Took our oldest ragdoll to the vet for annual checkup. Nine years old and in generally very good health. Bill was $135 and he’ll need dental work in six months. But they’re our babies and we dote on them.
Isn’t he fixed?
As the kids say, “Chonky boi!!”
Cat looks like it weighs 40 pounds.
Dan B
@Yutsano: As we say to the kats, “You’re going to get tutored.” We get funny looks from some of our friends.
Steve has that stride that says I’m really something. I got tutoring, the best tutoring@
Villago Delenda Est
As always, he’s a magnificent beast.
At what point does that cross from strut to waddle?
PS Bruins just wrapped up the Eastern Final, 4-0. And they didn’t need a hand pass to do it.
@Yutsano: I seem to recall that the humping cat of Lawyers, Guns, and Money was too.
That’s some tail!
Dan B
My partner inheirited a kitty named Alice. Alice had been pregnant several times and had been given orphan kittens at least once. She weighed 25 pounds. On several occasions people meeting her the first time would howl with laughter when she walked. It was a complex dance one misstep from toppling over.
Steve doesn’t appear to be an ounce over 17 pounds. But I could be very wrong.
Felt the floor rumble from here. Go Steeeeeve!
Assume the tiny “mrwr” was irony.
I had no idea he was bow legged.
West of the Rockies
That is one stout catboy.
I think my Cleo is the exact opposite of Steve. She’s delicate and dainty and quite small, even at almost a year old. But she talks and talks and squawks a lot like him.
As a dog person now with my very first cat, it’s been an interesting experience to now have a cat. And she seems to have bonded with me. She’s not nearly as affectionate as our pups (though she has her moments). But she wants me around as much as possible and makes her displeasure known, loudly, when I am not and she thinks I should be.
I just hit my cats with a second dose of Advantage Multi, last one being only 2-3 weeks ago. But fleas have just exploded in the last few days, and when I was looking in the fur of the Siamese, I found a flea in every spot I checked, including several in his whiskers. There are still a ton of fleas around, but the kitties are pretty clear and are much, much more chill tonight.
Steve got fixed late in life, so the benefit was more that he won’t mark up the house and run around the neighborhood making little Steves anymore.
Also, too, it turns out that the city of Portland is so excited about my birthday that they’re throwing a huge rainbow party the weekend I’m there. ? Yes, my birthday and Portland’s Pride Weekend lined up this year, which means I’ll be there June 14-16. Portland Meetup, anyone? Evening of the 14th would probably be best.
something fabulous
WOOT! But that’s no lion cut! They took his mane! Is he mad? (he does now look like a *mountain* lion though, so maybe that’s the loophole?)
@geg6: Give it time. They tend to be loving as kittens, then don’t want much affection when ‘teens’. Around age 3-4 they grow out of it and usually become very sweet and affectionate, wanting more lap and cuddle time. Just keep playing and interacting with her. She’ll come around.
I’m in my town all weekend, though I have writing group stuff on Sunday morning. Email me.
I’m too sexy for my paws
too sexy for my paws
‘Cause I’m a model, you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah, on the catwalk
It won’t make any difference for his comfort, I suppose, but they really should have taken more off his tail.
Regardless, he is still a magnificent beast.
What a handsome boy!
Can someone explain why you would prefer a video with giant black stripes on either side over a video that fills the screen and is obtained simply by rotating the phone 90 degrees?
Grumpy Cat has crossed the Bridge. :(.
J R in WV
One of our two cats (Punkin) is very affectionate, and sleeps in our bed between our feet most nights. Other cat spends 20+ hours a day outside. Comes in for lunch and dinner. Last night around 3 am we had huge thunderstorm, with blinding lightning and huge thunder.
Outdoor cat finally came in, a little damp, spent the night on my hip, where she purrs away, until I move the least bit. Then she thumps to the floor, waits for me to settle down and reappears on my hip. She’s quite friendly, but really really outdoors. Sleeps on an old dog bed on the back deck porch most of the time, otherwise lays out on the wood shed roof in the sun. Spike, because SO sharp. Indoors a little more in the winter, but still, mostly outdoors unless really storming.
Mo MacArbie
My cat is far more affectionate in the winter but insists that I come and hang out with her on the coffee table in the summer.
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Mike in NC
Took our oldest ragdoll to the vet for annual checkup. Nine years old and in generally very good health. Bill was $135 and he’ll need dental work in six months. But they’re our babies and we dote on them.
Isn’t he fixed?
As the kids say, “Chonky boi!!”
Cat looks like it weighs 40 pounds.
Dan B
@Yutsano: As we say to the kats, “You’re going to get tutored.” We get funny looks from some of our friends.
Steve has that stride that says I’m really something. I got tutoring, the best tutoring@
Villago Delenda Est
As always, he’s a magnificent beast.
At what point does that cross from strut to waddle?
PS Bruins just wrapped up the Eastern Final, 4-0. And they didn’t need a hand pass to do it.
Mike J
@Yutsano: I seem to recall that the humping cat of Lawyers, Guns, and Money was too.
That’s some tail!
Dan B
My partner inheirited a kitty named Alice. Alice had been pregnant several times and had been given orphan kittens at least once. She weighed 25 pounds. On several occasions people meeting her the first time would howl with laughter when she walked. It was a complex dance one misstep from toppling over.
Steve doesn’t appear to be an ounce over 17 pounds. But I could be very wrong.
Felt the floor rumble from here. Go Steeeeeve!
Assume the tiny “mrwr” was irony.
I had no idea he was bow legged.
West of the Rockies
That is one stout catboy.
I think my Cleo is the exact opposite of Steve. She’s delicate and dainty and quite small, even at almost a year old. But she talks and talks and squawks a lot like him.
As a dog person now with my very first cat, it’s been an interesting experience to now have a cat. And she seems to have bonded with me. She’s not nearly as affectionate as our pups (though she has her moments). But she wants me around as much as possible and makes her displeasure known, loudly, when I am not and she thinks I should be.
If ya got it, flaunt it.
Mary G
Those paws.
Mister BigStuff.
@TomatoQueen: ?
Keith P.
I just hit my cats with a second dose of Advantage Multi, last one being only 2-3 weeks ago. But fleas have just exploded in the last few days, and when I was looking in the fur of the Siamese, I found a flea in every spot I checked, including several in his whiskers. There are still a ton of fleas around, but the kitties are pretty clear and are much, much more chill tonight.
Thanks for petvid of the mighty Steve.
Edit: posted by the revenant of Cole?
Major Major Major Major
I can’t stop laughing at this tweet.
Major Major Major Major
An absolute unit
Steve got fixed late in life, so the benefit was more that he won’t mark up the house and run around the neighborhood making little Steves anymore.
Also, too, it turns out that the city of Portland is so excited about my birthday that they’re throwing a huge rainbow party the weekend I’m there. ? Yes, my birthday and Portland’s Pride Weekend lined up this year, which means I’ll be there June 14-16. Portland Meetup, anyone? Evening of the 14th would probably be best.
something fabulous
WOOT! But that’s no lion cut! They took his mane! Is he mad? (he does now look like a *mountain* lion though, so maybe that’s the loophole?)
That’s why we need words like “brute.”
That was fabulous.
Go Steve??
Strut your stuff??
Of course! Let’s do it!
Mike in oly
@geg6: Give it time. They tend to be loving as kittens, then don’t want much affection when ‘teens’. Around age 3-4 they grow out of it and usually become very sweet and affectionate, wanting more lap and cuddle time. Just keep playing and interacting with her. She’ll come around.
@Mnemosyne: you in town this weekend?
I’m in my town all weekend, though I have writing group stuff on Sunday morning. Email me.
I’m too sexy for my paws
too sexy for my paws
‘Cause I’m a model, you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah, on the catwalk
It won’t make any difference for his comfort, I suppose, but they really should have taken more off his tail.
Regardless, he is still a magnificent beast.
What a handsome boy!
Can someone explain why you would prefer a video with giant black stripes on either side over a video that fills the screen and is obtained simply by rotating the phone 90 degrees?
Grumpy Cat has crossed the Bridge. :(.
J R in WV
One of our two cats (Punkin) is very affectionate, and sleeps in our bed between our feet most nights. Other cat spends 20+ hours a day outside. Comes in for lunch and dinner. Last night around 3 am we had huge thunderstorm, with blinding lightning and huge thunder.
Outdoor cat finally came in, a little damp, spent the night on my hip, where she purrs away, until I move the least bit. Then she thumps to the floor, waits for me to settle down and reappears on my hip. She’s quite friendly, but really really outdoors. Sleeps on an old dog bed on the back deck porch most of the time, otherwise lays out on the wood shed roof in the sun. Spike, because SO sharp. Indoors a little more in the winter, but still, mostly outdoors unless really storming.
Mo MacArbie
My cat is far more affectionate in the winter but insists that I come and hang out with her on the coffee table in the summer.