… I don’t think that I can take it
‘Cause it took so long to fake it
And I’ll never have that many gulls again…
Everything was going great for the $100 million replica ark… but then the rain started.https://t.co/gt9CchQAmt
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) May 24, 2019
… Ark Encounter, which unveiled the 510-foot-long model in 2016, says that heavy rains in 2017 and 2018 caused a landslide on its access road, and its five insurance carriers refused to cover nearly $1 million in damages.
In a 77-page lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court, Ark Encounter asks for compensatory and punitive damages.
The ark itself was not damaged and the road has been rebuilt, according to the suit.
The park is open, said Melany Ethridge, a spokeswoman at the attraction’s Dallas-based public relations firm, who only laughed when informed that Ark Encounter had sued over flood damage…
But to Ark Encounter’s lawyer, Amanda Brooke Stubblefield, at the Cincinnati firm Keating, Muething & Klekamp, the suit is no laughing matter. “We are not going to comment to the press on this case,” she said…
Ark Encounter says its version in Williamstown was built to the dimensions in the Bible and is the largest timber-frame structure in the world. Tickets to the ark and nearby Creation Museum are $75 for adults and 24 for children 5-12.
The suit, which asks for a jury trial, names Swiss-based Allied World Assurance Co. Holdings, its use company and three other carriers.
When I read the headline to the Spousal Unit, he said, “That is a Murphy story on SO many levels… “
And in my head I heard the voice of the Trickster God: Dude, the state of Kentucky is a long-running trickster story!
The insurance company now must argue that rain damage was an Act of God. Please? Pretty please?
Douglas P Gardner
I’m waiting for the loaves and fishes museum, at which an arbitrary number of people can be fed from a few scraps. If we’re going to do Biblical literalism, can we at least do something to benefit humanity?
Wait. Hang on. It costs SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS to see the stupid thing?
For perspective, it’s currently about $150 for a one-day pass to Disneyland, and there’s a hell of a lot more to do at Disneyland.
And if you’re dying for a Noah’s Ark experience, fhe Skirball here in LA has a super cool one that’s only $12:
Clearly frivolous. I am no fan of insurance companies, but I hope the judge makes the ark people pay all costs incurred.
What Mnem said! 75$?? These people know their patsies if they can get that kind of money out of them for…THIS.
Louisville Courier-Journal via Anne Laurie @ Top:
Of course they asked for a jury trial. They’re hoping to get a jury of fundamentalist rubes who will just be shocked and dismayed that insurers wouldn’t pay out to the good and holy people who rebuilt Noah’s Ark.
@Mnemosyne: That is a fantastic place!
HA! I’m guessing it depends on the nature of the insurance. If the insurance is supposed to cover ‘Acts of God’, which seems likely, then the insurer will probably have to argue for some sort of negligence on the part of Ark Encounter.
But yes, it would be a fine irony indeed if the insurer could get out of paying the claim due to an ‘Act of God’ not covered by the contract.
Mike in NC
Waiting to read how Mike Pence and a handful of other religious zealots will try to get the American taxpayer to pay for this bullshit. Of course Mitch McConnell will be onboard, possibly with a Russian oligarch as well.
The Great Flood of Fail.
Once in a while this timeline pans out.
OT:55 minutes of meh, then chaos: UVa-Duke lacrosse. 2nd overtime starting soon.
Just One More Canuck
WaPo’s story on this mentioned that the insurance company said there was an exclusion for correcting design deficiencies or faulty workmanship. it also mentioned that the rain was barely above average. Sounds like the people to go after were the engineering firm who didn’t take the drainage into account
Dr Ronnie James DO
@Mnemosyne: Yeah, my eyes popped out when I read that as well. Meanwhile, admission to the local Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (aka “The Dinosaur Museum”) is only ~$20 for adults.
Draw your own conclusions…
Doug R
The Royal Tyrell Museum lets you bring your whole family for TWO days for $69 CANADIAN.
Also, as a final comment on the “Game of Thrones” finale, Screen Rant did a pretty funny pitch meeting video:
It’s one thing to have plot holes, but to forget that a character rode off on a horse in one scene and then is inexplicably on foot the next time we see her in the same location?
@Dr Ronnie James DO:
Fundies would probably refuse to go to the Skirball because it’s a Jewish cultural center and how could a bunch of Jewish people know the proper interpretation of a story from the Old Testament, anyway?
At which point she turned into a pillar of salt.
@Mnemosyne: I was just checking; no wonder my niece told me everything in Boston was “cheap”.
Children’s Museum: $17
MFA: $25
MoS: $28
NEAQ: $31
GoBoston one-day pass: $63
Maybe the plan in the bibles was a bit unclear and they had a similar problem as the people who built what is still the largest wooden church structure of the world in the 1840s. The building is in Finland and can seat a gigant congregation of 3,000 people. The funds to built the church and the construction plan were donated by a Finnish expat who had made a fortune after emigrating to America. Rumors have it that while the architect was working in centimetres, the builders assumed it was inches.
@Dr Ronnie James DO:
Are you saying that they have to charge more per person because no one is going?
“Tickets to the ark and nearby Creation Museum are $75”
I find that simply stunning.
I wouldn’t enter the place if they paid me twice that.
If I as an atheist said that voices were telling me to do something, I’d get an immediate 5150 order.
Another Scott
PZ went there in 2017:
I’m sure the tour groups got a discount on the tickets, but I’m also sure that it still wasn’t cheap.
If the floodwaters had surrounded that arc and set it afloat, full of animals, for forty days, now that would have been impressive.
God said to Noah, there’s gonna be a floody floody
Rain comin down, it started gettin muddy muddy
@Another Scott: You can tour the Queen Mary for $20, and it’s twice as big. The USS Midway is $22 and it’s bigger yet. If you carry an Iowa drivers license, you can come to Long Beach and tour the USS Iowa for free ($20 for the rest of us). That’s a very cool promotional idea, btw. The Intrepid is $33, but it’s NYC, so it’s worth it.
@Another Scott:
Actually, the crowds make sense to me: it’s literally the ONLY field trip fundies are allowed to make. No natural history museums, no art museums, probably not even any national parks because the park rangers might answer any questions about geology honestly. And they’re CERTAINLY not allowed to go to that godless Dollywood!
So this is it. This is their Disneyland. They get nothing else. What a sad, constrained life they lead. At least Hasidic and Orthodox kids get to see the various Holocaust museums.
The place sounds like it’s a huge fire hazard.
Mike in NC
@FlyingToaster: I could be misremembering here, but I thought most of the museums in Boston that I frequented as a kid were free admission.
If you’re traveling east from Chicago on I-90, a good indicator that you’ve left the city is when you see the billboard with a big dinosaur (I think the kind that was at the beginning of Jurassic Park), that says, “Turn onto Exit 5 for the Creation Museum!” (or whichever number it is)
Assuming the billboard is still up. I have not had occasion to make my way through Indiana in a while.
ETA: And as Mnemosyne say above, this enough of an attraction to require a billboard.
@suffragettecity: No kidding. One look, along with the lines and stacks of boxes, makes me think of the Ghost Ship fire in Oakland that quickly killed 36. Kentucky – not the leading state for safety or ADA compliance. I couldn’t be dragged into a tinderbox like that, let alone pay crazy money to do so.
randy khan
So they’re saying the insurance doesn’t cover floods?
The policy clearly states rain for 39 days and 39 nights MAXIMUM!
@randy khan: They may be saying, “We’re a business about to go under if we don’t get the insurance money.”
@randy khan:
It is to question isn’t it?
They couldn’t see it coming?
Also, too, when you hear the “designed by Disney artists!” claim, remember to translate that in your head to “people who maybe freelanced for Disney a few times in the 1980s followed Ken Ham’s instructions to the letter.”
Cathie from Canada
George Takai’s tweet:
Mike G
It’s an impressive monument — to the pathetic gullibility of fundamentalists. They’re conditioned to shovel money at any con-artist who mentions the bible.
I’m waiting for it to get hit by lightning.
@Mike in NC: Summer Fridays, they cycle through so that they’re all free at least a couple times. Not on the same Fridays, though.
I was quoting the grownup prices; Kids under 11 are cheaper.
Most tourists get one of the GoBoston packages and get into all of the Freedom Trail stuff (which runs from $5 to $15 for the NPS indoor venues, like the Old State House or Paul Revere’s or Old Ironsides) plus the museums and the Kennedy Library and a buncha suburban sites (Salem Witch Museum) and pay a lot less.
@Mnemosyne: Late to the party, but great summary. I spent all week on the internet reading theories about the meaning of Arya riding off on that horse at the end of the episode, and next week “Horse? What horse?”
Noah said, “There she is, there she is Lord”
Lord said, “Noah, it’s time to get aboard.”
Noah said, “Lord, it’s begining to pour.”
Lord said, “Noah, hurry up and shut the door.”
Noah found grace…etc…
To put the $75 admission price in perspective, admission to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence is 12 euros, and the admission to the Louvre is 15 euros.
How did Noah get his hands on kangaroos and platypuses?
Answers which include “works in mysterious ways” will result in an automatic failing grade.
A handful of the nicest people I know are seriously christian, pillars of their local churches, helpful and consoling in their larger community; one is an lifelong minister (now retired from preaching but still in the choir); they are each genuinely truly good folks.
I have to remember those folks every time that christian fraudsters and hate-filled evangelists do something like this. I have to force myself to remember that #notallchristians.
I wanted to see this so I looked in google maps. There’s a creation museum in Kentucky but not finding one in indiana. I did see a “Noah’s ark preschool” in the map in Laporte , IN quite a ways down the road so that’s probably not what you were thinking of.
@2liberal: Oh I know, it’s the one in Kentucky, which is a long drive from Chicago. That was part of the irony: “Our target audience is too stupid to read maps, so we literally have to tell them to turn right when they leave the city.”
OK, so I am not a ship-builder, but it looks to me like that single door in the side of the ark would be at or below the water line. If the door is supposed to be above the water line, that looks like a pretty shallow draft.