I just absolutely had A Day today. Fortunately, I was cheered right up by playing with Samwise using his new favorite toy. These are too good not to share.
Which one are you? I am both.
Open thread!
by Major Major Major Major| 46 Comments
This post is in: Cat Blogging, Open Threads, Pet Blogging
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“Who you looking at?”
Well he’s sure enjoying it but I can’t tell what it actually is. Care to enlighten me?
I hope that if you mean by “A Day” that it wasn’t a good one that tomorrow will be better.
Patricia Kayden
Samwise is a gorgeous kitty. Love this blog for all the pet pictures.
Major Major Major Major
@Shana: it’s like a shuttlecock made of feathers?
I didn’t sleep too well last night so everything was just sort of actively unpleasant.
Samwise looks especially good against that excellent rug. Which, no doubt, he knows.
Odie Hugh Manatee
That look on his face says “I’m about to rip shit!” and then he does. :)
@Major Major Major Major
Shuttlecock tease.
As it’s a Manhattan apartment, guessing the tether is to secure it from being dragged away late at night by the roaches*?
*No slam on you guys, they come with the territory.
I’m with you. This week has been the absolute pits, interspersed with occasional, “Hooray, that’s finally done.” moments.
And poor WarriorGirl had a writing assignment. These always suck. They take her four times as long as a normal person, because she’s a perfectionist. But it’s done. Hooray!
The latter, absolutely. Mrrowwrrr!
I love Samwise. He is gorgeous. And wise.
Every time I think Trump cannot possibly piss me off more, he manages to surprise me with his pettiness. Just saw something (would have to dig a bit to find the link, but will if necessary) indicating that when he was in Japan over Memorial Day weekend he ordered that the USS John McCain be kept out of sight during his visit to the naval base.
Honestly, has there ever been a more resentful, petulant, fearful, thin-skinned ninny occupying the Oval Office than this waste of oxygen?
Gin & Tonic
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s not even named after that John McCain.
Major Major Major Major
@Gin & Tonic: oh god, that makes it even dumber! Just a bottomless pit of stupidity, our president.
Mary G
Somebody’s 15 minutes is about up:
John Revolta
@SiubhanDuinne: When I first heard this story my impression was that it wasn’t Trump, it was the the White House Military Office that had issued the orders to keep Trump from seeing the ship and saying something stupid. However I just read where Trump tweeted this evening that he didn’t know about it ahead of time, so chances are he probably did.
@Gin & Tonic:
I thought it was named after all three John McCains. But it hardly matters. Amazing that a PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES would be so fucking petty as to order that battleship out of his sight line during a visit to the naval base in Japan. I’m out of words to express my sadness and outrage.
P.S. And now, of course, Trump and the WH are totally denying that they ever asked for any such thing.
Uh huh. Uh huh.
Major Major Major Major
@Major Major Major Major: @John Revolta: see? It just gets stupider and stupider.
That’s some frenzy!
@John Revolta:
Yup. That’s always the tell.
Lovely cat! Here are Zoe and Shadow mid-snuggles and my Lily who is everyone’s little sister
I’ve said it before but Coal and Samwise could definitely be brothers. I need to get Coal a tie.
Gin & Tonic
The ship is named for all three John McCains, first two were admirals and the last one was just recently added on (this is all over the news tonight and also gets a lot of attention on the Twitmachine). The ship is in Japan for repairs, and is in dock fairly near the USS Wasp, aboard which the talking yam festivities were to be held. So somebody had the idea of draping a tarp over the fantail of the McCain, so the name at least could be hidden, and this was done per all the pics I’ve seen tonight. Also, too, the McCain’s sailors, who wear caps with the ship’s name displayed, were given the day off. Of all the….I can’t even….Jeebus H Cripes…ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Oh and Megan isn’t particularly happy either. ETA I see Gin & Tonic has it more formally.
@Gin & Tonic: when a president is that petty you got troubles. Mean-spirited and stupid is a poor way to go through life.(h/t Kay)
Major Major Major Major
@pnwjmk: haha, aww!
Gin & Tonic
He also wished a “happy Memorial Day” to the Japanese sailors on board the aircraft carrier Kaga.
Lovely kitties with their priorities in order tonight.
Major Major Major Major
@khead: I definitely see the resemblance! There’s a YouTuber my husband watches who has a cat that’s about as similar.
Man, it’s 2003 all over again. Step up for that freedom gas, y’all.
I have to assume that molecules of U.S. freedom is what Trump produces after eating a taco salad.
J R in WV
Samwise is one fine cutie. Hope things get better for you all. We had storms passing through this afternoon, lost net connectivity off and on, too much water in the air for the sat to connect. Huge thunder peal, for 30 or 40 seconds at once. Not that much rain, more noise!
I forgot to line to Lily’s pic. In the she is trying to demonstrate that a lion can impersonate a hot dog if the bed works right https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVfV4SgN6d/
@Gin & Tonic:
There ya go, thanks.
Fair Economist
@Mary G:
That was the longest 15 minutes of my life.
Another Scott
@Gin & Tonic: I thought so too, but Wikipedia says it’s named after all 3 of them (Sr., Jr., III) as of 2018.
Oh, and the impression I had was that staff tried to hide it from Donnie because he would blow up if he saw it; not that Donnie demanded it be hidden. Who knows…
(The daily drama with our incompetent, criminal, man-child, brain-damaged, God-Emperor is exhausting.)
It is rare that I find myself on Meghan McCain’s side of pretty much anything, but if she’s outraged over this I will gladly side with her.
Just this once.
Samwise is very dignified. At least in the first picture.
Kiddo is chuffed, she was awarded her school’s distance runner of the year at tonight’s track dinner. TBF dad’s chuffed, too.
muellerstachpathcdn crap.plato
Police brutality comes at a cost.
Major Major Major Major
This is fun. The Denver museum of natural history has had this sabertooth cat bust for decades that plays a weird roar if you put a coin in it… they just restored it and added some new roars. Apparently the old one was made on 1970’s synthesizers! https://www.cpr.org/news/story/area-saber-toothed-cat-gets-dental-work-new-roars
@SiubhanDuinne: Agree, I find her, as my mother would have said, ‘very hard to take,’ even on a neutral subject. But this one time, I’ll support her. Well…not so much her. But those sailors who serve aboard that ship, and all who came before them, do not merit this debasement, and not least from the staff of the commander in chief, and I think Megan’s ire on their behalf is appropriate.
Ohio Mom
@Mary G: What a nice note to end my day on. Thanks for the link.
@trollhattan: She’s done very well from what I’ve heard. Congrats to you both.
Zackly what you said, so much better than I could have dreamt of.
Amir Khalid
The USS John S. McCain was commissioned in the Senator’s lifetime. Doesn’t the US Navy have a rule against naming a ship after a living person? I think I read somewhere that it does.
sorry for shouting… :-)
Lordy, it really does say “Freedom gas!”
In this scene from Things to Come (1936), Wings Over the World, whose leader is John Cabal, drop bombs filled with the Gas of Peace.