Intrepid organizer Dan B writes:
Maneki Restaurant is full for Saturday. It’s been booked for weeks.
Two options: Spice Room in Columbia City. It’s good quality Thai and quiet except for an occasional toddler (it’s the land of two year olds).
Seafood: Trout Salad, Sea Bass, White Wild King Salmon Curry
It’s 5 short blocks from the light rail. There is parking in a block or two. Prices are reasonable. Entrees are $11 – $16.
Bluacre Bistro in Leschi.
It’s on the lake. Pricier. Burgers and Pizzas are $15. Seafood entrees are $20 – $30.
They have a large party booked for dinnertime but they may be in a private area. I haven’t been there but it’s reputed to be reasonably quiet.
Parking is free in the garage but transit is very limited.
Please send your preferences. I think we are in prom season…
Well, damn.
How about the place on Leschi; I like the idea of looking out at the lake.
But I’m good with the Thai place, if most people prefer that.
Steve in the ATL
So you have completely ignored my suggestion of moving the meetup to Virginia so I can attend? Fine, I didn’t want to go anyway!
@Steve in the ATL:
…There is a Virginia Street in Seattle, I don’t suppose that would help?
In reply to Dan B’s question: I’d be happy to meet at either place. Main attraction is the other Jackals!
Dan B
@Steve in the ATL: My feewings iz huurt.
And there is no Atlanta street in Seattle, so there.
@Dan B:
Do you have a Peachtree Street? Atlanta has plenty to spare.
I live in Columbia City and the Spice Room is delicious.
This website should definitely come to me. That would be hilarious.
Steve in the ATL
@Steeplejack: I love driving home from downtown, where I start on Peachtree Street, which changes its name to Peachtree Road for no apparent reason, then Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, then a rebranded section of PIB that’s just Peachtree Boulevard, then back to PIB, then Peachtree Parkway, which then changes its name to Medlock Bridge Road, then back to Peachtree Parkway, and then, totally exhausted, I turn off of what should just be called state road 141.
Doug R
Why don’t you guys pick a Dick’s?
Yes, that’s Bill Nye.
Hi! I think we can make it after all! The only worry I have is that Cinco de Mayo will probably be celebrated on the 4th because it’s a Saturday, and if that will make traffic bad. .
But I don’t care where you guys decide, we’ll show up.
Dan B, I don’t know where either of those towns are. I’ll have to check the map.
Ok, checked. Not too bad.
@Steve in the ATL:
My favorite is that West Peachtree Street is not one end of Peachtree Street but a separate street that runs parallel to Peachtree Street.
At one point in the late ’90s I determined exactly where Peachtree Street becomes Peachtree Road. It’s around Peachtree Palisades, about where a European café called Intermezzo used to be (maybe still is). Before that there was a great little “health food” café called Nature’s Last Stand in the vicinity. I had a couple of different jobs in that area. That’s ancient history—going back to the ’80s.
ETA: El Torero on PIB is a great Mexican restaurant (i.e., Tex-Mex). If it’s still there.
Dan B
@hitchhiker: Saturday 5:30 PM.
i would vote for the Bistro, but I am Jon Snow, I know nothing
Dan B
I just got back from Bluwater Bistro. It has good water views in the group areas. It may be a bit noisy. There is outdoor dining but it doesn’t look like it would be set up for a group. And there’s the issue of freezing piratedan. I have to talk to the owner tomorrow to find out if they can fit us in with the other group on Saturday. Piratedan wanted seafood since it is Seattle so this would suit his preference better than Spiceroom. They get fresh from Alaska a couple times a week.
Dan B
@piratedan: You’re fast, he says unironically. //
I’ll see what the owner says tomorrow.
@Dan B: is cool, I brought sweatpants and an overshirt, I should be peachy…. unless they give demerit points on style (of which I am devoid)
besides, as you said, this is mostly about meeting fellow jackals, the seafood is simply a bonus :-)
and if it hasn’t been said, ty for taking point on this…
@Dan B:
Thank you! Possible …
Dan B
@hitchhiker: Would earlier be better or worse for you? Of we get in well before the big party it might help and with less noise.
Dan B
@piratedan: There is a nice little patk and marina at the restaurant so arriving early is fun. Attire is casual but above average for Seattle. In other words flannel and down vests but not sweatpants and string t-shirts. It’s possible it will be 70 on Saturday but overcast.
@Dan B: the items I have are a tad more upscale than that, I figured a polo shirt would suit too… I could even wear pants if needed :-)
Dan B
O/T but I won a cat tree from a dog’s dream. Our cats are scared of the new strange smellimg thing so far. Georgetown, old industrial neighborhood now weird artists, stores, and restaurants. A Dog’s Dream fits right in.
Dan B
@piratedan: Don’t tell Cole. He’s got enough trouble with the Willow. Pants would tip him over the edge.
I’d love to be able to join you guys, but we’ve got shit to do this weekend before the SO returns to Port Moller for work. :( The Spice Room is fantastic.
My vote is for the bistro if you’re still wanting votes.
Thanks Dan B! Either place works for me. If Bistro is available that’s my preference.
Seattle is one of the most fashion-casual places on the planet; don’t sweat the sweatpants (unless it gets warm, in which case….).