polar vortices even though they were covered. I need to pull the dead ones out and basically give up on replacing them. So today I am plotting out my new, improved yard once the weather gets better. Which is a change, because my usual approach is to haphazardly just stick plants in free spaces ?
Gin & Tonic
Was there anyone with two brain cells left who doubted that?
@Gin & Tonic:
Not for a while now.
Although I do wonder how comrade Greenwald will try to deflect from this one.
When are we gonna have a NYC meet-up? Inquiring minds want to know!
Major Major Major Major
@RedDirtGirl: I’ve been pretty good about not having crippling social anxiety lately. But uh, how about June? May I have possibly annoying medical stuff.
Roger Moore
New conspiracy theory: Russian intelligence murderd Seth Rich to give Assange a story about where the emails came from.
Roger Moore
He’ll continue to blather about how the whole thing is a massive setup. See, Mueller just fabricated that part as justification for arresting a good journalist who was too critical of the power people in Washington. Once you’ve decided the whole report is bullshit, it’s easy to write off any individual part the same way.
When are we having a NYC jackal gathering? Inquiring minds want to know!
Gin & Tonic
@Roger Moore: I long ago ceased to care at all what comrade Greenwald thinks about anything, and I have found that my quality of life has not suffered for it.
Major Major Major Major
@Roger Moore: last I saw he’s claiming that the report completely shreds “the Russia conspiracy” and we should all stop talking about it now.
Four day weekend here. Today is a girls’ day out. My friend who winters in Florida is back, so we’re going to lunch and then some drinks and catching up. Tomorrow is a haircut and then housework and laundry. Sunday is a family dinner at a local place with a great buffet early in the afternoon and then drinks and dessert at my sister’s. Monday is couch potato day. Glad we’re not cooking Sunday is all I have to say.
Portia McGonagal of Winterfell (@PortiaMcGonagal) Tweeted:
Oh look @MSNBC “road warriors” can only find White Trump voters to talk to AGAIN about the #MuellerReport . Apparently no non-White people anywhere have opinions. As usual.
Portia McGonagal of Winterfell (@PortiaMcGonagal) Tweeted:
Aaah now they have the Mayor of Stockton to talk about Black people below the poverty line. Because the only options in this country are : White Trump voters and poor Black people. No on else exists.
Portia McGonagal of Winterfell (@PortiaMcGonagal) Tweeted:
Thankfully, he knows that there are diverse working class and middle class voters who care about things like whether a President has a scintilla of integrity and / or is corrupt.
Ending up school vacation week (Patriots Day Week) amid high winds and repairs. WarriorGirl is off with her godless parents to Anime Boston tomorrow; hopefully the new dishwasher will get installed and I can move onto getting our fences replaced and getting the garden started. Back to school come Tuesday, including the spring Bookfair.
@geg6: What’s wrong with cooking on Sundays?
He definitely is a handsome devil. He may be Coal’s twin brother from another mother.
Keep going (@evanvwk) Tweeted:
Tonight I would just like to thank @docrocktex26 and all others who have emphatically asserted that Kremlin disinformation & propaganda aimed at affecting the 2016 US election was aimed at WHITE PEOPLE.
Keep going (@evanvwk) Tweeted:
What is the common characteristic of the gullible fools that were swayed by the IRA/GRU дезинформация campaign? They came from every state, every socioeconomic bracket; they were male and female.
What they had in common was whiteness.
Keep going (@evanvwk) Tweeted:
Look at the exit polling data. African-American voters backed @HillaryClinton overwhelmingly. They were not fooled by Putin.
If we all did what @Ange_Amene told us to do and #votelikeblackwomen, we would not be living in this nightmare right now.
I think If I were to do it again as a Democratic leader, I would advertise that Mueller is going to be a sellout Republican and cover up for Trump, then hope he does substantially better than that to prove me wrong.
In m-o-d-e-r-a-t-i-o-n, please help
Nick D’Agostino
I don’t live far from the botanical gardens! Will have to visit in the next few weeks – after my recovery from knee meniscus surgery (went well and relatively easy recovery).
zhena gogolia
I’m not crazy about Beto, but a Harris/O’Rourke ticket sounds pretty good to me. Hits a lot of good demographic marks.
Amir Khalid
Samwise isn’t plotting anything. How could there possibly be evil machinations behind that sweet happy face?
zhena gogolia
I want Kamala to beat Bernie so bad I can taste it.
Amir Khalid
I for one am prepared to believe anything Glem Greenwald tells me.
Matt McIrvin
@Cacti: Greenwald seems to be decompensating: he’s making all sorts of tweets in which he’s simultaneously needling the Democrats for not going harder AND insisting that Trump/Russia was a hoax, and some of them are so garbled that he seems to be condemning himself. It’s like all the classic Star Trek scenes in which Kirk convinces a hostile computer of a contradiction and smoke comes out.
He reminds me of a cat we had in the 1970s, creatively named “El Gato”. Ours had a kind of diamond-shaped white patch on his chest and enormous feet, with an extra toe per foot. He was literally an alley cat who found us, but someone told us he looked like a Russian blue. Nice to be reminded of him. He would play “fetch” with a small rubber ball tossed down our long hallway, but when he brought the ball back he would drop it at our feet, not give it to us to throw again.
Matt McIrvin
@zhena gogolia: Biden is going to jump into the race officially very, very soon. From that point on the coverage is going to be 100% Biden vs. Bernie for a while. Hard to predict where it goes after that.
Betty Cracker
Ugh — now we’ve got a tornado watch for the next several hours. I was feeling all smug about being able to enjoy a big storm now that we’ve got a new roof and took a massive, damaged tree that was looming over our house down. But a tornado would harsh my mellow!
That cat’s deep, beautiful pelt cries out for petting!
I snagged a tray of petunias – deep magenta with electric green edges, and HOT pink with white splashes and they’re getting planted today. Eggs will be deviled, ham will be Nigella Lawson CoCola’d, and if time allows, a pan of gingerbread.
Roadie cousin swings through town with Michael Schenker tomorrow, so we’ll get together with some fried chicken and exchange a sack of books.
I’m counting the minutes until the workday’s done and over.
I’ll be going to my weekly life drawing at Creative Alliance – Baltimore on Saturday — the highlight of my week. After that, I guess I’ll do some contract work.
@Betty Cracker: Based on the wildlife photos I suspect you do not have a nice, secure basement in which to shelter.
Matt McIrvin
…I’ve been thinking since yesterday that it’s going to be really interesting to see where the Trump/Russia angle goes with the Democratic-Party-skeptical further left. A lot of the lefties I follow on Twitter are going the route of bashing Democrats for being spineless or not supporting impeachment, which, if you absolutely must concentrate on bashing Democrats for some reason, is at least the most reasonable way to go. But then there’s the whole Nation/Chapo/Intercept/brocialist faction that tended to dismiss Trump/Russia as a distraction: do they double down with “Democrats suck for harping on this” or flip over to the “Democrats suck for not harping on this enough” angle?
Betty Cracker
@Matt McIrvin: I’m sure you’re right, but I keep hoping against hope that Biden will stay out of the race. Sanders will come at Biden and make it a referendum on Obama’s presidency, which will be incredibly divisive for the party. If Biden wins the fight, the Bernie people will pout about “the establishment” and sit the election out. If Sanders wins the fight, a lot of otherwise faithful Democrats will consider sitting it out. Maybe they’ll take each other out and allow someone else to emerge. That’s the best case scenario, IMO.
Major Major Major Major
@Matt McIrvin:
Well, Michael Tracey is certainly doubling down on “democrats are monsters for ever thinking there was a conspiracy.” The Intercept seems to think however that it’s a scandal of staggering proportions, if you exclude Greenwald. Yes, I know he’s the founder, but he’s increasingly alienated from every other writer at the site.
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: according to the Atlantic, Biden will be announcing his candidacy on Wednesday.
Samwise is most handsome. :-)
FedUp_Mom (@Fedup_Mom) Tweeted:
@ladyc10 @TheDemocrats are sorely misreading the electorate. They stupidly believe they won the midterms on policy. Dem voters have 1 goal: Removing Trump. As they try to tamp down impeachment talk, voter enthusiasm and fundraising are declining. They are too dim to see the correlation!
So how many people are still willing to crawl over broken glass for Russian Asset #2.
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker:
As a native of the plains, I feel that the word “tornado” has been drastically denatured. They use it for any big wind that has a little twist in it.
ETA: Good luck with your weather!
@Betty Cracker: I don’t know how I will feel later, but right now I would surrender my citizenship before I would vote for Wilmer. Yes, I despise him that much.
zhena gogolia
@Major Major Major Major:
Ugh, ugh, ugh.
zhena gogolia
I never was.
So, this no politics thread is shot… Moving on ?
Imagine if we’d won the Senate. Elections have consequences.
@zhena gogolia: Neither was I. But a fair number of commenters were, some even proceeded to lecture, how not voting for their idol was the worstest possible thing. There was thread I believe two days ago.
Connecticut peeps, my middle son’s SO is giving her doctoral piano recital at Van der Mehden Recital Hall at UConn Storrs. It’s called Of Foreign Lands and People and will be on Saturday at 5:00. Admission is free. She’s freaking amazing. Both she and my son are lurking Jackals.
For Mainahs, oldest son’s band is playing at Maine Craft Distillers in Portland on Saturday. It will be 420 and I think Weed Smoker’s Dream will be on the setlist. They are always a lot of fun to see perform.
Aside from music I’ve got raking leaves on the agenda. Mother Nature gave us snow before we had a chance to rake. Pray for me, I have a yard covered in soaked leaves and pine needles.
What a beautiful cat!
Loves me some Kamala.
That is all.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Major Major Major Major: The thing about Handsome Joe is he won’t hesitate to rip off Wilmer face.
10 lbs of rolled up lamb leg is sitting in the water bath to be delivered this evening to a cousin’s. the only thing that sucks about this cooking method is you don’t get to smell it as it cooks.
@satby: but it has an absolutely gorgeous cat in the lede, that’s gotta count for something, porque no?
@Major Major Major Major: Samwise is plotting murder, he lets you live only because you give him gooshie fuds.
sounds wonderful :)
Portia McGonagal of Winterfell (@PortiaMcGonagal) Tweeted:
Oh look @MSNBC “road warriors” can only find White Trump voters to talk to AGAIN about the #MuellerReport . Apparently no non-White people anywhere have opinions. As usual.
Portia McGonagal of Winterfell (@PortiaMcGonagal) Tweeted:
Aaah now they have the Mayor of Stockton to talk about Black people below the poverty line. Because the only options in this country are : White Trump voters and poor Black people. No on else exists.
Portia McGonagal of Winterfell (@PortiaMcGonagal) Tweeted:
Thankfully, he knows that there are diverse working class and middle class voters who care about things like whether a President has a scintilla of integrity and / or is corrupt.
@zhena gogolia:
I’m desperate for a Harris/Murphy ticket. I know he doesn’t want to run for pres, but I’d really like to recruit him for veep. Those two together would be ????
The Harris interview on Pod Save America is such a good listen. One of the reasons I want her to be our nominee and president is because I really think we could use that Cali energy. Let’s facenit, the media haven’t given their state its due for getting rid of the Republicans who had them in dire financial straits and electing Democrats who have totally transformed their state. They are successful economically, they are leading on climate crisis, and their Democratic congressional delegation has been leading the resistance to Trump.
I have decided to do prime rib for Easter. That, green beans and potatoes. can’t wait to shop for it after work today :)
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: as always, in the general, I will vote for the major-party candidate who would make the better president. As always, it will be the Democratic nominee.
@Major Major Major Major: Russian Asset # 2 is not a Democrat. He is bad news for the Ds.
This is Maddow doing what she does best.
Mueller report a road map for charging Trump with obstruction
Rachel Maddow describes the publicly released, redacted Robert Mueller report, with Volume 1 describing the myriad contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia, and Volume 2 as a road map for charging Donald Trump with obstruction of justice either by Congress or after he leaves office.
@Baud: Imagine a supreme court without Kavanaugh.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: the Democratic Party’s nominee, I said. If he wins the nomination that is what he will be. Do you think he would be a better president than Trump? I do. I also don’t think he would be a good president, but sometimes you have to vote for the least-bad option.
@Major Major Major Major: I have been meaning to ask you if your new apartment is in Queens? Your wood floors have the same pattern (with 2 lines of darker wood around the perimeter) and are the same type of wood as in mine about 20 years ago!
Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) Tweeted:
The gaslighting from Trump and his minions is at thermonuclear levels, demanding that you all reach the *opposite* conclusions that are obvious in Mueller’s report. Wherever it says “the Russians,” they want you to read “American journos and spies who lied about the Russians.”
@rikyrah: I love prime rib! The DIL is going to prepare a brunch this year, and it’s always fun getting together.
Congress picks up Trump money trail Mueller didn’t run down
Rep. Adam Schiff talks with Rachel Maddow about the House Intelligence Committee and Financial Services Committee looking into Donald Trump’s finances to ensure he is not under any undue influence, as well as looking into the intelligence findings from the Robert Mueller investigation.
April 18, 2019
Major Major Major Major
@noname: midtown east. Perhaps they are from the same era?
Getting ready for a trip with Madame to the Carrizo Plain, an area west of the Southern Central Valley and east of the Coastal Range. We’ll see if there are still flowers there, and maybe swing by the Antelope Valley for poppies on the way back.
@Matt McIrvin:
Cognitive dissonance getting the best of him, is it?
McCabe: Mueller report validates opening of Trump-Russia probe
Andrew McCabe, former acting director of the FBI, talks with Rachel Maddow about the genesis of the Trump Russia investigation and some of the legal distinctions made by Robert Mueller’s team, as shown in the Mueller report.
McCabe: Mueller reports ‘avalanche of facts’ on Trump obstruction
Andrew McCabe, former acting director of the FBI, talks with Rachel Maddow about the Mueller report as an outline for the prosecution of Donald Trump for obstruction of justice, either by Congress or by the Justice Department once Trump is out of office.
Mueller report shows many cases continuing, hidden from public
Barbara McQuade, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about how to understand the redactions in Appendix D of the Robert Mueller report, which lists cases transferred from, or referred by, Robert Mueller, many of which are hidden from the public.
Mueller report paints cinematic picture in plain, ‘non-legalese’
Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell discuss the readability of the Mueller report both in terms of the accessibility of the language and the drama of the anecdotes detailed, and marvel at William Barr’s brazen deception on the report’s messages.
Did anyone catch the Snooze Hour yesterday. Woodruff was keen on pushing Barr’s interpretation when she was asking questions about the report. I can has liberal media?
@Major Major Major Major: My building was built in 1936. Also Samwise is magnificent. Love how the rug compliments his coloring so beautifully.
@JPL: Imagine a Supreme Court with Merritt Garland.
zhena gogolia
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Good. We’ll behave while you are gone if you promise to bring us pictures.
Major Major Major Major
@noname: mine is also prewar although I don’t know the exact date.
zhena gogolia
@Major Major Major Major:
The whole point is that he won’t be president. Some of us lived through McGovern.
@noname: My son’s maltese was called Nona. My son and DIL couldn’t agree on the name and the vet had noname on her chart. They simply dropped the me so I would sometimes call her me Nona. .
Sister Golden Bear
Catching a flight later this morning to Ashland, OR for the Shakespeare festival this weekend.
Extra special because a friend of mine is in two of the plays: Duke Senior in “As You Like It,” and the ensemble in “Between Two Knees,” a play written a Native American comedy troupe that uses humor to look at the atrocities toward Native Americans between the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890 and the Wounded Knee Standoff in 1973. It’s supposed to be very funny and very biting. “Ensemble” apparently understates things, she’s got 17 different roles. Reviewers have singled her out for praise in both plays.
Also seeing “Cambodian Rock Band,” which set in the present and the Khmer Rouge era, as well as the pre-Khmer Rouge era when the Cambodia music scene flourished. Features music by Dengue Fever, played by the cast itself.
I hired goats last summer to clear out my perennial bed weed patch. They ate everything but the pachysandra.
The perennials survived! The daffodils and tulips are already up. The siberian iris has leaves coming up. Yesterday I noticed the peonies are about six inches high. Of course the coneflowers and rudbeckia survived.
Goats are awesome.
Major Major Major Major
@zhena gogolia: the question I was answering was, “So how many people are still willing to crawl over broken glass for [Sanders],” which I interpret as meaning “people here, at balloon-juice, in light of the Mueller report.”
Charles M. Blow (@CharlesMBlow) Tweeted:
Can we just pause here to think about the countless people hauled off to prison — disproportionately black and brown, let’s be clear! — who would NEVER received the privilege of a prosecutor not throwing the book at them because of their limited knowledge of the law…
@JPL: HA I should use that name for the vet; i have so many nicknames and endearments for my cats that when I call the vet for their appointments, I literally write their real name down in front of me so I don’t hem and haw for 5 minutes trying to remember it while the person on the other end rolls their eyes :) I guess I should actually be nonym but I am a Luddite and unaware of all internet traditions.
Tell it??
Propane Jane™ (@docrocktex26) Tweeted:
If you think minorities will be energized to vote for a party that looked the other way because it was too afraid of the institution of White supremacy to avenge the voter suppression and robbery of 2016 plus the #crimingwhilewhite of the last 2 years, I have news for you.
@Betty Cracker: high winds just started in Gainesville. Sudden and fast, rather alarming. I am home today because I have multiple appointments, instead of at work in a large solid building where you usually can’t tell the weather. Hope this is over before my next appointment at 2pm. It was calm 15 minutes ago.
@JPL: Do I ever NOT bring pictures? Even if the flowers aren’t in full glory, it’s an interesting place. I’ve downloaded the map of the area since there won’t be cell phone reception.
@rikyrah: Permanent residents have been deported for lesser crimes thanks to the IIRIRA, passed by Gingrich’s Congress in the 90s.
Anonymous At Work
@schrodingers_cat: All cats are plotting murder at all times. That is “cat”. They can also plot “nap”, “food”, and “enforce obedience to my whims” as needed.
Phuck him ??
Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) Tweeted:
Rosenstein’s willingness to stand there and be used as a prop in this farce makes me think less of Rod Rosenstein.
I mean, unless Trump has kidnapped his family, he’s standing there, debasing himself, willingly.
@Gvg: I was going to go swim at the Y when this frog choker blew in. They close the pool if there is lightning about so I’ll just have to wait.
@rikyrah: What time shall I be there with a bottle or two of red? ;-)
Spending the weekend here planting, planting, and repotting…dug and divided about 9 sq m of white iris, now that bloom is over, setting up a new curvy line with lots of local rock (tufa) for contrast. Most tufa here have natural holes running through them, they are gorgeous.
@raven: Is it an outdoor pool? Water is a great conductor of electricity, so that’s a wise decision.
@Major Major Major Major: I’ve been afraid you thought I was your stalker. I’ve been pushing for this ever since you moved east!
Please See Pinned Tweet (@JustAGurLnSwedn) Tweeted:
Remember when they said… Just not THAT woman.
They LIED, big shocker.
Biggest Mistake allowing Bernie to ever run under the Democratic Party.
He is TOXIC, and the worst thing to happen to politics on the Left, for as long as I have been alive.
Reading this reminds me of the story someone posted here last year of the goats that overran a neighborhood. Before that story, I had no idea that people used goats like that.
Major Major Major Major
@RedDirtGirl: porque no los dos? ?
@rikyrah: It’s pretty common around here to rent goats. The city has been using goats for at least a generation to clear the hill around our historic Glendale Staircase (built by the WPA) because the hill is too steep for mowing.
The particular goatherd I rent is working to earn its own keep. They are pet goats, but goats eat a lot. She rents them out in the summer to earn enough to buy hay for the winter.
ETA: Plus they eat blackberry bushes and poison ivy.
@schrodingers_cat: No but they still get you out of the water.
Cat: I don’t care what you call me. Just call me. There may be treats.
Steve in the ATL
Only you can prevent forest fires!
Or Gorsuch.
The answer to that question is always “no”.
What’s up with the hateration towards Blackberry bushes? Are they that bad?
@rikyrah: They spread like crazy and they have thorns, so they are painful to prune or otherwise control. I do love blackberries, but I can only pick the ones on the outside of the patch because of the thorns.
@Steve in the ATL:
Ha! Love it. If anyone’s asks I’ll tell them I’m cleaning the forest like they do in Finland.
@Major Major Major Major: if you don’t like the attention we can call it a welcome back for Helenineire!
Roger Moore
They are a weed. They may be a weed with tasty fruit, but they will overgrow everything if given a chance.
Uncle Cosmo
@Major Major Major Major: IMHO a BS Administration would discredit any sort of leftish policy for a generation through sheer incompetence (not to mention the obstruction of the Thugs remaining in Congress & the Federalist Society-infested courts) & 4 years later the reaction would vomit up a GOP POTUS fully as evil as Agolf Twitler but far smarter about installing full-bore fascism. If Wilmer were the nominee I would vote for him (& probably make a killing investing in clothespin futures in light of the millions of voters’ noses that would be in dire need of same) – but the moment his winning the nomination looked at all likely, I would be looking to prepare a bolt-hole overseas for myself & family & friends.
@satby: May I sit next to you? I’ll just write in Harris.
Brooklyn Botanical Garden was a big part of my growing-up years and brings fond memories of my mom and grandma. Hope you have a wonderful day there, M4.
@zhena gogolia:
I was not a voter then, but my understanding is that the Democrats were totally divided then, big labor refused to back
McGovern, etc.
Now, even with all the divisiveness that a Sanders win in the primaries would bring, I think overall, the Democrats are still much more united
in our desire to oust trump. With any luck we won’t be faced with the problem.
I didn’t agree to that!