From indefatigable contributor (and travelling fisherman) Raven:
These are pictures from our garden and yard. I’m sure the commenters will enjoy identifying the various flowers.
We bought the butterfly at the beach a couple of years back and, if these get posted that’s where we’ll be!
The roses are pretty obvious, I’m pretty sure the second photo is cosmos, and the last one is definitely a snapdragon. But some of the others…
Got a box from Bluestone Perennials yesterday, but not in time to open it. Murphy the Rain God willing, there will be enough not-raining-too-hard time today for me to unpack & examine everything, even if I can’t transplant them all.
What’s going on in your garden (planning) this week?
I would go with a peony for the first,
2nd, a type of poppy?
3, 4 (?), 6, roses
7 ??????????????
8, 9, roses again,
10, ???
11, snap dragon.
Was gonna say I was pretty sure 2 was not a cosmos because all the cosmos I’ve ever seen/grown have 8 distinct petals and that has only 5, but google says that Cosmos bipinnatus have only 5 petals soooo…
Yes, number one is a peony, and number seven is WTF?
Good morning. What a Derby ? outcome.
I remain glad all the horses ? survived. That is all I cared about.
Mustang Bobby
I have no idea what they are — my knowledge is currently limited to either hibiscus or geranium — but they are stunning. Thanks, Raven.
@Mustang Bobby: Heya, long time no talkee.
Pete Mack
I see Raven’s garden already has bindweed (morning glory) invading it, and climbing up his peonies. Yikes. Makes me glad I live in zone 5.
Second one down, native geranium or wild geranium, geranium maculatum, I think.
I caught a really nice slot red just before heavy rain and lighting blew in yesterday eve!
Raven, I spy a butterfly. All the pictures are beautiful and you have such a lovely flower garden.
@Pete Mack: “Her” peonies. I can only take credit for the photos!
Darkest red a rambler? I have one. Old fashioned, out of fashion now I believe, but I will submit to the hive mind here on that info.
Beware peonies! Up here at least they attract carpenter ants. Don’t want their scouts taking interest in your house.
That weird 3-story flower looks like it’s a member of the sunflower family. Not Googling before my first coffee however.
I like morning glory but it does get invasive. I got rid of most of my invasive ivy though I will be watching for new growth for a couple of years I’m sure, but now I have to tackle some out of control sweet autumn clematis because it’s been allowed to cover the back fence and now wants to smother everything in its path.
a thousand flouncing lurkers, was fidelio
To me, the second one looks like Showy Evening Primrose (a picture of pink ones here; yellow also found.
J R in WV
Those are all flowers, folks. Good ones, pretty. Not much more to say.
Wife spent a couple of hours out flower gardening Saturday, covered in mud, happy. Filled a couple of giant pots with impatiens, got some Trillium planted Friday. Been raining all night, so good for the newly planted plants.
Hoping to go back to sleep in a little while…
@Raven: great pictures! Tell your bride the garden looks wonderful. And congrats on the catch!
biff murphy
A red, pink, yellow and a white one. Did I win?
And this is a problem?
I was dreading having to mow today because the grass is crazy high after all the rain, then last night the guy who mows the vacant lots for the city texted me to ask if I want him to do my lawn today with his rider mower. Hell, yeah! So now I can concentrate on putting out my foot high tomato seedlings and planting the rest of the delivered too early dahlia tubers. I’ve clearly lost three roses to winter, and have three replacements, so we’ll see how those take, but I’m over replacing any more that die.
And when debbie comes on: yes, I got that peach tree planted before our long spell of rain. So I hope it’s off to a good start.
@OzarkHillbilly: smother, I fixed it. Kindle replaces word I know I typed correctly, and I forget to recheck because it’s not a misspelling.
Hmmm, my alert email from Next Vacay says I can fly to Kuala Lumpur for $550 and Hawaii for $650.
Need green balloons…
Go have a meet up with Amir.
@Baud: true, have already met NotMax ?
Edit: can’t go anywhere now and leave my old guys, but daydreaming is nice.
Heh, I had to go back and reread what I quoted to catch the mistake, I read that as smother from the gitgo. To me, something as beautiful as an out of control sweet autumn clematis is not a problem, it is the solution to the problem of “What do I plant back there?” ;-)
Yeah, I have more travel opportunities now that I’m an empty nester. But it’s still not a good trade off.
@OzarkHillbilly: I liked it the first year I was here and left it alone, but just like the ivy, it sends runners everywhere and if ignored it starts invading well away from where it’s wanted. Plus, it’s a haven for poison ivy lurking within. I won’t get rid of it on the outside of the fence, just inside my yard.
@Baud: ? I know. And I won’t be an empty nester for another 7 years or so if the rest of the critters live normal lifespans, but time is short for my old ones and I don’t want to miss any remaining that I have.
Went out about three days ago and weeded on the north side of the lot. Dug out most of the burdock. Rescued the magnolia from the wild grape. Now I am covered with poison ivy rash. The idiot who used to own the house next door weed whacked his poison ivy at least five years ago and I am still having problems. That stuff lasts forever. Grrrr.
Pete Mack
Here in the Adirondacks, there is dutchmen’s breeches in bloom scattered all through the woods. Trout Lily carpets the ground, with the very occasional red trillium just opening. The deer just obliterate the trillium, so there isn’t much left. And if you are in on the secret, there is ramps just coming up.
OT, but someone mentioned Rachel Held Evans’ illness last week. She died yesterday.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Wow…great choices?
Pete Mack
#7 appears to be some kind of lantana, but with the flowers on the stalk rather than at the tip?
Beautiful garden??
@Sab: jewelweed soap, if you can find it locally, should help. Or so I’ve been told. I make it, but so far haven’t actually had to use it myself against poison ivy rash.
@rikyrah: INORITE? Sometimes it just feels like Next Vacay is just taunting me.
Good morning!
Sorry, link did not work.
@satby: Thanks. I have some. I also have some jewelweed ice cubes in the freezer. I should have scrubbed down with fels naptha, but I really thought that ivy stuff was gone. The poison ivy has been dead for years, but its little ground up bits will apparently be with us forever.
@Bex: thread below has some discussion about that. Sad, only 37 and leaving a three and a one year old for their dad to raise alone.
And the odious evangelicals she debated with will probably claim that it was a divine punishment for her apostasy.
@Bex: Linky no workee. Let’s see if this one does:
Rachel Held Evans, Christian writer of honesty and humor, dies at age 37.
eta yes it does.
@satby: @satby: Missed that thread.. I am expecting just that kind of reaction in 3-2-1…
@OzarkHillbilly: Thank you. No luck with links today.
@Bex: Some days…
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Roses, peony, and that yellow thing looks like a monarda (Bee Balm) doing what monarda does when affected by a virus. But when is monarda yellow? It’s lovely stuff whatever color. Great pics.
Gorgeous flowers, Raven!
That crazy 3-tiered flower is crazy. (straight from the department of redundancy department)
2 is showy evening primrose
The yellow one is phlomis and boy does spell check not like that word. I saw them and England but haven’t tried to grow any yet.
Orange one is snapdragon, possibly orange wonder.
Gardening related, coming to a weather forecast near you:
5G signal could jam satellites that help with weather forecasting
@CCL: Hmm I thought it was a mallow of some sort?
@a thousand flouncing lurkers, was fidelio: @Currants: @Gvg: Oh, yep. Foliage matches.
Time to go see if I might accomplish anything more than making a big muddy mess in my rain soaked garden.
@TomatoQueen: Hmmm… Well with your hint and Google I found this possibility which actually has the stem going up from the flower. I didn’t know Bee Balm could do that.
AM in NC
Second, pale pink flower looks like oenothera (evening primrose) to me. They were so invasive in beds at my house in NC I had to rip them out for many seasons. The photos and garden are lovely. Love the butterfly sculpture!
Yay! and Morning!
Off to the beach, peace out dudes,
@Currants: I believe that is wild geranium, but I know someone else who calls that a mallow, so you are not alone.
Houseplant question: I have two jade plants that I want to replant together in a larger pot. Every youtube video I’ve watched has the person removing most of the old potting soil rather than just putting the whole thing as is into the new pot. Removing the potting soil is worrisome; I’m afraid I’ll damage an important root. I’ve only had these plants for a few weeks; is there any reason I can’t go the easy route?
@debbie: they’re usually just refreshing worn out soil and unbundling the roots, but I think if it’s two smaller ones into a bigger pot you’ll be fine. I’d just loosen the soil around the roots to encourage them to spread out a bit.
Dwarf iris came and went, was very pretty this year. Wild geraniums giving out hundreds of blossoms. Cardinal flower coming up and Jacobs ladder is doing something for once.
@debbie: Repotting is an opportunity to get rid of nutrient depleted soil and to substitute new. But if you have only had these plants for a couple of weeks — and they were recently purchased, going the easy route is not a problem. Just add new soil underneath and around the edges if you are going to a bigger pot. That should be fine ?
@satby: @Immanentize:
Thanks to you both. Path of least resistance lives on!
@Sab: Last time I had a major poison ivy rash, I moved into my bathtub. Soaks really help. Good luck!
I just cleared a magnolia of grape vine and found a wild black cherry tree at its base. Cut that down too but new sprouts are already appearing in the stump. Damn weed trees. You’re hurting my showpieces.
Gorgeous flowers! Needs some morning cuteness. Baby otter and kitten.
Hoping to get out in my garden today. The weather is finally warm enough to be outside. Unfortunately the tree pollen seems to be out, too.
That yellow flower is Phlomis Russeliana, and it does quite well in a xeric garden; a friend’s daughter called mine a “Dr Suess plant” because of the candelabra effect. The seed heads are interesting too so I leave them until fall cleanup.
That second one is an oneothera, a showy evenin g primrose. It’s also xeric but the honest garden catalogs admit it is rampant and will over run and kill other similar sized plants. Plants like that have theirs uses in tough areas, but be careful. The yellow flowered showy evening primrose s are real show stoppers in xeric gardens a d don’t spread by runners like the pale pink one does.
@chris: At first I thought that was a stuffed baby otter, but that’s the real thing!
Anyone who subscribes to Britbox on their Roku can watch Monty Don’s Gardeners World series, 2018 and 2019 is currently in process. I drool over what can be grown in Britain while watching this show. It’s in a “this week in the garden” format; his 2 acres are amazing and the visits to garden shows and other gardens are wonderful. He has a series on Netflix helping people design extremely small spaces that’s great too. I’m gravitating towards the idea of smaller spaces designed extremely well as my long term plan.
If your up for it, I have found dabbing (or dousing) poison ivy with diluted regular household ammonia will clear it up in about 2 days.
Run HOT water on the area, use cotton ball or washcloth to apply ammonia.
The REALLY hot ( as in oh fuk thats hot) water thing works on mosquito bites too ?
Sitting in the theater watching previews, waiting for Avengers???
Dorothy A. Winsor
We’re going to clean off our balconies and wash the windows on the doors to them. We’re lucky enough to overlook the garden plots here. I’ll enjoy those once they start.
I concur with all who said oenothera (showy primrose) for the second plant, and would add it has another common name, winecups. Translation of the Greek (ish) scientific name, I think. Isn’t it native? Or are just the yellow ones native?
The phlomis is sometimes called Jerusalem sage, I believe, and not often seen in this country, tho common in British gardens. A fancy plant!
The second photo is an evening primrose also called a faerie primrose.
@StringOnAStick: I’ve been watching them on either YouTube or Dailymotion. Some one post them to these sites almost weekly. Living in the mid Atlantic a lot of his ideas would work here.
I have a flat of perennials (Russian sage, red autumn sage, white echinacea, dwarf blanket flowers, Queen Vic lobelia, white daylilies in gallons) waiting for the ground to dry out so I can plant them in a new bed out front. There’s nothing but a couple of stupid huge hollies there now and I’ve been putting off planting flowers because I can’t get them out of here. I just decided they will all have to live there together. Hopefully those behemoths standing behind them won’t completely overshadow the flowers even once they’re grown.
@Jeffery: We live in the dry west, CO to be exact and not much that works in Britain has a chance here between the heat, the cold and the dryness plus the annual hail roulette. I was surprised to see that Phlomis in one of his gardens so it’s apparently adaptable and the xeric catalogs usually have it. Even though Monty’s gardens are filled with things we can’t grow here, I love watching any of his shows and so does my completely non-gardening husband, a real surprise.
@Betsy: Some of the yellow showy evening primrose are native, and there is a low growing white one from a rosette of leaves that is native to desert areas in CO and UT. Another common name for them is Missouri Primrose. There’s been some landscape breeding projects that have created versions with very fine foliage, red strips on the leaves and buds, etc, they are very common in xeric gardens h here. What we call winecups around here is callirhoe involcrata, prairie winecups. Looks like a vine but isn ‘t.
@Jeffery: We live in a climate nothing like yours or Monty’s;, hot, dry, cold, and annual hail roulette; I still love watching his various shows though. I was shocked to see that Phlomis in a British garden since I only know it as a xeric plant that is ok with part shade here. His Small Spaces show was a real eye opener at what beauty can be created in the tiniest of gardens; loved it.
Another Scott
@StringOnAStick: Thanks for the pointer. It sounds like ideal inspiration for our little 1/4 acre of weeds and stuff.
I put his book in my Big River cart.
J R in WV
@Mustang Bobby:
Good to see you M Bobby, I guess you’ve been busy? Hope things are going well down in Miami ~!!~
Wait — aren’t you the guy with orchids running wild all over your yard??? Know nothing about flowers indeed…
J R in WV
Yes, the theocratic patriarchal evangelicals are not just odious, they are despicable monsters, using fake xtian religion to facilitate their own power and monetary fortunes at the expense of gullible needy fools.
I’ve planted the nepeta (catmint) but still have some agastache to pot. And I’m determined to get mint into my half-barrel this year.
My other perennials are up and growing. I’m finally ready to get rid of the ancient, decrepit roses that came with this house when we moved in 20 years ago to plant out my yarrows and helianthus.
This yard had an area that had clearly been a veggie garden. I tilled it for planting our first spring here. Turned out it was full of bindweed, and I’ve regretted that move ever since.
I’ve seen the second one (Oenothera) sold as “Mexican primrose” here in California, and the seventh one, the yellow Jerusalem sage, is common in nurseries here. I happened to be visiting Crete (Greece, not NY) recently, and it grows wild and profusely there.
Dan B
The first photo looks like a rose with the foliage of Macleyea cordata, a few Morning Glory leaves, and something else.
Oenothera and Phlomis agree. The Oenothera doesn’t look like the invasive species but keep an eye on it.
I wanted to get online early enough today to participate in garden thread while it was still live — bit late now, but thanks to all y’all who are sharing info, inspiration, and pretty pictures!