Never in our history have tiny white balls cost Americans more.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) May 22, 2019
The best part might be the response from WY Sen. John Barrasso, who once demanded a GAO review of an Obama golf trip: “I haven’t followed that at all.”
— Charlie Mahtesian (@PoliticoCharlie) May 22, 2019
Would the Trump Organization be in bankruptcy without all the federal spending flowing in?
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) May 22, 2019
No Democratic presidential candidate has won the white vote since 1964.
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) May 22, 2019
hmmm what happened in 1964
— Steadman™ (@AsteadWesley) May 22, 2019
In a sense, yes.
— David Larson (@denosral) May 22, 2019
Hope for the future:
Even better : Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million with only 37% of the white vote. If you get turnout and voter protection right (for EC purposes) you can win without a white majority
— Jason Johnson (@DrJasonJohnson) May 22, 2019
Just checked, and this site is still functional.
Surprised Trump didn’t break the thing. “We gotta add a digit to the money tally?”
I’m not so sure Trump’s properties want his advertisements.
I read an article about that. It said that for all the hundreds of millions in money Trump is grifting, his businesses seem to be losing even more in drop-off of sales.
Amir Khalid
Obama didn’t spend that much time on golf. He had other obligations and interests, including two minor daughters and a wife he actually liked. When he did play golf, he mostly stayed around DC, as I recall; he didn’t haul a presidential entourage down to Florida with him on Air Force One every week. So I don’t understand why Rick Wilson would give Obama any grief for golfing, unless — dare I suggest it? — Wilson was Republican and had a partisan axe to grind*.
*Yes, of course I know he is.
Major Major Major Major
@trollhattan: hopefully they used BIGINT instead of INT in that database….
A real billionaire would pay for the golf and such. “Hey everyone it’s on me!”
Amir Khalid
Sometimes I wonder how it is even possible to be as bad at business as Donald Trump is.
I would like to see him impeached, but I would love to see him impoverished.
Amir Khalid
Few things about Trump are real. The billionaire thing is almost certainly not one of those things.
I think in this election we need every vote we can get. Unless all the Republican gerrymandering is corrected before the election. What is wrong with trying for as many as we can.
Major Major Major Major
@Amir Khalid: helps to be born rich.
A true patriot would too.
Mike G
“If I pretend it doesn’t exist then it never happened and I’m not a hypocrite.”
Rodney’s character had more class in a hangnail than the Traitor-in-Chief has in his entire obese body.
And I bet Fuckhead’s idea of giving a caddy a tip is to say “buy low, sell high.”
@debbie: Rodney Dangerfield would. If you’re gonna be filthy rich, do it right. Trumpov want an Indepence Day parade, be a Patriot buddy.
Pay up big mouth fraud.
Chyron HR
I don’t see how certain candidates going around snarling “WHITE lives are what REALLY matter!” constitutes “trying for as many [votes] as we can”.
@Duane: Al Czervik (Rodney Dangerfield’s character from Caddyshack) is a classic Uncle Pennybags character, and frankly my role model. He’s pretty ruthless when it comes to getting money, but he had zero interest using it to keep score. If you can’t enjoy it and share it, do some good in the world with it, of what use is it in the first place? (Honestly, he could have mooted the entire climax of the movie simply by offering to pay the kid’s scholarship and walked off the field, but what fun would that have been?)
Major Major Major Major
@Chyron HR:
Huh, I must’ve missed that speech. You’d think if a democrat had really said it, it would’ve shown up on my timeline.
Or is this how you’re characterizing remarks more or less identical to what Hillary said in her ‘deplorables’ speech?
Bill Arnold
Trump opens new war with California over wildfires, seeking to slash payments for firefighting on federal land (Joseph Serna, May 22, 2019)
Got it. Firefighting is one tenth as important as D.J. Trump’s golf vacations. (And the coffers for his golf properties.)
Chyron HR
@Major Major Major Major:
Yes, I’m insultingly summarizing Messiah Bernie’s long history of glorifying white people and being completely dismissive of Black voters. So fucking what?
Omnes Omnibus
@Chyron HR: Then again, he wasn’t the fucking nominee, was he?
@Bill Arnold: Well, the fire wasn’t near his golf course.
TS (the original)
And it was in a state that resoundingly did NOT vote for him.
@TS (the original): No, we don’t like him all that much here in the Golden State. You’d think Trump would like any state called Golden.
hells littlest angel
Democrats need to appeal to regular people to win elections — and by regular people I mean African-Americans and Latinos.
Gin & Tonic
@Major Major Major Major: If reaching for every possibly-apocryphal Obama-Trump voter pisses off two Obama-HRC voters, then it’s a bad bet.
Congratulations on the double entendre title. My filthy mind took it at first at its anatomical meaning.
It may be obvious that I am not a fan of balls on greens.
Major Major Major Major
@Gin & Tonic:
They’re… they’re real.
I just get annoyed at the outrage around stuff that’s basically things that Hillary and Obama have said.
If we’re talking about Bernie’s “racial conflict stems from class conflict” bullshit though yeah that’s bullshit unreconstructed Marxism.
Frankly I want the democratic candidate to pay attention to some white voters….the ones who usually or always vote democrat, like me. I demand fairness, and that means I hate racists, want to protect the persecuted and women’s rights and quit separating families.
Actually a candidate who said ICE agents should be prosecuted for kidnapping could get my interest. I am white and I was never fooled by the GOP. I always noticed they were racist and wrong. When democrats have won. Whites like me have been part of the reason, NOT the kind who could be fooled by Trump or Reagan on Gingrich for example. So let’s hear some pandering to my views not those dipsh* who pretend they aren’t just racists and who are really not going to vote for a democrat so it’s a waste to try.
Pandering to my views wouldn’t be significantly different than to black women.
“After being thrust into the spotlight as an area of focus for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, the parent company of Psy Group whose CEO met with Donald Trump Jr and others in 2016 to pitch his social media manipulation tools, has scrubbed its online footprint and employees have taken steps to hide their work for the Swiss company.
Salix Services is at the end of a long-trail of shell companies which own Psy Group, and has garnered the interest of Mueller, the Daily Beast reported on Tuesday. The existence of the shell companies and their connections to Russian finance was first reported in June 2018.
In the hours following the Daily Beast article, Salix Services’s website, which was once flush with information, appeared nonresponsive. The profiles for the principals in the wealth management company, Judith Hamburger and Barbara Löwy, have also been deleted. Salix’s Senior Vice President, Regula Spinas, removed her last name from her LinkedIn account.”
Stuck in moderation,…
Major Major Major Major
@Jay: fake news! ;)
Rescued ya obviously
You don’t arch enough and the showers are cold.
@hells littlest angel:
Latinos as a general ethnic group aren’t anywhere in the same league as African Americans. The African Americans know that the system is stacked against them and try hard anyway. Latinos….not so much.
Bill Arnold
Marketing brochure for anyone interested:
J R in WV
@Bill Arnold:
There are no names of the principles of the company in that document. It’s interesting, they hit the “legal” aspect of their work several times, which made me think they don’t git a rat’s ass about legality of their work.
His intention for the wall to be a money-making scam for friends and himself was predictable, but still somehow nothing could be done beforehand to prevent the attempt itself. So I hope someone is recording evidence of prosecutable crimes in office.
Bill Arnold
@J R in WV:
As in “don’t worry about legal exposures; if anybody complains, we’ll take care of
themit.”Lots of newer material out there in a quick search. Don’t know how competent they are, but getting exposed is a negative indicator.
@J R in WV:
The takeaway,
“This video and similar recent videos could have been Russian productions — but anyone can learn to do this stuff. Russians have brought this virus to America, just as they’ve brought it to many other countries; Americans are perfectly capable of transmitting it now. The Russians can now interfere with American politics (and the 2020 election) without ever lifting a finger themselves.”
So, Needy Amin is pushing for one of the GoFundMe Wall grifters to get the “contract”,……..
Anne Laurie
Yes, we do, but spending our money enabling several or many reliable Democratic voters (cough, African-American) to get to the polls is a better bet to get those votes than courting one ‘independent’ Republican voter who probably won’t vote against Team Red regardless. Fighting voter suppression (& gerrymandering), not pandering to the Media Village Idiot’s unrequited affection for white working-class men and the women who enable them!
Steve in the ATL
@Bill Arnold: I’m going to bring it all together this weekend by playing golf, then sitting around the fire pit drinking California wine.
@Steve in the ATL:
I presume with some Florida nuts.
@Steve in the ATL: Oh, you and your little white balls.
Bill Arnold
Well, this is not a good thing. Barr the
HuttToady can be expected, given his 4-page misrepresentation of the Mueller report, to use this authority to lie by cherry picking items to declassify. The National intelligence apparatus will be forced to choose whether to expose this via leaks. (The House Intelligence committee might successfully demand to see context too.)(Lawfareblog) Presidential Memorandum on Barr Review (Quinta Jurecic, May 23, 2019)
JFC, we are so fucked.
I guess I need to start learning Mandarin.
What, you don’t already speak Mandarin? Slacker.
Steve in the ATL
@?BillinGlendaleCA: you’ve been taking to my wife? Damn it.
@Jay: This bunch of con-men are intefering in the federal government’s legitimate right to make immigation policy. Lawlessness, feature not bug. (IANAL!)