NEW: Democrats say new DNC debate rules are forcing them to distort their 2020 campaigns to get 130k donors.
Vendors are now quoting $40 and $50 to “acquire” ONE new $1 donor.
A flood of money to Facebook just as Ds complain about the tech giant…
— Shane Goldmacher (@ShaneGoldmacher) May 30, 2019
… or perhaps they are just worried that, without a sufficient number of nearly identical white men on the debate stage, mere Democrats might be enticed to make a wrong choice of candidates? As they did (according to the NYTimes) in 2016?
I mean, I’m not shedding a tear here
— Nathaniel M. Smith (@NathanielMSmith) May 30, 2019
If Seth Moulton has more brains than ambition — and I’m told he’s a very bright man! — he’ll dedicate the months after September 2019 to winning back the support of his current constituents. As will Bill deBlasio, Tim Ryan…
low-tech cyclist
I know I’m hardly the only one who’s saying it, but some of these guys are in states with GOP Senators up for re-election in 2020. Hickenlooper would probably be favored to unseat Cory Gardner in Colorado, and Bullock would have at least a decent chance against Daines in Montana.
And if the Dems don’t win the Senate in 2020, things aren’t going to go well for us, regardless of who’s in the Oval Office. I’ve come around to the view that winning the Senate is even more crucial than winning the White House.
Patricia Kayden
NYT continues to be trash. It must be disappointing to them that a Clinton isn’t running since they were so good at tearing the Clintons down.
Dog Mom
@low-tech cyclist: Agreed.
Currently on Cole’s twitter feed:
Given his proclivities for naked mopping with mustard of Subaru’s in muddy fields, I can not be sure of what awaits me if I click on thru. I better go make sure I have plenty of brain bleach first.
J R in WV
I decided long ago that the NYTimes and other major east coast news organizations decided that just because Bill Clinton had top grades from a top university — Georgetown, including being a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford and then Yale Law, that successful education didn’t make him a smart guy. Because he was from Arkansas he must be stupid and corrupt.
Because she married an Arkansas hayseed, Hillary Rodham must also be stupid and corrupt. So most every story ever run by the Times had either explicit accusations or implicit clouds of rumors of corruption and low stupidity. Because we all know that people from farming country are sly thieves who can’t benefit from education. Even after going to Oxford, or growing up in Chicago.
So I think that’s why we wound up with a stereotypical city slicker crook, fond of filing for bankruptcy whenever a business owed big debts to contractors as president. He’s obviously less corrupt that the Senator and Secretary of State from New York, via Arkansas. Right? Wrong!
They’ll do the same thing to Senator Warren, who, never forget, is a rube from Oklahoma. Never mind her career as a law professor at Harvard! That backwoods OKey habit will never go away.
Beto, he’s just an Irishman from El Paso TX, where it’s too poor to really farm. Forget about that career in politics, the years in Congress, he’s a Texan from the border country, where, no doubt he made a living helping immigrants move from one of those Mexican Countries into Beverly Hills.
The biggest problem the Media has working up to the 2020 election is deciding which set of falsehoods they need to implant in out memories before the primaries are over. Wouldn’t do to go with the wrong set of lies about upstanding public servants who don’t win the delegate races. That would be embarrassing.
And who will Maggie Haberman cover if someone NOT from NYC becomes president? Someone her mom didn’t work for over 30 or 40 years? So sad if that happens, how will she get ACCESS to write a book without an IN like having her mom know the new president well.
Obviously I haven’t slept all that well. My left hand is caught between numb, tingling and sore, which makes it hard to type OR to sleep. Grrr.
Bletch, also, to OzarkHillbilly. Hope the rain slacks off for you guys, We had one hell of a band of thunderstorms and rain yesterday evening. Creek was 3 feet deeper than usual, our boulder movement work paid off, no further erosion of the driveway below the house.
@J R in WV: We are getting a break from the rains right now. The predicted deluge was more of a trickle.
Driveway erosion, a never ending battle for us. Glads yours has abated.
Nuclear take: any candidate who thinks this is a good way to run their campaign should sit down and STFU. Maybe try standing for something, or making real policy proposals instead of flat-out marketing.
@Matt: this. In the article Bennett complains that campaigning for donors crowds out making his case.
That’s not how this is supposed to work. Make the case, see who is moved to donate, and let the chips fall where they may based on substance, not gamesmanship.
joel hanes
Seth Moulton can eat a bag of salted dicks.
If he draws a primary opponent for his House seat, I’m donating to the opponent.
Uncle Cosmo
@J R in WV: IMO you’ve come really close to getting it, but you lose it at the quarterpole:
After degrees from top schools & a Rhodes Scholarship, Bill Clinton was supposed to turn up his nose at the grubby peasants he grew up with, move to the great Boswash megalopolis & become more citified & cosmopolitan than the natives. Instead he embraced the rubes & the hicks & the rednecks & perfected the art of explaining things to them. He committed the unforgivable sin of empowering those folks to seek their own benefit rather than manipulating them to keep their “betters” firmly in control & milking them for everything they could. And Hillary didn’t even have the excuse that these were her people – she chose to throw in her lot with them. And so, just like that former-nuclear-engineer-but-always-a-hick-in-the-Village’s-eyes Jimmy Carter, they set out to destroy him & her.
(“That’s my story, & I’m sticking to it.”)
ProTip: If you’re paying $40 to acquire a one dollar donor, quit. You aren’t going to make it.
The sense of entitlement by these white male pricks is stunning. Yes, of course you can toss your hat in the ring. When it just sits there being trampled by actual candidates with fans, messages and the ability to get traction, umm, well, tough shit. Go home and run for a seat at a level that matches your resources and abilities.
@Gex: I’m in CO, and I tolerate Bennet at best. Seeing him suddenly try to sell himself as a progressive after being middle of the road is just him feeling the political winds, not anything sincere. He worked for Phil Anschutz before getting into politics, and Anschutz is not only the richest guy in this and many western states, he’s also a big funder of seriously RW causes and publications. I know many of the local D’s hate him with a passion. I’d rather he’d have been the one that Gardner defeated 5 years ago instead of Udall, but I think Gardner is toast now thanks to (1) ever younger demographics in this state, and (2) mail in ballots. Plus hearing the same old “we need to reach across the aisle and work together” song and dance immediately ID’s you as a politician who is NOT paying attention to what the R’s have become. Screw Bennet, he needs to get back to his job as Senator and knock off this hopeless campaign, he inspires no one.