Wait. What?
Now you can all have nightmares like I had after seeing this…
I am heading out of town and won’t be around much to post until I return, so this Pearl update will have to hold you.
She has finally figured out she’s a duck and no longer follows me everywhere (yes, I am both relieved and sad). And after a few hours behind the pet yard she easily integrated with the other ducks.
Mabel would chase her. Mabel is the brown one and until she started chasing her, I thought she was mild-mannered. Who knew she was the strong silent type. Pearl does not back down, just goes back to try and make friends. And for some reason, she follows Maddie (my grey one) all around, much to Maddie’s annoyance.
She still sleeps inside at night, but once I return I’ll see about moving her to the coop. I assume if there is trouble they will make such ruckus I’ll be able to go out and stop it.
I have to finish up work and packing. So you’re on your own. Open thread
Soft Shelled Crab < Soft Headed Crab
SMH. Our side sucks at this whole messaging and unity thing.
Idiots. Fucking idiots.
We already knew this, now it’s official.
Major Major Major Major
I’m getting a lamburger at some Turkish place before seeing Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Live at Radio City so that should be tasty and then fun.
Dahlia Lithwick tackles the Alabama abortion law and the messy scenario it presents our current SCOTUS. Masks are ripped away and the sight isn’t pretty. A tidbit.
I may, *may*, have booked my first upscale professional voiceover gig. I’ve nearly booked some, but I couldn’t go to LA at a drop of the hat for recording. Welp, now I can. Any Angelenos for an impromptu meetup?
I object. They will not find this hard at all. Its who they are.
Name this what it is: Christian Sharia.
And what about the man that initiated the pregnancy when he couldn’t keep his fucking pants zipped? Why no mention of his culpability?
Major Major Major Major
@ruemara: tentative congrats!!
Pearl is a beauty!
@debbie: it’s not his fault because slutty women, that’s why.
Rapists and pedophiles have no agency, according to Alabama’s Republicans.
Good for you.
Because we need to reward men for not being incels.
Dan B
McConnell and Blount have announced there will be no extra funding for election security.
@Dan B:
I have no confidence in next year’s elections in the battleground states.
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: Prior to this announcement, did you have confidence in next year’s elections in the battleground states?
Hurrah for ducks! As always, critter pix are a welcome respite from the daily crap.
Bill Arnold
Link, just because google:
Alabama’s Extremist Abortion Bill Ruins John Roberts’ Roe Plan – SCOTUS was all teed up to quietly gut America’s abortion rights. Then Alabama happened. (Dahlia Lithwick, May 15, 2019)
And yeah, I agree; it’s a good piece.
At least they are coming forward to state that they’ve personally been involved in an abortion and benefittedTenguPhule
@Omnes Omnibus:
Not much. I remember we were promised fixes since 2000 and every 4 years ever since. And yet here we are.
Amir Khalid
I object strongly to this common misuse of the term sharia to apply to despised rightwing-agenda legislation.
I’m sure this will end well. After all, Ivanaka certainly showed a lot of ‘merit’. Even if it wasn’t natural. //s
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: Oddly enough, my question was rhetorical.
@Amir Khalid:
Agree, call it what it is, a Crusade.
Abrams has a NYT op ed about voter suppression.
Bill Arnold
White Christian Supremacy. (Male.)
Its sad that I don’t believe a word out of the FAA chief’s mouth.
@Bill Arnold: Sadly I fear there are more then just white males standing in support of that.
Chambliss is over 50 years old, married and has three daughters. He has shown that he knows nothing about pregnancy, reproduction (despite claiming he has read up on these topics before introducing his bill), or women’s bodies. To be able to maintain that level of ignorance of the world around you, up close and personal, is truly a remarkable achievement.
I wish that Democrats would change the rhetoric. This is about the government sitting in our doctors’ surgeries, telling us what medical care we are allowed to receive, and when. This is big brother government. This is not even “only” about women, but the families, communities and societies in which women live. Everyone has some relationship with a woman. Denying medical treatment to any woman ultimately affects us all.
Bill Arnold
Yeah, I was being unduly generous to the non-white-christian-males that support such things.
@Bill Arnold: And the women. Some of the worst people attacking abortion rights are women.
The ducks are so cute ?
So we’ve got one clown who dominates every thread? Even with it pied it’s a pain in the ass.
@ruemara: Sure, any timeframe?
Major Major Major Major
@Raven: take it up with Cole.
@Major Major Major Major: I’m taking it up right here.
@ruemara: Congrats. About time your talent got wider recognition.
This thread shines a light on these roaches:
I cannot send it to you, as even I, who is totally comfortable with all sorts of blood and guts, got creeped out by and deleted the picture I took of the hermit crab (they call them soldier crabs here in the Bahamas) that had decided to use a glass jar rather than a shell for its home. Those critters ire all claws and them this … seriously disgusting little “body.”
Trump, frustrated by advisers, is not convinced the time is right to attack Iran
@germy: why did he get to Congress? If he caused a patients death, why didn’t voters pick someone else?
@Gvg: I don’t think voters were aware of that at the time of the election. He’s in their tribe, that’s all they knew.
@Bill Arnold: Thanks for tracking down the link to Dahlia Lithwick’s piece. Another passage:
They’re not drunk on God. They’re drunk on hatred of women, hatred of sex, hatred, period.
Just wanted to clarify that.
I don’t feel the least bit sorry for John Roberts.
something fabulous
@ruemara: you bet! we met at one at the story tavern years back would be nice to have another get-together! and: break a– microphone!
J R in WV
@Amir Khalid:
Explain please. What do we not understand about the term sharia that leads you to object to its use in this situation? We’re comparing right-wing xtianist BS to right-wing muslim BS — is this not accurate?
J R in WV
In my experience, a “surgery” is an operating room which you enter on a gurney, escorted by a bevy of nurses who helped prep you for the upcoming procedure. If it’s a doctor’s office, here in America, we call it a doctor’s office.
Where are you from that you call these facilities “our doctors’ surgeries”?
No offense, just have never heard that usage anywhere, and I suspect it’s a British/Canadian/Australian usage…
Diver’s find a sweet octopus living in trash, find him a new home:
@J R in WV: From Wikipedia:
You clearly haven’t spent half your life reading English novels.
ETA: Having said that, I’d love it if Sally could shed some light on the social distinctions between the medical men (Dr. and Mr.) in Middlemarch, which I have just been re-reading.
@J R in WV: Surgery is British, possibly Australian but not Canadian. I’ll let Amir tell us about sharia cuz I don’t presume to know enough. I do know that it is not what most westerners think it is.
@Amir Khalid:
It wasn’t said to offend. I remember listening (on my local NPR station) to a panel of Muslim scholars. The subject was about Sharia and one of them defined it as the law of man imposed in place of, or instead of, the law of God.
YouTube’s Newest Far-Right, Foul-Mouthed, Red-Pilling Star Is A 14-Year-Old Girl
“Soph” has nearly a million followers on the giant video platform. The site’s executives only have themselves to blame.”
“A contractor for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is under investigation by his employer for posting bail in March to free a member of the right-wing men’s fraternity the Proud Boys from the Multnomah County Jail.”
Bill Arnold
Hah. The youtube link from the article gives “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy on hate speech. Learn more about combating hate speech in your country.” (non-US VPN endpoint if that matters.)
@Bill Arnold: Blocked in the US too.
@Bill Arnold:
Years too late, 800,000 followers and how many kids has she radicalized with hate?
How many more mass shooters?
And there’s a bunch of social media platforms she is still on.
Bill Arnold
Just saying whack-a-mole does have an effect; these companies are getting nervous and are much more responsive than they used to be. They have mechanisms in place already for copyright takedowns, that can be adapted.
@Bill Arnold:
Talk to Yellow Vests Canada Exposed. Facebook won’t do a thing about the pages they expose, but did ban Yellow Vests Canada Exposed from Facebook for a logo of Ralph Wiggum in a MAGA hat.
When a bunch of these social media companies designed algorythms to autoban hate, they used the Nazi’s input in the design.
Funny thing is, if somebody reposted her banned posts to their you tube channel, they are still out there on you tube.
And the people manually hunting hate online:
Horse is out of the barn, the barns burned down, and only now, are the Social Media Companies looking to close the barn door, 36 years after the first hate sites popped up online,