At the #BigIdeas @MoveOn festival moments ago — @KamalaHarris was on stage answering questions when a man jumped on stage and grabbed her microphone.
The senator came back out on stage to finish her speech about #EqualPay.
— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) June 1, 2019
Next time someone asks me what I mean when I say I wish I knew how to walk through the world with the unearned confidence of a mediocre white man, I'll show them this clip.
— Megan McEwen (@mamaluna) June 1, 2019
If Harris hasn’t already asked for a Secret Service detail, looks like it’s time for her to do so. His 15 seconds of fame are gonna inspire all the other self-obsessed John Hinckleys, and the next one might be flapping something more dangerous than his big mouth.
And we can be sure if Harris had coldcocked him — which is what he deserved — every talking-head Sunday morning “news” show would’ve been gumming over the same topic: “Kamala Harris: Does This Hair-Trigger African-American Woman Have the TEMPERAMENT To Be President?”
You know what the fucked up thing is? Harris has to laugh this off & pretend like it’s no big deal.
— Panda. P-A-N-D-A. Panda. (@noboa) June 2, 2019
You have to be real stupid to think getting physical with a woman will make your protest look good
— The Bearded Crank (@beardedcrank) June 1, 2019
Cook and some other animal rights activists, who were standing outside eagerly soliciting interviews with reporters, said the protest targeted Kamala Harris only because she is California’s senator, not because her policy stance on this issue is particularly distinctive.
— Lois Beckett (@loisbeckett) June 1, 2019
That seems about white.
— Jeff Fecke (@jkfecke) June 2, 2019
The Pale Scot
Fools to left of me, Moron’s to right
and here I am, stuck in the middle with yous..
Chetan Murthy
Damn, and he doesn’t have any bullet-holes or subdural hematomas. His Lucky Sperm Club membership really paid off!
Another Scott
Al Franken talks with Sarah Silverman on his May 28 podcast.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
What a fucking jackass. Harris definitely needs a Secret Service detail. And why isn’t he being charged with something?
West of the Rockies
Looks like a dumbass young hipster know-it-all. I bet he is a Sanders man.
Note: The Face the Nation tweet has about the best video (with audio) of the confrontation that I have seen so far.
Steve in the ATL
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: felony manbunning
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Because white. But you already knew that.
Two! Two! Two posts on one subject!
Is this post payback for all the times a Cole post has big-footed one of yours?
It boggles my mind that the “walking kombucha burp” actually thought this was a good idea. Yes, yes, the innate entitlement and obliviousness of the mediocre white dude – but FFS didn’t his parents try to teach him ordinary good manners??
I just don’t know what’s going on with people. More and more of them just seem completely oblivious to anything outside their own head.
Also – not to hijack the thread or anything – I’m reposting info about a VERY last minute Seattle Meetup:
Yutsano is in Seattle this weekend so he and I plan to meet for brunch tomorrow. Venue: The Maple, at 8929 Roosevelt, in Seattle. Time: 11:00.
Any Seattle area jackals are welcome, welcome, welcome to join us!
I know this is REALLY short notice, but we just made the plans a few minutes ago.
He’s a refrigerator carton away from riverfront living in my berg. Quite familiar with the oeuvre. Not impressed. Bruh.
Dan B
@CaseyL: Can’t make it. No car till afternoon. And the bus from the south end is forever. Have fun!
It’s fucking nuts to talk about Harris hitting this fool.
She should have shot him.
More seriously, she and maybe the other candidates should have Secret Service protection.
Fools like this asswipe should be taken into a quiet room by security personnel and “persuaded” not to do this shit in the future.
Word should circulate to all these little groups that disruptive protests where they come up on stage and interfere with any candidate will not be tolerated.
Omnes Omnibus
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: People usually aren’t charged for this kind of thing.
Amir Khalid
I don’t know if the lesson on manners took. But at least the walking kombucha burp learned to pay lip service to them.
@Dan B: We will raise a mimosa to you!
Omnes Omnibus
@Brachiator: You have to ask for Secret Service protection if you are not yet the nominee. Obama got an SS detail in May of 2007. I think that both Harris and Warren would qualify for it and and both, I think, probably should request it.
“Persuaded” how?
Major Major Major Major
I saw that earlier today! What the hell!
Anybody watching Good Omens? I just saw the second episode and it was great.
So the mic was cut? Good.
I don’t have any real opinion on the Guardian, but why is their Lois Beckett giving this asshole the attention he wants? This is not going to discourage him.
Omnes Omnibus
It looks like this is the active thread on this subject, so I’ll post my comment from there up here:
At first glance there are some similarities to the BLM activists who came on stage to interrupt Sanders back in 2016. But the different messages sent by women of color interrupting a white guy with a message about survival and a white dude interrupting a woman of color with whatever message he had are enough to completely change the dynamic. One showed courage in challenging the status quo (yeah, Bernie, you are part of the Establishment. Deal with it). The very act of interrupting was a part of the message The other featured an assumption that he and his message were more important than anything Harris could say.
On another note, why did Harris’s team let her out on a stage with completely ineffective security in place? She showed a lot of poise in the moment though.
added from the previous thread…
The guy was sporting a press pass – might be why he was allowed close to the stage or was able to slip past the lacksidaisical security….
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
Because he did not physically attack her, I suppose, and rudeness by itself is not a crime under any penal code. We must settle for mocking the walking kombucha burp.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: First Amendment. Both his actions and his words were intended to convey a message. I think the message his actions conveyed was not the one he intended.
Mike in NC
@Major Major Major Major: Wife loves it, me too. Compared it to the movie “Grand Budapest Hotel” in being so off the wall funny.
@Major Major Major Major: Of course I read that as good Omnes. You did that on purpose?
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: @Duane: Don’t talk about me like I am your damned pet.
Steeplejack (phone)
Florida Man milkshaked!
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Another Scott: Thanks for the link.
Hard to believe Sarah Silverman is going to be 49. Mindboggling (photo)
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: Hmmm,,,, I once said something nice about m_c and she got shouty at me – telling me that she was not my pet. Karma?
Major Major Major Major
@Mike in NC: the first episode had me slightly worried tbh. Didn’t really sink its hooks in until like 40 minutes in.
The existence of this dude should unequivocally demonstrate to every incel that physical appearance is not their problem.
Of course Kamala Harris dealt with this with complete aplomb. She is Berkeley born and bred, and then a San Francisco politician, so she’s been dealing with head cases like this all her life.
Bumper sticker from years past: “I live in Berkeley – the open ward.”
Omnes Omnibus
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I will see your Sarah Silverman and raise you a 60 y/o Susanna Hoffs.
the lack of security is the most frightening thing. it’s what scared me the most about when Obama did big rallies back during his presidency and candidacy and still walled the rope line.
I always think back to MLK Jr & Izola Curry and the letter opener when it comes to open events like these. A crazy person don’t need a gun to cause havoc or assault someone. The lack of ample security at an event like this is kinda shocking z
@Dan B: I don’t think we will be there either. Too much going on this weekend so far and we are exhausted. I’m really sorry about this.
We missed the last one too, so I’m starting to worry that you’ll kick us out of the group.
Off to bed soon but first, RIP to a NOLA Icon
..from TYT, no doubt. //
@lamh36: I wondered why I hadn’t heard of Izola Curry stabbing Martin Luther King, jr. Then I checked the date. I was 8 and a white kid, and I doubt that my parents knew who MLK jr even was at that time.
@Major Major Major Major
Found it curiously uneven. And cheesy (as in cutting corners) when it came to the SFX.
@Major Major Major Major: Watched the first episode. While I appreciate the writing and relative fidelity to the source, it somewhat dragged for me. I’ll finish in due time, since it’s only six episodes. But I am a trifle underwhelmed at first blush.
Two posts on this, and no one has yet taken note of the moron du jour apparently taking his style cues from Ben Kingsley’s “Mandarin”? I am disappointed, given the relatively large cohort of comics fans in this joint.
Underwhelmed is a spot-on description. The imaginativeness was too constrained. If had to choose between it and the full-on Pratchettfest Going Postal (available on Prime), would choose the latter.
@Omnes Omnibus: Never thought of you like a pet. More of a farm animal. Plough horse. //
Omnes Omnibus
@Duane: I am way too much of a show pony for that to work. Your fields would remain fallow.
Anne Laurie @ Top:
I don’t know that I’d want to do that if I were in Harris’s place – the problem being that it’ll have to be approved by Trump or one of his minions, and I wouldn’t want to:
A) Ask Trump for something he’ll portray as a ‘favor’, and/or
B) Give him the opportunity to gloat about it.
Obviously, Harris should have Secret Service protection after this incident. But having to go through Trump and his administration to get it may be a river of slime to wide to wade through.
Remember: Everything Trump touches turns to shit. He’ll probably order the agents detailed to Harris to spy on her and report everything back to him.
Omnes Omnibus
@JGabriel: It doesn’t go through Trump. If a candidate requests SS protection prior to becoming the nominee, the question goes to a committee consisting of the Speaker of the House, the House Minority leader, the Senate Majority Leader, the Senate Minority Leader, and a player to be named later.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
It might have gained a few votes among the gun rights crowd.
God knows that I’d have been impressed even if I didn’t plan on voting for her already.
@NotMax: The first episode disappointed me, too – but it really does improve in the second, and third is also very good. (That’s as far as I’ve gotten; will resume watching tomorrow.)
Suppose should mention that I have watched all six.
Time for Harris to get a concealed carry permit. If she’d shot the guy when he rushed the stage, she could have gotten the pro-gun vote.
Omnes Omnibus
@Arclite: She has one.
@Omnes Omnibus:
How much difference does that really make? The Secret Service is part of the executive branch and ultimately reports to Trump – who has been breaking the norms of respecting agency independence throughout the gov’t.
I can’t see any reason why he’d suddenly respect agency independence when it comes to the SS, when he hasn’t done it with the DoJ or any other agency yet.
Citizen Alan
Without fail, every time I hear an “animal rights activist” or even read about one, I get an intense craving for steak.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Citizen Alan:
Sorry, couldn’t resist, but I’m glad Senator Harris could (although I wish she didn’t have to).
The other aspect of asking for Secret Service protection is they are already stretched and at the overtime limit. I’m not sure how many candidates they could actually protect right now.
@Omnes Omnibus:
They called Jared! Majority rules, no SS protection for you!
But seriously, how does one get to be this ‘player’? All I’ve been able to find is this:
So it would seem that at some point it does go through Trump.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hmph. Emmylou Harris is 72.
Is unearned confidence a spin for sheer arrogance?
@Major Major Major Major: Um, yes? No spoilers, but there’s one bit that I don’t think is in the book, that really works in the end.
Jay Noble
I wish Hillary during the debate or Kamala at this had gone Grace Hart (Sandra Bullock) on them. The only problem I had with Hillary was that she didn’t turn around and at least get in Trumps face. If she had turned around and just pointed for him to go to his corner, it would have been all over. IMHO
I stopped reading the Guardian after the David Sirota undercover Sanders operative bullshit.
FWIW, i don’t think it’s wise to publicly state this patchouli-in-human-form’s fuckery was especially galling because Kamala as a black woman, although I agree it’s true.
The right wing will turn the situation around to imply she thinks she deserves special treatment, and we know how that particular ditty goes.
Honestly, I think interrupting the speaker or speakers is rude—not only to candidate but to everyone else in attendance. it was rude when BLM did it to Wilmer and it was rude when Wilmer’s minions did it during the DNC convention.
There are plenty of ways to protest that don’t involve storming the stage or hijacking the venue.
More importantly, why did this assjack chose Kamala Harris to harass?
I know nothing about the animals rights movement but I’d bet my firstborn the republican stance is worse than Kamala’s—why isn’t he harassing RWNJs? Fuck him and his hippie-throwback couture.
joel hanes
@Omnes Omnibus:
People usually aren’t charged for this kind of thing.
I’m old enough to remember when wearing the wrong t-shirt to a W rally would get you roughed up by the attendees, while the security people kinda looked the other way for a while, and then maybe arrested you.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Most judges in the state of CA would probably be happy to slap a restraining order on him, which seems like a sensible precaution at this point.
@hervevillechaizelounge: Insofar as there are any laws about how animals (esp for hens producing eggs) are treated, California has them. Those kind of laws actually protect small farmers here, ok, and even smallish farmers. We have 4000 small farms in San Diego County – more than any other county in the entire country – so yeah, this travesty really pisses me off.
Why did he attack Senator Harris? Maybe because she has a LOT support in the background? And wind-up idiot… I don’t think even PETA [spits] is claiming him so far.
Senator Harris’s lack of freaking out speaks more to me than nonsense about her doing the stupid American Male pull-outa-gun shit.
Worth remembering that two Black women did this to Sanders in 2016. It was pretty clear that they didn’t really think through what they had to say, or at least if they did so then they did it very poorly.
Harris is a presidential candidate and this guy is a citizen. He’s hardly the first to pull something like this and I don’t think it’s reasonable to interpret it entirely through the lens of race.
low-tech cyclist
Kudos to @K_JeanPierre for getting in that guy’s face – she is both an accomplished woman and a badass!
@Jay Noble:
I have long contended that had Hillary merely poured water on der Trumpenführer’s head, ruining his combover and exposing his bald pate, she would have won in a landslide. For him to be humiliated on national TV by a mere woman would have undercut the tough-guy persona he’d cultivated, and lots rubes who thought he was such would have stayed home on Election Day. (He would have whined about his unfair treatment, which would have just made matters worse for him.)
Chyron HR
Wow, you guys are starting early this time around.
and WTH does that mean? MoveOn is no friend to the real base of the Democratic Party and I’m beginning to have my doubts about ActBlue too. Always Be Grifting.
Matt McIrvin
There’s a crowd that this will look good to.
Has anyone else been watching Jordan Klepper’s new show on comedy central? In depth issue reporting disguised as comedy. It’ s remarkable. Last week was about deported foreign born vets. This week about Native Americans. He actually mostly interviews native people about their culture(s). What a weird concept.
Just One More Canuck
@Omnes Omnibus: who’s a good Omnes? You are. Yes you are!
@Gravenstone: I have found it… OK? The cliche treatment of the angels is really a drag. The CW’s Supernatural works harder at exploring the conflicts between heaven and hell than this series. Doesn’t help that Tennant is blowing Sheen off the screen.
@low-tech cyclist: I have often thought that Ms. Jean-Pierre resembles Lupita Nyong’o. Could it be that Karine is actually Nakia?
And maybe also because she’s much shorter than he is. Passive intimidation.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
This 22 Minutes angry yoga clip seems appropriate, ’cause it provides a succinct and his accurate description of this guy.
Also this one which starts with a reference to “international men’s day“.
Our current political situation revolves around racism, a huge gravitational body that has sucked all other issues into its orbit. It’s much, much too late to try to avoid it. The people who care that Kamala Harris is a black woman will see nothing else no matter what she says or does. This man and his
is a fine example
Enhanced Voting Techniques
“You know what the fucked up thing is? Harris has to laugh this off & pretend like it’s no big deal.”
Yes, because that’s just the East Bay, Go take a walk on Collage Avenue in Berkeley, smelly street person screaming what the voices in his head tells to him scream. Harris is an Oakland native, of course she laughed it off. Stoner politics.
“And we can be sure if Harris had coldcocked him”
,.. that she would have ended up in a fist fight with guy in the prime of his life. You watch to many movies Anne.
J R in WV
artem1s is no friend to the real base of the Democratic Party!
I have no doubts about ActBlue, which enables independent Democratic candidates to raise funds in small amounts from doners in amounts never seen before. ActBlue is an organization which facilitates contributions to progressive candidates, but which takes no role in actual campaigning whatsoever. And artem1s appears to be a Russian troll working to disrupt progressive campaigning in American politics. Or just an ignoramus. Whatever.
Fuq you artem1s j dumbass.
J R in WV
@Matt McIrvin:
“There’s a crowd that this will look good to.”
Yes, the incels, the racists, the fascists… I’ll stop there, don’t want to spoil anything for anyone.
Matt McIrvin
@J R in WV: Anti-“idpol” lefty bros.
My ex-coworker would glowingly describe some of her hippie guy friends as “true Berners”, meaning “will never vote for anyone else, no matter what”. I suspect they all look exactly like Mr. Walking Kombucha Burps here.
i wonder who is hairdresser is so I can avoid him or her.
@Chyron HR: What?