If Trump meant “people can see right through me,” he isn’t wrong. https://t.co/rcL4ogXuW4
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) April 26, 2019
Barack Obama was incredibly tempered, intelligent, eloquent, qualified, personally scandal-free. The fact that we elected a Black president who was allowed to govern and exude superlative qualities was one of the single greatest shots at white supremacy in recent memory.
— Ethan Grey (@_EthanGrey) April 26, 2019
Trump voters wanted people of color to understand that white supremacy is the only thing that matters. To do this, they would sacrifice everything else of consequence. Any positive thing that a Black President happened to embody, they canceled out through Trump.
— Ethan Grey (@_EthanGrey) April 26, 2019
The logic of white supremacy means that the worse Trump is, the better. After eight years of Barack Obama, the message to people of color by the majority of white people who voted was simple: "I'd rather let the worst of us run this country than the best of you."
— Ethan Grey (@_EthanGrey) April 26, 2019
Speaking of transparency…
Nearly 20 states are on the verge of blocking Donald Trump from appearing on the 2020 ballot https://t.co/JXx74iro76
— Raw Story (@RawStory) April 27, 2019
glory b
Yeah, pretty much. I wallow in the sewers of the internet so you folks don’t have to. I once thought it was about “tax cuts and owning the libs” but I’m now convinced even the tax cuts do not even matter anymore. It’s all white folks, all the time. Not sure how to convince non-BJ-jackals that this is the situation.
Evening BJ.
Back home from work and saw Endgame after.
oooooh… Endgame was really good!
So amazing how they brought it all full circle!
No spoilers, but def A+. I can’t wait to see where the MCEU goes from here!
zhena gogolia
That’s a pretty compelling analysis.
Ethan is not wrong and the problem is too many pundits want to believe otherwise and so do too many white liberals. Sorry not sorry.
Well, better things.
I finalized the artwork for my podcast with the artist and one of the deals anyone drawing for me has to accept is that I take your pencils and finish the work myself. But I’m super rusty since the last strip I did was over 8-10 years ago with my ex. So I used one of the roughs of the Djeli (griot, storyteller) to work on today as a test. It came out way better than I thought I could do it after all this time. I even got my Wacom to work. Sent you to my instagram since I include a little color commentary video during the process.
Oh, I’ve got an update on my issue with United airlines and them shuffling our darn seating assignments.
I called back today to speak with someone who seat assignments or a supervisor.
I talked to a nice young lady and explained to her that my family and I bought our tickets in Feb and paid EXTRA to select our seats. I told her I understand that the plane they’ll be using has changed since we booked, but, we chose the seat we did because we wanted to sit near one another if not the same aisle.
Long story short…we got our seats back. We were able to get 2-seater rows back to back for the 4 of us for the Newark to Heathrow leg of our flight. The flight back from Heathrow we’ll be back to back rows, but with a middle seat between us…but still BACK to BACK!
I also had her email me the new CONFIRMED seating!
I’m glad I took a minute to calm down and call them back.
Still, I’m not flying with United again if I can help it.
zhena gogolia
Did you see that Idris Elba got married? Sorry to have to tell you.
Sooooo ldris Elba got married…but not to me…Congrats I guess..
Ethan Grey:
Small typo.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Whenever I hear some white person say “I wish he would tweet less….” I think of Jamelle Bouie’s observation that for most white people, including the ones in the political media, racism is just bad manners. They don’t care that he’s a racist, they just want him to be quieter about it so that they can be quiet– politely quiet– about theirs.
zhena gogolia
Maybe it won’t last!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yes, this.
Meanwhile, on HBO, Roxy Music is everything.
Jill Stein voter Nina Turner lashes out at women of color for being unimpressed with Wilmer’s remarks to them at She The People forum.
Keep digging, Wilmerfolk.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@lamh36: There was a very funny after-credits scene at the very end of Captain Marvel. I was assuming that was setting up something that will turn out to be important to Endgame. Am I right? I think that can be answered without spoilers.
We’re both home and sick as dogs with different symptoms, cancelled a road trip this weekend because of it. So thinking we’ll see Endgame next weekend.
Re tweets at top: no fucking lie told.
zhena gogolia
Wow, that is good.
Trump has the heart of a stone ass grifter. The reality reversing lie comes so naturally to him. And you can tell that he gets a kick out of dealing out blatant bullshit, especially because he knows he has a staff that has to back him up, even if they look like fools doing so.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Obligatory: “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”
Very cool! Link to your podcast?
@zhena gogolia:
LOL. I saw that this morning and wondered when someone would break it to her.
Nah, go ahead and say you want to kill the bitch. We understand.
Listened to some of an Ezra Klein podcast interview with some dude whose name I don’t care about. The dude was trying to ‘splain how he just doesn’t think there’s any such thing as institutional racism, just individual peeps doing racist things.
He also said that calling out systemic racism is pointless, because when people think they’re being call racist they just shut down, and as we all know it’s much, much worse to be called a racist than it is to be subjected on the daily to a thousand cuts of actual racism.
Then I switched to music.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
A lot of people downpklay or ignore the lengths to which Hllary’s campaign went to be inclusive, not just with gender, but also with race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, and how much that scared the ever-living crap out of white people.
She had the mothers of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown on stage at the Democratic National Convention to talk about how it was a huge societal problem that their sons were shot to death by police and wanna-be police. She had the first transgender speaker at a national political convention. She had the Muslim-American father of a fallen soldier talk about what America means to him and his family.
That’s what the majority of white voters rejected: an inclusive America where everyone has a voice. And we’re not allowed to point that out because Hillary was a failure who lost because she didn’t visit Wisconsin or whatever today’s bullshit claim is that pulls a veil over Russian meddling.
This ol’ buckaroo is one hurtin’ cowboy.
Sudden bee in my bonnet over the past two days instigated a jag of deep, thorough cleaning of both the kitchen and bathroom, including much vigorous scrubbing. Floor to ceiling, wall to wall, so also involved climbing up and down onto and off a 16″ step stool. Done in stages too, as it was 90 degrees here (am not a compete masochist). Then today, mowing accomplished ahead of tonight’s and tomorrow’s predicted rains. Right now knees and arms are sending out radical red alert signals.
This too shall pass. In the meantime, ouchie.
@Steeplejack: It launches next year
I also saw Endgame today at an Arclight Cinema theater. Lucky I have an app. I thought a morning or mid day show would be easy, but the first two shows I tried for were practically sold out. All the good seats gone, but I finally found an available showing. A staffer introduces the film, and asked people not to talk about the movie when leaving the theater to avoid spoilers.
All I will say for now is that for a nerdy ass comic book movie, it was pretty damn ambitious. And this nerd was happy.
The one thing I will note as a public service announcement. It is a long ass movie, 3 hours plus with trailers. Make sure you take a personal break before hand.
ETA. Congrats to Idris on his marriage. Some of the UK media sites are treating it like a royal wedding.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
That it is, along with a healthy dose of xenophobia and Islamophobia to “justify” it.
Aleve is your friend. Get some sleep, and I hope you feel better tomorrow. Rest day?
Mike in NC
Everything that Fat Bastard says is 180 degrees from reality.
This is the stone cold sad truth. For both Trump and the worst of his supporters. They absolutely reject the notion that a black president would care about them and would want the best for them. Because they hate black people and don’t care if they are crushed. And of course, these people can never admit their racism.
Steve in the ATL
Haven’t seen Endgame, but Green Book is a mighty fine film. Joe Pesci looked different in it, though.
If all goes according to plan. Brand new under the desk throw rug arrived this week, which is super comfy on the tootsies; luxuriating on that while sitting here at the moment.
OT but related – Not The White House Correspondence Dinner starts on Full Frontal’s YouTube channel on 10 minutes.
Uncle Cosmo
Anyone beside me remember what Bill Moyers reported LBJ said to him one night in Tennessee?
Ivan X
@lamh36: Yes, you will. Consolidation has led to too few alternatives with barely any variation between them. Delta is a little better than United, American is a little worse, but they will all make you eat shit at one point or another, and you will give up principled objection because you can’t win. Hope you enjoyed this moment of cheer. But, still, congrats on a small victory against a big corporation.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Mike in NC
@Uncle Cosmo: The classics never get old.
I mean… isn’t it? Next you’ll be telling me that Beyoncé isn’t actually royalty either.
Where does it end? Remember when candidate Trump bragged that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and they’d support him? Is there any bottom that his base won’t accept or be horrified by?
If 20 states block trump from being on the ballot. can he fight that in court? how could he possibly win the election of he’s not on the ballot in that many states? Is it confirmed he won’t be on it in those states.
@Uncle Cosmo: I remember reading that.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Everyone, keep an eye out for a clip of this.
Miss Bianca
QFT. *snarl*
Ohio Mom
@Mnemosyne: And people with disability were also included and given time in tne spotlight by Hillary.
Maher continues to be a fucking moron.
@mrmoshpotato: I saw it. It’s on the twitters. Apologies. I’ having a drink after having half a gummy. Here it is.
mad citizen
@Steve in the ATL: Haven’t seen this era’s Spike blocker film, but I think you made a clever joke.
I just finished watching Blakkklansman. Subtle it’s not, but it’s on point with this thread for sure. Anyone know why the movie is set in 1972 when actual events were 1979?
Citizen Alan
How many of those people got boo’d by Bernie humpers who were selected as delegates to the Convention because they would disrupt it at every opportunity? And how many of those Bernie humpers today are livid that black women boo’d Bernie over his mealy-mouthed responses to a question about white supremacy at a black women voters event?
Ohio Mom
@mrmoshpotato: It’s on Josh Marshall’s twitter. @joshtpm
The cut away to the commercial is abrupt.
ETA: Ruemara’s link is better
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I turned on MSNBC to listen to Ron Chernow at that DC dinner thing, now they have on Yakov Smirnov, as an expert on comedy.
He might well be funny, I’ve muted it
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ohio Mom: @Miss Bianca: @Mnemosyne: And Hillary continues to represent. The Beast represents the Nazi/white supremacists more blatantly every day.
Ohio Mom
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yakov Smirnov is still around? What a country!
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
No. That’s the sort of thing I was trying to convey with my first post. I mean, I think we all understand that the GOP is off the deep end. I’m just not sure what is deeper than the Mariana Trench. I’ve joked about how he could get away with choking a kitten, but now there’s no way I would let Trump near any of my cats. Because from what I’ve seen he really could actually get away with it when it comes to his supporters.
What sort of fascinates me and worries me, because I do this, is that Trump has a 37% approval rating, with a 55% or so disapproval rating, and Democrats, myself included, are acting like those numbers are reversed.
Trump has never had a positive net approval rating.
The Republican base loves him dearly. But how much of the electorate do they represent?
I have to remind myself that as indifferent to evidence that his base is, the rest of America is not.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
What a country!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ohio Mom: Heh. I do believe he has a theatre in Branson MO
@ruemara: Very nice! I like her pose.
I have not given much hope to this. I can see the courts saying a state cannot set restrictions in a federal race. No doubt it goes to court.
@Renie: Many of them haven’t passed those laws yet, and in any case few of them were states he had plausible chances at winning. AZ, PA, and NC are the only swing states on the list. To be fair, if he loses those three, there aren’t many plausible paths to 270 for him.
@lamh36: Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot. As someone else wrote in their non-spoilery review “I enjoyed Infinity War more, retroactively, after having seem this one.”
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Ocotillo: IANAL but I think that courts have historically ruled the exact opposite, that states control their own elections process and the feds have little control over it.
Of course when you get hacks on the Supreme Court, centuries of precedent can be thrown out the window.
This. And it’s well worth perusing one of the “best times to hit the bathroom and not miss anything important” articles, too.
@Karen: I don’t think there is a bottom. He’s out there tonight talking about how Democrats approve of doctors and mothers conspiring to execute their babies after birth. Will the media ever talk about what a cruel, dangerous and crazy lie this is?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oh those people drive me nuts. Yes, everything would be fine if he didn’t tweet. My husband said some parents were saying that at a dinner for my son’s basketball team. I’m so glad I wasn’t there.
Only booze here :(
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Typed my email wrong and now in moderation. When is the new site due? So over this.
@gene108: Gotta remember that regardless of poll numbers, Russian fuckery will be back like Jason Voorhees.
Mike in NC
@Ohio Mom: We are weirdly stuck in the 1980s in many respects, and that fits great with Yakov Smirnov and Donald Trump.
Errrr… Those “technicalities” are also known as “the rule of law.” Prosecutors subvert it so much we expect them to when it’s what we want. I’m so old I remember that once there was a guy named Blackstone who wrote that the ideal is that “It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer.” Benjamin Franklin said the same thing, but that is should be 100 guilty who go unpunished. John Adams, in his defense of British soldiers who were at the Boston Common wrote, “It is of more importance to the community that innocence should be protected, than it is, that guilt should be punished; for guilt and crimes are so frequent in this world, that all of them cannot be punished.” I know this view is not popular.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gene108: I’m not panicking, but…
They vote. They are the old white people who show up at every election, and no one tries to stop them.
joel hanes
When is the new site due?
I would not count on it being stable before fall.
Projections for software “delivery” are notoriously unreliable, for systematic reasons.
Only a few professional developers are able to resist the temptation to tell the customer what they want to hear, instead of the date that long experience and burned fingers says is realistic.
And realistic load-testing of something like this website is not easy without moving to the new version to see what breaks.
Ob. book: Brooks, _The_Mythical_Man-Month_
No, because they will see this country burned to the ground to own the libs. That’s the kind of patriots they are.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m skeptical of the wealth tax– there should be something like it, but getting passed, surviving the Roberts SC, and enforcement are all big problems– but it seems to me Warren’s getting really good on the stump
Lisa Murkowski won on a write-in, and they had to spell it correctly. Trump people can write his name in, if they can spell it right.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I don’t have stocks anymore so I don’t know if there have been changes, but the favorable treatment is bogus. Everything should be treated equally and taxed equally.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
my sympathies
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: the vast majority of candidates Wilmer endorsed lost. so much for his turnout model.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Villago Delenda Est
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Donald’s projecting. AGAIN.
James E Powell
But when they get into the voting booth or fill out a mail-in ballot, are they ready to vote for a woman for president? A woman of color? I still wonder. I lost my faith in the voters wisdom when they picked Bush in sufficient numbers to allow the 2000 Selection to happen. I mean, that guy was nothing if not a precursor to Trump.
James E Powell
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
See Bush v. Gore.
Villago Delenda Est
@James E Powell: BUT THAT WAS NOT A PRECEDENT! (According to Fat Tony)
James E Powell
@Villago Delenda Est:
The RWer court won’t need any precedent. They will make up new reasons that have no basis in constitutional law.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@James E Powell:
That doesn’t mean states have to obey this lawless Court when it makes such decisions
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Seen that clip of Andrew Napolitano saying trump obstructed justice?
narrator speculates: Napolitano never asked for any appointment, much less the SC
@Villago Delenda Est:
Don’t you mean still?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That is NOT a road you want to go down.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Probably not
@Renie: Lincoln won receiving less than 3% of the vote in 12 of 33 states, no votes in 8 (SC had no popular vote). The fact that his opposition was split into 3 parties made little difference to Lincoln’s win. If you count all the non-Lincoln votes together, Lincoln only loses 14 electoral college votes (CA, OR and NJ) and still has 166 electoral college votes, 14 more than the 152 needed to win and that would be with less than 40% of the popular vote. Extraordinary times. Lincoln either won or received less than 3% of the vote in 31 of the 33 states. DE and MO were the outliers
@Mnemosyne: Though thread is dead I still have to post a hearty YES AND THANK YOU!!! While Hillary supporters frequently cite misogyny very few have even mentioned her outreach to African American women, particularly the mothers of AA men killed by police.