He’s a little pissed but coming around:
Lily has no idea what is going on and is just living her best life.
*** Update ***
Steve had a special dinner, has recovered from the trauma of the experience, and is now loving on me pretty hard:
He’s perched on the arm of my chair, where he spends most every night, and we are getting along like peas and carrots.
Lily is looking good.
Sister Golden Bear
I suppose now we’ll have to sing of you and the groomers and how you all survived the fury of the Steve. A tale only the bravest of men will tell in whispers, lest they reawaken the beast.
He does look like a magnificent bastard now.
zhena gogolia
Ooh, he looks like a jungle cat now.
Mary G
That first picture makes me worry for you, John. Less like a little pissed and more like “Ima make you sorry, asshole. “
zhena gogolia
That Brady Bunch conga line you tweeted is killing me.
John Cole
Rikyrah check your damned email.
Your yard is lovely – a true complement to your critters! Up here in Maine it’s likely to be August before we see that much green on the ground…
Adam L Silverman
I hope your affairs are in order, you have a DNR, and your will is properly prepared.
I’d be pissed too if somebody gave me a haircut like that.
Years ago, when Cole was still drinking and would post about shaving his cat’s ass, I knew I had found the right blog for me.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
Fabulously gorgeous and macho with or without tons of glorious fur. Which of us can say the same??
@Sister Golden Bear:
Fixed. :)
@John Cole:
You never send me email! :(
I had a dog that looked very much like Lily, and she was awesome too. I had cancer and didn’t cope too well with chemo; there were nights I couldn’t stop barfing. Every time I’d come back to bed after, Maggie would nestle up next to me so we were back to back. It was incredibly comforting. And I know she understood I was sick, and was trying to make me feel better. She did!
Sister Golden Bear
@Honus: Steve would like to
disembowelspeak to the manager….schrodingers_cat (HectoringBully)
@Honus: But even then he never attempted to shave Tunch.
J R in WV
We used to live with a great dog named Clyde – “Step aside Clyde” to be more accurate. Clyde first showed up walking down the cove in December, black, really fuzzy, a big ball of fur, in light snow. He was probably about 12 weeks old.
I went out and offered him some pets, and he came into the house, into the warmth.
The next spring, it started to get hot, and a dog with 8 inches of fur was obviously gonna have a hard time adjusting to the new reality of 85-90 degree highs. When he first showed up it was around 30 outside, and he liked it like that.
We finally took Clyde to the grooming parlor for a shave, and he was shocked at first. After a couple of days he adjusted to the new doo, and had a great summer, kinda gray instead of black black. The next winter he had grown out, and loved the snow, stayed outside in bad weather all night. Loved to wake up buried in snow.
But come spring and the warm weather, he needed another shave. He wasn’t so shocked this time. By the time he passed to the next realm, he was used to the spring shearing, and knew it would help his deal with summer. I’m sure Steve is getting the drift, and will enjoy the lack of hot flash going into summertime.
Adam L Silverman
@J R in WV:
He’ll still exact his revenge on Cole.
Sister Golden Bear
@Adam L Silverman: Revenge is a dish best served cool after all.
J R in WV
Ya’ll are probably right.
I’ll keep an eye out for strange obits from up north.
I’ll keep you guys posted!
that cat’s too close to the cameraman.
seriously, he’s gonna kill you if you get too close.
Yer doomed Cole.
Also: proper authoritahs alerted.
Completely OT. Trump has pardoned Conrad Black. FML I’m going to bed, I may or may not get up in January 2021.
Bobby Thomson
We rescued three cats this week from the streets. They are in quarantine until we can get them to the vet.
@Bobby Thomson: A mensch, you are.
Mike in NC
One of our cats has a checkup tomorrow. The only thing harder than corralling them is trying to get a stool sample.
About Fucking Time
h/t https://wtop.com/arlington/2019/05/jefferson-davis-highway-name-changed-in-arlington
Doesn’t that just shave the cat’s ass.
Fit, trim, stalking like a killah.
Some fresh catnip and he’s purring putty in your paws.
Dear, sweet Lily, sometimes ignorance is the saving grace of us all.
@Adam L Silverman:
DNR my ass. Orders are “I want ALL the wires and tubes and after I’m out I’m going mano-a-felino with that bastard. In daylight this time.”
Omnes Omnibus
Bullshit. She is the evil genius behind it all, and, because of suckers like you and Cole, no jury will convict her.
John re your updated photos: Steve understands and still loves you!??
Omnes Omnibus
@cain: It’s for the best.
Now that’s just going to cause more economic anxiety.
@hilts: Glad to see this at last, even tho’ nobody I know calls it anything but Route 1. Now could Alexandria please get to work on changing Taney Avenue to something a bit less vile, and preferably within my lifetime?
Stuff we already knew but continues being proven, because it needs to be.
7 min. video of CBC interview with Imani Gandy
Steve looks so handsome ?
Glad he has forgiven you ?
@John Cole:
Sorry Cole. I was down today, not feeling well, and not near my computer. Been on my phone and Kindle Fire today.
@rikyrah: Hope you feel better soon.
Rand Careaga
Sorry, John, but the worst is yet to come. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
randal m sexton
I raised boys and live with Spaniards. I appreciate the fact that I don’t have cats.
Oh, thank you for the Steve photos! Love those chunky cats – I have a chunky cat, too. She’s a purebred farm cat, ha!
It’s an elaborate ruse.
@Rand Careaga: LOL. I was waiting for somebody to conjure up Fat Freddy’s Cat.
@zhena gogolia:
Rip Taylor was feeling up Ann B. Davis!
God, that was interminable. It did make me look up Tina Turner on Wikipedia. I have wondered what she was doing since dropping out of the public eye. Happy to see that at age 79 she is living in a château on Lake Zürich in Switzerland. I hope she is content.
LOL. Colbert just did an Ed Sullivan Beatles-esque intro for J-pop idols BTS at the start of his show.
And J.E.B. Stuart High School near me in Falls Church got renamed Justice High School last year. I was holding out for Commie Martyrs High, but, hey, baby steps.
@Steeplejack: K-pop, they’re Korean.
Ann B. Davis will always be Schultzie on Love That Bob to me.
Linky no worky. Fix.
Ann B. Davis will always be Schultzie on Love That Bob for me.
Oops, my bad. I knew they are Korean, but “J-pop” is seared into my brain because of the number of shows on the third-tier Asian channels on my cable system.
Bob Cummings always creeped me out, even as a kid. Something “uncanny valley” about his affect.
@Steeplejack: Koreans tend to get a bit sensitive about being confused with the Japanese, kind of a history there.
James E Powell
The press/media will not only never accept the facts, but they will continue to support the economic anxiety Hillary didn’t go to Wisconsin story because that’s what serves their owners’ interests. They press/media have never been honest about the white supremacy and misogyny that are the core of Republican politics. Likely they never will.
Must reading on Impeachment:
BTW, noticed while scrolling hither and thither through Amazon Prime that seasons 1 through 5 of Perry Mason are offered there. Have to be alert that there are two different listings for watching: free on Prime or else with a subscription to CBS All-Access, so takes a little concentration to pick the right stream.
I still think people vastly underestimate the sheer volume of white supremacist propaganda that was floating around in 2016 and how pernicious and subtle it could be. Even white people who consciously rejected Trump got their lizard brains tangled up in it and either stayed home or voted for Russia’s second choice candidate, Jill Stein.
And many of them are still unwilling to admit that they fell for a massive and targeted propaganda operation. ?
Steve is going to be so happy to have that cut once the heat rolls around.
Trump is going to keep feeding the Will He/Won’t He Iran stories to divert coverage and Congress away from Mueller’s report and the family’s crimes, do you think?
Yup, and Pompeo, Bolton, Pence, Bibi, Mohammed Bone Saw and other regional actors will pile on.
While there is no military power to back it up, they are building up a huge pile of dry tinder, and it only takes one person with a match.
Thanks for the tip. Currently I can get my fix twice a day on MeTV: 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. ET. Just finished watching “The Case of the Shoplifter’s Shoe.” Only complaints are (a) slightly wide-screen-erated from original 4:3 aspect ratio and (b) they cut intros to a lot of scenes to hollow out time for more ads. But I will check out the Amazon episodes.
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D, pronounced “R”) coming across as a complete dillweed on (rerun of) Rachel Maddow’s show.
I read a Twitter stream today that documented how that shit was already starting up in 2015.
ETA: Shit coming from, or directed by, Russia.
@Jay: Wait, Sidney Blumenthal is the author; bet Hitlery wrote it, Lock Her Up!
The White Supremcist stuff has been hosted on Social Media since the early ‘80’s, with out consequence.
Gamergate showed how vulnerable the US was.
I didn’t mean to suggest that Russia started the white-supremacist stuff, just that they began their campaign sooner than is commonly thought.
In my late night mind frame I picture a kind of blackmail— the closer he gets to impeachment and prosecution and exposure by evidence, the more surely he + helpers move to initiate some kind of attacks. If the House holds off from taking his power, doesn’t call in his people at the T Fdn, the T Org, the Inaugural Cmt and the transition to testify under oath … perhaps he just keeps playing with the press. (I’m still in favor of open hearings and beginning impeachment; and 100 subpoenas including the generals formerly on his staff and cabinet.)
@Steeplejack: I hate altered aspect ratios.
@Jay: What Social Media was there in the 80’s?
Thank you! I am an aspect-ratio absolutist.
And don’t even get me started on why the hell can’t people turn their phones sideways and record video in landscape mode?!
They were probably running “games” way earlier than 2015.
Probably as soon as the Teabaggers switched from Fax Machines and dial up modems to AOL.
It takes a while to find the metrics.
Boards, emails.
@Steeplejack: *cough* K-pop. *cough* Yes they get sensitive about it.
I think the revelation for most people is that the Russians didn’t see that Trump got the nomination (or was the front-runner) and then piled in after that. They were way out ahead, probably even before he announced that he was running.
@Steeplejack: I can’t watch them. No matter how happy I was feeling to be about to watch the production.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Um, APAs? Long before the 80’s of course, though a few were (and are) still going; extreme Slow Motion, but the principle was there.
“Also indicted on sedition was Louis Beam, a Texas Klan leader who established a nationwide computer bulletin board linking racist groups.”
The proceeds of The Order Bank Robbery/Armored Car Robbery Spree’s in the early ‘80’s, wasn’t to buy guns or drugs, ( mostly). It was used to buy Apple II’s and modems, spread them across the US and Canada, and send out people to train users and programmers.
I think the thing for the IRA before Needy Amin started to rise, was to just shit stir. I watched a bunch of political/military/geopolitical bloggers I used to trust, start going a little batty, before Crimea. Their comment sections started out crude propaganda, then new nyms came in with better propaganda, from vids, to what abboutism,…
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Social conflicts were probably piled on as soon as people organized on the web, and became newsworthy.
@Jay: Maybe late 80’s, early 80’s the net was still a science experiment. There was email, but it was pretty limited to university CS departments.
Agreed. If you’re trying to foul things up, you don’t need a super genius. Lamebrains, grifters and poseurs often work just as well.
And the Russkies could operate behind the scenes to see what worked and hone their techniques.
I had access to what we might nowadays call e-mail at the very beginning of the 80s.
Beginning during the late 1970s there was the sort paleolithic interactive platform, QUBE. One project with which I was associated (circa 1981) was working an a team with the mission (although it wasn’t spelled out so explicitly) of aggregating (and building on) tech ideas to design from the ground up the QUBE of the future, including testing, demonstrating prototypes and trying to have it be future compatible for what were still aspirational hardware and software..
The Order was busted in ‘87. Their robberies were in the late ‘70’s and early ‘80’s.
In 1983, SFU took down a Private Moderated Board that had been up for over a year, because it was set up for neo-nazi’s to organize. The Admin, several staff, were fired, half a dozen students were expelled, but most of the users were not connected to SFU.
Left out the reply link. Fix and slight edit..
I had access to what we might nowadays call e-mail at the very beginning of the 80s.
Beginning during the late 1970s there was the sort paleolithic interactive platform, QUBE. One project with which I was associated (circa 1981) was working on a experimental team with the mission (although it wasn’t spelled out so explicitly) of aggregating and integrating (and building on) tech ideas to design from the ground up the QUBE of the future, including testing, demonstrating prototypes and trying to have it be future compatible for what were still aspirational hardware and software..
How did the groomers fare?
J R in WV
That pic of Steve on the back porch, he’s looking a little portly in that photo, round belly under all that fur.
We’ve managed to get out big portly cat to drop 5 pounds, from 20 down to 14 and change. We feed her alone and don’t let her out until all the other critters have finished their portion or I have picked up a dish with food left. She’ll eat anything, so no access to even dog kibble.
Vet was amazed, it did take years, it wasn’t a diet, just monitoring and feeding carefully. He’s a very good looking kitty, I will say, and if he’s happy, that’s all that counts!