Those who believe the British monarchy is an anachronistic absurdity that wastes millions providing a jet-setting lifestyle to upper-class twits who should get real jobs might reconsider that opinion in light of Prince Harry’s odious obligation to meet Donald Trump (and possibly his hell-spawn) this week.
But the ginger prince has an opportunity here to reaffirm the vitality of the institution he represents and become a hero to millions on both sides of the Atlantic and beyond — he could punch Trump in the nose for insulting his wife.
Trump lies about everything, so we can’t draw conclusions such as “Trump’s afraid the Duke of Sussex will punch him in the snoot” from the fact that Trump is lying about calling Meghan Markle “nasty,” but here Trump is lying about it just this morning:
Trump’s official 2020 campaign “war room” Twitter account out-stupided the boss by tweeting the same lie last night, only with an audio recording with subtitles in which Trump clearly calls Markle “nasty” when he learned she had (correctly!) said Trump is divisive and misogynistic in the run-up to the 2016 election:
In the “war room” social media director’s defense, the audience for those tweets would thank the Golden Pig for dispensing lemonade if he pissed in their mouths, so there’s no downside to providing ironclad proof that they’re lying in the tweet containing the lie.
But why Trump thinks it’s a good idea to keep stirring this shit up right before jetting off to inflict himself and his horrible family on the UK is baffling. Maybe because it distracts Americans from impeachment? Nah, there’s no strategy beyond “look at meeeeeee!” There never is.
Open thread!
Ummm… the freeze frame of that video looks an awful lot like a penis ramming into Trump’s right ear. So much so that I had to look twice to see what it really was supposed to be.
I get the impression that Her Majesty the Queen and Prnce Charles might like to get a punch in before letting Harry have a go at Trump.
Even if Harry punches Trump in the nose (not happening) the royals will remain, on balance, useless beyond being a tourist draw.
I think Grandpa is more likely to punch him in the face. He is past caring any more. Even if he doesn’t he is likely to use some very salty language.
That’s my impression as well. Harry is too well-mannered to punch an older man who is in far worse shape than he is, but Charles really seems to have a genuine affection to Meghan. IMO, it was HUGELY symbolic that he volunteered to walk her down the aisle at her wedding when her own father flaked on her.
Charles is a more similar age to Trump and in better shape than Trump, so I think he would carry out any punching duties, and be glad to do it.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I think Prince Phillip has been beyond caring for at least 20 years.
Mike in NC
I think it’s traditional, if not obligatory, for male members of the Royal Family to perform military service. Often by training to fly helicopters, a difficult and dangerous occupation. Compare that to the worthless Trump and Romney families. Draft dodgers without a molecule of patriotism and crass money-grubbing idiots.
I’d almost like to see the Queen go beast mode, dissolve Parliament and overturn the BREXIT nonsense.
Then she could cancel Trump’s state visit and send his sorry ass back home to the US.
I prefer “conker” to “snoot”
@Mike in NC: Correct. All of the male members have served and by that I mean actually served and not just had a ceremonial role (only exception was Prince Edward who joined the Marines and famously flunked out basic. Favorite Marine joke at the time “You can turn a frog into a prince but you can’t turn a prince into a Royal Marine”) Most famously were Prince Andrew in the Falklands (he will always be my hero because of that) and Prince Harry in Afghanistan. Even the Queen served in WWII in the Army. That is how she knows how to fix her own vehicles (as portrayed in the movie). I could tell you a ton of stories about Charles and Andrew and their exploits in the Navy.
Is there any way to see a transcript of what he said about Meghan? I cannot STAND to listen to even a few seconds of Dumpy’s voice …
@Litlebritdifrnt: And King George and the Queen Mother were especially admirable during the Blitz.
Because of the “doctored” Pelosi video, we will now spend days having to prove this ISN’T doctored.
David Evans
It’s all very tempting, but can anyone imagine what Trump might do after being punched in the snoot on a world stage? I don’t think it would end well.
Trump notoriously insulted Harry’s mother too:
@Skepticat: And don’t forget that Phillip’s uncle and Elizabeth’s cousin, Louis Mountbatten, was an admiral and the supreme Allied commander for the Southeast Asian Theater during World War II.
As much as folks would like it, there will be no blows exchanged between Harry and Dolt45. But disapproval will be communicated in subtle but efficient ways.
What he said about Harry’s mom was much worse. I hope the queen knocks him out with her handbag.
My revolutionary war ancestors are probably spinning in their graves but I’ve come to enjoy the royal family the last few years, especially the Fab Four. They comport themselves well and they’ve really worked hard to free mental health from stigma and shame. I’m willing to overlook the negatives because I think they’ve really made a difference and continue to do good work in this area. I also appreciate William’s efforts on behalf of endangered species and Charles is a climate science evangelist.
West of the Rockies
Trump’s ability to lie, to flat-out knowingly and willfully say a thing he knows is not true… It stupefies me. I do not comprehend how he does it, how his malignant minions repeat and defend those lies, or how his imbecilic followers suck it all up.
I am baffled, befuddled, and dazed by this idiocy.
I prefer “yarbles” to “conker.”
And, as luck would have it, Urban Dictionary has this usage sentence: “Don pissed me off, so I punched him in the yarbles.”
Nothing but the best for the Traitor-in-Chief.
Well, “exchanged” implies that the Traitor-in-Chief would do anything other than cower in the corner, weeping, or run away, weeping. So, yes, I agree.
@David Evans: He would never admit to it, he would call it fake news and claim that the Royal Family “loved” him, told him he was the best POTUS ever even better than that “Obama” chap and his low class wife Michelle (who by the way the Queen still corresponds with).
@West of the Rockies: Geez trump lies about lies. Who does that?
— QE2, right before Trump’s adorable but bloody demise
@Litlebritdifrnt: How’s it going with you.
Chyron HR
Speaking as an US American, I’ll take their royal family over ours.
@M31: The Crown Season 4 teaser.
@evodevo: Not verbatim, but he basically said, “I didn’t know she was nasty”, in response to the interviewer mentioning Megan’s less than complimentary comments about him.
zhena gogolia
Oh, I’d love that. It would be like the end of The Boys from Brazil.
But I think she only has one aged corgi left, or something like that.
@MomSense: Ditto.
@Brachiator: That might end the monarchy, but it would be worthy sacrifice (also not going to happen, sadly).
When I read the full exchange with Trump, it came off to me as him saying, ” I didn’t know she said nasty things about me, but she seems nice.”
Moving from dealing with an annus horribilus to dealing with an anus horribilus.
@JPL: Fine, DH has now submitted his application from the US. He has an appointment with Homeland Security on Tuesday to get his Biometrics done (photo and fingerprints) and then the application can be sent to New York. Should be about 30-60 days to get a decision from there. Then all we have to do is save up his airfare home.
@zhena gogolia: One of my favourite videos is the Queen and James Bond walking down a corridor, “what would you like me to do Ma’am?” “Make it look like an accident Bond”
zhena gogolia
When you’re good, you’re good.
zhena gogolia
Haha —
@West of the Rockies:
A narcissist can do that because only their feelings are important, and they change their beliefs with their feelings. They honestly don’t have a sense of outside reality — they live inside their own heads.
Donnie said the thing that he felt at the time, but that statement became inoperative as soon as it seemed to be potentially embarrassing. And he sees absolutely no contradiction, because it’s all about HIM and what he thinks and feels.
As the Hoarse Whisperer keeps saying, toxic narcissists are very simple machines, but a lot of people have trouble believing that because they stick to their programming in situations where normal people would re-adjust. Even a sociopath is better at reading social cues than a narcissist is.
Open thread? No tweet or other official response from the WH on yesterday’s shooting?
@Chyron HR: Considering that the NYT actually published a piece today asking “is Ivanka America’s Princess?” seriously.
Don’t forget that us jackals are always willing to help out one of our own if you get into a pinch with the airfare. We will all feel better knowing that you and your hubby have finally been reunited after the slow grinding of the government gears.
@zhena gogolia:
only one aged corgi left? well, that’s OK, it will just take longer :-)
James E Powell
@West of the Rockies:
The thing that stupefies me is that the press/media just accepts and broadcasts whatever he or his lackeys say even though they know that Trump and his lackeys are lying. These are the same people who called Al Gore a serial liar based on things he never said or on trivial misremembered details. These are the same people who went crazy when Hillary Clinton called Trump’s racist supporters deplorable. The only conclusion that makes sense is that they fully support Trump. Nothing else makes sense.
@James E Powell:
Trump has been very good for their bottom line ($$$$$).
@Nwerner: That’s exactly what I saw too! Must be because of all those NSFW popup ads.
Another Scott
@RedDirtGirl: He spent 16 minutes in a church today.
@Mnemosyne: Oh damn that makes me want to cry. I am so grateful for that offer of help. You have no idea.
@RinaX: That’s how it sounded to me. He has such a limited vocabulary at this point that some of the things he says are probably not what he means to say. I imagine that his handlers cringe every time he does an interview.
zhena gogolia
Yes, write to a front-pager.
I’d be in for that. A full sevice blog helping animals and humans.
Omnes Omnibus
Same offer for you- Jackals if you need anything handknit as a gift for a baby or something for yourself or a friend – let me know and I’ll make it in exchange for a donation to the reunited fund.
Same for Alternative Fax’s NAMI fundraiser.
Ooh and I want to plug the movie The White Crow. I just saw it today and it was extraordinary. I think it would be better to see it on a large screen but however you can – see it!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Of course.
I think that you really have to struggle to try to clean up what Trump said. He also frequently derides women as being “nasty.” His first impulse is always to strike out.
And yet Trump always insists that he is smart and knows all the best words. Trump apologists can’t have it both ways.
And even if Trump misspoke, his problem is that he can’t back down, admit a mistake and apologize. Like a normal human being.
Chip Daniels
I’m imagining that scene from Airplane! where there is this long line of people queued up to punch Trump.
That really ruined my day for some reason and I was going to write something nasty. Then I decided since I am learning to be a good fascist I don’t care do you?, and to BE BEST! Princess would like that.
OT: Apparently I funded funded the milkshaking that occurred without realizing what I was funding.
I’m FB friends with the person accused. She posted about wanting to make milkshakes, but was short on funds. I don’t know her well at all, but know she recently resettled in FL with her son after being deported from Canada, so I shot her $20 bucks.
Next thing I know, I see a post of her and her husband, apparently after being bailed out.
@Mnemosyne: Agree. My shorter take is that Trump just says stuff. He doesn’t remember what he said and the statement is only operative at that exact moment in time. He doesn’t care it if is accurate because he’s going to say something next – he’s already moved on from the last sentence. You can’t catch him in a contradiction because he has no shame and no consciousness of anything he said. There is no great thought behind it, no strategy, just filling space with words. Someone called his speech word vomit”, which seems to fit.
That’s the thing, I really didn’t. I saw this trending on Twitter and thought, “What has this asshole done now?” Then I read the full transcript and it came off as him being surprised at what she said, but still trying, in his way, to say something non-terrible.
I’m fine being in the minority on this one. His track record of insulting women makes it quite difficult to give him the benefit of the doubt, I get it. I just feel this is one of the (very few!) times his words are being misinterpreted. The child kidnappings, the annihilation by his administration of transgender rights, and other general awfulness aren’t exactly making me shed any tears over the situation.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Why does the phrase “Off with her head!” enter my mind?
And really? This fucking trash crime family is our “royalty?”
Fuck you New York Times.
King George VI when a young prince also served in the Royal Navy on board one of the vessels involved in the Battle of Jutland.
@VOR: I agree. That’s why the policy of the NYT and some other outlets that a statement isn’t a lie unless he knows he’s saying something untrue is so idiotic and destructive.
He’s a narcissist and a BS artist. He never knows, or cares, if what he says is true or not. He says what he wants to be true, and probably believes everyone else does the same.
Omnes Omnibus
@RinaX: I have no interest in giving Trump the benefit of a doubt. My default with him is that the worst possible interpretation of what he said is probably what he intended.
@Litlebritdifrnt: fingers crossed.
@Another Scott: Did he shower first?
J R in WV
Governmental BS, followed by “Then all we have to do is save up his airfare home.”
In which case perhaps we jackals here can “help with transport” airfare home… after all, we do that for kittens and such already.
Best of luck with the Government!
Would not be surprised if Harry.s brother and his dad have a very private conversation with Trump re Megan and and Princess Di. Failure of on the part of Trump could be very costly.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@James E Powell: What’s the mystery, the press is just been damn lazy for a long time now. The Bushes trained the Beltway press to just to repeat with questing what a Republican says. Trump is merely accidentally benefiting from that. As for Gore and Hillary, the top reporters didn’t like them personally and the rest of the reporters went along to able to sit with the cool kids.
“Behave, or you won’t get dessert!”
J R in WV
@J R in WV:
Of course, reading the comments, I see I am far from the first to suggest this.
Just goes to show, puppies and kittens and refugees also!
drumpf doesn’t do subtle nor efficient. In either understanding or execution. He’s a gross human being in every sense of the word. Which may be one reason why some support him. He’s not classless nor is he in any way upper class. He’s bottom of the pile class, who tarts himself up with classless crap because he’s cheap and has all the sensibility of a 55 gallon drum of slime.
@Another Scott:
to be fair, any longer and the cross would start to smolder.
@West of the Rockies:
You covered it in your last line.
He’s a fucking idiot. It’s idiocy. He’s not worried about lying, it’s a natural to him as breathing and as I’ve said here before he does it as often. He has no filter, none. He has no idea what the truth is other than he thinks that everything that emirates from his pie hole is 100% the truth. Because he uttered it. He can’t make a mistake or lie because he’s perfect, just ask him. The only thing he’s excellent at is bullshit. He’s thee prime example that bullshit can come out of more than a bull’s ass.
@James E Powell:
And yet there we are. People with no sense are getting their
writingbullshitting published daily and getting paid for it.Brachiator
It’s not just that you are in the minority. It’s that your attempt at an explanation doesn’t really make sense. Besides, Trump has an entire cadre of people who are paid to explain away the shit he spews, and their rationalizations are also weak and unconvincing.
BC in Illinois
@Another Scott:
This is from Daniel Dale, who covers Trump’s coming and going.
That’s 16 minutes from the car arriving to the car departing. At 2:30 in the afternoon. After he spent the morning at his own golf club — charging the Secret Service for the use of the golf carts. Give him three minutes to walk in and three to walk out, that’s ten minutes inside the church, to listen to a pastor talk about him.
Now, there is a sense in which a public figure’s religious life is their own business. We don’t need Lutherans making snide remarks about Methodists, or Catholics and Baptists dissing each other. The Obamas went to a UCC church, Sarah Palin to an Assembly of God. Fine. That’s up to them. And even if they don’t want to darken the door of a church much, fine. It’s up to them. They should have the same freedom to do, or do not (there is no try), as anybody else. When it comes down to it, no one voted for Obama out of loyalty to the UCC, and no one voted against Palin (solely) because the couldn’t stand the AOG.
But for someone who makes it a part of his “brand” that he gets audited because of “the fact that I’m a strong Christian,” can’t he at least put some effort into it? At least sit with a congregation, sing a hymn [has he ever sung a hymn?] for the Sunday after the Ascension / Seventh Sunday of Easter. Be a part of a worshipping community. Give his followers (some of them) their due; some of them do find a community in their church home.
But, I mean, ten minutes? You can’t get through the first hymn and the passing of the peace in ten minutes. And yes, I know, for much of the nation (much of y’all here at BJ), people couldn’t care less. But for the people who think they ought to be praying “for all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives” (One Timothy Two), this should matter to them.
And yeah, I’m imagining a hit piece, a negative video exposing Trump to his own cult followers. An unworthy, unspiritual, indefensible project. But I wouldn’t complain if somebody produced it.
@Yutsano: @lynno: @Mnemosyne: Yeah I think there are better ways to wound him. For example, (avoiding handshake) “It’s always an honor to meet a President of the United States. As you may know, I’ve met your predecessor on several occasions, and his intelligence and poise, and his competence and knowledge of the world, are really an outstanding example of how a US President can lead both at home and in world affairs!” Nod smile gush.
(Although thinking further, it might be better to use “President Obama” rather than “your predecessor.” Not clear Trump would process the latter in time.)
@BC in Illinois:
I think that Trump was there for what he could get, not what he could give. The news stories talk about how the pastor prayed for Trump, asking God to give him wisdom. This kind of thing gives Trump’s evangelical followers goosebumps.
@Yutsano: If it’s subtle, it won’t be effective because Trump won’t get it.
I’ve seen some reports that the Royals were asked to stash away any photos of the Obamas. They should pull them out again, and display them prominently. The Queen should take her favorite photo with Mrs Obama, have it blown up into a giant poster and hang it in the receiving line when Trump comes to visit.
@BC in Illinois:
All one needs to know is that drumpf is all bullshit, all the time. Every minute of every day of his life has been bullshit. He’s been bullshitting to the max and it has gotten him farther than most bullshitters and it is all he knows. One might even call him a perfectionist at the art of bullshitting. And considering it’s all he knows and how capable he is at learning – he’s not changing now.
J R in WV
If Trump had stayed just a few minutes longer, they might have passed the collection plate, and asked him to kick in a $20 — no can do!!!
Thats’a all folks!!!
As far as I can tell this story is not a hoax.