Just got off the phone with Luke AFB officials. Two F-35s went up against two other F-35s to simulate a dogfight. And what happened? They're maneuvers created an ACCIDENTAL sky penis contrail.
Luke says it was NOT an intentional sky penis, per review
More from me (ugggggh) soon
— Oriana Pawlyk (@Oriana0214) May 30, 2019
I imagine the phone call went something like this:
Oriana Pawlyk: Hello? Air Force person? I’m a 22 year old woman and I write for a digital website. No it’s NOT A BLOG! And I wanted to tell you that you drew a sky penis.
Unfortunate Airman Who Happened to Answer the General Inquiries Phone at Luke AFB: Excuse Me?
Oriana Pawlyk: I said SKY PENIS!
Unfortunate Airman Who Happened to Answer the General Inquiries Phone at Luke AFB: I’m sorry ma’am, I’m not following.
Oriana Pawlyk: I’ll spell if for you. S. K. No I don’t know the US military’s phonetic alphabet. I just want you to do something about the sky penis!
Unfortunate Airman Who Happened to Answer the General Inquiries Phone at Luke AFB: Hangs up phone.
Oriana Pawlyk: Hello? Hello? Are you still there? HELLOOOOO?????
Open thread!
No dick pics?
Deja vu all over again.
I know this story has happened before, probably not even two years old.
The Navy Sky Penis was better.
Change my mind.
You really want to look at John Bolton’s face?
I like Unintentional Sky Penis as a band name.
In moderation for discussing the topic of this post.
This thread may be awkward considering that posts by non-frontpagers containing the p-word apparently get insta-vaporized.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: You know what you did!
Air Force Times article alludes to ‘sky genitalia’ and says officials are ‘looking into it’.
Hey fly boys, thank you for your service.
Air Force Times alludes to ‘sky genitalia’ and points to misbehaving Navy pilots who also did it.
This idiot is going to tax American consumers until Mexico stops refugees from passing through. Damn.
Totally respect Liz Warren for sticking to her guns on not going on FNC!
Great answer Liz!
Adam L Silverman
@oldgold: I think I see the flaw in the President’s and Stephen Miller’s cunning plan.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: The female portions of the imagined conversation above are even funnier if you read them in Megan “Spokeswoman for American Jewry” McCain’s voice.
@Baud: You know what you did.
Omnes Omnibus
An A-10 would never do that.
Fun times once the tariffs exceed 100%.
And by fun I mean terrible.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s because its already a flying armored dildo of death.
@Adam L Silverman:
@oldgold: I thought Republicans were the low tax party*.
*Offer is limited to assets over $100 million.
@MattF: @MattF: Okay, okay, I’ll stop. But FYWP.
TaMara (HFG)
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: Smile when you say that.
There are exactly as many consonants in Pawlyk as there are in Silver.
They’ll call in some random sportsball coach, and have him drawl about “This country is like a ball club, it’s a good ball club, a fine ball club, a strong ball club, and they’ll give 110 percent.”
Cheryl Rofer
@oldgold: Good thing I bought my teeny tiny avocados from TJ’s.
Adam L Silverman
@Ninedragonspot: My last name isn’t Silver.
Van Buren
The Surface Navy never gets caught up in this sort of stuff by creating wake penises.
Fighter Jocks are a-holes.
Change my mind.
Uncle Cosmo
@TenguPhule: I have it on good authority that A-10s are restricted from flying over swamps lest the frogs attempt to mate with them.
Srsly, a plane ideal for its mission: a pilot straddling a 30mm Vulcan cannon in a titanium bathtub with wings full of bombs & rockets & 2 honkin’ turbofans for days-long loiter at tank-killing-friendly low speed. What’s not to like – if you’re a grunt pinned down in need of serious tactical air support.
Skype Enis.
Adam L Silverman
@Ninedragonspot: But I changed it anyway so no one will tell me I’m racist against vowels or something.
@Uncle Cosmo:
Yes, I am a fan. Doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun with its appearance.
Uncle Cosmo
@Adam L Silverman: And your first name isn’t Hiyo either. So?
@SiubhanDuinne: Is that like the Superb Owl?
TaMara (HFG)
@oldgold: Damn, now those poor kids eating avocado toast* will NEVER be able to afford a house. //
*I personally have nothing against people who eat avocado toast, although I hear it makes some people’s tiny heads explode. Wasting good avocados mashed up on wheat products instead of mashed up on corn products as god intended.
Spray cheese, beef jerky and stuffed olives to be counted as staples under Trump administration food stamp proposal
The jokes, they write themselves.
Just so fucking wrong.
Jersey Tomato
I don’t mind a sky penis. What really offends me is how clever they think it is to draw a sky penis…as if nobody had ever thought of it before. I feel the same way about those bridal shows on TLC when you get some bride who proudly declares “I’m gonna wear cowboy boots/ sneakers” with her $5,000 dress, and she’s so proud, as if she’s the first to think of it. ?
I fail to see a problem here.
Uncle Cosmo
@SiubhanDuinne: One too many E’s in there, Sue-Baroo hon; it’s Skype Nis. (3rd largest city in Serbia, but who’s counting?)
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Where’s the ketchup?
Never let it be said that SoCal is not a hotbed of haute cuisine.
Mary G
@TenguPhule: I very much doubt that poor families long for stuffed olives, but I’d bet one of Twitler’s cronies makes them.
Mike in NC
Read today that Stallone made another Rambo movie. God hates us.
@TaMara (HFG):
Very funny!
@Uncle Cosmo:
Been hittin’ it a little early tonight?
@Mike in NC:
Cubs won a world series, so of course he does.
@Mike in NC:
Rambo V: First Dialysis.
@MattF: Exactly.
@TenguPhule: I still fail to see a problem.
@SFAW: Damn straight.
Mike R
@Van Buren: You can always tell a fighter pilot you just can’t tell them much.
@Baud: Was Rambo IV, First Walker? I forgot.
@Mary G: I think they are doing it so various people can start bitching about poor people buying fancy stuff with their food stamps even though they don’t. Right now we can counter with ” No they don’t, that’s not on the WIC list.” Soon we will hear about lobster purchases with SNAP.
I thought IV was Erectile Dysfunction.
@Baud: Oh, that’s right.
Gotta have something to go with the spray cheese and stuffed olives.
Which is not merely something they won’t do, but probably something they can’t do. It’s not remotely feasible. However, as a proudly ignorant racist he believes the answer is to kill all brown immigrants, and he flails around because he can’t seem to get that obvious solution followed.
Yeah, I’ll just bet they are.
ROFL Laura
If these tariff wars continue, lobster will be cheaper than chicken.
penis penis penis
I’m about a minute and a half into the documentary The Final Year and I’m already teary. Not sure I can get through this.
Rambo VI: Bloody U Run.
I thought you still had taste buds.
@TenguPhule: Just following the path blazed by St Ronnie when ketchup was declared a vegetable for school lunch purposes. Plus ca change…
ETA I see @MattF: got there first.
@Frankensteinbeck: We should outsource Trump’s impeachment to Mexico’s legislature.
johnny gentle (famous crooner)
What’s all this about Skype?
Tomatoes are a FRUIT!!!! //
Dan B
@lamh36: Liz did great. Pete was good on the Town Hall for his own reasons. He probably did reach some Trump voters but it’s hard to say without some detailed research. My take is the left / progressive / constitution loving groups need to build a broadcast and social media platform that can compete with Murdoch. It can be done. It takes time. It would be far better to focus on this than spending time to find out if candidates can reach the 7 million+ Obama voters who voted for Trump by going on FOX. The propaganda has moved on since 2012 and we are barely keeping up.
@Dan B:
How? Be particularly specific about who will provide the money and organize the process.
I agree that going on FOX is a bad idea.
@TenguPhule: St Ronnie was from the land of fruits and nuts, which is but a short stones throw from an interchangeability with veggies.
Ohio Mom
There are SNAP/food stamp rules that arguely should be changed, including the prohibition on cooked foods such as rotisserie chickens. But Trump’s proposal isn’t it, needless to say.
Re: Tariffs. Trump isn’t going to stop Messi g with trade policy until this country’s economy crashes, is he?
Finally, thanks once to Adam for sharing his insight into the US military with us. As someone with no military background, and with no current family members or friends serving, there is a lot I am not up on. I appreciate these glimpses into the military mind set.
@TenguPhule: So you’re a biology pedant, too?
So are beans, cucumbers, all gourd/squash relatives, peas, peppers… and the list goes on and on. Most vegetables are fruit. I’m not sure how the definition of which is which got made.
@Dan B:
The number is much, much smaller than that.
Why would you think that?
@Adam L Silverman: I know your name’s not Silver. You’re such an informed, thoughtful front-pager – not to mention all-around mensch – that I thought the joke about a Slavic name was beneath you.
Fruits are the bits of the plant wrapped around the seeds.
Dan B
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’m quoting from an article at VOX. Sorry no link possible on my phone. They combined research on voters from 2012 and 2016. There wasn’t much granularity so hard to tell the reasons. They felt part might be increased propaganda from mutiple sources like Russia. Ot also may have been low info voters who felt that Obama was not corript and Trump wouldn’t be because he was rich and hadn’t been a corrupt DC pol. But those are mostly speculation without more research.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: @Ninedragonspot: If you guys are going to start in on Lone Ranger jokes, I won’t be held responsible for my reaction.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Away!!! //
@Mike in NC:
Gonna be a best-walker duel. Whose holds the most oxygen tanks? There will be meds!
People – this tariff is terrible news. We’re going to have to buy a lot of tequila – this week – if we’re going to weather this disaster. The man is a worm, and I don’t give a lick about the thought process behind it, I just know that this is a shot across the bow.
@Frankensteinbeck: Sweetness isn’t part of the definition. Fleshy casing with seeds inside.
A really stupid new science definition is for berries. So nothing (except blueberries) that has been called a berry for hundreds of years now actually qualifies as a berry. Strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are no longer berries, but bananas are.
Pretty Sure the WTO is going to piss in Trump’s oats over this.
I’m having a delicious pine cone salad.
Truth be told, I’m not, I’m hungry and the spousal book club #2 is coming over tonight. I can combine these to my benefit.
“We’ve got to come together so we can whip this thing into submission. It’ll be hard on us, but we can’t lick it by being soft!” — G. Carlin
With the tariffs, that’s going to go up, ketchup is going to go up, avocados, limes, and tequila. It’s the end times!
@TaMara (HFG):
He’s just writing his name…….
Steve in the ATL will be along shortly to represent the defamed worms.
@Sab: Sweetness was the greatest running back ever.
(Drat. Reposted. Damn you, FYWP.)
I thought this post was going to be about some joint forces initiative called Operation Sky Penis. I am disappoint.
@Dan B: I’m very skeptical of numbers like that, I think it’s more likely that Trump energized infrequent voters. That’s why I think chasing Obama to Trump voters is a low yield strategy.
FYI guys, The new Netflix film about the Central Park Five from Ava DuVernay drops tomorrow.
Patricia Kayden
@SiubhanDuinne: Look at how low Trump has brought us. Now we’re shouting about genitalia!
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: you should get yourself a Tonto ‘cause Tonto does the dirty work for free
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: I hope it mentions Trump’s full page ad where he advocated for the death penalty for the accused teens.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: The ways in which that sentence is wrong are beyond counting.
Steve in the ATL
@Sab: raspberries will always be the best berries, even if they’re not berries
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: It is known.
Dan B
@Frankensteinbeck: The first step is to persuade a critical mass of influential liberals and progressives that media and messaging are critical to democracy. And thst facts are good but fail to move voters. There are plenty of great communication pros and wealthy / crowd sourcing donors once a critical mass gets underway. Some are from acadrmia and others from professional marketing and media content production.
We could even tap John Cole! I think he knows a thing or two about communication.
Jim Parish
@HinTN: Ketchup and pickle chips both. The proposal was shot down by a Republican Senator from Pennsylvania – guy named Heinz. Yes, *the* Heinz.
@Dan B:
Are pants required? If so, Cole’s out.
Dan B
@cain: Award for most heartless use of puns! Back to seventh grade stat…
That is indeed the scientific definition of a fruit. The culinary definition is the subset that are sweet or tart. Different definitions are useful in different domains (I don’t want a pie made of bell peppers, whether or not they’re a fruit scientifically.) It would be nice if the words never overlapped, but that’s not the way language works.
*starts a GoFundMe to get MAGA rubes to pay $20 million for a pair of sky pants*
@Dan B:
That is about as vague a plan as it gets. Make people care in some unspecified way, funding will happen by itself, and so will someone to run it.
@raven: Not a football fan. Had to Google it. My husband agrees with you that he was great.
Jim Parish
@Redshift: And that’s also why tomatoes have been declared to be a vegetable by U.S. courts. The tariffs for fruits and vegetables were different, the former being lower, and one importer tried to argue that tomatoes should be in the first class. The court rejected the claim, because tomatoes are treated as vegetables in USAn cuisine.
The Lodger
@Omnes Omnibus: Muy tonto.
@Steve in the ATL: Kiss my ass I bought a boat.
Love it!
Steve in the ATL
@Redshift: so are you saying that vegetables are literally fruits?
Uncle Cosmo
@Ninedragonspot: Oh, fuck right off, killjoy.
In the mid-90s when NATO was trying to keep the various Yugoslav factions from each other’s throats, the Onion published a jocular riff about a humanitarian operation to parachute emergency supplies of vowels into Bosnia. You can find it here. I thought it was a hoot – while not being of Slavic origin, I recall many childhood Sundays in the “lower church” (i.e., basement) of our heavily Polish parish, studying in perplexity & boredom (as the incomprehensible Latin mass droned on) the Stations of the Cross along the walls, captioned in that tongue. Something about words with 25 letters and two vowels (one being the “y” at the end) has stuck with me these 50+ years…
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Omnes Omnibus: This is true.
@Steve in the ATL: This is also true.
@Sab: He knows what time it is.
Dan B
@?BillinGlendaleCA: You’re probably correct about infrequent voters. It surprised me when Mayor Pete made fans of GOP voters. Eventually we will need them to stop the GOP descent into fascism but rallying our constituents is probably the most effective strategy at the moment. If we can achieve this without alienating the “clueless racist /classist/xenophobes”, not the toxic true christo-fascists, all the better.
By clueless racists I mean people who are racist but don’t believe they are. They get led into racist actions without realizing they are. I don’t think it’s anyone’s job to “fix” them, just get them to keep out of the way until we can get our democracy back is enough.
Steve in the ATL
@raven: I loved it when the QB was injured so Ditka put Walter under center and ran two plays, Sweetness right and Sweetness left.
@Steve in the ATL: Agreed: fresh, in turnovers, sherbet, tarts, jam. Best not-berries ever.
Dan B
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I hear they have TV stations in Mexico that are about pantsless but they mostly seem to be about boobs so we’d have to discern if John Cole would be a good fit.
West Virginia by gawd Mexican values!
@Omnes Omnibus: Do you not get Lyle Lovett?
@Steve in the ATL: And then didn’t get him a td in the superbowl.
@Uncle Cosmo: That was moderately funny, until the end, which made it funnier. Emergency consonants to Ethiopia . . .
@ixnay: The lights of LA County, look like diamonds in the sky. . .
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
@CarolPW: I wondered who’d get there first.
I’m going out to sea!
@Ohio Mom:
Shit for brains has no concept of how an economy works. No one who works for him has any idea how an economy works. And none of them are capable of leaning how one works, not in a thousand lifetimes. So no he’s not going to stop. And there is another problem with him and tariffs, and that is that as he’s a stable genius, as in all horseshit all the time, he’s going to keep doing stupid shit till we stop him. He’s proven that he’s incapable of learning, not just anything new but anything at all.
Dan B
@Frankensteinbeck: Gee thanks. Your question serms to be about baiting me or about skepticism of being able to counter FOX. I’d love to have the Fairness. Doctrine restored and enforced but that would require the same process: Build a criticsl mass of influencers. Get funding from multiple sources. Develop candidates and lobbyists.
I’ve got names of professionals and organizations but I’m not putting them up until you show signs of wanting to have an honest discussion. Repeated put downs don’t inspire confidence.
@Steve in the ATL:
Some things that are vegetables in culinary terminology are fruits scientifically, yes. There are lots of vegetables that are not seed containers (roots, leaves, etc.) and so are not fruits scientifically.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Even as a Packer fan, I think that is probably the biggest strike against Ditka. He thought more about humiliating the Patriots than rewarding the guy who played his heart out every game even on the worst Bears teams. Not a good look.
NYT: Black Voters Challenge House Members: Why Is Trump Still in Office?
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@ixnay: I imagine that he does, as do I, but that doesn’t make the sentence less wrong, as a sentence.
@raven: That sucked, and I’ve never forgiven Ditka for it. Sweetness was wonderful, and gone too soon.
@Steve in the ATL: I think it is more like some vegetables are technically – or scientifically by definition – fruits, but my pedantry is weak this week.
Omnes Omnibus
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: There is a reason that the nutritionist mafia lump the two together.
@a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio: It’s my favorite song of his, quirky and sweet too, and I particularly love the Tonto stanza. I think his best performance was To Live is to Fly at Townes’ funeral, it was magnificent.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: second biggest strike. Biggest strike is that he’s a hardcore republican.
Unidentified Flying Orgasm.
Omnes Omnibus
There’s a family named Silva here in which three sons were named:
Hi Ho
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Why? Because the Senate under GOP control will never convict in an impeachment trial. Nor will the cabinet ever vote for his removal nor a majority of Congress (Senate again).
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: That’s pretty much baked in with football coaches.
@Steve in the ATL:
That’s like all three strikes.
Dan B
@Leto: Can’t read the article but the headline is terrific. Another pressure poont on Dems! Time to pile on to our politicians. I’m of the opinion we can, and should wait until we’ve got enough Reps on board but it will soon become “Dems are wimps.” In reality the MSM are wimps and tools but thst doesn’t excuse the Drms.
Unidentified Flying Orgasm.
@Omnes Omnibus
There’s a family named Silva here in which three sons were named:
Hi Ho
It’s funnier when the Car Talk guys read it aloud.
I’m rooting for the team from the country that doesn’t try to involve Me in every fucking thing it does. #Raptors #NBAFinals
He’ll just withdraw from the WTO, will claim they’ve been taken advantage of the U.S. for years. That will get all the crazy lefties all orgasmic.
@Dan B:
At last, someone who paid attention! ;)
@Baud: shorter Baud: I didn’t read the article so I’m offering up the hottest of hot takes: NYT.
BAUD 2020!
Pete Mack
Surely, surely, if ever there was a post needing the ‘old man yells at clouds’ tag, this thread is the one.
And now I’m thinking of the SNL skit with Will Ferrell about the Air Force pilot whose callsign was Clown Penis.
Alright…let’s end the day with the two most intriguing trailers I’ve watched this week.
1) Terminator: Dark Fate – apparently, they are going the “Terminator 3-6” films NEVER happened route…and I will admit to having a soft spot for the Terminator films…so they had me at Linda Hamilton and old Arnold’s T-800
there is no human way for Mexico to stop people from crossing the border, unless they waste all their manpower patrolling their side, which they won’t do to satisfy a POS like trump. And it’s not going to stop any illegals sneaking in anyway. this is trump trying to bully Mexico into doing something he wants and they won’t accept.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@Redshift: There are some lovely savory pies that use bell peppers like this Feta Bacon and Bell pepper pie. Though I’m intrigued by making a sweet bell pepper pie, I can see how it MIGHT work….
The Treaty on Refugee’s say’s first safe harbour,
Mexico’s not safe,
The US is no longer safe,
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
@CarolPW: It’s hard for me to pick a favorite Lyle Lovett song but If I Had a Boat has to be in the top three.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@NotMax: I am shocked and appalled with this thread that nobody has mentioned the classic Monty Python song yet. Ya’ll need to up your game.
Edit: and it’s not the entire song!!!! search Monty Python naval medley, and you can find it. And if you think that is in any way safe for work, there’s no helping you.
@lamh36: 2nd most intriguing trailer this week. this one came out just today I think. Melissa McCarthey, Tiffany Haddish playing it for drama and not comedy! I know how great McCarthey is at it, can’t wait to see Haddish shine too. Looks interesting.
THE KITCHEN https://youtu.be/fgit74aVAvM
@Pete Mack:
OMG, another Barchester Chronicles Mrs Proudie fan!
I’m smelling flop sweat. Trump’s getting desperate.
@PaulWartenberg: yep. They basically want Mexico to lock up their poor people for the crime of wandering around in their own country, which is probably not a crime.
@Dan B:
My tone is skeptical and sarcastic because you suggested something huge that everyone would like done and nobody knows how to do as if it would solve our problems. If you’re going to do that, the burden on you, who is giving us instructions, is to give said instructions in a way that are more than fairy dust ideas. You have not done so. You haven’t even connected the steps of your fairy dust ideas.
This has been making everyone at my office laugh. Our current project is out near Luke, but none of us saw it.
And she looks pretty damn good.. as bad ass as ever.
so what are the odds that Mexico will do a reverse tariff on soybean and corn? I think if that happens, the state economies of the midwest is going to tank and tank hard. All those right wing policies they put in place in those states are going to bite them in the ass.
They arn’t Mexicans. They are Salvadorians, Guatemalans and Hondurans fleeing death squads, MS-13, ( that the US exported), gun violence, ( another US export) and the drug/slave trade, ( that the US funds).
They are crossing Mexico, ( which isn’t safe), for refuge in the US, which is no longer safe either.
Adrian Lesher
This is apparently a thing. See this from 2017.
“White Nationalist Groups Banned By Facebook Are Still On The Platform
“Facebook likes to make a PR move and say that they’re doing something, but they don’t always follow up on that.”
By Jane Lytvynenko and Craig Silverman and Alex Boutilier
Posted on May 30, 2019, at 3:01 p.m. ET”
I loved the original Terminator and T2, but they ran out of story a long time ago. If this were the 1940s, the studio would be releasing “Abbott and Costello Meet the Terminator.”
But yeah, I’m still a fan and it is good to see Linda Hamilton again. But I will file the trailer away and wait for the first reviews before I will see the film.
Excellent Preston Sturges comedy, Hail the Conquering Hero (1944), coming up at 11:15 (EDT) on TCM. Eddie Bracken, Ella Raines. Army washout gets mistaken for war hero when he returns to his hometown.
@cain: Did any of the $18B for the farmer’s bailout go towards food benefits? It should. Anytime Trumpov needs money to pay for his crap policies that hurts everyone top to bottom, a price needs extracted.
Naw, a big chunk went to Archer Daniels Midland, Yurtle the Turtle, etc.
@Timurid: The caller for that one was better, and by “better” I mean worse: she was all, “how can I explain this to my child?” Unless she has an extraterrestrial child with none of the usual bodily organs, shouldn’t that be, “guess I should go apologize to my child who I haven’t allowed to know about basic body parts?”
None of the gangs I have heard of own fighter jets, so it is not like she had to explain tagging.
(grumpy person shakes fist at people who can’t just laugh at the occasional sky penis)
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@cain: At this point, I’m Okay with that. Even with all the collateral damage. If these racist, misogynist, imperialist assholes want to lead themselves and their own supporters into doom, and would only try to fight and destroy any power I have because I defied them? Unfortunately, over the last couple of years I’m warming to “acceptable casualties” for the people who would rather bring me down than try to fix things.
Dan B
@Frankensteinbeck: You win the debate. Huge problems can’t be addressed so don’t have a discussion.
How do I propose a thorough discussion in a comment in a blog post? You demand something that can only be addressed in general terms in a comment and then diss my responses for lack of detail. Wow!
My take is that progressives have not taken up modern communication techniques because they are stuck in a rational model thst has been fairly conclusively disproven by many studies. Business adopted the techniques because they increase business success, not because they are moral. The GOP has been business / profit oriented. Liberals have been oriented to communities and the underdog and intellectuals. We csn do better but the mondset thst it is pie in the sky or too huge to tackle or won’t produce results for decades is self defeating.
At this point we have the choice of tackling the impossible or being destroyed by what seems inevitable. Diss that all ypu want. You seem to be cynical, not skeptical.
Wilson Heath
Norman Greenbaum, 1969, right?
Dan B
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]: I believe that a large number of the folks hurting from the tariffs will blame gummint. They want to blame eanything but their tribe and their leaders. But we’ve seen evidence that there are some folks who can see the true cause of the crisis. I’m not sure that China is going back until the GOP is out of power and a reliable government in DC.
@Jay: Up to $28B and counting for farm bailout Grassley, the conniving rat is at the money trough too. Right out in public the fucking criminals. Thanks for the link. Its always worse than you think.
@Dan B:
The LBGTQ communities abilities to get narratives of their lives in place, had a huge impact on changing minds.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@Dan B: And, at this point, unfortunately I’m Okay with that. Those people are not reachable. Progressives have tried for 30-40 years to try to reach out to those tribal people and have been rebuffed and all of their good faith has been returned with bad.
Turn out out base? Yes. Reach those who can be reached? Yes. But things have gotten too dire with climate change and the current extinction burst of american conservationism. At some point you have to accept the tantrum NO! and let the eternal white christian children accept the repercussions of adulthood with their multiply-repeated actions.
And as far as well they didn’t understand? It’s not like the information was not out there. It’s not the 1500’s where outside information is difficult to find. We seem to be drowning in a sea of information, and they chose their choice. We should respect that, since they are adults, and allow them to understand the ramifications of their decisions.
Some will be near term, some will be long term. It’s been amusing with the tantrum in Georgia, that companies are starting to leave because of the very real threat that their employees could be jailed for LIFE due to a deliberate mis-understanding of the teachings of an Iron-age carpenter. It’s also amusing that the rulers of that state trying to say “we didn’t mean it”. That’s a lie, they are adults. They meant it, and they DID it.
You want to talk about those in the state who will be harmed? You really want to help? Donate to help those who can be saved move out of places that can’t be saved. Basically they are hostages to a state that will never give them any real voice, and if you want to actually help them, get them out.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jay: You really are a total prat. You condescendingly “explain” US law to American lawyers, the US military to former service members, and now LBGTQ activism to an LBGTQ activist. It is fucking amazing.
@Uncle Cosmo: Actually, Polish is one of the easier Slavic languages to pronounce because the orthography and accentuation are dead regular. The informal rule for Russian has long been to choose the least likely syllable to place the accent and put it there.
And yes, jokes about names from people of different backgrounds are tired. In comedy, you punch up.
@Dan B: Stephanie Miller, Podcasts LIke Sexy Liberal. Basically start supporting what we do have so they can expand.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You just don’t understand what he’s writing. Let me explain it to you …
Uncle Cosmo
@Ninedragonspot: Um, same with Czech, which is a damn sight easier to learn (Poles consider it “hillbilly Polish”). Same with Slovak, which is easier than Czech (Czechs consider it “hillbilly Czech”). Same with Slovene, Serbian & Croatian (the last 2 being effectively the same language – dialects separated by one syllable [-ije- in hrvatski], two alphabets, & <100 common words – no matter how hard Serbs & Croats pretend otherwise).
All of these other than Polish have had the advantage of being codified as written languages relatively recently (e.g., Serbian by Vuk Karadžić in the early 1800s) so that their orthographies faithfully represent the pronunciation of the dominant dialect. In fact it seems Russian is the outlier here – having had (like English) something like 600 years for pronunciation to shift away from the written language.
So, you are “tired” of language jokes? Przepraszam. You are cordially invited to catch up on your sleep. We’ll wake you when it’s time to vote, OK?
Uncle Cosmo
@Omnes Omnibus: Plus the Knucklehead Of The Frozen North has never learned how to spell “Mueller,” Throw that into the list of offenses against rational thought.
My mother never got the names of her 2 kids (sons whose given names started with the same consonant) right on the first try, Even random selection (even chances) would have beaten her error rate, which hovered around 95%.
Mom was probably dyslexic; the Knucklehead is demonstrably dysthinkic.
FTR, the only thing more obnoxious than a knowitall (the German Besserwisser may be the pithier term term here) is a knowitall who whenever he hits the “Post Comment” button shows all the world he don’t know shit.
Uncle Cosmo
@Omnes Omnibus: The Knucklehead Of The Frozen North has never been able to spell “Mueller” correctly. Add that to the list of offences [sic].
In this he reminds me of Mom, who almost never got the names of her 2 sons right when she called one. (In fairness, both our surnames stared with the same letter.) Random selection (50% error rate) would have beaten her record (5% correct, maybe).
Mom was poorly educated & probably dyslexic. What should we call a wouldbe-knowitall (perhaps the German Besserwisser is more accurate) who just can’t help hitting “Post Comment” & demonstrating to the Jackaltariat that he don’t know shit? Dyslogic? Dysgnosic? Dysthinkic? Waste of C, H, O, N & trace elements compared to pond scum? I’m going with the latter, YMMV.
@Uncle Cosmo: Making ethnic jokes about people’s names in 2019 is very “hillbilly humor”.