You’d think if anyone would blithely accept the elevation of a second-place finisher over the first, it would be Pendejo Naranja, but no:
Does anyone know what prompted the fool to babble about “political correctness” in this context? I don’t think the disqualified horse is white…
Chief Oshkosh
Nothing deep; he lost a bet.
Mike R
Got to keep the base aggrieved, he sure can’t discus substantive issues, unless it is what pant load he has because his diaper hasn’t been emptied. The base is so stupid they only hear buzz words, relationship to reality not a requirement.
Maximum Security’s lane shift produced NO OBSTRUCTION!!! There was NO COLLISION!!!!
The name of the winner that was ousted is Maximum Security. I’m assuming the nutter thinks it was about the name?
My guess is he saw people complaining about it on the Fox network.
A mí me gusta.
Trump would hate short track speed skating.
He seems to feel like his job is to be the nation’s loudmouth at the office water cooler commenting on yesterday’s sports. Such a shallow, worthless individual.
@marklar: There was no collusion because they were not bright enough to know they were colluding.
Will the state now install new signs declaring it is the state of Kentuky
Apropos of my first coffee: Ginia Bellafante’s article in the nyt today is good. Yikes. Our justice system needs an infrastructure week, because it’s infrastructure is so weak. And monstrous. Now I’m all agro.
Mike in NC
Maybe the Turtle should brief Fat Bastard on how to spell the name of his state correctly.
Playing by the rules is now an exercise in “political correctness.” See how that works? If I win by not playing by the rules that govern the game and get called on it, I am a victim of the political correctness bogeyman. I bleat and pound the ground with my fists and feet, and hope that people question rules and norms rather than my failure to respect them.
Betty Cracker
@NotoriousJRT: That rings true. The role “political correctness” grievance played in 2016 is underestimated, IMO. It encompasses racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc., but seems to be endlessly elastic.
No body caught the Kentucky misspelling?
What an uncouth illiterate thug.
@NotoriousJRT: Sometimes I wonder if I’m just as nuts as they are when I see authoritarian modes of behavior as part of their ruling plan, but you just described it perfectly. Destroying norms is a full time job and must involve all aspects of social life and society.
You actually made me laugh out loud.
For those of you unaware of the actual reason for the disqualification–Maximum Security was disqualified for effectively obstructing Country House by bumping two other horses into its way during the race.
Mueller is testifying in front of the House on May 15th. Today will be a day of mean tweets, unlike the other days.
So I guess Trump won’t be inviting the winning horse to the White House for hay burgers.
OTOH, Trump frequently invites horse’s asses to the White House.
@cmorenc: They are the only ones that will show up without being coerced.
A Streeter
@Mike in NC:
Um, “Commonwealth of Kentuky”?
“Rough and tumble” horse racing? Then you be the horse next time, you asshole.
How does your brain ever sleep with all those flowers like Pendejo Naranja popping up.
Betty Cracker@top
Love what you have done with his face. And thanks for protecting us from his visage.
The coastal elites have forced the “ck” long enough on the upstanding citizens of Kentuky.
The Dangerman
He’s had a giant grievance “Wheel of Fortune” installed in the White House; first he decides what he wants to bitch about (Facebook, Kentucky Derby), then he spins the wheel to decide what to blame (“Facebook is mean to conservatives; very unfair”, “political correctness”).
It doesn’t have to make sense; it’s simply whatever the wheel lands on. It’s buzzword bingo in it’s most distilled form, like a fine Kentucky Bourbon.
When I posted yesterday that Trump was gonna bitch about the horserace; I figured, no, not really. I guess I underestimated him.
Hopefully, he never lands on the wheel slot that says “Invade Venezuela”.
ETA: Wheel slot, Donald. SLOT. Stormy isn’t visiting you in the White House. Carry on, Sir.
Um, since when has Trump’s Twitter avatar been a surprised pig? Ah, wait… I can see now that there’s some unauthorized superposition there. Carry on.
No White House staffer is going to tell Trump that he is wrong, or *gasp* made a mistake about something.
Isn’t Kentuky a Commonwelth? I mean, in name, not in reality, but still …
ETA: I see Streeter beat me to it
And those are his attractive qualities.
Another of his confessions by projection.
The best person did not win the Presidency — not even close!
He doesn’t want to be the only one there, I assume.
@JPL: Do we know if it be public testimony or not?
“Surprised”? Looks more like the wide-eyed stare of a moron.
“What should we do about global warming?”
“What do you want to do about the economic threat from China?”
and so on.
@The Dangerman: “..giant grievance Wheel of Fortune”–delightful. That got an out-loud laugh.
@NotoriousJRT: Yes, of course. We’ve been missing it all along. If sports didn’t have any stupid rules, it would be impossible to cheat. See, rules create criminals. No rules, no cheating, no criminals, no collusion. Perfectly logical.
I’mma gonna go eat my nice corn muffins that have now cooled enough.
Pretty sure that’s hay berders.
Thanks everyone for being so funny on a rainy morning. I am still mourning Ruffian so I haven’t watched the Derby for a long time.
He’s known to hire them also.
Speaking of Kenfuckty, Ozark posted comment in garden thread below about 5G’s impact on accurate weather forecasting. This New Yorker article reviews the potential for massive security breaches and other issues related to 5G rollout (hint: it really is terrifying, as in we are so Kenfucktied):
Some big bettors lost money. Since he didn’t profit from that, he identifies with the gamblers. Therefore someone cheated. The tweet-jockey of the OO told him he can’t call the track a cheat. Synonym for cheating … political correctness.
It’s a shot at the Senate majority leader. Yes, the are that craven and petty.
Amir Khalid
I look forward to learning about the states of Luisiana, Missisipi, Masachusets, and Califonia.
@WaterGirl: One assumes. It’s possible that trump interferes with the planned testimony though. I imagine fox will air the caravans coming from Central America that day.
I have baby duty the fifteenth, so it might interfere with the babies walk. Oh well even a three month old needs to adapt in the age of trump.
@Kathleen: There’s a lot of hype about 5G. Comm engineers I’ve spoken to say it’ll (maybe, in principle) be useful in densely populated areas. But maybe not, since signals at the 5G frequencies are blocked by… tall buildings.
@MattF: I was hoping to hear from Juicers who work with networks or in some related capacity (no pun intended). Thanks for weighing in! I think the article mentions that as well. But the security concerns it outlines are terrifying.
“Political correctness” means a lot of things. Sometimes it means “we can’t say Christmas or call people ‘homos’ anymore.” But I think what it’s supposed to mean here is “snowflake losers whining that things are unfair.” Because Republicans all think that they are hardworking and tough-minded. Even Trump, who is the laziest, whiniest baby who ever babied.
Watch for new state seal:
“Things are just duky
In Ken tuky”
He misses those better days. When riders slashed each other’s faces with whips and no one worried about horses going down. “PC!” probably includes the horse-huggers who talk about closing the Santa Ana track.
It’s the B-Cracker enhancement he so warrants.
Mike in Pasadena
Good call by the stewards. The rule prevents the killing of horses and jockeys. Political correctness is a criticism employed by people who think all rules are unfair and exist only to protect the weak. Mr. T is pathetic. We already knew that.
@FlipYrWhig: I think the ‘political correctness’ comment follows from the basic assumption that anything that happens anywhere is really about Donald Trump and the disrespectful treatment he gets from ungrateful losers. It’s Trumpian axiomatics.
I’m depressed to admit that I have now witnessed so much of Trump’s “thinking” that I already knew yesterday he would have something stupid to say about this for the following Trumpian reasons:
1. Everyone saw that there was a clear winner of the race and everyone is saying that no one cares if rules were broken in the race because all that matters is winning.
2. Only losers play by the rules. Rules were made to be broken–by winners.
3. A bunch of know-nothing officials (liars and haters) stuck their noses in to enforce rules that no one cares about just to take a well-deserved victory away from the real winner.
4. The chief of these officials is a nasty woman who just did it because she’s a lying hater who doesn’t know anything about how to win.
5. These officials should be investigated. Lock them up!
Now do you understand why this pissed him off? He’s taking it personally.
The horse declined.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Mike in NC: Speaking of evil turtles, why has he disappeared so thoroughly and completely from our headlines and awareness? He is just as evil doing just as much damage to democracy. But we appear to have stopped paying attention.
karen marie
Why would it matter what race it is? Do rules change or are they relaxed during major competitions in other sports? Seems to me, if a rule was violated that would result in disqualification in a routine race, the judges did the right thing. Another article I read said the two horses who were affected by the lane change would have placed in the top 3 but for the incident.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Amir Khalid:
I think native pronunciation is “Missipi”, which simplifies the reformed spelling even more.
karen marie
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: “We” haven’t stopped paying attention but for some reason the media has never been interested in scrutinizing or even doing basic reporting about McConnell. It’s always baffled me.
@karen marie: Isn’t that what he means, though? That he’s pleasantly surprised the judges enforced the rules as they would for a common race that no one particularly cares about, even when adjudicating the most high-profile race in the sport?
Betty, he’s probably pissed because he lost $$ on the disqualified horse.
@karen marie: I don’t get that either. He should be at least as much a hate figure as Nancy Pelosi is to Republicans.
Villago Delenda Est
@cmorenc: Grifting fundigelical offal, for example.
Me, too.
Horses and riders going down is part of the fun of a day at the track for someone without empathy. Political correctness to a bully is about interference with his desires.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@karen marie:
Before he retired, there was a joke floating around that Michael Jordan would have to book a flight on Expedia in order to get called for travelling.
It’s not so much an official rule relaxation as the officials tend to “not see” violations for certain players.
At least that is what it seems like to me.
Millard Filmore
Do you mean the Santa Anita track?
@karen marie: It is the same thing when people gripe during championship games in any sport that the refs should just let everyone play the game, never mind how blatant the foul. This is usually the hue and cry of the losing team’s supporters. Unless you lost because the ref failed to call a penalty on the other side. Then you have a different way of seeing things.
He will invite them only if they are not as big a horse’s ass as he is. He is the biggest, bestest horse’s ass and no one should forget that, especially all the other horse’s asses.
@karen marie: speaking for the NBA, fouls are typically less frequently enforced during the playoffs.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I had the same thought. And whichever crony (Tom Barrak? Jared? MBS?) tried to bribe him by giving him the favorite will now say they can’t accept tainted winnings
Folks, I touched base with my friend in Kentucky, whose family has been in racing for generations. It was clear to her that in fact Maximum Security was startled by the roar of noise as he came around the bend and stumbled into the path of the other horses. It’s called interference, and whether intentional or not, it’s a disqualifier. A lot of the big time players lost moolah. Mind you, whoever bet on Country House made a bundle: $163 to 1.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Most of the media gives him a pass. He’s just going to what he does to support Republicans no matter how evil that might be. The media doesn’t frame it that way of course. They’ll say he’s just crafty and experienced and outsmarting the Democrats again.
I was just thinking about it this morning. Why isn’t the media harassing the Republicans about Trump? I know they’ll just brush everything aside but hardly any pressure has been put on them to answer for Trump. Why does the administration want Obamacare repealed when millions of people will lose insurance and the Republicans lost in the 2018 elections because of this?
Instead you just gets stories like the Democrats better hope their questioning of Mueller doesn’t backfire or independents hate talk of impeachment.
The Republicans have no responsibility to save Democracy I guess.
I see you’ve met a particular competitor we had in the professional sport that I worked in. Was caught several times blatantly cheating, and found out the price for that. But of course none of what he got caught for was his fault. It was all my fault for catching him. BTW he’s a mega asshole in case that obvious point hadn’t occurred to anyone.
And these security concerns have already caused a mess in the UK. From BBC News:
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Tazj: The media seems entirely focused on 2020, which they treat like a horse race with no deeper consequences. All discussion of Trump is framed to analyze how it will affect that. There’s minimal room for discussion of the effect on democracy or on our lives. It might sound like they’re discussing whether Trump violated the law, but that’s a subtext under whether following through will be good or bad for his electoral chances. In itself, it’s treated as if it doesn’t matter
Felanius Kootea
Oh my God I just saw video footage on twitter of the Aeroflot plane that crash landed in Moscow while on fire. It’s surreal to see the plane landing with flames shooting out the back half and black billowing smoke, then people jumping down the emergency slides and running to safety with half of the plane still engulfed in flames. Couldn’t find details on the number of injured in this BBC report here but twitter is saying most survived.
What a nightmare.
OT been trying to pull up contacts for front pagers on the mobile site but it is all borked. I’ll send AL proof of life from the Seattle meetup when I can get to a desktop. It was a great meetup!
Just got out of Avengers Endgame ????
Cried those thug ???
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Most of the owners/upper level management of major news outlets are wealthy and republican. They feel they benefit from republican politics, even DT’s republican politics. Like the tax break. And anything that gets in the way of them benefitting from that is not to be rewarded with any positive coverage of any kind.
An example would be the ACA. With reasonable healthcare insurance available to everyone, that hold they might have upon their employees is gone. They don’t give a damn if health issues hurt their employees, they care that removing that power to control their employees in some way is. It’s a numbers game, not a humanity issue to them. Control the workers, control the money. (Where have I heard that before?)
I just watched the Derby replay. Maximum Security definitely moved outward and bodily interfered with the #1 horse, enough to compromise the horse’s stride. I didn’t see the rider looking backwards, but I guess he could hear a horse was coming up. So, yeah, definitely disqualify, but why not award the win to the horse that was interfered with, the horse that at the moment of interference was in second place? As it was, he came in fourth.
@karen marie: Media Pundlandia too busy reading talking points of the day about cowardly Dems who refuse to (fill in the blanks).
@Amir Khalid: Not to mention Illinoy.
James E Powell
@karen marie:
No disrespect, but I have to assume you do not follow any major sports. It is truth universally acknowledged that calls are different during playoffs and championships.
@Brachiator: Issues with Huawei are also addressed at length in the article. What a mess. There was opportunity to integrate security measures into the design and Trump helped to blow it again.
News media often represent the Establishment, but I don’t know that claims that they are mostly Republican hold up, especially when you include editors. But of course editors ultimately work for publishers.
Newspapers and magazines are dying at an accelerating rate. Even radio, tv and new media are starting to feel the heat. These companies are more concerned about shedding employees as they struggle to survive than they are concerned about dangling health insurance in order to keep them.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: which they treat like a horse race with no deeper consequences
I think that elections have become the sport of kings (though war never stopped being the original).
@dnfree: HEY! Everyone knows our fine state’s name is Illinoize.
He thinks the cheater should have won just like he did.
@debbie: give me a moment to put my horse racing nerd goggles on…. ?
Even without the interference, there’s no guarantee that War of Will would have gone on to win the Derby. I personally think it did cost him several spots, but there’s just no way to tell. So stewards do the best they can, which is follow the rules and place the horse that interfered behind the horse they interfered with that had the worst finish. Maximum Security interfered with a couple horses, and Long Range Toddy had the worst finish, so they placed him behind him. Country House is quite possibly the luckiest Kentucky Derby winner in the history of the race, as he really wasn’t interfered with; he just happened to be the beneficiary.
And I really give the stewards props for treating the race the same as they would a $10,000 maiden claiming race on a weekday.
Little history trivia: back in 1998, when Real Quiet won the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness, he lost the Belmont by a nose to Victory Gallop. The stewards, it was said later, were really grateful for that nose loss, because Real Quiet had come over on Victory Gallop in the stretch, and had Real Quiet passed the finish line 1st, the stewards would have been put in the position of having to disqualify the first Triple Crown winner in a generation.
I’m pleased. I think he has a duty to appear and testify. Can I make a suggestion though? You know how they say “hold your applause” at events until the end? Since they are probably going to kill an entire hour thanking him individually, why not one joint thank you at the end? They waste so much time. I know it’s unimaginable and foreign to our way of life where we all must jostle for individual acclaim, but couldn’t they work as a team to make these hearings better?
The public hearings are “show” hearings for the masses. By design they are not meant to be comprehensive or informative. They are and have been used for political showboating in the past. Now they are used so the republicans can show how stupid and utterly corrupt they have become.
Thanks. I didn’t know any of those rules, but am glad that the stewards acted as you say they did and followed the rules. I’ve seen jostling before, and I think this went well beyond that.
So says Sufjan Stevens
@debbie: Right? I’m no expert, but it seems that kind of maneuvering, especially on a slippery track could easily have resulted in tragedy.
karen marie
@FlipYrWhig: I was surprised who said it but I was also surprised he was surprised the rule was enforced. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. I think that’s the problem – rules are so unevenly enforced that even the team of the unexpected winner is surprised.
karen marie
@FlipYrWhig: Except I was remarking on media coverage not partisan commentary. Although, come to think of it, little of that is focused on McConnell. I am starting to think the Democratic side isn’t very focused on what’s important. This is particularly concerning given the importance of flipping the senate. Because we all know what’s coming, right? A Democratic president will be elected and the Villagers will go on a bender of “look what happens when the president’s party controls Congress, better if the senate has a Republican majority.”
Kill me now.
@debbie: FWIW, I don’t blame the jockey; I think he was telling the truth when he said the crowd noise scared his horse, but in the event of a foul it doesn’t matter if the fault was human or equine.
Maximum Security was much the best Saturday, but that’s one of the things that is so interesting about horse racing- the best horse often doesn’t win. He’d be a good wager in the Preakness.
I may be wrong here, but.
You seem to be awarding the acceptance of logic and comprehension thereof to major players, when we’ve seen time and time again that they don’t always possess this.
Having worked in professional sports, in the rule making and rule enforcement areas specifically I can tell you that there is more than a minor segment of the population that values winning over all other aspects of participation. And that is in every aspect of life, not just participation in sports. And winning can be many areas besides coming in first in sports competition. Wealth, publicity, human “relationships,” to name a few off the top of my head.
But Country House won the all-important Electoral College version of the race!
5G isn’t what tall buildings block. What they block are transmissions in the frequency range Verizon and AT&T are using for 5G, called millimeter wave spectrum. Lower frequencies, like the ones now used for most wireless services, work fine in urban environments. (And elsewhere in the world they’re mostly using the lower frequencies.)