Kushner slated to attend secretive Bilderberg meetings as Trump administration reels: report https://t.co/mv65lniuHi
— Raw Story (@RawStory) May 28, 2019
Love the pic that was chosen to illustrate this: If brains were dynamite, this dude couldn’t blow his own nose. Okay, he’s not very smart, but Young Prince Jared has the original ‘Illuminati Master’ credential, as a member of the Lucky Sperm Club.
I remember reporter Tom Boggini as TBogg, the blogger who introduced me to Sadly, No… which introduced me to this joint. The wonders of networking, as reported by Raw Story:
According to a report from CNBC, White House advisor and President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has accepted an invitation to attend the secretive Bilderberg meetings this week at a time when the president is embroiled in battles with Europe’s leaders.
The report states Kushner will be in Montreux, Switzerland, for the meetings on Thursday, describing the conference — long the subject of conspiracy theories — as, “Founded in 1954, the Bilderberg Meeting was designed to foster warmer relations between the United States and Europe. The annual talk-fest is considered secretive as guests are not allowed to reveal who said what at the meeting.”
As CNBC, reports, “The clandestine nature of the Bilderberg Meeting regularly sparks conspiracy theories and accusations of a ‘secret world order’ but organizers say the restricted gathering with rules on reporting simply allows more freedom within discussions.”…
CNBC also notes that Kushner will be joined at the meetings with Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will also be attending, the reports states, although, unlike the president’s son-in-law, he is not listed on the official Bilderberg guest list…
Topics to be discussed in private include “Brexit, The Ethics of Artificial intelligence, The Importance of Space, and Climate Change and Sustainability.”
Tinfoil-hat interpretation: “Using ‘populist’ elections and robot entertainment to distract the masses while preparing Ruling Class evacuation to space or New Zealand”. Your turn!
(Seriously, though: The Washington Post points out that Pompeo is visiting Bilderberg as a “side trip” to the important stuff:
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo heads to Europe on Thursday to meet with officials from two governments that maintain close ties with Iran, just days after President Trump suggested he would welcome negotiations with Tehran over its nuclear program.
Pompeo’s itinerary includes three days in Switzerland, an unusually long time for him to spend in any one country. Switzerland represents U.S. interests in Iran, which has imprisoned at least five Americans the United States considers hostages and is believed to know the whereabouts of a sixth who disappeared there 12 years ago…
State Department officials said Iran is one of many issues that will be discussed when Pompeo visits Berlin, the Swiss capital of Bern and The Hague in the Netherlands before joining Trump on a state visit to London…
West of the Rockies
He is just such a bland, flaccid, yet unbearably smug punk. Ugh.
David Evans
Please, please let them decide Brexit is too damaging to the world’s economies and put a stop to it. I promise we won’t do it again.
@West of the Rockies:
Rumor has it that there will be a cage match between Soros and Kissinger, refereed by The Incredible Hulk.
Didn’t a US president already have productive and successful negotiations with Tehran over its nuclear program?
“We all came out to Montreux…on the Lake Geneva shoreline…”
We all know how THAT ended.
If I wasn’t so lazy, I would look into how the QAnnon, Nazi, White supremacist, anti-Jewish (anti-globalist), etc. faction of Trump supporters are reacting.
Q guys and gals will probably say this is some 11 trillion dimension move by Trump to destroy the illuminati, Build-a-bear group, the Rothschilds, Agenda 21, the North America Union, etc.
Not sure about the rest.
zhena gogolia
Ian Gillan FTW
@zhena gogolia: Funky Claude FTW, amirite?
Mike in NC
Will Putin be on hand to provide guidance to Kushner and Pompeo? Both of those guys have a penchant for attending clandestine meetings with shady characters.
I’m not really sure I should be offering advice to Trump Administration officials, but maybe avoiding The Hague might not be a bad idea for you. You know, just in case?
West of the Rockies
Have the Incels weighed in yet? That all-important bloc of sad puppies must be considered!
Why do I have a feeling that this is the start of Stephen Miller’s plan to throw Kushner under the bus to save himself from the onrushing white supremacist hordes?
Sorry, Stevie, but the instant you’re no longer useful to those same hordes, you’re getting thrown under the exact same bus, because you were never one of them and never will be.
I expose all of the REAL machinations of the Bilderberg Cabal and secret Leader of the World, King Jared, first of his name, in my runaway best-selling novel (but not really a novel) The Duh-Vinchy Kid …
Assumption of Miller’s intelligence without supporting evidence.
Its the wisteria that really crossed the point of no return.
@TenguPhule: He left out that the willow is planted too close to the blog.
That punishment has already fit the crime.
99% sure that’s the “shadowy group” that sends Alex Jones into fits of being Alex Jones. Which is also to say I have no idea who the fvck they are or if they even exist. Ah Jared, doing all the little things to make our world a little better.
Omnes Omnibus
@Booger: All it takes is some stupid with a flare gun….
Wisteria crosses more than just that. [Note to self, attack property line wisteria this weekend before it pulls the electrical snorkel away from the house. Again.]
@Omnes Omnibus: We can only hope.
@Booger: Haha…Deep.
The fuck? No one in the traitorous Trump trash crime family or his bastard administration should even be allowed to attend a Build-A-Bear workshop.
*chef’s kiss*
sm*t cl*de
“organizers say the restricted gathering with rules on reporting”
Secretive organisation. Invited a muppet who will text everything on an unencrypted cellphone. These secret masters of the universe may not have thought things through.
@zhena gogolia: “the most exciting thing about Deep Purple is my organ” -Jon Lord
Ah yes the much lamented Sadly No. I also got here via some Sadly, no reference to John Cole’s “epiphany on the road to Sissonville WV” which changed from a wingnut to liberal.
Anybody know what happened to that site? I recall it was based in some office in Germany.
Omnes Omnibus
Sadly, no.
Ella in New Mexico
If we’re lucky he’s being tricked into coming so that they can make him the main course for the sacrificial dinner. #CHOPHIMUP
Jared’s off to sell out the country for personal gain AGAIN? say it ain’t so.
I miss sadly no, I miss Jesus’ General, I miss Tanta at calculated risk, but more than all 3, I miss Steve Gilliard and the newsblog.
When I’m in charge, “The Gilly” for excellence in blogging will be the Pulitzer, wrapped in a MacArthur, served on top of a Nobel. Steve Gilliard.
WaPo via Anne Laurie @ Top:
I can’t think of a single reason why Iran would enter negotiations with the Trump administration. Trump and his lackeys clearly don’t, and won’t, negotiate in good faith. I hate to say that about our own government, but right now it’s true.
Frankly, if I were Iran, I’d assume that Trump only wants negotiations so he can set up a conflict that he can walk away from and use to rile up his base, and/or to potentially justify an attack or war.
Gin & Tonic
Where’s Lyndon Larouche in this hour of need?
low-tech cyclist
Is it wrong of me to wish that someone would kidnap Kissinger and deliver him to The Hague to be tried for war crimes?