.@SenJohnThune, who counts GOP votes in the Senate, says “I think he’s gotten enough feedback from the people up here that his nomination is in trouble.” But Moore tells the Post: "Full speed ahead." https://t.co/10wUe4nFtq
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) May 1, 2019
NEW: Trump admin officials are now acknowledging Steve Moore doesn't have the votes 4 confirmation.
GOP Whip Sen. Thune predicts Moore will withdraw. "I think there will be probably some more info about that nomination in the next day or so”https://t.co/KrT9xhAUju @seungminkim
— Heather Long (@byHeatherLong) May 1, 2019
That’s not a “no” so much as a “please don’t make me vote on this.” https://t.co/K9ukX9q12L
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) April 29, 2019
Per R leadership sources: Ernst's opposition is basically enough to kill this — and it's not just going to be Ernst. One aide repeated statement he gave just before Cain super-voluntarily withdrew: WH "is learning to count to 4" https://t.co/JydePCQ59Q
— Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) April 30, 2019
Stephen Moore wants the media to pay less attention to his idiotic comments about gender and more attention to his idiotic comments about the economy.
Sure thing, bro. Happy to help out.
https://t.co/aLlXlQr9MB— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) April 29, 2019
The pre-signing version of “You can’t fire me, I quit”?
Well this is interesting. Guy whose PR firm has been enlisted to promote Stephen Moore's campaign to join the Fed just retweeted a comment arguing why Moore should NOT join the Fed pic.twitter.com/nbv1tA8JE2
— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) May 1, 2019
Small loss:
Stephen Moore complained publicly that “the male needs to be the breadwinner of the family.” His wife Allison took this to heart, quitting her job to raise the kids. Then he cheated on her, divorced her, and denied her $300,000 he owed in support. https://t.co/v4romPzUWV pic.twitter.com/bfbyMGKZFk
— Christopher Orr (@OrrChris) May 1, 2019
Stephen Moore—Trump's Fed pick—wants kids to be working. “I’m a radical on this,” he said in 2016. “I’d get rid of a lot of these child labor laws. I want people starting to work at 11, 12.” This guy really has tried to be publicly wrong about everything. https://t.co/Rvlz5jfb36
— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) April 30, 2019
Okay, this is a crazy thought, but bear with me: what if — and I know this sounds loco — you, like, did this on a regular basis for potential nominees before you announced them? https://t.co/BbyLvC6205
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) April 29, 2019
Let's think about this possibility: Stephen Moore really *is* as serious an economic thinker as you'll find in the regular conservative movement. https://t.co/ZvY4WdRG1W
— Eric Kleefeld (@EricKleefeld) April 30, 2019
Jerzy Russian
Christ, what an asshole!
And that’s fucking terrifying.
@Gemina13: other brilliant economic thinkers included Paul Ryan.
Villago Delenda Est
@Gemina13: No one in the “Conservative” movement has ever read The Wealth of Nations. They only thing they know about it is the invisible hand, which is mentioned but once.
Mary G
The prideful ignorance is a feature, not a bug to Republicans. Lindsey Graham, the freaking committee chairman, said proudly that he had read 3/4 of the Mueller report today.
@Villago Delenda Est: The invisble hand is slapping the snot out of Stephen Moore. Nice that the WH is just now looking at what Moore has written. Pretty sure you do that before the nomination.
Not only do they pick the guy with no economic credentials, other than going on TV to make statements that are wrong or predictions that are wrong, they have to pick the most sexist misogynistic deadbeat dad they can find. Catherine Rampell’s piece in the Washington Post is a gem.
@Mary G: And he should be proud, since he obviously read more of the report than the AG did. The Dems asked if Barr had read the background material of the report, but I don’t think anyone asked him if he’d read the report itself. I can answer that- no, he did not. He made it clear that he hasn’t read the report by claiming complete ignorance of who Oleg Deripaska is. You CANNOT read the report and not know who Deripaska is.
@Mary G:
The GOP has fully embraced their status as the anti-intellectual party.
It’s not possible to be a good Republican today without fervent belief in numerous demonstrably false ideas.
Amir Khalid
So Stephen Moore wants 11-year-olds to join the work force. Does he mean after school, or instead of school?
@Duane: No, no, no. This is the way it works with the Trump malAdministration. Trump sees a person on Fox and tells his people to nominate them for this position or that position. No silly reading required. THESE ARE THE BEST PEOPLE.
@Aleta: Sounds like a camp, in a localized area, kind of concentrated…
@JaneE: In fairness, Moore does have a MA in Econ, but it’s from George Mason.
@Amir Khalid: Instead of school, they don’t need no education.
Hard to figure what is more ‘unfair’: bringing up his horrible bigoted statements and actions, or bringing up the horribly and unapologetic wrong and crazy ideas on economics.
West of the Rockies
Maybe I’m over-estimating the guy’s ability to feel embarrassed, but I hope he feels humiliated, mocked, laughed at, and ridiculous. Yet another vile, loathsome toad in Trumplandia.
“You libs should be ecstatic about it. No more high schools means no more high school shootings.” //
Death as Theatre, Snuff Films,
You know the biggest tell you don’t have a “booming” economy? When you talk about how you need boosters to constantly tell people how great it is…
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Moore is another media creation. CNN employed him for years as an “analyst”. That’s why Dump nominated him. He gets his daily briefings from watching tee vee and liked Moore’s loony toon appearances.
Mr. Kite
Interesting. So there are about four Republican senators still tethered enough to objective reality to understand that you just can’t fuck with the Fed.
@Mr. Kite: Or, tethered to big financial industry donors who read them the riot act over Moore (and Cain too, probably)
Mary G
@Redshift: Bill Maher has constantly had Steven Moore on Real Time for years, because of his delusion that he attracts both sides.
They are setting up these Concentration Camps where there are no services, rather than use empty Detention Facilities with services, so that they can murder refugee’s.
@Mr. Kite: Hee-hee. Mr. Kite said “tethered.” My inner eighth-grader is giggling.
@Villago Delenda Est: And they get the invisible hand wrong, too. It was an argument for why consumers and manufacturers would prefer domestic to international goods, not an argument for the “free market”, which was not a concept that existed in Smith’s day, and which he would not have supported in any case. Amongst other things, Smith supported progressive taxation and subsidies to small businesses, and he was extremely critical of the upper class. Adam Smith would’ve hated most of the people who claim to be his disciples, who understand not a word of what he wrote. He wasn’t a leftist, exactly, but he certainly wasn’t “laissez-faire”, much less right-wing.
They don’t even get “the failures of the commons” right, they read it backwards.
Besmirching the name of Stephens everywhere.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Yep. The Wealth of Nations is kind of like the Bible that way. Also, the Constitution. And classic Captain America comics.
It’s basically like the late era CPSU that way, where so much of the theory it’s built on – and that makes its leaders rich and powerful – is built on bullshit that there’s no way to discuss problems honestly without bringing down the whole edifice. So they keep piling on more and more bullshit.
@Mr. Kite: Can’t agree that Joni Ernst can be described as “tethered to objective reality”. Something else is going on here, the invisible foot of the Financial industry?