New: at a recent Twitter all-hands meeting, an employee asked: Twitter has eradicated ISIS. Why can’t it do the same for white supremacists?
One answer that is discussed internally, we found: because it would mean banning some Republican politicians too
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) April 25, 2019
Whose heart is having palpitations?
Open thread
Cheryl Rofer
Twitter is denying this, but of course they would.
Twitter doesn’t seem to understand that black people are the real racists.
DCPetterson (@dcpetterson) Tweeted:
Holy shit. The US Attorney General is trying to get a confessed and convicted felon sent back to Russia to prevent her from telling Congress what she knows about the Russian attack on democracy and the Americans she influenced to help them.
Barr is a traitor.
They would have to ban the man in the WH, amirite? He has been a boon to their profit margins. So they will never do it.
“Some of them are fine people.” // // // // //
Following the links, it looks like they asked for deportation after she serves her sentence (which might be no jail time). I’m not sure if that involves Barr’s doing. The House should subpoena her if they want to hear from her.
justin jouvenal (@jjouvenal) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Federal judge agrees to release Coast Guard Lt. Christopher Hasson, who was accused of plotting terror attack by federal prosecutors. Judge says govt. has not charged him with terrorism and murder and doesn’t plan to, so no grounds to hold.
randy khan
That seems like a feature, not a bug, at least as to the white supremacists.
@rikyrah: I agree, he also has no shame, which makes him a perfect T minion.
I fail to see a problem here.
All lights matter.
Somebody make this bad Tom Clancy Novel stop.
I have loathed that asshole for decades. Sometimes I really wish I believed in a fiery hell.
Need it be pointed out that having a Twitter account is not a right?
I’m sure the judge has only the best of intentions here. //s
I will try to hunt down the story again (and others may know this and provide links, etc), but I recall reading a story about how racist chatter increased greatly after Obama’s election and conservative politicians and media (looking at you Fox News) quickly and vociferously opposed law enforcement investigations, claiming that a lot of this was just “partriots” expressing their sentiments and preferences.
Social media just gave this garbage another platform. And unfortunately, it ain’t easy to separate the vile from the merely repugnant. And claims to free speech is often the first refuge of scoundrels.
According to Trump, it’s a duty he is forced to bare.
So anything less then actually killing his targets is not a reason to jail him before trial?
I submit to everyone we are no longer living in a Constitutional Republic.
if the IC lets her leave US soil without detaining her, I’m not sure what purpose they still serve at this point.
Another shocker:
Department of Defense IOG Report of Investigation(PDF)
Some of them are fine people.
And you can tell ’cause they wear white hoods The Good Guys always wear white hats.
@Aleta: Yes, because the Air Force routinely purchases just 8 airplanes of a model it’s actively trying to replace (AF plans to acquire 8 F-15X planes. We’re actively phasing out F-15s). The AF doesn’t want them, regardless of what kind of stopgap they might be.
Wtf do I know. I’m just an NCO flapping his gums on a top 10k blog. /headdesk
@Baud: Baud. That is their business model.
Racists get a Twitter pass
White terrorists get bail
Barr is a traitor
Anita Hill just kicked Biden right in the JUNK. So day = SAVED!
Your sense of cosmic balance is . . . troubling.
Just move along. Nothing to see here. Just another energized Patriot.
@Brachiator: search White supremacist, terrorist and Janet Napolitano
Good on Anita Hill for not going away quietly.
Fixed that for ya.
Naturally the standards for threatening Republican targets are different, you just haven’t heard about those because they hardly. ever. happen.
“All the violence is on the Left” – every RWNJ, ever
@Immanentize: Wanted to tell you earlier this morning that you should have held your “office hours” in your garden today. Put up a sign on your office window saying such, then have them help you weed and plant stuff. Combination of getting work done and calming students nerves via natural methods of taking their mind off exam stresses. :)
Yes, I have palpitations but it’s the kind you get from being incandescently angry. Reading some of the news added by our own Rikyrah and others has enhanced that rage.
Thank you Rikyrah and others. I must now go outside and murder .. uh, pull some weeds.
@Baud: I just need something to cheer FOR. Man. It doesn’t take much these days.
Jesus, is this judge the twin brother of the judge who let the Stanford Swimming Rapist off so easily?
@Leto: That sounds perfect. But they would have to take the commuter rail which might set their nerves further on edge.
Today was first leaf pick up day of the year. I got rid of like 16 leaf bags full of detritus.
@debbie: John Oliver conducted an interview with Anita Hill in July 2018. The interview starts at the 17:38 mark. It not at all kind to Biden.
John Oliver Anita Hill interview.
@Immanentize: I’d say comp their ticket, but not sure about the rules on that. But 16 bags of leaves sounds like an easy ticket fare trade off ;)
Looks like you and I will have a boatload of rain tomorrow, so you got it done just in time!
I’m watching Ari Melber with my teenager. He just went through a list of Trump’s mpeachable offenses and apparently had been reading about the Watergate hearings because he’s quoting prosecutors.
The kids are alright.
Good for her. I’m listening to it now. I also like her refusal to apologize to Ginnie.
Indeed they are.
Malcolm P. Johnson (@admiralmpj) Tweeted:
I can’t sit here and say that Anita Hill’s anger is wrong or unjustified, but I am confused as to why now. He’s run for President before. He’s run for Vice President before…twice. Why this campaign as opposed to his previous efforts?
Maybe he just wasn’t listening. Maybe he chose not to listen. She’s been asked and has answered in the past.
I’m shocked SHOCKED that the Republican party has white supremacist, Nazi trash in it!
Oh wait, no I’m not. It’s been a shitpile for the past 40 years.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
The Republican Party has devolved into a fascist party. There are no “very fine people” left in the party. The sooner we all just recognize this fact, and give up trying to to pretend that it isn’t true, the sooner we can get on with eradicating this scourge. But we have to face the truth, and we have to find it within us to talk openly about it.
How about, instead of giving any lip service to this question, how about ask—
Have all former felons had their voting rights restored in all 50 states?
Until that happens, don’t ask me about the incarcerated.
I done told you- this is nothing but pure phuckery ?
@rikyrah: @debbie: Maybe someone needs to link the Oliver interview from last year, or any of her previous interviews. Maybe that’ll clear up his “confusion”.
This sounds like a DOJ problem, not a judicial problem.
Let’s hear it for separation of powers!
It may be a legislation problem rather than a DOJ problem. DOJ is asking for detention, but it can’t seem to find a suitable law since the defendant didn’t carry out his plans and didn’t conspire with anyone.
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: I submit that you don’t know what the purpose of pretrial detention is.
As a reminder, here’s Hasson’s arsenal. I suppose he gets that back, too?
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: No. Of course not.
@Omnes Omnibus: Are you saying this is normal?
It’s National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week!
Theme this year: PAC-LAB
Happy Lab Week from your neighborhood Microbioligists!
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: No, I said exactly what I meant to say. Don’t put words into my mouth.
@TenguPhule: Read more carefully — the DOJ doesn’t plan to try him, that is right in what you quoted. Without a prospective trial, there is no reason to detain him
Actually, the US Atty, not Barr, is requesting deportation ________after _________ Buttina serves her sentence. And the same US Atty has requested an 18 month sentence. That is, presumably, plenty of time for her to be questioned.
Facts matter, esp. when one’s opponents are so dishonest.
The charge that is actually being brought, from what I understand, relates to his possession of suppressors, which I guess are illegal in Maryland.
So the outcome of that will affect his rights to own firearms in the future.
Mia Brett ?? (@QueenMab87) Tweeted:
Over 60% of flipped seats in midterms were by women. Women did better than men. This is just blatantly a sexist unfounded fear
It’s not unfounded.
Mike in NC
My fat, scumbag GOP congressman popped up on the local news last night and was asked about the Mueller Report. He replied that there was collusion, but it was done by Hillary Clinton and the “Democrat Party”. That’s a guy whose head is so far up Trump’s asshole that he can see his tonsils.
@lamh36: its a huge week where even docs and nurses grudgingly admit that without the Lab they would be clueless in how to treat patients!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<— disclosing that I work in Lab Software support industry :-)
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Omnes Omnibus: Lots of people don’t know the purpose of pretrial detention, but that doesn’t stop them from offering opinions. I offered an explanation to someone one earlier, who asked based on a belief that I had some subject matter expertise.
I’m not gonna argue with people who think they know all about it. Finishing Neon Prey is a much better use of my time.
Trump orders staff to prepare arms-control push with Russia and China
I predict China and Russia are going to eat our lunch. Assuming this even gets off the ground.
@rikyrah: Because people will listen now, and they wouldn’t before. She went on national TV and became the butt of late night TV jokes. You learn quickly to shut up when you’re mocked for standing up for yourself. #metoo is changing that, so people are learning to stand up for themselves again. It’s not her fault we didn’t listen to her 30 years ago.
I hope she reminds people who harassed her.
‘Don’t mess with our beers’: outrage in Mexico over motion to ban sale of cold beer
@TenguPhule: Between malice and incompetence, any course taken by Trump is dangerous. The thoughtless way the Trumpster decided to withdraw from the European intermediate missile nuke ban threatened to allow Russia to ‘eat our lunch’, according the arms control experts who I think are most reliable.
But now somebody explained to Trump that nukes and their missiles are expensive, so he is changing course? Better or worse? God only knows.
I’ll read your link to see how the Trumpsters’ new nonsense non-plan plans affect the European intermediate missile ban mess that they are trying to make.
Jared must be bored with existing projects.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Omnes Omnibus: To be clear to everyone, I was not referring to you in my previous comment. I expect you knew that, but I’m not certain everyone might have.
@Baud: So true. Rumor has it that they have been after Thomas to retire so a newer and better replacement can be anointed. What if they also what to use the Thomas hearings against Joe. It would be better for Thomas to be gone.
@TenguPhule: The threats from international beer crises are increasing? Baud 2020!’s chance for relevance?
@Baud: Its insane. He pulled the US out of the last arms control treaty with Russia because he wanted bigger and better nuclear weapons and now he’s demanding we try and agree to another one because he doesn’t like how much is costs to get into an arms race.
@TenguPhule: Probably because I was in high school during the McCarthy Years, I am always suspicious when I see apparently strange decisions like this. I do not automatically trust the Department of Justice or the FBI. Occam’s razor suggests that, although the MSM don’t say so, the prosecution has a shit case. An alternative, of course, would be that the judge is a white supremacist terrorist, too. Think so? There is a strange reluctance on the part of the Justice Department to charge white citizens with terrorism.
The media rule is that Republicans never have agency.
@Procopius: It says something about the times we live in that either option is perfectly valid and plausible.
This Baud’s for you?
Baud! 2020!: Never fear! Cold beer is here!
I predict that in six months Sabraw is going to be very disappointed.
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: Nice Polite Republicans. Fuck ’em, in the words of the master.
There must be some reason for the DoJ to refuse to charge him with crimes sufficient to warrant his detention. We aren’t getting the whole story. All they have to do is charge him with terrorism. Later, they can drop the charge if they can’t prove it. Why won’t they do it?
Not a lawyer, so I hope lawyer-people will weigh in to correct me.
I’m not sure we can blame the judge here. The judge’s point seems to be a legal one: there are only certain charges that warrant pre-trial detention without bail. Murder is one, but this guy didn’t murder anyone (yet. So far as we know…) Terrorism is another. But the US Attorney doesn’t want to charge white guy with arsenal and list of Democratic enemies to kill with terrorism. So the US Attorney wants to keep the person detained, and the judge is saying “OK, produce charges that make it legal to detain him, and we’re good.”
Perhaps the judge is conveying to the US Attorney: “charge him appropriately — and there are charges you can file, why the f*ck aren’t you doing that —, or I will have no choice but to let him out”. Maybe we should ask why the US attorney is reluctant to charge a white nationalist terrorist the way he would charge a Muslim with the same arsenal and enemies list.
NOTE — this is just uninformed, non lawyer speculation. But that’s the only way any of this makes sense to me.
@Villago Delenda Est:
That’s fine. But I think it’s not a baseless concern after what we saw in 2016. 2018 was encouraging but not enough to eliminate the concern.
Of course, all the male candidates have issues that are of concern also.
@piratedan: yup.
It’s estimated taht 70% of of medical decisions are based on lab results!
We ARE a big deal!
Alrigh BJ
It’s the last Thursday class day before fall semester final exam week!
I’ve got 2 more Monday classes, cause the teacher is horrible with keeping up with the syllabus…ugh
Then I’m off to London (in bout 3 weeks) for the 2nd time.
@Baud: Exactly, Jared will fix it!
Yeah, ‘cuz that money could be better used building a f*cking wall at the southern border, right? Whatta obsessively dangerous freaking moron.
That’s awesome.
Ice sales in Mexico City jump 10,000%.
Film at once.
@Immanentize: @Omnes Omnibus: I had to run out earllier so didn’t have a chance to respond to the two of your earlier but wanted to thank you for giving me stuff to think about and to remind you of this clip (I’m sure you’ve seen it) which is the most brilliant spontaneous explanation of the social contract I’ve heard. That’s a populism I can easily get behind.
‘Cuz so many of them are “nice people”.
@TenguPhule (#69)
Ice sales in Mexico City jump 10,000%.
Film at once.
I have not read anywhere that the government doesn’t intend to try Hasson. In fact, the U.S. Attorney wrote a lengthy memorandum in favor of detaining him until trial. The problem is that the charges against him are very tame and there may be no way to charge him with anything bad. He owns a lot of firearms, but that’s not a crime, and he wrote truly terrible things in great detail that look like planning murder, but he didn’t carry out any of these acts or conspire with anyone else to do them, so prosecutors have a problem. The fortuitous element of the case is that he had some controlled substances, so he could be charged with that and with possessing a firearm and ammunition while being in possession of or addicted to a controlled substance. Pretty minor charges for such a dangerous person, but it evidently has been difficult to find stronger ones. So I have some sympathy for the judge, who must follow the law and allow bail (an 8th amendment right) unless the defendant meets statutory criteria for detention, which are largely based on the severity of the crime charged.
FYWP will not permit me to respond in the usual fashion on this thread because a word which begins with a g and ends with ling is in the title of the post, thus part of the response link.
Steve in the ATL
I’m a stout and porter man, so your new slogan offends me. Moulton/Ryan 2020!
@PST: It is estimated the U.S. Code contains definitions of 5,000 acts that are felonies. If the DoJ can’t find several that warrant detention they aren’t trying.
Bill Arnold
The article is worth a skim or read.
Some historical context for all the subpoena-fighting by the D.J. Trump administration, past and planned:
the full text of the Articles of Impeachment adopted by the House Judiciary Committee on July 27, 1974
@Steve in the ATL:
Steve in the ATL
@piratedan: move to strike this post—self-serving and conflict of interest.
Mmm…boiled mutton!
@Bill Arnold:
Cntl + C
Cntl + V
He had suppressors in his possession which, last time I checked is a federal crime unless you have the proper documentation/stamps. May also be a crime under Maryland state law, too.
Bill Arnold
Remember the Cannibal Cop case? Jury convicted, judge reversed it.
@Steve in the ATL:
Trump is stout and portly.
@Steve in the ATL:
Bubbles and squeak.
That Hasson is not being ordered subject to mental evaluation astonishes me.
Bill Arnold
Yeah, that was a little lazy. It caught my eye elsewhere (and was better written there).
@Bill Arnold:
Sorry. I meant that’s what the House will do when it comes time to impeach Trump.
Not necessarily. There is a good article in Lawfare, It’s Time for Congress to Make Domestic Terrorism a Federal Crime, that explains the absence of a crime of domestic terrorism, only foreign terrorism. Often the “foreign” requirement can be met with a rather minimal ISIS connection, but in a pure white supremacy case there may not be one. Thus people like Dylan Roof are charged and convicted of capital crimes but not anything labeled terrorism. When actual terrorism takes place, there are always an abundance of other crimes to charge, like murder, but Hasson was just typing evil plans into a computer. I absolutely believe that Hasson meant to commit the crimes he described, but planning crimes alone apparently doesn’t cut it. Think of how much mayhem George R.R. Martin has planned. So the author of the cited article appears to be right — we need revised legislation for cases like this one.
Steve in the ATL
@PST: is “Making the coast guard look stupid” not a capital crime?
Interesting link. Thanks.
@Steve in the ATL:
Not if you still want a Coast Guard.
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: I could live without the whistle choir
I see Ed Rendell has decided to trash Hillary to promote Biden. Not all assholes are Bernie Bros.
@Steve in the ATL: Bangers and mash.
@Baud: I thought Rendell was an original FOB(Friend of Bill).
Maybe he was, but now he covets the same people Bernie does.
Another Scott
Eyes on the prizes…
@Another Scott:
DLCC does good work.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: Ed Rendell is one of the worst people in the Dem party. He was always available to trash Obama for anyone with a camera, and he’s been associated with Pete Peterson’s austerity racket over the years
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I don’t disagree.
Dorothy A. Winsor
A guy at the gym told this interesting story about immigration today. He’s in his 80s to give you some sense of the time frame. His mother was born here of parents who immigrated from Ireland and were naturalized US citizens. His father immigrated from southern Italy. When they married, he was not yet a US citizen and she lost her citizenship. Apparently the US worried American women would marry southern Italians (ie code for mafia) and get them into the country. They both eventually were naturalized, and his father became a citizen first. It took her an additional 3 years to regain her citizenship.
I couldn’t believe it. Even now I’m not sure I do. But he was pretty certain. He said his father always teased his mother that he’d beaten her to becoming a citizen.
@lamh36: @piratedan: Stop it. Just stop it.
Stop using medical science to make medical decisions.
It’s like you think this methodical thinking and testing is important. /S
Jim, Foolish Literalist
speaking of Biden, I thought this was an interesting thread. I read Grunwald’s book on the stimulus (The New New Deal) and I really liked it, and I don’t remember the stuff about Biden being told in advance about obstruction.
Not clear what he means by “back-channeling”. I always thought McCain was bitter that “That One” stole his presidency, and the O’Bros say Lindsey was in Rahm Emmanuel’s office all the time in the first weeks of the Obama presidency. I think it took Mitch a while to enforce the Total Obstruction strategy– see also, Judd Gregg.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Yes that was the law. Immigration laws were tightened in the 20s by the Rs. Check out the Reed-Johnson Act. Current immigration restrictionists want to return to that racist law based on eugenics.
ETA: There were some Indian-Americans who had served in WWI who lost their citizenship because of the Reed-Johnson Act. Bhagat Singh Thind’s case was one of the famous ones among these.
Omnes Omnibus
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho:
Point taken. Mr. We’reallgoingtodie gets under my skin on occasion.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@schrodingers_cat: It was the loss of a native born woman’s citizenship that really floored me. Interesting to know that Rs were the scaredy-cat faction then too.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Misogyny and other types of bigotry go hand in hand. This is also the origin of many of the Obama birther stories.
Bhagat Singh Thind vs. The United States
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Smoot-Hawley restricting trade and Reed-Johnson restricting immigration were both passed by R admins. They haven’t changed much in 100 years.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
@Dorothy A. Winsor: It was also a plot point for one of Cary Grant’s movies IIRC.
@NotMax: Apparently it also needs to be pointed out that you have no right to free speech on Twitter.
J R in WV
Apologize to Ginnie?? Ginnie drunk called Dr. Professor Hill, told her she owed Clarence an apology, IIRC. That KKK wife of Justice Thomas’s isn’t owed anything!
joel hanes
Justice Thomas should by rights recuse himself from cases that deal with issues on which his wife is an activist.
He never has.
If your moral standards are so unimportant that a result of negatively impacting some Republicans is an unacceptable outcome, maybe you don’t have any moral standards.