SCOOP: The GOP-led Senate Intel Committee has subpoenaed Donald Trump Jr. to answer questions about his previous testimony before Senate investigators in relation to the Russia investigation
— Axios (@axios) May 8, 2019
A source close to Trump Jr. tells Axios:
"Don and Senate Intel agreed from the very beginning that he would appear once to testify…and would remain for as long as it took to answer all of their questions. He did that. We're not sure why we're fighting with Republicans."
— Axios (@axios) May 8, 2019
I had to read it twice to realize it was Senate, not House.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
This infrastructure week is shaping up to be one of the most productive yet!!
Marco Rubio posted something tonight about Barr being lawless and refusing to release the Mueller report to the people who have requested it. He is FOR holding Barr in contempt. It was retweeted by Bill Cristol. Perhaps the repubs are FINALLY getting tired of the lawlessness.
Isn’t the senate investigating the investigation? Their theory is that Hillary and Obama conspired to steal the election. So isn’t junior there as a friendly witness for the senate’s prosecution of the Hildebeast’s deep state?
@Litlebritdifrnt: What the duck is going on???
The House panel has voted to hold Barr in contempt.
The Moar You Know
Ahhh, the “whitewash” has started. This will suck.
“Trade Wars are short and easily winnable.”
The Moar You Know
@germy: That’s the deal.
@Litlebritdifrnt: We let them take power in enough places that they will not pay a price for their lawlessness. Why would they get tired of it? It’s nothing but upside unless Dems can figure out a way to get the Senate back. At which time the GOP will suddenly discover the value of the rule of law. As will the press.
With all the acknowledged contacts Trumpov had with Russia, was it ever reported to the FBI? Even after they warned about Russian invovlement? Why not?
Joe Falco
@germy: FINALLY!
Nope. Its Lucy’s Football all over again. When push comes to shove, he will only vote against Barr if there are enough Republicans supporting Barr to make his own vote meaningless.
Are there any pictures of this traitorous, trash, crime family that don’t scream, “I would totally deserve my face denting your cast iron pan!”?
I love that Mitch said “case closed”… yesterday! LOL
I’m not a big an of Sen. Burr, but he isn’t a total patsy, at least.
Breaking from the Guardian
Chyron HR
A source close to Trump Jr. tells Axios: “He is the son of their God-Emperor. That makes me like Jesus, right? Smite them for me, daddy!”
The Senate?!? What, they want to tell him in person how awesome he is?
What you bet Trump Jr ignores it and blows it off.
Big Mango
@Litlebritdifrnt: more likely they know Trump is dirty and they want the dems to force him out thus making Pence the Pres and riling up their base for possible upset in 2020…
@kindness: Of course he will. His daddy is president and he can do whatever.
@Big Mango
Not that I buy into this supposition, but if so Pence’s support will evaporate faster than piss on a hot rock.
@Litlebritdifrnt: The video he posted was from 2012 and Rubio was talking about Eric Holder; Kristol is just trolling Rubio.
Kamala gets to question him?
What will be new
spinlie the thugs will try now??BillinGlendaleCA
@Yutsano: The ducks are downstairs.
I just LOL’d!!
Dog, but it feels good to laugh at this mess for a change.
@MomSense: Glad to help.
AM in NC
I’ve been calling Burr’s DC and local offices every day since Barr testified before the Senate, making sure to contrast Thom Tillis’s (the other NC Senator) butt-kissing in that hearing with Burr’s seemingly even-handed running of his committee’s investigation, and then asking why Burr has remained silent as more and more wrong-doing is being committed and revealed, saying silence=complicity. The staffers have sounded increasingly demoralized each day as shoes continue to drop. I think the public pressure (not to mention the facts of the Mueller Report itself) is getting to them and possibly Burr himself.
Of course in my more cynical moments, I think this is all part of a grand GOP plan to cut bait on Trump, install Mike Pence, claim “see, we’re a new, sparkly GOP who rooted out the evil,” just in time for the 2020 election.
Chyron HR
@AM in NC:
Which of them gets to explain to Trump that he has to go for the good of the Republican party?
About fucking time. Although there was lots of Republican argle bargle about Democratic overreach.
AM in NC
@Chyron HR: I would change my registration to Republican if they would let it be me.
@AM in NC: This is why I wrote to Corey Gardner the other day. I should call, too. I have no illusions that the GOP en masse will abandon the billion dollar loser. But a few like Burr may decide to act at least a little bit like actual Senators, and a few others like Gardner may decide that their melting chances to hold office could improve if they denounce the orange fartcloud at least occasionally.
NBC powerhouse Chuck Todd has weighed in:
“Any chance the @barenakedladies could write some lyrics to a song titled “if I lost a billion dollars…” I know one thing, you’d have to find someone else buy John Merrick’s remains and you’d likely have to eat generic Mac n cheese #GreenDressesAreCruel.”
@oatler.: ? Fuck Chuck Todd and his bothsiderist bullshit.
@Chyron HR:
Ha! Like Trump gives a big rat’s ass about the good of the Republican Party.
karen marie
@Litlebritdifrnt: No, Rubio is still deluded enough to think he has a chance in hell of being nominated as the “reasonable” Republican candidate once Trump is gone, or as good as. I think we’ll know which way the Republican senate impeachment winds are blowing by the timing of his announcement that’s he’s running for the GOP nomination.
It will consist of two hours of essentially this:
GOP Chairman: Do you think you were spied on by Deep State operatives involved in a vast left wing attempted coup?
DJTJ: Yes. Yes I do.
karen marie
@TenguPhule: You have got to love the framing – “defending” – as if the justification weren’t obvious to the dimmest of the dim.
@RandomMonster: Unless Burr can find a way to prevent the Dems on the committee from attending or asking questions, there would be real questions asked as well. I assume that’s why the close source is upset about ‘fighting republicans’.
Steve in the ATL
@oatler.: that’s hilarious! In 1992.
No, that’s Lindsay’s Judiciary Committee. After one early attempt by Burr to weasel out of investigating, he seems to have allowed Mark Warner to keep things in line. So I’m cautiously optimistic that this is for real.
Amir Khalid
Let’s not forget, the man who said that knows nothing about either war or trade.
Keith P.
@oatler.: I see that like his facial hair, Chuck Todd’s musical preferences are stuck in the 90s
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I wonder if that Infrastructure deal Trump did with Dems has the GOP donar class pissed over the though of a tax hike and they are on the Senate about it. After all Trump is only borrowing the GOP from the real rich.
Another face for the frying pan brigade!
Don’s Jr’s Opening Statement –
“Humina, Humina, Humina”
h/t Ralph Kramden
The Lodger
@AM in NC: If you’re still here, wasn’t Burr elected in 2016 and how much did his election depend on Trump’s coattails? IIRC it was kind of close for Burr. If so it would be strange for his people to want to re-examine that election in any kind of detail.
@The Lodger:
Didn’t we find out that Burr was informing the White House about the documents and testimony presented to his committee?
@Steve in the ATL:
When I got home from that show I had so much macaroni stuck in my hair – some even went down my shirt.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@MomSense: It was in the Muller report.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
There is not one decent Republican in office.
AM in NC
@The Lodger: Burr was re-elected in 2016, and won by about 5 points. Rumor has it that he is not running for re-election again, so maybe that frees him up to at least attempt to uphold his oath of office?
Although he has not been pure at all in this process. We learned awhile ago that he ran interference with the press at the request of the president, and the Mueller Report revealed that he leaked the names of investigation targets to the White House after being briefed by the FBI . Maybe having that revealed made him feel like he needed to “play” at impartiality?
Mike Pence tells Federalist Society that Trump will ask SCOTUS to curtail the power of US District Courts to issue injunctions against his (illegal and unconstitutional) executive decrees and policies.
The fascist coup against constitutional government with separation of powers is becoming more brazen here in the Weimar Republic of America. Undoing Marbury v. Madison is now an explicit goal.
I still hold my belief that if the Dems had failed to win the House in 2018, there wouldn’t have been an election in 2020.
Mike in NC
Burr is a slippery scumbag. Looking forward to him retiring.
Mike in NC
Trade wars being escalated with China and Mexico, and sabre-rattling with Iran. A stable genius is at work here, folks.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I don’t think so because the “infrastructure deal” was completely imaginary.
Donald Trump said he would do an infrastructure deal and Nancy Pelosi said “that sounds nice” :)
“Donald Trump said” is.. well, you know.
I was wondering if it’s pressure on tariffs though, so we’re thinking the same. They’re ALL worked up over these tariffs.
After receiving his subpoena, I’m sure “Diaper Don” will wet the bed tonight, just like he did every night at college!
His fucking rating has oozed up to 42.4%!
Dorothy A. Winsor
Mr DAW and I were discussing who from the administration we’d most like to see in jail, putting Trump himself aside. Mr DAW said junior. I, of course, said Sarah Sanders. She’s not related or anything. She’s there of her free will.
Felanius Kootea
@debbie: Nixon’s approval rating was 67% in early 1973… I think Trump has a higher floor because he has a hard-core group of supporters who get their news only from propaganda networks, but these people are not the majority of the US population. It is highly significant that Trump has never had an approval rating over 50% at any point in his presidency.
@Chyron HR:
Just finished reading The Feast of the Goat and this is a very interesting question.
zhena gogolia
That was about Holder in 2012.
OT kinda:. Just saw on the news that Billy Bush is “returning to entertainment” after he was fired for a “graphic conversation” that was caught on tape.
Fuck you Chicago’s Very Own WGN! You’re talking about the Grab-‘Em-By-The-Pussy tape with a pig that became POTUS!
J R in WV
I’m sure someone told Trump that no president even loses an election while there’s a war on.
So we’re going to a trade war with Mexico and China, and a shooting war with Iran right away. This will cause prices for everything to skyrocket, and gas won’t be available in quantities sufficient to get everyone to work at prices we can all afford. When the tomato sauce for french fries becomes unavailable, Trump will be put out of office by McDonalds Corp. Lose / lose for everyone…
@Felanius Kootea: harder core of a much smaller party than it was in 1973.
Jesus wept.
JFCOAC, I bet they are. Their son was apparently a beautiful human being.
joel hanes
It will be interesting to see if the Democratic members of the committee will be allowed to ask questions.
Sen. Harris, these are your five minutes. I’m sure you’ll make good use of them.
Sen. Feinstein, please give your time to Sen. Harris.
O. Felix Culpa
@trollhattan: Those poor people. Jesus wept, and not for the fucking 2nd amendment absolutists.
Amir Khalid
It’s not really oozing up, it’s just twitching around that level.
Sobbing. This is just so fucking wrong.
The Rubio remarks Kristol tweeted were made in 2012, and related to Eric Holder. It is downright eerie how perfectly they fit the current situation.
Roger Moore
@Chyron HR:
Whoever has the pee tape.
@Felanius Kootea:
Especially given the economy.
Roger Moore
There would have been an election, but it would have been about as meaningful as the ones in Russia.
That clip was from years ago during the Obama administration and in reference to Holder
This expansion can’t last for another year. Of course, I said that last August and had to eat some shit for believing it.
Trying to predict the economy is a fool’s errand.
Doug R
@Chyron HR:
Part of Barr’s deal-no jail time, resignation.
Steve in the ATL
You people are doing almost as poor a job of entertaining me as this stupid “aqua man” movie. Thank god the wine is starting to flow, now step it up, Juicers—I know you can do it!
Steve somewhere over the Atlantic
Doug R
@Keith P.:
Obligatory Portlandia reference
@Steve in the ATL:
Way to kill the thread, asshole.
First, we must bill all the lawyers.
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: @TenguPhule: fine. I’ll go to LGM. They are more fun than this place anyway!
And Trump and Kudlow are those fools.
One more shitty week and i’m even. Not that I’m rooting against the market, mind you.
@Steve in the ATL: You’re watching a movie about a guy who lives in the sea while you’re over an ocean putting your trust in Boeing??? “Stewardess, more wine, stat!!”
Doug R
@Steve in the ATL:
Trust me, Aquaman gets better with wine, or is that a spoiler?
We have a strategy for Venezuela now?
It’s devastating. It shouldn’t make a difference but this one hit home in a different way for me because a family member goes to that school. He was home sick from school yesterday so he was safe but I don’t know how any of them will face school again after this. And that school is K-12 so there are very young children involved.
@TenguPhule: Now *that* was funny!
@Steve in the ATL:
And they have threaded comments!
@Doug R:
More ham then cheese though.
Steve in the ATL
@TenguPhule: kudlow has that same touch as Stephen Moore: always wrong.
@frosty: i keep saying “Ho bisogno ancora del vino!” but the flight attendants are Atlanta-based and they think I’m calling them hoes. Which maybe I am….
Wayne Marks
Follow the money.
@Steve in the ATL:
Rake it in while you still can.
Steve in the ATL
@Doug R: what doesn’t?
@Baud: I’m sorry, I can’t tell which comment you’re responding to.
I’m sure those farmers and manufacturers are just loving this.
Can’t wait for pork prices to crash.
@Steve in the ATL:
Another Scott
@khead: Someone wise once said, “Recoveries and expansions don’t die of old age.” Meaning, the Fed usually kills an expansion.
The economy isn’t overheating (in the usual sense – there are still lots of people out of the workforce) so it’s hard to see the Fed jacking up interest rates enough to strangle the recovery.
Some external shock may happen, but our economy is so huge, and we’re exporting oil now, etc., etc., it’s hard to see a recession happening soon. I suspect the Obama recovery will just keep plodding along, probably with 1-2% annual GDP growth.
Caveat – I’ve been known to be wrong on occasion – Yes, it’s true!!
Steve in the ATL
@TenguPhule: philistine.
@Another Scott:
I kinda hate to say this, but…. You want Trump gone? Root for a recession. Last year I thought it was gonna be an oil shock. I was definitely wrong about that and paid for it. Not sure where it might come from now. Maybe debt load. Maybe farmers getting crushed. We are shopping for a new car (SUV) and – WOW – the car folks are really going with the hard sell. They have to be hurting.
Dana Milbank has had his White House press credentials cancelled. As have a lot of other reporters. At what point can we say we’re in a fascist state? Now?
Another Scott
@khead: US car sales are down from their recent peak, and the steel and aluminum tariffs aren’t helping. Plus, there’s continuing world-wide overcapacity in auto production. Either prices have to come down, or sales have to come down. And prices coming down when costs are going up isn’t a recipe for success. It’s a recipe for lots of hurt in the industry – especially as it tries to transition to electric vehicles.
I’m not saying that Donnie won’t do something boneheadedly stupid (like shut down the government for 6 months or something) that can do a lot of damage to the economy (and the country). It’s just that there isn’t anything on the horizon that should cause a recession.
Watch the numbers Bill McBride at assembles to know when the troubles are starting. (He sees no sign of a recession, either.)
The only way Donnie can win is if he (and the GOP) cheats. That’s what we have to do everything in our power to prevent. And work to flip the Senate and every other legislative body we can. Winning back the White House isn’t enough to fix the damage that’s been done.
@Shana: They’re certainly moving at a faster pace lately. Just saw the headline at rawstory, with a link to Milbank’s article.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Dude, threaded comments.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@TenguPhule: One of the things that I keep noticing when Trump goes for trade wars with China, is that once those contracts are gone with the US, they are GONE…….
China can give equal (or slightly less) contracts with other countries, and once the new large scale contracts are finalized, why in god’s name would they go back to the USA, since whenever the Republicans are in control, we turn into a rage crazy mess, and we seem to be teetering on the edge of large scale political conflict? It might have worked immediately post WWII, since most of the rest of the world was a bombed out wreck and we had good social cohesion due to the war. Now? I’d look to other countries and see what options I have.
Especially since Trumpy McCrankyPoopypants Has gone off (Again). Plus, looking at his history, throwing your money at a fire would be a more useful transaction, since you would get warm from the burning paper rather than a bald faced lie that it got lost in the mail (when you sent a personal courier).
Omnes Omnibus
@MomSense: Newtown did that for me. I lived there when I was in middle school. My younger brother went to one of the other elementary schools. I am very sure that some of my classmates had kids who went to Sandy Hook. It sticks.
@TenguPhule: Playing chicken with the Chinese was probably a mistake. I guess their game of “whose citizenry can take more pain?” is afoot and the experimental subjects are Trump’s MAGAt supporters in the Midwest. Buckle your seatbelts.
@trollhattan: I agree. Jesus wept, indeed. I watched my mother grieve lifelong for the children she lost, but she had 3 of us left. I can’t begin to imagine the agony that the Castillos are going through.
@Another Scott:
Now that’s a golden oldie for me. Been a long time since I read Calculated Risk on a regular basis. Pretty sure it was during the housing crisis and Tanta was still alive.
@khead: I need to start reading Calculated Risk again. I kept up with it from 2007-2011, and it was like reading a serialized horror stories most days.
You want horror stories from back in those days? Three words: Irving Housing Blog. Lol.
But, yeah, I should probably check out Calculated Risk again too.
@khead: I just retired my Tanta memorial t-shirt last year. It had one of her excel spreadsheet artworks- portraits of the federal reserve board in little colored excel cells.
My hairdresser (very sophisticated guy) used to laugh out loud when I wore it to appointments. He could name most of them.
I think my brother had a long distance serious crush on her.