Loki and Fiona seem to be adjusting to their new home (and housemates) nicely. Many thanks to cat angel Greg M:
We did have the names crossed up. Loki is the Tortie and Fiona is the Blue.
Loki is certainly the more brave of the two. She was poking her head out as soon as I opened the carriers. For her courage she was greeted with a dog snout and a lick. She didn’t seem to mind.
After a few minutes I took both cats downstairs where we’re setting up their litter. It’s a large space so it’s not ideal for adapting them to their new place but because we’re still moving in it has lots of nooks and crannies for them. Also it will be easier to deal with any accidents. Speaking of, both cats seem to have used the litter box last night so I am less concerned about that.
After a few minutes I went upstairs to eat dinner. Loki took the 15 minute gap to leave her carrier and find a bookshelf to perch on. She hid there until I set out the food dishes. She go much braver as soon as she had some grub.
Fiona was content to stay in her carrier.
Pepper, our border collie, reintroduced herself to Loki. It looks like they’ll get along fine. Every time she tried to say hello to Fiona she would get hissed at and retreat. Pepper is not the bravest dog in the world.
For the most part that was the course of the night. I did, after four hours, decide that Fiona needed to come out of the carrier for two reasons. One: She wanted attention and was loudly letting us know she wanted attention. Two: I really wanted her to use the litter box. After I helped Fiona out of the carrier and let her have some lap time she was fine. Neither cat went back into their carriers.
That’s about it so far. I had been up for 18 hours at that point so I went to bed. This morning both cats were up and about and exploring their new digs. The first thing both of the kids did when they got up was to ask to see the kitties. It’s still early days but it looks like everyone is going to settle in fine.
What great news to wake up to! Congratulations on the newest family members Greg M, and thanks for giving us all a new happy ending to a rescue story.
Pepper was just being polite.
something fabulous
Welcome, kitties! GregM and fam, you did a good thing! Many blessings to all!
What a beautiful family!
I’m headed to Joshua Tree this afternoon, my girls(furbabies) are joining me for the adventure. It should be…interesting.
Van Buren
I have a rescue Lhasa Apso named Fiona. She’s still shy, but is a good little girl.
Good Morning, Everyone ? ??
So glad to hear that they have found a home together ??
@?BillinGlendaleCA: What do the temps look like for today?
Repeat for the mornin’ post-pornin’ crew.
WaPo looks over Rainbow.
Good morning.
For a time was an interest of a sort of celebrity stalker* who lived in Joshua Tree.
*As opposed to a stalker of celebrities.
Aww, poor sweet Pepper…good dog!
So relieved that this bleg had a swift and happy conclusion – congrats to Greg M and family!
Our friend from Oakland is headed for the airport. I explaining pet blegs on BJ to her so I thought I’d show you the work she does for the Oakland animal shelter.
Suppose it is obligatory for the day.
Signals it was a successful visit.
Bakery still on a separate weekend schedule?
@NotMax: It was fun, she was a student of a buddy of mine who flew choppers in 62-63 (he’s 83 now) so we had him and a couple of other artists over for dinner and a good time was had by all. The bakery is not going to change back so I’m still trying to figure out what to do from 7-8am. I may go hammer out my laps since the Y opens at 7.
On the other hand it’s in the mid 60’s so it’s a good time to be outside!
@Raven: Nice.
Great movie? No sirree bob. Shift into neutral though, and it’s an amusing enough ride, especially so for gear heads. On TCM at 6 p.m. Eastern today, The Gumball Rally.
“What-sa behind me is not important.”
Consider yourself fortunate. Town where Mom lives (population ~10,000) lost its last locally owned bakery some years ago. Crying shame, as it was a really good one. The ones inside the supermarkets nowadays just don’t cut the mustard.
@NotMax: Thank you for the link, cuz I do love Randy Rainbow.
@NotMax: I come here (I’m here now with my own) for the coffee and because it’s such a great place for the pups. I rarely eat anything.
Thank you for the update! Sounds like a good start, my cats and dogs have always gotten along.
Today is the housecat’s 19th “birthday” (quotes because of slightly murky origin story). I’ve had her—Stella—since she was 12, and it has been my privilege to make her life as comfortable and secure as possible. She’s small and skinny and deaf, but she’s got a good appetite and makes sure to get her 15-20 hours of beauty sleep every day, so we’re on track for another good year.
zhena gogolia
So happy to see this. Beautiful critters!
Gotta brag on my friend who wrote that article, Margaret Engel. I’ve known her since J-school many (many!) years ago. She (with her twin sister Allison) is also the author of that play Red-Hot Patriot: The Kick-Ass Wit of Molly Ivins.
Go figure.
Watched a documentary about snow and now for some reason episodes of The Lawrence Welk Show are being pushed on me in the Because You Watched listing. The AI sometimes does go schizoid, as it did a few weeks ago when it offered up recommendations, side by side, for American Psycho and Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.
That made my day.
Once upon a time we built grand buildings — courthouses, city centers, even post offices — to say to people that doing business with government was important and maybe even inspiring. I am really not sure when that ended (60s?) Or why.
BOXES! Boxes, boxes, boxes!
Thank you, Greg M for the happy news this morning. Those kitties are so sweet.
Love Randy ????❤️?
Well, snow is “wonnerful, wunnerful.”
AKA. Cat traps
If Fiona will sit in your lap already and Loki not running from the dog, you’re golden.
Such great news!
Mary G
I love a happy ending. Thanks for sending the photos, Greg M. Not everyone would take in new cats while moving. Pepper will win over Fiona eventually!
@Immanentize: Congrats to little imma. Enjoy your time with him.
Those murals are amazing!
Happy birthday ? to Stella.
One minor job was assigned when worked at the ad agency was to put together a report and presentation replete with statistics to convince General Foods to keep on sponsoring that show with Sanka ads when it switched to all rerun syndication.
Long story short, they did.
Yeah, he’s a short timer now.
@NotMax: It worked! My grandmother who was devoted to Welk drank Sanka. Ah the power of advertising. :-)
Great news first thing in the morning. Thank you, Greg M, for the update and for giving the kitties a home.
Pepper was just being smart. I never worried about my insignificant other’s big dogs hurting my cats; I was always concerned the cats would rip the dogs to shreds.
Thanks for a good start to the day, Greg.
So wonderful!
@Skepticat: We had a big tuxedo cat (and three others) when we adopted my step-daughter’s rott mix dog. The dog was about 12 months old.
The tuxedo took one look at the rott when she came in the front door, decided he didn’t like her attitude, launched himself across the living room over an armchair to land on her back with all his claws out.
Eight years later she still tiptoes around him, and occassionaly has to be rescued when he backs her into a corner for attitude adjustment.
The rott and the other cats sleep together on the sofa most nights.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Good morning. I’m out of town, visiting a friend in Iowa. Gorgeous weather here, though the town is on the Mississippi, which is threatening to flood.
It’s good snark, but I prefer it when corporations raise their voices against discrimination. We don’t have that as many bulwarks against prejudice right now as we need.
@NotMax: Not the Rainbow I was hoping for.
I read about Bannon, then read about Ingraham, then, thank goddess, you gave me kitties and rescue angels to cleanse my soul of that filth.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Since it’s an open thread…
So I’m in Bethesda MD this weekend just outside DC. We used to live in this area (well not this area, but the part of the county a few miles east that people here look down on).
As we all know, brick and mortar bookstores are dying because of competition from Amazon. Even in Bethesda, which is retail heaven, the Barnes & Noble closed its doors years ago.
So we were surprised to find that there’s a new brick and mortar bookstore here. And it’s run by… Amazon?!?!
@MagdaInBlack: Seconded.
dr. bloor
Loki seems pleased that her new accommodations include doggo minions.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Yes. They started opening stores a while ago in the quest for world enslavement.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I ended up buying two Marvel graphic novels, one with Shuri and one with Captain Marvel, even though I didn’t plan to buy anything and I never buy GNs.
I blame Stan Lee and those dang movies. I love both these characters.
@dr. bloor: The doggo wears overalls and glasses? ?
Kristen Clarke (@KristenClarkeJD) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Officials in Randolph Cty, Georgia seek to shutter polling sites in scheme that would deny Black voters equal access to the ballot box.
This is #VoterSuppresion.
We defeated this SAME scheme in 2018 and officials are resurrecting the effort again. @LawyersComm https://t.co/9QgQeJgREc https://twitter.com/KristenClarkeJD/status/1134462877451128833?s=17
gregarious (@GRYKING) Tweeted:
It explains a whole lot… Philippines President Duterte: I was gay ‘but I cured myself’ https://t.co/0dtG9TuLFu https://twitter.com/GRYKING/status/1134669276080738307?s=17
Black Women Views (@blackwomenviews) Tweeted:
Well black people…we are in luck this campaign cycle because Kamala has a plan (and often times bills she has ALREADY introduced in the Senate) to address all of these things.
Dear Candidates: Here Is What Black People Want https://t.co/C2pIqB2GQG
https://t.co/UbZr6NkA01 https://twitter.com/blackwomenviews/status/1133398356204642304?s=17
???JoeInWV ??? (@wvjoe911) Tweeted:
On Eve Of UK Visit, Trump Calls Duchess Meghan Markle ‘Nasty’ For Criticizing Him In 2016 https://t.co/CvAnfIGyUF https://twitter.com/wvjoe911/status/1134607247009550336?s=17
Kat 4 Obama (@Kat4Obama) Tweeted:
West Virginia official who made racist remark about First Lady Michelle Obama is sentenced to prison this week after pleading guilty to embezzling federal disaster funds. Her “fraudulent scheme took FEMA dollars away from those who needed it the most.” https://t.co/djQyAmZHBs https://twitter.com/Kat4Obama/status/1134532215658823680?s=17
TaMara (HFG)
What a wonderful post to start my day!! Thanks to all for making this happen.
@rikyrah: ??? too. I’m waiting for the argument with North Korea about who cured cancer first.
What would be a good resource for an aspiring indoor/outdoor rural cat owner? We are moving to 4 acres out of town and we know there is a healthy mouse population in the area. We would like to bring a cat to the coming mouse fight.
Thing is, we have both lived with roommates who had cats but we were not really involved in their care and they were adult cats. There is a horse stable that regularly gives away highly socialized barn raised kittens. We were thinking of snagging a couple of kittens from there. But then what to do?
Am I over thinking this?
Getting this on the record was the point of giving the interview. He knows he deliberately misrepresented that report (and so does everyone else) and he needs to cover his ass, so he’ll now say he used a different legal analysis so it wasn’t a lie. It’ll work too, because he didn’t issue a report so this process he (now) says he used can’t be verified, although it’s ridiculous in its face- his claim is he did this elaborate, rigorous analysis that involved input from other DOJ lawyers in 48 hours.
I’m actually kind of pleased he thinks he’s vulnerable- they behave as if they know they’ll never be held accountable. I find it reassuring he told a second huge lie to cover the first huge lie- that he thought doing that was important.
@Kay: Who’s we? I assume the president and Barr but I might be wrong.
Obvious $64,000 question: Which specific law was that and how did it apply?
Ohio Mom
Help!! Still getting redirected to the porn site!
Tried contacting a front pager three times and each time, interrupted by the redirect.
This is the longest I’ve been able to stay here. Maybe because I erased the history of the last two days?
In Barr’s most recent version of events “we” is Barr and the other lawyers he discussed the (new) legal analysis with. His claim now is we didn’t get Mueller’s conclusions- facts applied to law. We got Barr’s conclusions- facts applied to different legal analysis. THEREFORE it wasn’t a lie. It also wasn’t Mueller’s conclusions, which is what he was supposed to be presenting, but that just went by in the interview :)
If we had wanted Barr’s conclusions we would have hired Barr for the investigation/report, right? There goes the whole point of a special counsel! Woosh! I mean, no one wanted Donald Trump’s hack lawyer’s conclusions. Those we get daily.
Ohio Mom
@Ohio Mom: Make that FOUR times.
I’m going to have to say Bye for now and gulp, do chores.
Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) Tweeted:
A new report finds that actions by the Trump administration have likely caused 1 million children to lose health coverage.
1 million children.
The health of our babies shouldn’t be political—this sabotage by the administration must end. https://twitter.com/SenKamalaHarris/status/1134611821816627202?s=17
From one of our own.
Oh, there will be something to compare it too, because he’s slyly hinting in this interview that it was an ordinary legal analysis – one they would use for any other person. They go after a lot of people, people who are not special cupcake Dear Leader. Those people are charged with obstruction and conspiracy, unlike Dear Leader. So there will be a lot of fact patterns to compare. But, he’s probably covered his ass on his blatant lie to the public at the podium- the lie that was quoted endlessly as fact in the first 48 hours after he told it.
Miss Bianca
Yeah, Gregory! I am so glad you rescued those kitties, and to think you volunteered while still in the midst of the move. Do you mind if I share the detail about your daughter reading “Warrior Cats” to them? That’s the point where I died and went to Squee Heaven!
You have to really understand the timeline to interview these people, because they deliberately misrepresent WHEN things occurred. Cheney and Barr both got away with it last week. They are saying that intelligence services went after “duly elected” Trump because they need this broad narrative that this is a “coup”. Except the investigations began before he was elected. In some of the cases of the crooks Trump hired they were under investigation before he hired them.
It’s amazing to me that they get away with it because one of the things the public found out after Trump was elected was that he was under investigation. That was big news! BEFORE. Not after. So if investigating Trump was a coup then the intelligence services were running a coup on BOTH candidates, since they were also investigating Clinton.
@germy: I recently had a friend visiting from the tech industry and he said that the going word in the research field is, “Amazon is the place where overachievers go to feel bad about themselves.”
David Roberts (@drvox) Tweeted:
I worry more & more that Mueller’s going to go down in history as a classic case of the Guy Who Respected Norms so much that he rendered himself impotent to stop a slide into autocracy. https://t.co/7XLi6P1kjv https://twitter.com/drvox/status/1134519861952933888?s=17
@Ohio Mom: I just flushed the cache but I’m unable to do more currently. Shift-reload the browser page to see if it improves.
@MagdaInBlack: thanks! That looks like a great place to start
@OzarkHillbilly: High of 90, low of 65.
I wonder why the malware affects mobile and not laptop. I got the redirect again today on my phone, and had to clear the cache etc. No more reading BJ on my phone for a while at least.
I use the free version of Malwarebytes to regularly scan my laptop. Not sure if that helps.
She is fantastic ?
Eta: I have followed her blog for years.
Very good article. Should be essential reading.
Lovely kippie dip story, and kudos to the humans and puppy dogs involved.
@OzarkHillbilly: there’s a rumor you might be on your old stomping grounds today.
@rikyrah: There’s a problem with that. The rot cannot be stopped by the constitutional equivalent of the Avengers. Mueller did what he constitutionally could, including spelling out during his press appearance that in fact they did find problems but it is in fact up to Congress to act. Now it’s up to us to support any efforts made by the House to deal with the problem and to make sure the damage being done by gerrymandering and voting manipulations is undone. The work is up to us.
@Ukko: I recommend ME. Here’s one of my posts on kitten raising.
When to kitten, when not to
Thank you Annie Laurie. Wonderful way to start a Sat. morning! Or any morning.
J R in WV
@Ohio Mom:
Install an add-on ad blocker on your browser, I have two, Ghostery and uBlock Origin, and I never see any ads, let alone hostile take-over stuff. If you’re unsure how to do this, Google your browser name and “install Ghostery” — it isn’t hard.
@J R in WV
In addition to an adblocker and Ghostery, if you happen to use an operating system and browser for which it is designed, HIGHLY recommend Privacy Badger.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: What? Again?
J R in WV
Yes, I have that installed also too. Just stopped after two well known tools. And there are a ton of places that show people how to install these common add-ons on all the various browsers. In this case any search engine is your friend.
My default is DuckDuckGo, which is serious about your privacy, as opposed to Google, which values you as what they sell to their customers. I will confess sometimes I need to use Google, as they’re ahead of DuckDuckGo in some things…
On the original post…
Thanks so much to Greg M and his family for rescuing these fine kitties!!!
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
AL – thank you for this post to celebrate Caturday and Greg M, thank you for giving Loki and Fiona a dandy home. Pepper is a smart pup, as border collies tend to be.
@Immanentize: congratulations to the Immp! ???
@Steeplejack: Happy birthday to Stella???
I am so tickled about this rescue!
@J R in WV
Nothing whatsoever against DuckDuckGo, however have habitually had a personal preference for Ixquick (now called Startpage).
Another Scott
@Ohio Mom: Install the Brave browser. There are versions for iOS and Android and desktops.
Until the new site is rolled out, the site here will remain broken.
Good luck.
@J R in WV:
I’m also using DuckDuckGo and haven’t had the takeover problem … yet. ?
@Another Scott:
Brave stopped working well for me a few months ago — it wouldn’t let me use the “reply” button on the iPhone — so I switched to DuckDuckGo.
Couldn’t ask for a better bleg result. Congratulations and loud purrs and boops to everyone. In other breathless news, 30 minutes to kickoff in the Chumps League final (TNT in the US or the Guardian live site) and Harry Kane will start. Water is being sold inside the stadium at FIVE EUROS a bottle and the local constables are acting nervy. Where’s Amir?
Wow. 9½ hours without a new front page post. Not a record but still a rarity.
Is today the FPers annual party ’til you drop Clambake & Dance-a-thon?
@NotMax: There is a big bluegrass bbq pig gig we’re invited to and the boss lady just said she could hack it so now I have to whip up a big ass post of jambalaya!
Keith P.
I’ve got an adopted cat spending her Saturday sitting on a pillow under an AC vent. She’s an old lady who got abandoned outside last summer when her owners moved without her. Her ears barely had any fur, and her nose was totally pink from getting eaten up by mosquitos. These days, she just eats, sleeps, and soaks up attention. She’ll even groom my 1-year old kitties (although she really doesn’t like them). Something very relaxing about a Saturday afternoon with a spoiled rehab cat.
Miss Bianca
@NotMax: The number of front page postings appears to be inversely proportional to the amount of time I have to peruse them. ?
Georgia luau.
@raven: yum
@Raven: Thank you for showcasing that project!
Okay I am a softie for murals in the first place, and what a great way to use them.
I wonder if the shelter might also be able to set up a Cafe Press site or something and sell cards/posters, sounds like the artists have given their work freely…
Maybe they found the porn site more compelling.
Steve in the ATL
@Lyrebird: I’ll ask!
Steeplejack (phone)
Amir might be a little groggy, what with match time being 3:00 a.m. in K.L.
come on Amir, wakey wakey