The Sanders campaign's immediate attacks on Biden were "driven by Sen. Sanders himself," campaign manager Faiz Shakir tells CNN. "He said, 'Why the heck should I wait to draw contrast between the two of us? That is what a primary is all about.'"
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) May 2, 2019
No wonder he’s Donald Trump’s preferred opponent:
… “A track record matters,” Shakir added, “especially in these places that are the pathway to the presidency. Voters in places like Michigan and Pennsylvania want to know that someone has been fighting for them from the beginning. This is not about re-litigating the past. It is about what the past can tell you about the future.”…
A track record, such as Bernie’s…
Last week:
Bernie Sanders signs pledge to run a constructive primary campaign and support whomever is the nominee.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) May 2, 2019
This week:
Bernie Sanders personally engineers strategy to attack Joe Biden
Burn It Down Bernie strikes again.
Same ol’ Bernie.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) May 2, 2019
But we’re under attack by the nasty Democrats! The party is plotting against us, by switching to forums that don’t allow threats & screaming to overwhelm honest debate!
Declining number of caucuses probably hurts Sanders, who did well in such contests in 2016
— Kyle Kondik (@kkondik) May 2, 2019
Gotta admit: I am really enjoying all the extremely online socialists upset today abt Biden's polling numbers and clinging to Bernie's protectionism as if that's gonna save him.
— Scott Lincicome (@scottlincicome) April 30, 2019
Joe Biden: "I voted for comprehensive immigration reform"
Bernie: "I voted against comprehensive immigration reform"
Let the contrasts begin.
— The Bearded Crank (@beardedcrank) May 3, 2019
What's the incentive for the party to nominate Sanders in a contested convention? He personally helped strip the supers he would now need of their power. He has trashed party activists and leaders. He needs a majority of vote and delegates (50%+) to be nominee
— Marcus H. Johnson (@marcushjohnson) May 3, 2019
The fear of Bernie people screaming "rigged" about the dem convention is dumb. They're going to scream rigged no matter what happens, its a grievance campaign. They've been calling polls rigged and fake all week. Called supers rigged last time. They'll yell rigged regardless
— Marcus H. Johnson (@marcushjohnson) May 3, 2019
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
When a blogger at Thinkprogress posted a mild, tame observation that Wilmer stop demonizing all millionaires once he became on himself Wilmer went the the garbage Vichey Times and screamed bloody murder, spawning a hit job on Neera Tanden’s mother.
I’m so phucking* tired of non-Democrats slagging Democrats in the Democratic primary. Just take your bat and ball and GTFO.
* h/t rikyrah
re: Wilmer and the Ds
Can’t help but think of the song from Kiss Me, Kate.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Those farmers in Iowa and New Hampshire hate the trade war.
Anyone remember 2008 primary? How there weren’t any attacks, just promoting policies?
Or maybe not. My recollection is my preferred candidate had his opponent say he couldn’t get white votes (that’s not even a dog whistle, it just blatant). PUMA?
Seems like Obama won the primary and general, even though PUMAs voted heavily for McCain.
My preferred candidate for 2020 has been attacking Joe Biden. She voted for bankruptcy protections, Joe voted for predatory credit card and student loan issuers.
how can we miss Bernie if he’ll never fucking leave?
My Side of Town
Bernie is a not Democrat. He should primary Trump, as I’ve messaged him every time he asks me for money.
My Side of Town
My focus at this point is to try to shame my friends who are Trump supporters (as if that is possible.) I’m still registered independent in Florida, but that could change. I’m keeping my powder dry as if my one vote could effect anything. So I posted this on FB to attempt to persuade:
The current president is a white supremacist and racist (see the Charlottesville); has stated disregard for the Constitution he is sworn to uphold (see attacks on media, violating separation of powers, etc.); has violated its emoluments clause (see shoveling foreign diplomats into his hotels); is an active threat to national security (see, e.g., giving intelligence away to Russia, or damaging immigration policies [which, yes, is a national security matter]); stated his intent not to respect any election results not in his favor (see 2016 and now the midterms campaign); is a sexual predator and degenerate (see Hollywood Access tape, paying off a porn star to keep quiet); incites to violence (see his rallies); has cheated on innumerable business ventures (see, e.g., Trump U) and his spouses (see all of them); invited and assisted a foreign adversary to interfere in our electoral process and done nothing about it (see July 2016, “Russia, if you’re listening”); indulged in nepotism (see his family); advocates against education (see “I love the uneducated” + DeVos); has deep deep ties to Putin (see hour long solo meetings at two summits and Helsinki), and praised other authoritarians; is willfully destroying the environment, consequences be damned (as the Hurricane Maria response shows); is willfully destroying 70 years of US alliances and effective soft power abroad (see the pathetic leakage of our diplomatic corps).
Yeah, and I know Trump supporters think this kind of message makes them look dumb and they resent it, but they think their behavior pisses Democrats off and that is the extent of their thought on the matter. On the other hand they don’t care about conservative credibility in the least.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@wmd: in 2008, Hillary worked her ass off to get Obama elected. In 2016, Wilmer refused to concede, spent the year calling her “crooked”, shouted down everyone at the convention and pushed conspiracy theories that the nomination was stolen. It’s as if he was running the Russian playbook.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Biden’s and Warren’s recent jump in the polls are in appreciate of their support for impeachment. Meanwhile, Wilmer still panders to Dump and his racist voters while savaging Democrats.
It’s telling how uncomfortable and awkward Wilmer was at the “She The People” conference, while he felt so at home at the Fox News town hall.
My Side of Town
He was as much of a Russian asset as Trump and Stein.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Hillary didn’t jump on board . Party Unity My Ass support went to McCain.
Sister Golden Bear
It’s in his nature.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
I’m not disagreeing with you but is it possible that BS is just a flaming asshole with an ego the size of Russia and the common sense of a piece of week old toast?
Sure seems like a possibility.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
We need to rewrite the rules so only registered Dems are allowed to run in our primary; that doesn’t seem like much to ask, really.
We have two possible outcomes with Bernie: he gets the nomination and we lose the election or he loses the primary and spends the rest of his life screeching that the ghost of Hillary Clinton stole his strawberries.
Neither option appeals to me.
Omnes Omnibus
@wmd: Bullshit. You can’t hang the PUMAs around HRC’s neck.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: damn straight. Now go to bed!
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: You’re not the boss of me!
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: [checks org chart] huh—you’re right!
Perfect representation of the Sanders / Dem party relationship.
My Side of Town
Since only Dems may vote in the Dem primary, it’s like wtf ? (at least here) I can vote for a Russian Asset?
Not that many,
“But later studies found that between 24% and 25% of voters who supported Clinton in the primary voted for McCain in the general election.[48]”
@Steve in the ATL: Wait, how did it get to be 2:30 already? (Checks bourbon) Oh.
Omnes Omnibus
@My Side of Town: Wisconsin has the opposite problem. We have open primaries, and you can’t really register as a Dem. You are a Democrat if you say you are one.
@Steve in the ATL:
Check page 2, the bilateral authority page.
My Side of Town
An indication of how powerful the POC vote was, which we should recognize in 2020. Kamala will be the energizer bunny!
@My Side of Town:
If you read the wiki, a suspect portion of PUMA’s and PUMA orgs were rethug rattucking.
Fucking pathetic. Bernie can’t even go a month sticking to his promises.
Warren/Harris FTW
BTW, I know this is off-topic but I only start reading the B-Juice at bedtime, long after all the other threads are dead.
I don’t want to tone-police anyone and I certainly understand where the resentment is coming from but I really think the Mayor Pete hate is misguided.
He’s not responsible for all the attention he’s getting; Pete can’t dictate who does and who does not get a flattering article in the Style Section. It’s the fucking media trying to scam low-information Democrats into choosing an un-electable candidate.
The issue isn’t Pete’s attention hog proclivities; he’s running for office and all candidates are glad to take any media attention offered to them (even from FauxNews, apparently!). The issue is the media trying to fuck us just like they did with Hillary; if Pete gets the nomination it will be 24/7 pearl-clutching about his inexperience and the visceral mechanics of gay sex.
Like noted thespian Ice-T told us in the ’90s: don’t hate the player hate the game.
Pretty weak trolling here tonight. Not complaining, just an observation.
Night shift St. Petersburg doesn’t get the best talent or a full staff.
My Side of Town
Of course. It makes sense, that the last thing they would want was BHO.
Bobby Thomson
@wmd: you are so full of shit. I was as anti-Clinton as anyone in 2008 and I can tell you that even before the primaries had ended she put the word out to all her surrogates to back Obama all the way. PUMA was a Republican-backed group that had all of a few dozen people behind it.
By contrast, Sanders himself whined from the beginning through the damn convention and used his campaign’s own crimes as proof that everything was rigged against him. He did nothing to discourage his people from booing Stacey Abrams and John Lewis and kept the money coming from people who couldn’t afford it with a lie that he was going to flip the supers during the convention week. His supposed campaigning for Clinton in 2016 was just a continuation of his own campaign.
Your candidate made a massive miscalculation in backing Sanders up with that rigged primary bullshit.
In conclusion, please go fuck yourself.
Bobby Thomson
Bullshit. His comms director was quoted as saying she wanted his name and picture everywhere. She’s a nasty ratfucker and those stories didn’t come from nowhere. They never do.
Well. Look who still hasn’t fucked off to the forest and taken up knitting.
Fuck Bernie since the 2016 DNC. Pouty Asshole.
Bobby Thomson
@Jay: and even those are highly suspect, just looking at raw vote totals.
@My Side of Town:
The rethugs probably also did the same ratfuckery on the Obama side.
Dan B
@hervevillechaizelounge: Thanks. Reading the fury aimed at the first openly gay presidential candidate feels personal. There’s a belief that LGBT people are mainstream or there is little harm to us. We only suffer from having a hard time getting wedding cakes. The stories of daily gay bashings don’t make it into the MSM. My partner and I never touch in public. It’s automatic but the fear of being attacked is barely beneath our consciousness. It took Pete until his 30’s to come out because of the fear of not being able to realize his dreams. Mine got squashed in college.
The other piece of Pete’s success, besides being this strange new thing, is he seems to grasp the rules of, and power of, rhetoric. Obama seemed to have that as well. Part of that is weaving your message into a narrative. He makes it easy for the media – a profession living under non stop deadlines.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Bernie’s from Vermont, which is actually a different state from NH, across the river and to the left looking at a map with North at the top. NH is 80% forested, & some of the rest involves water, and a good deal more involves rock; so the farms are pretty much teensy and sell to the locals, just FYI. :-) Trade issues might involve maple syrup production.
OK to be absolutely bloody accurate there have been trade issues involving electrical generation and some sort of gas pipeline (which did not affect me) coming down from Up Noath but it’s too late to remember and describe the details. But we ain’t freakin’ Iowa, dammit.
@Bobby Thomson:
In Canada, you have to be a paid up Party member to vote.
When just before an election, Party Membership balloons, ratfuckery is afoot.
Once Obama was the nominee, rethug pro-Obama ratfuckery was a null, and just disappeared.
@Bobby Thomson:
That’s what Comm’s Directors are supposed to do,
However, given the accomplished field, it’s the MSM buying in, not the Comm’s Director,
Shiny object not a wymmen.
Steve in the ATL
Is this confirmed? Not sure I believe that.
@Bobby Thomson: concur on all points.
@Dan B:
I don’t have any fury at Pete.
Not everybody here isn’t a Russian Troll, Rethug ratfucker or someone with an agenda.
: )
@Steve in the ATL:
Did you check page 2?
@NotMax: I thought that was going to be a different song, for some reason I thought of “Why Can’t You Behave?”
So cynical. Changing opinions and shifting positions are part of our belief in democracy.
@Dan B:
BTDubs, come North for the PDA.
@Steve in the ATL
New Hampshire is the one with the spit of Atlantic coastline.
Vermont, IIRC, is the only state without a governor’s mansion.
Steve in the ATL
@Jay: ha!
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Kattails: Thank you for the correction. Not farmers, but there are a lot of trade jobs
@NotMax: Hawaii is the only state that makes coffee.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
New Hampshire has pumpkins and white potatoes as the State Foods,
Vermont has maple syrup, apples, apple pie and gillifeather turnips,
Not quite, anymore.
Grows coffee, everywhere, even Not ‘Murika makes coffee.
As a Canadjan Socialist I pride myself on making at least two pots a day of fair trade, organic, french press, dark roast, 454 Horsepower, local roast.
@NotMax: Being in California, I had a hard time telling NH and VT apart also. Then I learned that Vermont is Ben & Jerry’s, and New Hamshire is “Live Free or Die”. I gather that NH is a little more flinty than Vermont :-)
@Dan B: Although my top two favorites are SPW and Harris, I like Mayor Pete a lot. He would make a great VP candidate, and his husband is so cute!
While there is a town called Flint in NH, there are no significant flint mines.
Amir Khalid
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
I seem to recall that Levi Wilmerovich sank without trace in his first campaign. Is he still running for office somewhere?
Patricia Kayden
Biden needs to stop praising awful Republicans though.
He recently had to backtrack on his praise of VP Pence.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Jay: Who could ever forget the great White pumpkin riots of New Hampshire
I love it when White people riot – imagine the reaction if POC did this: (photo)
Another Nazi in the US Government outed:
Amir Khalid
@Patricia Kayden:
Unfortunately, Biden can’t stop. One of his selling points is his claimed talent at outreach: “Oh stewardess, I can speak Republican.”
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Amir Khalid: I saw him a couple of weeks ago grifting on his dad’s campaign
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Steve in the ATL
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: “white riot”—a great early Clash song. Can’t recall whether it was written about a pumpkin festival riot.
Our state has
the only license plate with
a dead animal on it.
–Maine song of pride
Anne Laurie
From my personal experience, you can immediately tell when you’re crossing the border between NH and VT — Vermont is much prettier, but there are no off-ramps to fast-food strips & very few rest stops. Which is all in the Green Mountain State’s favor, until you’re on the freeway in the pre-dawn hours searching for a bathroom…
It’s like the difference between Ireland and Scotland; they seem to have a lot in common, but neither one will forgive you for confusing the two!
@Anne Laurie
Nobody orders a Scottish coffee.
They have beer,….
@Anne Laurie: VT used to be the only state without a Wa Mar .
@Jay: If you’re not a state it doesn’t count.
If it doesn’t count,………
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
population of an average congressional district: 710,767
population of District of Columbia: 702,455
population of Vermont: 626,299
Pete Downunder
Just finished reading “Shortest Way Home”, Mayor Pete’s autobiography. It is actually excellent and worth your time.Whether or not he’s electable is another issue; but I would not write him off just yet.
I wouldn’t mind it if those two too each other out.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: there aren’t farmers in NH, not really
Qui-Gon Jinn
Elizabeth Warren has a very timely grudge with Joe Biden
Who will be first to slag Senator Professor Warren in a similar fashion? Anyone?….
It’s strangely comforting to know that as the rightward drift of the Democratic Party slowly circles back to its FDR/New Deal progressive roots, the bulk of the BJ commentariat remains steadfastly entrenched with the increasingly transparent (and self-serving) ethos of Third Way/New Dem neoliberal corporatism.
Even in times as dark as these, the sun is slowly rising. Shadows and light….
John S.
@Anne Laurie:
Hell, sometimes people in Ireland have that reaction to other parts of Ireland.
I remember driving in the car out in western Ireland (County Kerry) with a colleague from Dublin. As we pulled into a village where a client was located, he exclaimed “What the fock is this shite!?”
I don’t think he had ever been out there before, and his reaction was quite funny. Sort of like a New Yorker visiting West Virginia. (/ducks from Cole)
John S.
@Qui-Gon Jinn:
Most of the BJ commentariat has no stomach for BS artists with the initials BS.
Bobby Thomson
@Qui-Gon Jinn:
The poor we will always have with us. And the nym changing trolls who show up every four years out of the delusion that it’s a good use of their time.
Anne Laurie
You’re overlooking NH’s main industry, tourism. Or, as they call it, fleecing the outlanders. They’re very agricultural about it, too! — like those shows where Aussie experts remove the pelts from Merino sheep in one piece, taking only minutes to do so.
@My Side of Town: You could add “Engaged in money laundering (see 6 failed casinos, Deutsche Bank)”. For context, Deutsche Bank has been fined for money laundering, and is the only bank who would lend to DT in later years. No investor would front him for casinos after bankrupting 1 or 2 of them unless bankrupting casinos was the business model.
Biden could easily say that DT is not the honest broker that Obama was. It basically works for any position Biden wants to flip flop on.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Qui-Gon Jinn:
Who will be the first? No doubt, it’ll will be Wilmer. He’ll have no qualms about smearing her. That’s what he does.
Bobby Thomson
@Dan B: OK, but how bad does he have to be before we stop giving him a pass just because he’s gay? He fired a whistleblower, fired all the senior police (who happened to be black), jacked up fine collection so that he could evict the poor and gentrify their neighborhoods, sold a public park for the cash, lied about what Clinton said in her campaign (and made a calculated risk to get the nomination by attempting to appeal to Hillary-Hating Bernie Bros), used racially coded language to describe his campaign, and has presented himself as a Biden Lite who can act as the dumbfuck whisperer.
Not to mention, 37-year-old mayor of a small city run by its civil service bureaucrats with no legislative or foreign policy experience.
zhena gogolia
If a custom-tailored vet / Asks me out for something wet
Qui-Gon Jinn
@Bobby Thomson:
You neglected to mention the politically misguided and misinformed.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions – but not their own (alternative) facts.
No Joe!
Joe Biden’s disastrous legislative legacy
Why So Many Journalists Are Clueless About The Bernie 2020 Campaign
But her emails!!!
@Qui-Gon Jinn:
I think one of the things I find most irritating about both right wing and Bernie trolls is their use of terms which actually have fairly precise meanings as synonyms for “not the candidate I support”. It robs the terms of meaning and limits their utility in describing actual people and policies. It’s basically the flip side of the coin of Orwell’s newspeak. Instead of limiting language to control thought and the ability to relay concepts, you just drain all meaning from language. You don’t limit language to using only the term ungood, just degrade meaning until all critical words mean ungood and are robbed of additional information and nuance.
Citizen Alan
@My Side of Town:
Unfortunately, quite a few of us live in states where Republicans may vote in Dem primaries and often do so to ratfuck us. There was an amusing mini-controversy in the recent Mississippi special election for Senator when one of the GOP candidates attacked the eventual winner, Cindy Hyde-Smith, for having voted for Hillary in the 2008 Dem primary. Left unsaid was the fact that at the time, Rush Limbaugh was encouraging Republicans to cross over where possible to vote for her in order to keep the Dem Primary campaign going and promote division in out party.
Citizen Alan
See my previous comment about Republicans supporting Clinton in the primary for ratfucking purposes.
say, didn’t wilmer decide to change his mind on assault weapons recently?
@Mohagan: Vermont = socialists, New Hampshire = Libertarians
Major Major Major Major
@Bobby Thomson:
Some nasty ratfucker:
IMVAO, fellow jackals;
One, Mayor Buttigieg is running for Senator or Governor of Indiana. He is accumulating a war chest, a national donor list, a lot of national attention and friendly media contacts; and is NOT saying either Mean Things about fellow Democrats, or quotes that the Hoosier GOP will use to call him ‘extremist’. I wish him well in that.
Second, as someone who was a volunteer worker in Eugene McCarthy’s campaign in 1968: To run a ‘Send Them A Message’ campaign like that, or like Sen. Sanders’ in 2016, the candidate needs ‘an ego the size of Russia’ and an ability to give his ‘team’ a ‘we few, we happy few, against the world’ spirit – but not the ability, for either himself or his followers, to Play Well With Others.
Have a great weekend, everyone. Remember the murdered of Kent State, 49 years before tomorrow.
@JAFD: Frankly, I have no problem with Buttigieg as VP. Senator would be fine. It’s just that he’s not among my top picks for President.
And that’s no sin.
@Anne Laurie: Yup. When we did a New England Fall Colors trip in 2016 we definitely felt like NH was way behind VT and MA. Squam Lake was lovely, but in general NH didn’t have anywhere near the charm as MA/VT. But that could also be due to all the damn Trump/Pence signs we saw…
Qui-Gon Jinn
@But her emails!!!:
These are all ‘terms’ which impart fairly precise meanings and/or political positions, should one choose to explore them.
BTW, let’s dispense with the disparaging and diminishing term ‘troll’ – one that often appears in the missives of those who cannot bear to consider perspectives that diverge in any significant way from their own. Those who prefer to live in shadows should not make reference to beings that live under bridges. Perhaps, instead, they should learn to build them.
Here’s a term that has been abused (and perverted) almost beyond measure – electability:
Democrats Have Created an “Electability” Monster
And this time, it’s even eating establishment candidates
@wmd: Hillary was on board. The PUMA people were not part of Hilary’s operation. Hilary was a team players, unlike the PUMA jerks.
@Qui-Gon Jinn:
Then do not behave like one. If you do not understand why this accurate description is being made concerning your comments, you have no business complaining about it.
No One of Consequence
@Kattails: We are freaking Iowa. Kindly, fuck directly off with your generalizations and assumptions.
Are we representative of the nation overall in nearly *any* category? No.
Should we be the one to go first in our primary process every year? No.
Is is appropriate to disparage a people/state/anything of which one has a nearly non-existent understanding? Also, no.
Have a nice day,
– NOoC