A long-distance bleg from commentor Miss Bianca:
The Blue (grey) is Loki (aged 3) and the Tortie is Fiona (aged 2); they’re both female, both fixed, both in good health, with no behavioral issues. To the best of my knowledge their vaccines are current.
They’re also both very sweet.
They currently reside in Saint Louis, with the brother of their Mom. He’s got to move by 6/1/19 and can’t have them at his new digs. Their original owner is a poet and dancer from this area; she and her husband are both teaching in northern China and will be, for the foreseeable future, and they can’t bring the cats over. As the Brother can no longer look after them, she’s asked me at considerable distance to do what I can to try to get them a new loving family.
They haven’t been in a “plus dog” environment, so I don’t know about that, they both seem to get on with other cats, and ideally they’ll be rehomed together.
If you’re interested, or know someone who might be, leave a comment here or send me an email at annelaurie (dot) bj (at) gmail, and I’ll forward your message to Miss Bianca.
Miss Bianca
Thanks, Anne Laurie! Please, someone adopt these sweet kitty girls! I will kick in for travel expenses!
hmm.. I’m not quite sure yet about pets yet. Im unemployed at the moment and I rather not take on a burden while I’m still in this state. Are they a bonded pair?
Instant family! What lovely girls. What misery for their pet Mom. Go to China, leave furry babies with brother, who flakes out on you. When you could have seen to their well being before you left. (Recognize I could be wagging my finger inappropriately. Apologies, if so)
At least St. Louis is close to everywhere, what with being in the middle of the country. So everyone lives close enough for transport.
Step right up folks, looks like two sweet girls can be yours, Seem like excellent starter cats for those who might have been considering for a while
Or those that have had recent losses and need more cats in the house. Rescuing some sweet girls, just the way to ease grief.
Hello Loki and Fiona, wish I could take you but Luca is a territorial asshole. In for transportation costs and nose-boopage.
Miss Bianca
@MazeDancer: I don’t know the details, it’s actually another friend of mine in St Louis who posted the original descriptions – I told her that this blog was a good place to find kitty rescuers.
@Miss Bianca: It’s like super last minute.. I mean we have like 3 days :(
2 cats means twice the adorableness–and these 2 definitely meet the ‘adorableness’ standard. And 2 cats together works well in so many ways, for the cats and the cat parent(s). I have my 2 and speak from experience.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
I can take them in if there’s not someone closer available.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: do you mean as a short term foster or as a permanent placement? Either would probably help a lot!
In for transportation.
Mary G
Also in to chip in a bit of money if needed. They look very sweet.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Awesome – I could also do a foster as well given it is last minute. Oregon is the best place for pets, we have a nearly 99% adoption rate, although I would be remissed if I put them into a shelter. :P
I will also put in money for transportation.
Teddys Person
I e-mail the link to this post to a friend who lives in St. Louis. I doubt she’s looking to add to her household but asked her to spread it around to anyone who might be interested in adopting.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@satby: Permanent, though of course pending the reactions of the current crew. We’re an all-feline household.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
In for transport. The calico girl looks just like my Tinkerbell.
In for transportation.
Ahhhh! Torrrrtieeee! My weakness (along with calicos).
The solid grey looks sweet too.
Miss Bianca
@satby: ooh, ooh! *bounce bounce* Really?? : )
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Two cats can fly in one big crate. I have done it, when moving cross country. Did they like it? No. Were they absolutely fine? Yes.
They kept each other company.
I might give each a big squirt of CBD oil before loading. Also good when getting used to new surroundings. and
@Miss Bianca:
Let me check with the spousal unit. I can’t make any promises but the kids would be thrilled. The border collie would probably adjust. We’re in St Charles. I’ll have an answer by 7 central. But don’t wait on me.
Miss Bianca
@GregMulka: I will be waiting, and in the meantime checking with my friend. Thank you, all!
@Miss Bianca:
I have approval. I sent Anne Laurie my contact info.
I’m in for any transport costs.
Yay! Congrats on your excellent new family addition.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Congrats, Greg!
Miss Bianca
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Thank you for being such a sport about it!
@GregMulka: And thank *you* and your dear family, too! I will inform my friend instantly!
Miss Bianca
And may I just say that I *love* this community! Y’all are the best ever!
It’s too bad the kids are out of school already. The cats could have just shown up.
HOO FREAKING RAY. This is excellent. Let us know the logistics and how to send transport money.
I’m 30 minutes from anywhere in STL, so a gallon of gas? ?
zhena gogolia
Oh, this is great.
Miss Bianca
@GregMulka: IKR? This could end up being the easiest Balloon Juice adoption tale ever!
sm*t cl*de
Writing as the house-ape of a Siamese and a Maine Coon, I still have to admit that torties are objectively the best.
Pickup is ~5 PM on 5/30.