Since you all are de facto members of the extended Cole family (and you thought the Manson family was a hot mess), thought I would give you a dad update. His surgery was scheduled for 11:00 this morning, but there were some issues with one of the operating rooms (something about AC I think) and he did not go under the knife until about 2. The surgeon told my mom that everything went great and I spoke with dad a few minutes ago, and he is groggy and in pain, but not enough to critique my cooking. I told him that I made a taco salad for mom for dinner (since dad is the cook over there), and he said “Already?” implying it will be soggy by the time she gets home. Of course I have not put it together, I just browned and seasoned the meat and have everything ready for when she gets home.
So it seems dad is apparently fine.
Ohio Mom
Very good news!
Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
Great news!
Thanks for the update; glad he’s awake and being judgy.
Blessings to Papa Cole ??
May his recovery be fast and complete ??
Thank you for the update!
I love it that your Dad, barely coherent in his haze of pain-killers, can still have a go at your cooking. An unjust go, but it does reassure, in an odd way.
He’s making himself a motivation. Glad all went well.
LOL that your dad apparently has enough doubts about your cooking that he thought you completely made the tacos 4 hours ahead of time.
Glad he is doing well.
Mai Naem mobile
Okay,guess I missed the surgery post. Good luck with the recovery. Hips are supposed to be easier than knees. Glad your dad is getting this crap done when hes relatively young and has fewer medical issues than he would if he was older.
Your Dad is a treasure John.
zhena gogolia
That’s great.
Amir Khalid
Good to know Dad Cole’s operation went well and he’s doing fine.
Mai Naem mobile
@Seanly: now we have to worry about Cole having a coking habit that he shares with his mom!
He’s grouchy. That’s a positive sign!
A soggy taco salad is a definitely hot mess. Sending Cole Sr best wishes. Thanks for the update.
I love your dad. Glad he’s all grumpy and irritable. That’s great!
Thanks for the update, John.
Such good news.
cyborg papa cole is well!
orchid moon
Yay! Thanks for keeping us in the loop, and glad your dad came through surgery well. Hoping for a speedy recovery. Tell him to listen to his PTs.
Van Buren
My best friend at work was supposed to have hip replacement surgery this week but they found a problem with his kidneys and now everything is on hold.
So he has to continue walking up 4 flights of stairs numerous times a day in some discomfort.
Getting old is not for the weak.
BC in Illinois
“Patient is responding well, is awake, and being judgy.”
– – Nurse’s notes, 5/28/19
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
That’s very good news. I’d have been quite concerned if he’d said something affable and complimentary about your dinner preparations for your mother. Good thoughts for a speedy recovery.
I work with a guy who had his right hip replaced last week at the age of 33. He had some kind of congenital joint issue.
@Yutsano: He’s cognizant of time and attuned to what’s involved in making a taco salad. Those are great signs.
Glad he’s doing fine. Here’s to a speedy recovery so he can be back out in the yard and putzing around.
Gelfling 545
Excellent news. May the progress continue.
Sloane Ranger
Sounds like he’s doing well. Very pleased.
Love the “already.”
He sounds a lot like a dear friend of mine who is in her last days. Her daughter is taking a leave from medical school for a couple of months and her mom is not happy about that. She can barely talk at this point but is still telling her daughter “No, no. Study, study”
Glad to hear it!
Glad to hear the good news about the surgery. Positive thougts your way!
Hoping your mom is doing well too.
Good for him. Its amazing that these joint replacement surgeries are almost routine.
Good news and let him know that we are sending him hugs. That should help the healing process. lol
Good to know he’s doing well and complaining! That’s a great sign.
@BC in Illinois:
Cole@OP: Tell Papa Cole to be nice to his nurses.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
Thanks for the update. Glad he’s doing well.
Awesome, go dad! And thanks.
karen marie
I’m not going to let go of my unease until Pere Cole is out of hospital and back to moving around as he did before (except without so much crashing to the ground and breaking things) but this is indeed good news. Thanks for the update, John Cole.
De-lurking to send my best to you and your family – and especially your Dad, who on top of having to recover from hip surgery, also has to worry about your skills at food prep… Glad to hear that he’s judgy – always a good post-op sign. I say this as the spouse of one who had a full knee-replacement last Thursday, after having both hips replaced – first one done in March 2018, second one done in October 2018. Hip surgery is amazing – and as long as your Dad does what the physical therapist says, he’ll be fine! My most-bestest wishes go to your Mom – she’s gonna be the one who has to deal with the 24-7 of recovery.
Glad to hear.
Cant wait for photos of your Dad and Rosie sitting together judging all a y’all.
Thanks for letting us know. I for one have been wondering, and we’re all sending good thoughts to everyone in your/our extended family.
I’m glad to hear that your Dad is doing well.
Good news, John. Thanks for letting us know.
So very glad that the Rosie Whisperer is through surgery and into recovery. Best wishes to all the Coles!
Felanius Kootea
Good to hear that your dad is recovering well.
Hooray for DadCole’s good result. Judgy indeed.
Rock on, Pere Cole! Thanks for the update.
(and you thought the Manson family was a hot mess)
It is. But I feel that I must inform you that I am only one degree of separation from a member of the Manson family. Not genealogically mind you, we were just acquaintances, member of the same church and schools. I met someone completely separately 20 plus years later who is also just one degree of separation from the same member of the family for an entirely different and just as innocuous reason.
It really is a small world.
And Good news about your dad.
Glad to know your Dad did well. I hope he has a speedy recovery.
Mary G
Yay, he should do fine if he’s crunchy as usual.
Good for dad Cole, and best wishes to your mom and the rest of the family. Supporting a family member’s recovery is hard work too.
J R in WV
Nothing routine about it to the victim, er, uh, patient. You know what I mean, dammit!!
Really glad all went well~!!~
And thanks, Cole for the update!
Thank you for the update!! Knew he would come through with flying colors.
Tch – parents, though, RIGHT?…