2020 candidate Kamala Harris responds to President Trump calling her “nasty”: “His primary interest has been to obstruct justice. My primary interest is to pursue justice. You can call that whatever name you want, but I think that's what the American people want in a leader.” pic.twitter.com/KFuUzZWVA9
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) May 2, 2019
"She nailed every aspect: a strong woman, a professional woman, and tough as bleep. If you want to measure the candidates, you have to watch them in the ring with the most similar to Trump kind of politician. To see her take him on was as good a trial run as Dems are gonna get." pic.twitter.com/Qj5PYImBZ3
— Ian Sams (@IanSams) May 2, 2019
Ms. Harris if you're nasty https://t.co/UJWOHAKeWH
— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) May 3, 2019
Jen Rubin, in the Washington Post:
… Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) asked clipped, insightful and fact-based questions. She left Barr stammering and got him to concede that he had not looked at the underlying evidence before giving his own prosecutorial opinion on obstruction of justice. Even worse, he fumbled around when asked if the president or anyone else at the White House had asked or suggested he investigate someone…
It was the highlight of the hearing for Democrats, and her performance is not likely to be lost on Democratic primary voters. To the extent that they are looking for someone to take down President Trump, the veteran prosecutor offers Democrats someone entirely capable of slicing and dicing a Republican who refuses to acknowledge easily established facts.
One can argue that prosecutorial skills are not generally what we look for in presidential candidates. However, in the case of Trump, Democrats, frustrated with years of dissembling and incoherent assertions, would dearly love to see someone reduce him to a stuttering, defensive figure — just like Barr.
After the hearing, Harris told reporters, “This attorney general lacks all credibility and has, I think, compromised the American public’s ability to believe that he is a purveyor of justice.” Should he resign? Yes, she said simply, before departing. More Democrats and outside legal experts are echoing her opinion, in part because she so effectively revealed Barr to be acting as a ham-handed defense attorney rather than the attorney general…
She’s my first choice! (and Poco’s too!)
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Jennifer Rubin wrote that? Holy shit.
Kamala Harris inspires the hell out of me!
Well, half of them at any rate…
Is there any chance that the Dems will call Rod Rosenstein to testify? I would love to watch Kamala filet him.
While I’m mostly thrilled with the cavalcade of candidates, I think that my Senator is head and shoulders above almost all of them, save SPW.
Our media still insists that it be a white peener-haver.
Her ground game is going to crush some nuts……
Jerzy Russian
That’s my Senator doing what senators should do (and doing it well).
@Quinerly: has poco told Baud?
Ohio Mom
Off-topic but where else to put this bit of follow-up?
The parents of smirker Nick Sandmann from Covington Catholic have filed their third lawsuit against a media company, this time against NBC Universal and MSNBC, for $275 million.
The first two lawsuits are against CNN and the Washington Post.
There isn’t much in the Cincinnati Enquirer I find entertaining but I am enjoying following the Sandmann family’s antics. They could have slunk off into the sunset, aided by the media’s ever shifting attention, but their self-righteousness (and the egging on from some deep pocket on the Right) won’t let them.
P.S. My dream is President Warren appointing Harris as AG.
Mike J
Harris/Inslee is my top ticket.
Harris/O’Rourke would be a dream ticket for me.
ETA: My dream for US AG would be Adam Schiff.
Harris will be on Rachel Maddow’s show tonight.
No more Baud/Poco 2020 campaign?
How is Baud going to find another running mate, who will so eagerly sniff people’s crotches?
I think Harris has the demeanor to not get flustered by the crap that will be thrown against her.
@gene108: word on the street is Mark Halperin is tanned, rested, and ready
@Ohio Mom:
I haven’t been taking notes, are they up to a cool even billion yet?
Entitled people are entitled. Has the promised SCOTUS seat been reserved for the little snowflake?
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: Rubin’s columns have been directly on-topic for quite a while now.
Baud take up slack?
/me sheepishly raises hand.
me too
@Ohio Mom:
zhena gogolia
I would love to wake up to a President Kamala Harris. Any VP is fine with me other than BS.
The Pale Scot
This Florida Man wins today’s internets
Police are looking for the man who dons a blue bonnet and a long red and purple flowered dress to steal baby formula.
His most recent caper was at the Publix on Santa Barbara Boulevard in Cape Coral, but police say the man has hit other stores in North Fort Myers, Fort Myers, Naples, and Punta Gorda while wearing his distinctive outfit.
Video from the Cape Coral Public on April 27 shows the man riding around in a motorized cart, pulling 28 Enfamil Formula cans off the shelf, and then hiding them under his dress…
..We would ask you to be on the lookout, but if you see this man in his peculiar outfit, there’s almost no way you can miss him. But if you do see him or have any information on his identity, call Cape Coral Police
Felanius Kootea
That’s my senator! Go Kamala!
@The Pale Scot:
bwa ha ha ha ha ha hah a
I’d rate her, Biden, Warren and possibly Beto as the only ones who truly have timber to be President. But she’s tougher than all of them.
Major Major Major Major
@The Pale Scot: wtf
@germy: the open casket funeral was a hoot. :)
Steve in the ATL
@Ohio Mom:
My standard response to this type of suit is (and I’m not kidding) “Bring it on, fat boy!”
And I have said that and will continue to say that to people who are neither fat nor boys.
Hmmph ?? ?
John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) Tweeted:
2020 candidate Amy Klobuchar says she can do what President Obama couldn’t: obtain Republican support for Democratic priorities https://t.co/rTqcynwK0e https://twitter.com/JohnJHarwood/status/1123946905166282752?s=17
Steve in the ATL
Good plan. I want President Harris and AG Schiff too, but I’m still flexible on VP. Harris/Poco?
Doug R
@Mike J:
Or Harris/Booker or Warren/Harris.
@Quinerly: I sent her some money this week. She’s my first choice as well as Gracie Lou’s and Heidi too!!
Steve in the ATL
@rikyrah: Bagdad Bobbi Klobuchar
zhena gogolia
Oh, f–k off.
Broken glass and all that, but I hope she fades soon.
@chris: Unfortunately, the Dems can’t call any witnesses in the Senate. And Lindsay the Delicate Flower has decided that hearings are just too much for him to bear.
@rikyrah: No she can’t.
I notice she used her time instead of questioning Barr to promote her bipartisanship.
I can’t even with these candidates who think they can reach out to Republicans more effectively than Obama did. Tire rims, anthrax, etc.
@The Pale Scot:
That’s so very Florida. Kicking off a governorship campaign?
If they wish to catch Scamp & dressguy, watch Craig’s List for formula bargains.
O. Felix Culpa
@rikyrah: Srsly? Then why hasn’t she convinced the Rs to pass a passle of good legislation this session? Or persuaded them not to confirm Boof Kavanaugh?
@Josie: It reminds me of a sci-fi horror film like “Mars Attacks”
“Wait! I think I can reason with them!”
[smoking carcass]
@Steve in the ATL: Well, they’re my top 2 so I put them in the ticket together. And if having Beto on a ticket with Harris gives Dems a chance to take Texas and to vote out the awful John Cornyn, I’d be thrilled. I might even dance on a table.
Miss Bianca
@germy: Makes me want to see “Alien”, finally! Four-star review!
@rikyrah: Yeah, right.
West of the Rockies
I adore Harris and am almost as thrilled with Warren. I know nothing about Inslee except that he’s mongo pro-environment, so that gets my feelers twitching.
Gin & Tonic
Here’s a Twitter post linking to a WaPo story, excerpted from a new book about Major Taylor.
Those of us who follow cycling of course know about him, but others may not. He was the first black sports superstar in the US, in bicycle racing. In the late 1890’s and early 1900’s bicycling was extremely popular, and bicycle racing, particularly on indoor velodromes, was huge, both in Europe and the US. Major Taylor not only broke the color barrier in that sport, he won everything there was to win on both continents and was the highest-paid professional athlete of his time. I’m looking forward to reading the book.
@Ohio Mom: I hope the judge dismisses the case then gives Nick and his parents a verbal beatdown.
This shit is ridiculous.
O. Felix Culpa
@rikyrah: Sen. Klobuchar was never one of my top-tier candidates, but she’s dropping fast. I won’t support anyone in the primaries who says delusional things like they can work with Republicans.
@clay: Thanks, that’s what I thought but a boy can dream.
I’m a Californian so of course I’m predisposed to support Kamela. Has Bernie attacked her yet or is he waiting for her to rise in the polls?
See, if we nominate Kamela, California will at least elect another Democrat for the Senate. A lot of these states with Democratic Senators running can’t make that case.
@O. Felix Culpa: She and Wilmer are waiting to be elected President before springing their intricately detailed master plans to bring Republicans to the table and get them to actually govern for the people.
@Ohio Mom: F**k these entitled mayo Ft. Fascist Nazis. I ate at a Skyline right up the street from there on Wed and I’m still smudging my mojo.
@kindness: How long would Harris’s appointed replacement serve before an actual election?
@West of the Rockies: I’ve given money to Inslee’s campaign and even plugged for him here. A successful governor should be on the debate stage and he meets that criterion. Honestly, though, he acted like a dick this week. He was livid that O’Rourke put out a well-received climate plan and went on to attack him for vague reasons even after signing Indivisible’s pledge to run a constructive campaign and support fellow Dems. Inslee can and should do better than that. I’m willing to look past it, so long as it’s not repeated. Campaigns are grueling…
West of the Rockies
Senator Jerry Brown? If he wanted it, he could walk right in.
@O. Felix Culpa:
And she’s in the Senate, observing Turtle run the place like his personal country club and grift machine.
Looking at the 2020 senate seats and heeding the forthcoming SCOTUS capitulation on the census immigrant question, I don’t see how we pry it back. Ugh.
Roger Moore
I don’t think Bernie has attacked her personally, but his fans certainly have. Their anti-Harris bleat is that she’s evil because she served as DA and Attorney General, which means she’s part of the prison-industrial complex.
@gene108: Poco has felt a bit ignored by Baud. He campaigned hard in NC for 7 weeks in February and March, and Baud didn’t even reach out. Poco sez, “Baud will have to sniff his own crotches.” ?
West of the Rockies
Yes, everyone occasionally looks bad and steps in it. I recall feeling a kind of despair after the first Obama/Romney debate; but Barack brought it all the next time.
@mrmoshpotato: Probably till the next election but I honestly don’t know the succession laws here. It hasn’t happened in my time.
There will be two years left in the term (Boxer’s old seat). Have no idea what the CA constitution says about a replacement–governor appoints, special election…?
I’d like to see a Senator Schiff.
Roger Moore
@West of the Rockies:
I would love to see Senator John Chiang. He was my favorite in the governor’s race, and I think he’d make a fine senator.
@Gin & Tonic:
Worcester, represent!
West of the Rockies
@Roger Moore:
I’d be good with him or Schiff. Maybe Abrahms wants to move west?
@Gin & Tonic:
I have the Major Taylor book that came out twenty or so year ago. Wonder what new information this one dug up?
Those multi-day track races…nuts!
Baud has more than one? Although I guess I’m impressed by his flexibility, must be years of yoga.
@Roger Moore:
What about the guy with the demon sheep ad? He sounds like an up-and-comer. (Or was that Carly who ran those? I can never remember.)
@West of the Rockies:
Becerra is probably best-positioned for the seat, if lacking national recognition. I’m-a stop getting ahead of myself since it could be MA looking for a new senator.
That was Carly, spending some of her HP parachute cash.
@trollhattan: CA requires a special election as quickly as one can be organized. We have a ton of people who can run for that seat. I expect Swalwell would run, possibly either or both of the new Katies.
i love these stories because it’s been going on since the financial crash. They hold an “elite gathering” where they insist they are all about broadbased prosperity. “You guys. Holding elite gatherings to talk about the scruffy mob beneath you to show you’re not elitists…is elitist”
Scary! The most powerful people in the world are scared of 2000 public school teachers picketing a statehouse.
I think 5% is a good starting offer though and we should counter. I’m glad one of them is open to practical solutions :)
Felanius Kootea
@Roger Moore: I voted for Chiang for governor in the primaries. He should definitely run for the senate.
@tobie: That’s the ticket my son wants. We know that the DOJ is going after Biden’s son in order to help trump. We assume they have a file on all the candidates, since it’s the new world that we live in.
@Ohio Mom: Would it be too much to hope that the Sandmanns bankrupt themselves with judgements against them from all these frivolous lawsuits? Let the supposed benefactors currently egging them on instead cut them lose to face the wolves of angry creditors seeking to collect those judgments.
@rikyrah: Not as long as Sen McConnell has his position, madam. You’re dreaming…
I agree Harris is very strong and she’s my second choice after Warren. I have a smaller field because I’m voting for a woman in the primary. This is my identity and men vote on identity politics too so two can play this game.
We have a man in our local Democratic group who has now whined to me TWICE “can we have a man this time?” I can’t even look at him at this point. That someone could say this to me, someone who votes for men constantly, is just amazing.
patrick II
Barr has been called for acting like the president’s defense attorney rather than the attorney general of the United States. However, I see Barr is going way beyond the legal obligations for even a person’s defense attorney. A personal defense attorney doesn’t misrepresent the law and lie under oath, the first of which would get him disbarred, and the second sent to prison. Barr’s performance has so little to do with truth and law that Barr seems to have gained a sense of personal invulnerability from his previous coverups. I hope this time he is wrong.
I also like Klobachur for different reasons than Harris and Warren, so I have a really good field. I can’t lose in the female primary I’m holding all by myself :)
West of the Rockies
@patrick II:
I hate Barr’s fat, round face with its dull, bloated look.
Harris is *fantastic* on video and audio, but I do think her social media team needs a lot of work.
I see her being active, vivacious and inspiring and then I check her facebook posts and they’re super wordy. Dignified, but… “As I see it, there is a “conflict of interest” in the Mueller investigation: President Trump has an interest in obstructing justice, and Robert Mueller has an interest in pursuing justice. Attorney General Barr has chosen to side with the President. He needs to go.” is way, WAY too long and puts the action “Barr Needs To Go” at the very end rather than the beginning.
ETA: I should also note that she tweeted “What I just saw from the Attorney General is unacceptable. Barr must resign now”, which is much better.
@patrick II:
Barr is acting like a mafia consigliere.
@Gravenstone: I don’t speak for Ohio Mom, but no problem here with them burning through all their money.
@Kay: Does your insurance cover eye injury due to involuntary eye rolling?
Does his insurance cover injury due to getting involuntarily smacked?
@Kay: Us men are awfully good at not figuring out our privilege or what our experience looks like to others. >_<
I do think it's possible to say that "I'd like to vote for a man because I think they'll have a much better chance of winning". It's sort of wrong (and definitely sad) but that's not what your guy was saying.
Joe Falco
For this many candidates, I wish my state had ranked choice voting so I could vote for the candidates that should be considered at the top of the pack.
I’d be perfectly fine with Harris topping a presidential ticket.
@MisterForkbeard: What I personally think is great is that people who are starting to recognize Harris are doing so because of these hearings and appearances, and not because she has a communications director pushing puff pieces into national newspapers. She isn’t simply talking about herself. And anyone whose schtick is “I can work with the other side” might as well go home as far as I am concerned.
Totally agree about the online stuff. It needs a lot of work for Harris.
@West of the Rockies: Yeah, he kinda looks like John Goodman’s brother who flunked out of school and became an alcoholic.
So, when does Harris’s husband get a feature in the WaPo style section?
@patrick II: “Barr’s performance has so little to do with truth and law that Barr seems to have gained a sense of personal invulnerability from his previous coverups. I hope this time he is wrong.”
I agree. The arrogance is pretty evident. He exudes meanness and dishonesty. I see darkness. Much more darkness than in someone like Rosenstein who is a pretty weak character.
It irritates me to no end that in many corners Barr is viewed as someone who was respected but has “changed” for the worse. He was always a political hack. Iran Contra and all.
@Barbara: Yeah. Klobuchar’s “I can take these terrible republicans who reflexively hate everything we can do and magically make them agree with me” is pretty bad.
Totally agree that Harris has had a number of moments where she really shines, and it’s all organic and from when she’s doing her job or having genuine interactions. Her social media is also kind of cool in a way: She was doing posts for every day of Black History month focusing on a different person, and did something similar for women as well. The problem is that while she’s paying attention to all these cool people and their stories, it comes across as kind of scattershot.
She also has a bevy of trolls who pounce on every post she makes (twitter or facebook). They used to accuse her of being a whore – now they’re more focused on “pandering”, accusing her of pandering for literally everything. Including things like.. congratulating her alma mater on a big achievement. It’s super weird, but I think they’re going to try and tar with the the “inauthentic” brush as hard as they can, with a side order of sexism and racism.
Mike in NC
@Cacti: His boss is a mobster from Queens.
Salty Sam
Damn you tarragon, now I’ve got to clean all this coffee off my monitor…
Castro made it into the debates!!
@MisterForkbeard: The troll phenomenon is true for just about every candidate’s twitter feed, I think. I’ve checked out a few (with the exception of Bernie’s) and they all seem to have a bunch of bots saying vile things. Really awful stuff. Makes you want to take a shower immediately.
They are trying this because the Kamala is a Cop bullshyt didn’t take off.
@Steve in the ATL:
I’ve been kinda hoping I’d see that kinda opinion from a lawyer
@germy: Also, too- the woman ends up being the absolute most bad-ass character!
Cons lose about 1100 councillor seats, almost ten times the labour’s loss of about 100 and lose about half of their councils.
Theresa May: We oughta stay the course and deliver brexshit for the very voters who gave us the the collective finger.
Mary G
@MisterForkbeard: Another satisfied Kamala constituent here.
Agree about her social media team; it’s improved from terrible to crappy so has a long way to go. Her husband @douglasemhoff is great though.
That CA Senate seat has been held by a woman for 27 years now. We rock! I was also super impressed by John Chiang, so I’d be OK with him.
Agreed. I have no problem with that. It’s also true to a certain extent, IMO and I’m glad those who go in that direction are saying it.
The Moar You Know
@rikyrah: No, she can’t. It would be nice if she could, but not Jesus Christ himself could get the GOP to sign on to a single part of his own agenda, never mind that of Democrats.
In ’08 our county chair told the room that he was backing Clinton because a black guy will not win the general. It’s better to talk about it than not talk about it.
It’s the “this time” that gets me. Because that one time the woman lost. “You blew it! That’s it for women!” What?
@West of the Rockies: Jerry Brown would make the turtle’s head explode, wouldn’t he?
Ruh roh.
The WaPo runs the first feature story on Wilmer’s honeymoon trip to the Soviet Union:
I wonder what would have happened to his hosts if they’d leveled any criticism of the USSR? Or to Wilmer, if he’d done the same?
@plato: Thanks for the update. Glad to see Brexiteers got it in the pants.
Mary G
@Kay: I know. I am infuriated every day when Dave Weigel quotes a bunch of unnamed Democrats saying that we shouldn’t nominate a woman again because a man has a better chance of getting elected.
This unmitigated BULLSHIT has got to stop.
James E Powell
Curious to know if she explained how she is going to do that. Is it a Secret Plan? Does she have a magic ring?
The thing that she and the press/media will never acknowledge is that refusing to cooperate with Democrats is not only a central component of the Republican brand, it is also necessary for most of them to survive a primary.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
His polling in Ky has been pretty bad lately. You never know. However, I wouldn’t bet on it. Koblacher is an absolute fool if she thinks she can get any Republican votes for her agenda. Where has she been for the last 10-20 years?
BTW, you were right yesterday. I was a little too jumpy and I overreacted on a probably infrequent commenter/lurker. I’ll try not to do that in the future
@James E Powell: Leading with leadership? Can’t imagine Mcconnell playing along.
just vetting, Dear…
@Mary G:
I’m okay with that. That to me is “it’s not your fault but it is our problem” which is just stating reality. I don’t like it when it’s used as “what about ME? I’m a man!” OMFG it’s all about you, bud.
I don’t think Democrats talk about enough about how Clinton had some percentage of lost support among Democrats because she’s female. I saw it. It’s real. We have to be able to talk about it in some fashion.
The US Chamber of Commerce is a huge grift machine too, so there’s a shocker.’
Wouldn’t it be wild is some of these Right wing groups collapsed in a heap of corruption and lawsuits and infighting? Helpful!
@Kay: The bedrock assumption that many of them have that their needs come immediately front of the line is my button, You know many who haven’t been economically anxious and for a hell of a lot longer white man? Take a number.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Seriously, were do idiots him come from, what the hell does Mr Purity there thinks went on in the Warsaw Pact countries and Mongolia? Never mind the Soviet Union literally erased the Baltic States from the map. I am pretty sure it was smug, ignorant twats like Sanders that made me a conservative back in the day.
I’m dead. (Article attached.)
Andrea Mitchell has reported that Trump called Putin today and discussed the conclusions of the Mueller report. I imagine the conversation went something like this:
Trump: Well, Vlad, we managed to knee-cap Mueller’s investigation enough that he couldn’t dig up the dirt on our relationship.
Putin: Very Good, Donald. You are so clever. Now go after Mueller. I’ll be advising on how to proceed.
Trump: Thanks, boss.
Putin: No problem. My team will also send you dirt on any of the top contenders in the Democratic field.
Good on Harris, but here’s my complaint about the Democratic performance during the Barr testimony and in other instances of late. Why didn’t someone else follow up on her questions?! Why doesn’t the D party exhibit some of the damn discipline the Republican party does by making sure questions are cohesive and build on each other?
Of course, the deadbeat thug didn’t pay. Karma, texans.
mad citizen
Major Taylor from Indianapolis; the Velodrome bears his name. He is often mentioned in Indy history.
The thing I find disqualifying about Barr appearance-wise is pairing the brown tortoise shell frames with his grey hair. It clashes. Of course he’s a tremendous a-hole as well.
Did Congress-people call on AG John Mitchell to resign in the 1970s? That’s not the route I want here for Barr. Charged and convicted is the way yo go.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
at last look, it was 18%
Omnes Omnibus
@mad citizen: How would Barr’s resignation prevent him from being charged with and convict of any crime he has committed?
mad citizen
@Omnes Omnibus: I hope it wouldn’t for sure, but in today’s world it seems resigning and then people forgetting about you is Standard Operating Procedure.
I’m 100% on board with full prosecution of all of these criminals.
More than half, but the ones who vote are the only ones who matter (for the purpose of this discussion).
I still believe that if everyone voted who does not have a serious obstacle to voting (in the form of voter suppression), we would win a lot of races in landslides.
zhena gogolia
You’re reminding me of the friend who’s all upset because our G.P. is being replaced by a woman. “I guess I’ll have to get used to having a woman as my doctor . . . .” Tell me about it. Male G.P. growing up, male gynecologist when I was 18 years old, and on from there . . . .
zhena gogolia
@West of the Rockies:
Me too. He’s verging on being as loathsome as DJT.
zhena gogolia
@West of the Rockies:
I also hate the openly contemptuous way he answers questions from Dems. Hillary or Holder would never have done that.
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: I was delighted when my PCP was replaced by a woman.
zhena gogolia
Paging Kay. Good news?
@Gin & Tonic:
@lamh36: Hurrah! He’s only about my third choice, but he is very impressive and deserves to be heard.
Gin & Tonic
@TenguPhule: Bqhatevwr. You know what I mean.
J R in WV
Hummppf indeed. ONe more reason not to support Senator Klobuchar for President. She appears to be delusional about Republicans and what they intend to do.
@Gin & Tonic: For about 8 years I went to a ex-jarhead officer GP who treated me like I was a boot. I finally a female GP and she’s great except you always has to tell me she had stubby fingers when. . . you know!
The guy from my RI outfit who I stayed in touch with the most finally passed away. He was 77 and it reminds me how young I was when I ended up in a NG outfit with all those seasoned Nam avoiders. It’s so strange to me that this guys had an MSW from BU, worked in that area his whole career and was a total RWNJ. His obit is in the Prove Journal. . . and on the Tucker and Quinn page. . . “Outlaw”!
Nadler has apparently given Barr till Monday morning to comply with a subpoena or be held in contempt. Good move, I think.
zhena gogolia
Where has Rhiannon Giddens been all my life?
Jeez, listening to Trump lately, it’s like President Rush Limbaugh. The U.S. government and Fox News now speak with one voice. Apparently Trump no longer has any minders, ‘he’s off the chain’ now. It’s just repellent.
@Gin & Tonic: Once when riding the Major Taylor Trail here in Chicago I ran into some cyclists belonging to the Major Taylor Bicycle Club from the Minneapolis area. It’s good that he’s not forgotten.
I think that “nasty” is a word that Trump has frequently used to describe women that he does not like. I don’t think he uses it against men.
Have any conservative pundits had the courage to condemn Trump for this?
@trollhattan: Was it Carli? I thought it was that Meg person.
zhena gogolia
Demon sheep was Carly.
@laura: Who is “SPW”?
Senator Pelizabeth Warren?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Brachiator: I wondered about that word. It’s an odd choice, with connotations of unsavoriness.
J R in WV
@Gin & Tonic:
“Major Taylor.”
REminds me of a funny situation in the long ago. I was working on a finance system, and had an accountant assigned to help me with their end of the work.
Very bright guy from Eastern Kentucky, a LT in the National Guard, he had an old family name. His full name was Colonel (nmi) Crabs [not his real last name!], and if he used his Army rank, he was Lt Col Crabs. Which he did on rare but important occasions.
Good to work with, no BS, a big help to me with the chart of accounts. Lt Col Crabs. Heh, will never forget!
zhena gogolia
All I can think of is Senator Pocahontas Warren, but that can’t be it!
Not the Onion.
J R in WV
Very good to see you around here again! Hope all is well with your many projects! Traveled some lately?
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are you listening to this shit?
Stop trying to bargain with the fucker and just throw the book at him already!
@zhena gogolia: Senator Professor Warren. A Charlie Pierce nickname.
Gin & Tonic
@J R in WV: Well, “Major” wasn’t his real first name, it was Marshall. Stories are that he got the nickname when performing stunts at a bike shop wearing a military uniform. But he was always known as Major Taylor in his professional career.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
The press is doing a spotty job of tracking Trump’s use of the word. But it is clearly one he goes to.
NYT, yesterday:
I really despise Trump. There is truly something wrong with him, especially when it comes to what he thinks about women. That he is president is a kind of cosmic insult.
Chyron HR
Superintendent Chalmers: “Good lord, what are you doing with the President of the Russian Federation?”
President Skinner: “We discussed Trade, Venezuela, Ukraine, North Korea, Nuclear Arms Control and even the “Russian Hoax.” Very productive talk!”
Chalmers: “Can the American people see?”
Skinner: “…No.”
@Kathleen: Mmmmm, Skyline.
@J R in WV: At my first assignment, our unit assigned chaplain was a major. Major Dicks. Yes, us youngin’s laughed pretty damn hard at that, but he was a really nice guy. I’m for certain that I taught a few Airmen who had funny (rank)(last name) combos but they escape me at the moment.
@TenguPhule: discussing trade with Putin can only mean one thing: ending sanctions. Democratic leaders better have a serious discussion of how to move forward this weekend, because the constitutional crisis is not about to happen. It has happened and we’re on the verge of losing our country to the brownshirts.
The woman runs, loses and all women for all time are defeated by their gender. Men have been running for 200+ years and not all of them won, with quite a few of them not coming anywhere close and it’s we want, men! And of course she was so bad that her rival hired her as Sec State, which she did well. As a quasi member of the old boys club by birth I apologize for most of the members who belong in the same way that I do, by happenstance and who don’t see said membership as giving them any special rights or privileges.
BTW my choices are, in order, Abrams(not running), so Harris, Warren……. The tickets I’d like to see is Harris/Warren or Harris/Abrams, Warren/Abrams, Harris/Beto, Warren/Mayor Pete?
He is a disgusting, filthy degenerate.
So she was the Night Queen? (GoT reference)
I’ll see myself out.
@tobie: This confirms my thoughts for the last 18 months or so. the GOP representatives are traitors. The House should communicate to those they want to testify and let them know if they don’t voluntarily testify they will be subpoenaed and if they don’t show, they will be held in contempt Let these pieces of shit have to hire lawyers and foot the bills.
No compromises! Why should you compromise with traitors?
BTW, if Trump and Pence wants an investigation into the FBI conduct and the “spying” issues, maybe the House should lead the way. Have open hearings and call witnesses, but make sure Barr has as little to do with an investigation as possible, because he is in Trump’s pocket (perhaps better put up Trump’s ass).
@zhena gogolia: Senator Professor Warren
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@janesays: “She Persisted” Warren?
Orange is the New Red
@SFAW: I had no idea that’s where Major Taylor Boulevard came from. Cool.
J R in WV
No, no, the Mayor, Pete, is a pretty good… wait… oh,
Yea, you meant the President, go ahead, a disgusting, filthy degenerate, what else? Surely you didn’t stop there?
Mary Ellen Sandahl
Trump also uses “disgusting” a lot, which seems related to “nasty” in having strong overtones of something more visceral than disagreeing with someone’s opinions or disliking the way they express them. More like gut revulsion..But we know he’s got a lot of peculiar physical phobias about germs; Colbert did a riff Fri. night on a report about how Trump’s waitstaff have to serve him Diet Coke in a plastic cup with a straw, in such a way that he never sees anyone handling the straw