The Pentagon abruptly ended the contract for the group, called the Jasons, at the end of March. @sciencemagazine has reported that it was the decision of the head of DDR&E Michael Griffin.
— Geoff Brumfiel (@gbrumfiel) April 25, 2019
There were some hints that the @EnergyPress might pick up the contract. For one thing, the Jasons play a critical role in stockpile stewardship, the scientific program that ensures nuclear warheads are safe and reliable. That program is run by the @NNSANews.
— Geoff Brumfiel (@gbrumfiel) April 25, 2019
The @NNSANews has now issued a brief solicitation for the contract, which is run through the Mitre corporation:
Assuming it goes through, that would allow the Jasons to continue its work.
— Geoff Brumfiel (@gbrumfiel) April 25, 2019
Who would have guessed that Secretary “D in Meats” would turn out to be the most competent and honest in Trump’s cabinet?
Patricia Kayden
A little bit of good news is always welcome.
Jerzy Russian
You gotta love laser guide stars.
Amir Khalid
Secretary “D in Meats” is doomed. In the Trump administration, honesty and competence are firing offences.
mad citizen
The D in Meats reference is sailing over my head.
@mad citizen: Rick Perry, I think.
Amir Khalid
@mad citizen:
Secretary of Energy Rick Perry went to Texas A&M.
Cheryl Rofer
@Amir Khalid: There are rumors that he is leaving.
@mad citizen: Rick Perry majored in Animal Science at Texas A&M and got a D in a course called “Meats.”
Amir Khalid
@Cheryl Rofer:
As in, he barely scraped through in “this is beef, that is chicken”?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Amir Khalid: Hasn’t Perry already announced, or at least leaked, that he’s resigning soon?
(Were I a big shot front pager, I would post that GIF of Perry marching in a Dapper Dan vest on Dancing with the fucking stars, because of course trump replaced the massively credentialed physicists with a guy who was on Dancing with the fucking stars)
Cheryl Rofer
@Amir Khalid: That’s the speculation. I haven’t seen a syllabus for “Meats.”
I’ve wondered what D in meats has been up to for the past two years. He’s kept his head down, that’s for sure.
@Cheryl Rofer: Meat 201: Ground vs Chopped, What’s the Difference?
Amir Khalid
@Cheryl Rofer:
My flabber is well and truly gasted. David Letterman set a higher standard for his studio audiences with the “Know Your Cuts of Meat” test.
@Leto: Wasn’t he involved in the whole “coal is essential for our power grid, really it is” half-assed study thing?
Roger Moore
I did. Perry is not terribly smart, but he wasn’t chosen to please V.V. Putin, to steal everything at DOE that wasn’t nailed down, or to destroy the department. That already put him ahead of the majority of the Trump cabinet. He’s an old fashioned political hack, but he apparently has enough self awareness to recognize that as a hack his best option is to let the professionals run things and limit his role to figurehead/cheerleader. In a normal cabinet, that would make him the dregs, but in Trump’s cabinet that puts him at the head of the class– and both Perry’s nature and the nature of the rest of Trump’s cabinet was obvious from very early on.
@Amir Khalid:
INORITE. Sometimes I just cannot believe how far we have fallen. Nobel prize to D in meats.
@dmsilev: Yes. He’s also the person who didn’t know that our nuclear stockpile fell under his control. Thought the job was just about coal/oil. Can’t describe how incredibly dumb the man is.
@Amir Khalid: Probably as in, “True or False: Eating chicken that got “cooked” in your parked car is safe to eat. A:TRUE!”
I think the “Meats” class probably involved differentiating cuts of meat (like porterhouse vs. T-bone) and judging the quality by examining the amount of marbling and what-not. Ag schools actually have intercollegiate competitions about meat judging. That’s all I know, because if I knew any more, I’d go cuckoo.
Miss Bianca
@Amir Khalid: OK, that made me crack up.
Any word about why they got canned in the first place?
@Leto: He also thought his job was simply to SELL coal and oil to foreign markets. Give him this: he was humble enough to admit how very wrong he was.
Jerzy Russian
Hmmm, bacon.
Mary G
@Leto: That was the mindboggling part – he let it be known that he was pig-ignorant about the job after he had it. Who goes through a Senate confirmation process without doing even a tiny bit of homework? Republicans, that’s who.
Ohio Mom
If I had any sense, I’d turn off the phone now and get ready for bed, all the better to savor this one sliver of good news. End the day on a happy, hopeful note.
Amir Khalid
@Mary G:
He had the sense not to admit he knew bupkes about the job until after he was confirmed. If you want to call that sense.
“Whaddaya mean Salisbury steak isn’t a cut? Are you blind or something? The word STEAK is right there!”
@HalfAssedHomesteader: Found this in the NPR article:
Maybe they said something blunt about Space Force.
randy khan
@tokyokie: I think the “Meats” class probably involved differentiating cuts of meat (like porterhouse vs. T-bone) and judging the quality by examining the amount of marbling and what-not. Ag schools actually have intercollegiate competitions about meat judging.
Mike in NC
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Actual trained scientists cannot compete with imbecile reality TV contestants. Trump only hires the worst.
When you compare him to our current Guv, I would welcome Perry back to Austin with open arms. He may be dumb, but Abbott is a vicious, conniving POS.
Douchebag says what?
“nasty” is his insult of choice for intelligent, independent women who aren’t subsurvient to him.
Remember he called HRC “nasty woman” after the debates or something
Jim, Foolish Literalist
that’s practically an endorsement, as far as I’m concerned
Wait until you get son of Jeb George “Hispanic heritage? Who, me?” Bush.
@lamh36: Better to have a “nasty wit” than to be witless like PEETUS.
joel hanes
@Roger Moore:
his best option is to let the professionals run things and limit his role to figurehead/cheerleader.
Because of the peculiarities of the Texas constitution, that’s more or less a position description for Governor of Texas.
Which Perry (before eyeglasses) was.
I think that Molly Ivins’s sobriquet for him, “Governor Goodhair”, is just and should be more used.
Kirk Spencer
So in case anyone cares, I’m going to ruin speculation with facts. Meats at Texas A&M.
Chump called into Hannity’s show tonight..smh.
They are nothing but a propaganda wing of the Chump white house.
Ohio Mom
@randy khan: “As you might guess, it was not a particularly difficult class.” From the descriptions of the curriculum offered in these comments, it sounds like most experienced, non-vegetarian, everyday home cooks could walk in and easily test out of the class.
(Testing out is a way for college students with previous experience in a subject area to skip the class: if they can pass the final before taking the class, they can get automatic credit. They still have to pay for the credits though).
Steve in the ATL
@Kirk Spencer: ruin speculation with facts? Pie filter for you!!!
So no mention of McConnell or Chump…everyone’s to blame other than him… Rosenstein really trying to claim his hands were so tied…
Straight up bullshit…
@Steve in the ATL: Meat pie.
@Mary G: Exactly. The man is responsible for belong to maintain one of the worst weapons known to main, not to mention also help formulate policy around matters pertaining to them, and… I think about how much I had to know, for my job, DoE/DoD/Joint Chiefs of Staff/USAF policy relating to certain material. I was def down at the bottom end of the rung with this, but the metric shit ton of information I had to know to ensure the safety/surety of items…it honestly pisses me off to no end.
@NotMax: Actual LOL; thanks for that :)
@HalfAssedHomesteader: That was one of my issues in the military, something Avalune tried to help me with: if I thought an idea was dumb, I had no compunction letting my thoughts be known. While she got me to bite my tongue a bit more, my face took over to let everyone know just how dumb I thought shit was. The woman’s a saint.
Paging Mrs. Lovett. Mrs. Nellie Lovett, please pick up the white courtesy phone.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: from talking about wearing a wire and the 25th Amendment to doing his best impersonation of a hostage video while Bill Barr bullshat to this…? Something tells me old Rod ain’t wrapped too tight
Gin & Tonic
Verdict: I am too old to be caring for toddlers.
Corollary: Joe Biden is too old to be POTUS.
Steve in the ATL
@?BillinGlendaleCA: maybe. I got a D in that class.
Ooh! A sure sign of “uppity-ness”.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder if ol’ Joe is ready for this
Mike in DC
Off topic: Avengers Endgame is damn near perfect.
Gin & Tonic
@Kirk Spencer:
You’re no fun at all.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mike in DC: do I have to see all 22 prequels to get it? I saw one of the Thors, and the one with the space raccoon
@Mike in DC: NO! You get that shit out of here! We don’t see it until Saturday afternoon; NO!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Would a person have had to watch any of the previous Harry Potter’s to understand HP and the Deathly Hallows pt 2?
@Mike in DC: Seeing it Tuesday morning in 3-D. I suspect I will have a hard time avoiding spoilers online until then.
@Mike in DC: Seeing it on Sunday. All of the reviews I’ve seen are very positive, so looking forward to it.
OT. For the So Much Winning file:
Notice in mail today that the APR for my branded gasoline company card (gas is all I use it for) is going up by an additional 5½% come mid-June. That’s a nearly 22 per cent increase. Fortunately it’s always paid off in full, if there’s even a charge (I buy gas maybe once every two months).
@NotMax: Stick to priest.
everybody go read The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis
Rick Perry and the DOE get plenty of coverage.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
We don’t have a Secretary of Defense, several key ambassador positions are still open, but trump is making sure his favorite TeeVee friends will still be on his TeeVee. If Amy Klobuchar wants to break out of the doldrums, using her townhall on Fox to call out their racism would be a fine thing.
@Leto: I saw them all in order, and read the books, and I didn’t get Deathly Hallows I. Still a little vague on wandology and horcuces.
@Kirk Spencer: My great uncle, Navy quartermaster in 3 conflicts, could’ve taught that course. I guess it was good to see they use Temple Grandin’s videos. Suddenly I want a steak dinner.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
All 22 prequels and 50-odd years of Marvel comics. Better get right on that.
N.B.: No interest in seeing it.
When I saw the original Broadway production it wasn’t brand spanking new but still retained that new play smell.
Anyhoo, the minute the audience grasped what that song was about there was a very audible sound of *gasp* that filled the theater. Good times.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Meh. Joe is an easy target because he’s campaigning in a market segment. I’d be impressed if she went after Wilmer for being an empty populist suit and for his ugly votes for the NRA, Russia, and Dump’s wall.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NotMax: it’s getting great reviews, and I’m intrigued. The Avengers was actually one of the comic books I read way back when. I mostly haven’t seen the Avengers movies because I find Downey a grating screen presence
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Left out the :) to confirm I was joshing about preparation. Go forth and enjoy.
On a personal note, haven’t seen any of the Marvel movies. Watched the trailer for this new one and had to stifle a yawn.
@Ohio Mom: True, savor the good news before bed.
More good news today:
health officials at UCLA and Cal State LA have announced quarantine for measles-exposed students and staff who cannot prove they have been vaccinated against measles.
No, it’s not good new that measles is resurgent, but it’s great news that public health officials are holding the line, in effect saying “you cannot go out in public and infect innocent people just because you’re too stupid to get yourself vaccinated.
Yay, CA!
I’ve never read the HP books or seen any of the movies, but when the kid graduated from Air Force BMT she wanted to see the newest HP film. So we went to a theater down by the Riverwalk, I was thoroughly confused and left halfway though when Madame texted me.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Didn’t know she graduated basic: congratulations! What’s her career field? What’s her first duty station? If you don’t want to name it, that’s ok. Welcome to the family :)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Yeah, Rod’s had some kind of break
@catclub: saw a copy of The Fifth Risk on the “free” shelf at our little library yesterday. I didn’t take it home. Good bet it’s still there.
Someone who needs a copy, say so in thread and I’ll see if I can get that copy for you …
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Also realized, just now, that you said saw the latest HP film, thought about how long ago that really was, and have determined that it is indeed time for bed. Night!
@Leto: No problems with the questions, I’ll be happy to answer once you’re up and around again, it’s whatever one came out in fall 2005.
@hotshoe: CA legislature poised to pass bill closing loopholes in vaccination law. L A Times article today has quote from an anguished mother who whined that this will put her in “…the difficult position of pulling my kids from public school.” and “This will force them to be is-schooled”.
A mixed blessing for the rest of us, for sure. Keeping a prospective disease-carrier out of contact with other children and teachers is the positive, but home-schooling provided by such an ignorant woman will likely produce yet another ill-informed adult a potential sad result.
Gotta go with immediate Public Safety, though. And cracking down on fraudulent, exploitive doctors is long past overdue.
@prob50: In related news, they’ve quarantined students at UCLA and CSULA due to a measles outbreak. This didn’t happen when I was at UCLA.
Geez, I always thought “HP” books stood for “Hairy Pot-Heads”, like “The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers” cartoons/comic books from the late 60’s-early 70’s.
IMHO they would have made a good movie. Maybe shown as a Double Feature with “Fritz The Cat” (that actually did become a movie),
@prob50: Speaking of “Hairy Pot-Heads”… The link is to a video from a comedian up in Canada, he does really funny generally tech related humor.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Dear god
So, how many of those Marvel movies do I need to catch up on before seeing this one? I’ve seen two Iron Man flix. That’s it. Oh, and also all of the X-Men. I suspect Professor X, Magneto and Dark Pheonix could kick everyone’s ass. :)
Jerzy Russian
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: If me must post that dribble, I wish Mr. Marshall would at least run the text through a Stupid to English translator.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: OK, now let me guess…”After finishing up his statement Trump punctuated it by swallowing a rat whole and then licking his fingers”
Am I close? I mean, I think is would be hard to find or make a statement more totally full of complete nonsensical gibberish than what Trump is quoted for here.
I apologize for the syntax, my mind is just too boggled to try and rephrase it.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Thanks!
Also, I am one of the few folks who actually liked Justice League.
Wait…… wrong universe.
@Jerzy Russian: Talk about cruelty to computers. Do you want to get Skynet? That’s how we get Skynet.
@Leto: Actually, I am a bit impressed with that accomplishment of his. No small feat given the carnage that happens daily in this administration. But, hey, I’m on board with LOD on his tonight’s show positing that Napolitono’s public exiting from the Trump Train may set the stage for much other bad news for the President. I hope he’s right.
Also an op-ed in the local paper (originally part of the Knight newspaper chain) by syndicated progressive columnist, Leonard Pitts of the Miami News, firmly getting back in the impeachment camp. Which is where I’ve been all along..
@Roger Moore: Very good analysis. Thanks.
@khead: Putting aside the sprawling mass of Marvel movies, this one is essentially Part II of Avengers: Infinity War, so at least see that one (it’s on Netflix, if that helps).
Freak Brothers movie pilot.
Good graphics, but the actual comic books were funnier. I actually had 3 friends who looked like the brothers, although for the most part they did not all hang out together.
@lamh36: Iirc Obama tried to hold a bipart meeting for Congressional intelligence leaders and heads of intelligence agencies in August 2016. Rs refused to schedule it until after Labor Day. When they finally met in Sept. McConnell refused to sign a joint statement about Russia trying interfere, even though it didn’t mention Trump. Eventually Sens Feinstein and Schiff released their own statement. (Rs made some statement talking state election security and state’s rights and feds not interfering.) So Obama had a short statement drawn up that all 3 heads in intelligence agreed to sign. Then Comey unexpectedly refused, “too close to the election.” The statement came out and immediately someone (Russians? Trump people?) released the Access Hollywood tape to the Post and wikileaks began to publish hacked Podesta emails. All in the same afternoon. So Rosenstein blames Obama? Fck him and Comey and McConnell and every Republican who stalled and obstructed.
@Aleta: Schiff’s not a Senator, he’s my Congressman. Not that I’d mind him being my Senator if Senator Harris gets a promotion.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:LOD showed a bit from the RR speech tonight where he seemed to contradict what Barr did. Now his place in this whole Special Counsel process is truly one I want to live long enough to know the backstory of. And hopefully his motivation, which at this moment seems to be simply to preserve his pension, cause his reputation is diminishing with each pronouncement.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: sorry, of course, thanks.
Miss Bianca
@prob50: @hotshoe: I don’t get this, I really don’t. Shit, when I was going to college and grad school, just like when I was going to K -12, I had to provide proof of vaccination in order to enroll. Jesus, *quarantine*? What the hell happened?
John Revolta
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Damn. That’s some top-shelf genuine frontier gibberish there. I’d love to ask him sometime who killed Kennedy, and why.
Here’s a story that I don’t think is getting nearly the attention it deserves.
USA Today has done an exhaustive study on police misconduct nationally, and they found that at least 85,000 cops have been investigated for misconduct in the past decade.
They’ve also published all the records they turned up in a searchable database.
My Side of Town
The power of the purse. Couldn’t it be used to thwart all the crap the administration is throwing at the house right now?
My Side of Town
I just ordered the Mueller report in book form from Amazon. 10 bucks. Guess I’ll start reading it next week. Not that I don’t appreciate all the excerpts I’ve read all across the web, but I’ve been led to believe it reads like the kind of sordid non fiction novel that I like. Like the Arms of Krupp.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
What the fuck is with all these Dems and Sanders going on Fox for a Town Hall? What ever happened to denying Fox News legitimacy by not appearing on that propaganda network?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
the replies to this tweet are, as you might imagine, hilarious
My Side of Town
I’ve enjoyed the reporting of Digby at Hullabaloo in the past week.
The JASONs probably used Math and Physics to:
Show the Wall would be costly and ineffective.
Show that aircraft are sitting ducks for missiles.
Show that the F35 is highly unreliable.
The Pentagon and Donald could not bear this reality check.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
What ever happened to something that never happened. Interesting philosophical query…. ?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Moths look at politicians drawn to TV studio lights and say, “Wow, you’ve got it bad.”
My Side of Town
Start impeachment with Barr. It’s fairly obvious he obstructed justice lying about the Mueller report. Stop funding the DOJ and WH. Subpoena individuals in the administration and institute contempt charges and arrest them as required. Sam Ervin did this during the Nixon investigation.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
What I meant, was I thought there was a general consensus to not appear on Fixed News. Guess I was wrong
St. Bernard of Vermont is the worst of the bunch. He’s such a delusional old moonbat
Original Lee
@prob50: The anti-vaccine portion of my FB feed was blowing up all afternoon. Apparently we are now a Communist nation because California has abolished the medical exemption for vaccines and we can no longer get an education, hold jobs, or travel while perfectly healthy (but unvaccinated or otherwise not immune).
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Original Lee:
I assume there are still legitimate exceptions for people who can’t have certain vaccines due to health reasons, right? Anti-vaxxers are literally the worst, I have to say
@Original Lee: No surprise, some of the loonies have cheated by begging/persuading their pediatrician to sign the form which claims that their precious little darling needs a medical exemption from vaccination requirements — and those fake exemptions got the attention of Dr Pan, who authored a new bill to oversee all medical-exemption requests, making that a Public Health Dept power.
So of course some creeps are calling foul now, because if Dr Pan’s bill passes, those bad parents won’t be able to cheat the system any more.
But it hasn’t passed yet, and according to the SacBee there were big protests against the bill — including by the pediatricians who are not admitting that they are corruptly signing those fake exemptions (like in Marin, a hotbed of anti-vax)
Damn them.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Legit exemptions remain, but Dr’s were selling illigitamate exemptions tor $50-$400,
Doesn’t mean that they get to go out in public.
Original Lee
@Jay: I hadn’t had time to go check on any of this but suspected there was bullshit because they were claiming the large number of Russian emigre protestors proved this was a Communist takeover. Plus one lady who was protesting the loudest about travel restrictions has also lost her immunity to measles and needs a booster before she can return to certain places she used to visit.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??I hate that antivaxxers have made it impossible to trust individual pediatricians to do the right thing.
@Mike in DC:
Sob sob ???
I can’t wait to see it
@My Side of Town:
Which one did you order?
Bard the Grim
Be it known that Mike Griffin, Bush the Lesser’s head of NASA and the guy who reportedly made the decision to end the DoD’s contract, is also “unsure global warming is a problem.” I are shocked.
@Amir Khalid:
So much thread goodness to read to start my day.