Longtime NRA leader Wayne LaPierre says he’s being extorted and pressured to resign by the organization’s president, Oliver North, over allegations of financial improprieties https://t.co/78m80waqye
— ? (@Anthony) April 26, 2019
Were I a better person, my first reaction might not have been “Root for injuries”. Per the NYTimes:
INDIANAPOLIS — Turmoil wracking the National Rifle Association is threatening to turn the group’s annual convention into outright civil war, as insurgents maneuver to oust Wayne LaPierre, the foremost voice of the American gun rights movement.
The confrontation pits Mr. LaPierre, the organization’s longtime chief executive, against its recently installed president, Oliver L. North, the central figure in the Reagan-era Iran-contra affair, who remains a hero to many on the right.
Behind it is a widening crisis involving a legal battle between the N.R.A. and its most influential contractor, Ackerman McQueen, amid renewed threats from regulators in New York, where the N.R.A. is chartered, to investigate the group’s tax-exempt status. With contributions lagging, the N.R.A. is also facing an increasingly well-financed gun rights movement, motivated by a string of mass shootings.
Mr. North asked Mr. LaPierre to resign on Wednesday, according to documents reviewed by The New York Times. He said he had also created a committee to review allegations of financial improprieties that threaten the N.R.A.’s status as a nonprofit organization.
But Mr. LaPierre, in a stinging letter sent on Thursday night to the N.R.A.’s board, accused Mr. North of threatening to leak damaging information about him and other N.R.A. executives unless he stepped down…
It is not clear whether Mr. North has the board support to oust Mr. LaPierre, who has led the N.R.A. for decades. Previously, the presidency has been a ceremonial position, though Mr. North, in documents reviewed by The Times, has asked for it to be a paid post. A key factor will be Chris Cox, who runs the N.R.A.’s Institute for Legislative Action and is effectively the group’s second-ranking official…
With the N.R.A.’s board due to meet on Monday, the crisis could come to a head soon…
Cheryl Rofer
It was my first reaction when I saw it too.
Were you a better person? Hell, I’m sure even Gandhi rooted for injuries from time to time. I think the trick is to know when to pull out the pom-poms.
I thought real men settle such matters at dawn at the OK corral!
I hope everyone at the board meeting is armed, angry, drunk and spoiling for a fight.
There is clearly only one way for them to settle this….pistols at dawn ..
“There’s all of this really bad information about me which he’s threatening to make public.”. I’m guessing LaPierre hasn’t really thought through the long-term implications of his strategy here.
Accepting money from Russia or spending it on Butina?
Amir Khalid
Then again, I’m guessing the NRA’s rank and vile members are not alert enough to notice that LaPierre has tacitly confessed to the bad things. They’re probably following LaPierre’s lead and thinking that Ollie is trying to blackmail him.
Whatever it is Oliver is doing it in the interest of one person. Oliver.
Seems to be a common theme among the movers and shakers of the conservative movement, they never ever think what might happen if their shit goes wrong. No contingency, no plans, not even a dumbass one. It’s “If everything works out my way life will be fine and everything always goes how I want.”
Anne Laurie
Why not both?
But IIRC from earlier reports, it was mostly treating the org as their personal piggie banks — emphasis on piggie — that looked like violating non-profit rules.
I’m sure there’s just tons of dubious crap waiting to fall out of both LaPierre’s and North’s respective gun closets, however!
Van Buren
FOX will support Oliver on this, as he is more telegenic.
Cheryl Rofer
@Hitlesswonder: Please let it be on pay per vue .. and let the proceeds go for victims of gun violence.
And the NRA’s continually declining intake means there’s less to go around. Hence Ollie wants to remove the biggest obstacle to getting his “fair” share.
Some may root for injuries, but others (cough) will root for fatalities.
If there’s a meteor or smallish asteroid looking for a place to land on Monday….
@Baud: All of them Katie.
waiting for someone to stand their ground and exert their civil liberties, then we can charge the survivors…
Mutually Assured Destruction. Wish me luck. Finishing up a 2 part pilot script for yet another contest. I was gonna go to a fair to take a little break but, then this contest came up.
@Cheryl Rofer: “I know what we can do… we will sell arms to Iran and use the money to support both sides in the NRA civil war!’
Sweet Meteor of Death, we need you!
Some years ago I started getting fundraising calls from the NRA, for dog knows what reason. I used them to toy with the callers, pretending to be genuinely confused about why they were raising money for an obvious crackpot like Wayne LaPierre and asking incredulously why the caller hadn’t figured out that he belonged in a loony bin and their script was a tissue of lies. The callers would immediately go back to the beginning of their script and start over. No matter how many times I interrupted with questions they couldn’t answer, and no matter how upset they got at the suggestion that the good Wayne LaPierre was a ridiculous liar, they’d just rewind to the beginning of the script again.
They stopped calling me, but I was surprised how long it took for them to give up on roping me into their cult. And I’ve never owned a gun.
Cheryl Rofer
More about the financial end of things.
Tbh this article sounds like a load of hiraeshitw but for the record, I hope they both lose.
hells littlest angel
I encourage both North and LaPierre to stand their ground.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
This part confused me. The NYT must have meant “increasingly well-financed gun control movement”.
“Circular firing squad” seems to be a particularly apt phrase for this.
Miss Bianca
@Cheryl Rofer: Holy shitsnacks, looks to me after reading that article that Ollie North ought to be careful about slinging the mud at LaPierre – looks like he’s just as implicated in the double-dipping and conflicts of interest cash as he is! Rooting for injuries – hell, I’m rooting for casualties. I’d love to see these assholes get likkered up and pull their pieces on each other. A girl can dream.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
some of the kids are all right
“Circular firing squad” seems a particularly apt phrase for this situation.
White & Gold Purgatorian
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Maybe they meant gun control movement, but the NRA is also facing pressure from a growing gun rights movement composed of armed nut jobs who think the NRA leadership has sold them out. That is, people who thing the NRA is too moderate and mainstream. Seriously.
I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read many an obituary with great pleasure. Oh wait. Scratch that.
@ruemara: Good luck. It’ll be great!
This is like he joke that starts with “two cannibals walk into a bar…”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oooh, that’s going to sting. Not just declining the invitation, but announcing it.
Adam L Silverman
I decided not to hijack last week’s NRA thread by talking about the NRA, but it now seems appropriate. What appears to be going on is that LaPierre, who is a solely owned subsidiary of Ackerman and whose entire public persona was created by Ackerman and is maintained and sustained by them, appears to be rerunning the same double dipping scam he ran about 20 years or so ago where Ackerman cooks the books and he and they skim off of whatever is actually in the NRAs accounts.
LaPierre is actually a highly introverted individual who has trouble making eye contact and speaks in very hushed tones. The whole angry, fear mongering, neo-fascistic ranting and raving LaPierre was a PR creation by Ackerman and is the public persona. It is a mask. By all accounts he’s also not a gun guy. As in they scare him and he’s not very proficient with them. When the NRA, post Cincinnati Revolt, moved from a focus on marksmanship, firearms safety, and the shooting sports to a hard right 2nd amendment absolutist organization, they had to do a public rebrand. And that’s where Ackerman and LaPierre came in. They funded law school faculty, like InstaPutz, to produce what is called the alternate scholarship on the 2nd amendment, which has become the 2nd amendment community’s and The Federalist Society’s standard legal arguments. To the point where this ahistorical and largely aconstitutional focusing on the 2nd amendment as an individual right rather than what the founders and framers considered it – a civic right and responsibility – scholarship is referred to as the standard argument. And the NRA rebranded itself as America’s oldest civil rights organization. The civil right in question: the explicit 2nd amendment right to firearm ownership.
Throughout this entire period the NRA’s claim to power was its 4 million strong membership list, which it claimed to be able to mobilize on the single issue of the 2nd amendment. The problem, of course, is that the NRA won’t allow anyone to audit the list, it is full of life members, many of whom have long since died. This left one recourse: marketing fear. And that’s what both LaPierre and Ackerman were good at.
Here’s a good run down from TPM that was published today:
Here’s several good pieces on the Cincinnati Revolt:
And here’s a clip specifically on LaPierre from PBS’s Frontline dealing with LaPierre being a milquetoast who can’t hit the broad side of a barn if he was standing on it:
And here’s the link to the entire documentary:
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Discovery is going to be amazing on this. Once Ackerman’s and the NRA’s and LaPierre’s and North’s books all get opened to perusal by the court, it is going to lead to a popcorn and booze shortage!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Wow, that’s a strong voice!
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’ve got several of his albums.
@Miss Bianca:
Then isn’t Ollie all the more stupid for starting this in the first place? Hooray!
Fix. Site is REALLY acting up here today.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Wow, that’s a strong voice!
Adam L Silverman
@White & Gold Purgatorian: Correct. Most of them are grifts, just like the NRA. Specifically GOA and NAGR. The real effective organization is the 2nd Amendment Foundation (SAF/2AF), which actually did the legal work in Heller and MacDonald and a number of the other big legal victories for the 2nd amendment absolutist crowd.
Butina gets the full sentence and called out on her bullshit defence,
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
I wonder: why LaPierre, a man who is not even into guns himself? There is surely no shortage of firebreathing actual gun nuts who would be willing to run the NRA the way the moneybags wanted.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: He was, apparently, very effective at convincing the people at the NRA that he could be even more effective running the NRA than he was as one of their lobbyists. And, to a certain extent, he was right.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing.
So, if anyone actually pulled a gun out around LaPierre, he’d piss himself or fall over in a faint? Man, the power of marketing…
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
Did these people ever think this shit through? Did they ever once consider that the same lax gun laws could lead to these weapons being used against them in kind by their ideological enemies? After all, they’re vastly outnumbered
Cheryl Rofer
@Adam L Silverman: So I’m better with guns than LaPierre. ???????
@E.: in Boston, they call the obituary page, “the Irish sports section.” Not with irony.
@Amir Khalid:
He was well connected amongst the quartet of groups that form the core of the NRA’s supporters.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@White & Gold Purgatorian:
Oh yeah, I forgot about those really far-right groups like the GOA.
@Adam L Silverman: I thought the same!
ETA:. This is not the Tony Bennet you are looking for.
@Amir Khalid:
Dorothy A. Winsor
I look at “Oliver North” and I think these people never, ever go away.
West of the Rockies
@Van Buren:
The north end of a southbound dog is more telegenic than ol’ Wayne.
Financial improprieties, Ollie? How about the fact that while you sit as the president of the NRA you’re being paid about $1 million a year by the NRA’s main contractor, Ackerman McQueen, which seems to be in the process of looting the NRA down to the gun oil and bump stocks.
Highly recommend a look at Mike Spies’s piece in The New Yorker on April 17: “Secrecy, Self-Dealing, and Greed at the NRA.”
LaPierre is a rich corporate lobbyist for gun and ammo companies, and they’ve gotten what they paid for and more from him.
I beg to differ. There’s nothing about this reaction that makes you a bad person. If the NRA is forming a circular firing squad, that means their literal guns aren’t trained on the rest of us. If they injure one another, that hopefully means fewer literal deaths among the rest of us. We should all root for injuries in this story. Ceterum censeo NRA (and by extension, the Republican Party) esse delendam.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: I’m pretty sure he’s had training so he’s safe when handling them, but there are some things you can’t train out of people. A healthy fear of what a gun can do is actually good, if channeled properly through safety training, so that a person is a safe user of firearms. I’m not really sure that was LaPierre’s thing though. I just think he’s a scared of his shadow kind of guy.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
The people at the top of the pyramid selling the grift are in it for the money, the ammosexuals at the bottom being grifted arn’t all that smart.
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: The people running the grifts have made themselves very, very wealthy. They live in gated communities, they either have paid security, are armed to the teeth at all times, or both. Everyone else, the “mah gunz!” and “wut part of shall not be infringed don’t you understand, Libtard!” crowd, haven’t quite figured out that they’re the marks.
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: Knowing what I do of your scientific and meticulous approach to all things, especially technical things, I have no doubt that you are far, far better with a gun than LaPierre.
Adam L Silverman
@Immanentize: You never see them together…
Another much loved group that has assembled a circular firing squad,
Cheryl Rofer
@Adam L Silverman: LOL. I was pretty good at archery in summer camp. So when a guy I knew took me out for some gun practice, I knew how to aim and such. GUNS ARE SO MUCH EASIER TO AIM THAN THE CLUNKY BOWS WE HAD AT CAMP! So I started by hitting the paper of the target and moved in toward the center.
“I didn’t even hit the paper when I started,” said the guy forlornly, who had been in the military.
I think that was the beginning of the end of our relationship.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
It’s not just the kids who are alright. Tony Bennett is a class act. If I had a kid being recruited by big-time Division I schools, I’d want him at Virginia.
Good luck! I’m procrastinating on submitting a contest entry for my novel. I would like to get that done tonight so it’s not hanging over my head anymore.
(Mostly I need to reread the synopsis to make sure it still makes sense after the revisions I made to it.)
Dorothy A. Winsor
@ruemara: @Mnemosyne: You can do it! Go both of you!
An hour ago, I got a rejection for a short story. It’s now on its way somewhere else.
Catherine D.
What’s the difference between an Irish wedding and wake? One combatant.
Or why I avoid family gatherings!
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: These things happen.
Adam L Silverman
@Catherine D.: “Among the injured were…”
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
True enough, but they have to come out sometime. All the security in the world sometimes isn’t enough to prevent an assassin getting off one lucky shot, and we’ve already seen situations where gun owners can’t respond fast enough in an active shooter scenario before getting capped. This isn’t even going into an organized resistance with real numbers that could get these people. Even the rich, wealthy architects of grifts haven’t fully thought this through.
Mike in NC
The name Wayne LaPierre just screams “financial improprieties”. He must have been skimming for decades.
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Despite all the publicity – and this is not an attempt to downplay them, the effects, the damage, the harm, etc – active shooter scenarios, let alone mass shootings, are still small “n” phenomena. We pay more attention to them now because everyone has the ability to break news thanks to smartphones and tablets, but when you look at the frequencies over time, the trend line is flat with some small spikes. Before only criminologists and violence researchers and medical professionals and law enforcement and, or course, the victims paid attention to them. Now everyone does.
Adam L Silverman
@Mike in NC: He has.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Adam L Silverman:
You’re missing my point. These guys aren’t completely safe, not as much as they think they might be. If a determined group of armed individuals wanted these guys dead, there’s a decent chance they would be.
This is pretty funny. Re the “Oliver North vs. NRA civil war”:
@Cheryl Rofer: Damn it, late again!
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
You might not have noticed, but the kaikistocracy isn’t all that smart.
A century of looting, white collar crime and inbreeding, means that you are not likely to find many of the “best and brightest” any near where the top if they are a wippile male.
80% of the wealth in America isn’t made, or earned, it’s inherited.
Citizen Alan
Fuck’em. No shelter for collaborators.
Amir Khalid
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
I think what Adam is saying is that these people can afford to take a lot of security measures, so the probability of bad guys with guns coming for them is really really low. There is of course no such thing as perfect safety from this kind of danger, but these people have the closest thing to it that their considerable financial resources can buy.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Sweet.
Adam L Silverman
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: No one is completely safe.
@Adam L Silverman: Except the dead.
@Amir Khalid:
And the armed pipple willing to shoot others, at this point in time, don’t have them as targets at all.
“Eat the Rich” barely has any traction, yet, other than regarding taxes.
When cannibalism becomes more common, things will change.
@Amir Khalid:
Hahahahahahaha! I am ? stealing that!
Roger Moore
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
They never go away because we failed to put them away. We need to correct this mistake with the Trump administration. Every last criminal in that gang needs to spend the rest of their natural lives behind bars.
Omnes Omnibus
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: “getting capped?” Are you in a 1940s gangster movie?
@Baud: Don’t trust the ones with blue eyes.
@Omnes Omnibus:
“getting capped” made a slang comback starting in the late ‘90’s.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Except for the ones that have always had blue eyes,…..
Wayne Marks
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
2nd Amendment remedies are in order for sure!
@Omnes Omnibus: He must have just seen Star Trek’s “A Piece of the Action”.
@Omnes Omnibus
Aren’t we all? When it comes down to brass tacks, you bet your tintype.
In a case of synchronicity, dialogue in forties movie playing in background spoken just now –
Matronly woman to daughter: I think he’s a dick.
Leading man: What makes you think I’m a dick?
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: The dead travel fast.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jay: It’s funnier my way.
@Jay: Just to be safe, don’t trust them either. My grandfather could be a real bastard, and my 16 y/o niece would cut you as soon as look at you; she’s a center back at heart. And that doesn’t even bring in the ex-Madame Omnibus.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Dracula or old German ballad?
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Either or.
Bela Oxmyx and the rest of the Iotians were still orders of magnitude better off than if that earlier ship had left behind the collected works of Ayn Rand.
And, they are grateful.
Mr Stagger Lee
@White & Gold Purgatorian: Gun Owners of America, run by Larry Pratt is the goto/HeMan organization for the Hard Core Ammosexual.
@Kent: My favourite Second Amendment remedy is “A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State,” a phrase I’d be willing to bet upwards of half the NRA’s membership has never even heard, and which upwards of half the Supreme Court* would prefer to ignore. However, if the gundamentalists continue ignoring that clause to the amendment, then my second favourite Second Amendment remedy is just repealing the fucking thing entirely. I’m not too picky at this stage, and I must note that the ammosexuals’ extremism is what’s pushed me here – before Parkland and the flagrant dishonesty of the current Supreme Court*, I wouldn’t have supported a Constitutional amendment.
Keith P.
Which one does Fox paint as the villain?
@Mike in NC:
From his Wikipedia entry:
As you can imagine, I am most dretfully shocked to learn this.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have blue eyes, and am a sweetheart.
Your winnings, ma’am.
(this would’ve worked better if you’d said “shocked” twice, but oh well)
@Omnes Omnibus
Fear the Fremen?
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Wouldn’t you?
Ninny on your tintype!
@NotMax: If they’d been left the collected works of Ayn Rand they’d be no Iotians left.
“An Iraq War veteran deliberately drove into a group of pedestrians because he thought some of the people were Muslim, California authorities said Friday.”
Actually, for once in my life, I wasn’t channeling Captain Renault. The phrase “dretfully shocked” is from some 19th-century children’s book. Not Elsie Dinsmore, but that genre.
But I am grateful for my winnings. Merci bien.
Coming late to this little story. I hope for the outcome that most damages both the NRA and Wayne what’s his name. It’s nice to read a story about these dopes where I don’t have to mute my pleasure at the discomfort of all these villains.
@NotMax: That is blue within blue.
But I admit a thing for the Shadout Mapes.
“Welcome. I am the Shadout Mapes, the housekeeper.”
“Housekeeper? This entranceway floor certainly isn’t very clean.”
@SiubhanDuinne: Huh. Learn something new every day. (Do you know which book? The Google is no help.) TBH I’d never seen the spelling “dretfully” before either, which appears to be an archaic spelling of “dreadfully”.
Also, de rien. (…I assume. My French knowledge is non-existent and I actually had to look up a response.)
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@Adam L Silverman:
Didn’t the NRA actually oppose taking Heller to SCOTUS?
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
Yes. The NRA thought that they would lose in the Supreme Court. That’s why they had never pursued a test case. A Cato Institute guy conceived of the plan along with a financial backer, selected the plaintiffs, and financed the suit.
At one point during the appeals, the NRA actively tried to sideline the case by moving to have it consolidated with one that they controlled.
The NRA, while it does some good with training, certification, education, etc. is just a money-making grift and they had zero interest in pursuing constitutional challenges. They just wanted to make mo’money. As is becoming clear in more and more news stories in the past few weeks.
@Adam L Silverman:
But why does even the left wing think what the founders or framers thought about some matter in the Constitution the right way to think of the constitution? That view is really well to the right (?) of literalism about what the constitution says. How the fuck are we to amend a constitution where the meanings of what is in it turn on the narrow minded and often racist ideas of those who wrote it, rather than on what it says in plain language? Pass an amendment with the same language but which will now mean what we think it means (even if we too are narrow minded in some way)? Why not just let “cruel” mean cruel, not what whomever put “cruel” in the constitution thought it meant? And so on for other phrases about which you might think we know more than they did back in the day. (Not that this is relevant to the 2nd amendment which on any interpretation does not allow what the NRA thinks it does. I just get upset when liberals adopt an ahistorical and stupid reading of how language works.)
So, FWIW, I generally like what you say Adam, but you fell into a trap here with this way of framing this small part of it . . .
@Roger Moore: Yes.
@Adam L Silverman:
Would you be interested in some oooooold militia records as in before we had a standing army? My dad has the records from an ancestor who was head of the militia. It was definitely well regulated! He assessed fines for failure to show up for muster, and other missteps. If you are interested. I will ask him if I can scan it and then email it to you. He won’t be back until next month.
AR-15s at dawn or GTFO.
Shares in popcorn are soaring.
Mike G
Turmoil wracking the National Rifle Association is threatening to turn the group’s annual convention into outright civil war
I would hope for open gunfire, but the NRA bans guns at its convention. Not hypocritical at all.
I can’t believe Wayne LaPierre would be involved in improprieties. He seems so ethical. /s