— Oriana4Warren (@oriana4warren) June 2, 2019
And, to be honest, I’m not sure how much of my stanning is because if she wins she’ll do so much good, and if she doesn’t, she’ll still have a job where she can continue to do so much good.
Warren promised to stay for a picture with anyone who wants one. She may be here a while yet pic.twitter.com/Aqj3xRwXyL
— Tal Kopan (@TalKopan) June 1, 2019
The last speaker of the first session, @ewarren got a MASSIVE amount of applause from the crowd, here’s a wide shot of her supporters who crowded the stage and all stood at the end pic.twitter.com/7xqGiCv52U
— Jasmine Wright (@JasJWright) June 1, 2019
This can and does shift around, but Warren probably getting the most favorable media coverage right now. Maybe in part because she got rather negative coverage at/before launch and so didn't get a "surge" like most of the other leading candidates did at some point.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) May 28, 2019
I think it’s because she manages her own media better than others. Basically she ‘reports live’ in her feed all the time. That alliws her to frame a message “I’ve got a plan for that” rather than wait for the media to give her time.
— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) May 28, 2019
Or maybe just because she's running the best campaign so far.
— SabreScott (@bflosabrescott) May 28, 2019
IIRC Warren is the only 2020 Dem who's already been asked if she's going to quit the race; a reporter shouted that Q at her press scrum after @AnnieLinskey revealed that she had once written "American Indian" on a bar form.
So quite a comeback. https://t.co/mavhFOTI0r
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) May 28, 2019
Feeling pandered to in the very best way https://t.co/ktcAHLmg89
— laura olin (@lauraolin) May 29, 2019
For everyone who is calling Elizabeth Warren "Lisa Simpson" I just want to point out that it is Simpsons canon that Lisa becomes President straight after Trump. pic.twitter.com/QUkXizVM92
— Joshua Drummond (@joshua_drummond) May 31, 2019
Sen. Warren is certainly smart to get her message out before the MSM does. Their version tends to be a nasty right-wing viewpoint.
I love her too and, honestly, if the only thing bad about they found after searching desperately for the last 6 years was “Pocahontas” then she’s led an almost entirely admirable life.
I make small donations to her and now I’m afraid I’ll miss her phone call because I only pick up numbers I recognize. I should call her, right? “Were you trying to call me? No? Just checking”. Maybe once a week or so. Just to be safe.
Who calls her “Lisa Simpson”? It fits, really, but still.
Everyone must watch the Jared Kushner interview clips. He’s worse than even I imagined.
I’m thrilled the Trump campaign think he’s a good spokesperson. More Jared! I insist.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Watch out, you’ll give Dean Baquet a case of the vapors and he’ll have to retire to his fainting couch
James E Powell
Thank you, but no thank you. Can’t watch, can’t listen. Doctor’s orders.
Major Major Major Major
Anybody who can watch The Simpsons and come away with a negative opinion of Lisa just has something fundamentally wrong with them.
Unrelated to all of this, I realized this last night:
@Kay: If the worse thing Warren gets called is Lisa Simpson she’ll be occupying the White House.
While the totus thus gets booed …
@plato: Mr. Suzanne and I were watching that and we got a bit verklempt. I miss the Obamas SO BAD.
Warren is prolly now tied with Harris for my most preferred candidate.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Or they’re an MRA/incel alt-right loser
But tbh, The Simpsons stopped being good afteelr season 10 or so imo. Matt Groening’s an asshole anyway. His “response” to the criticism of Apu (by an Indian-American comedian no less!) was this: “People love to pretend to be offended.”
Re: the “Lisa Simpson” thing: today, or yesterday, I was thinking about how the Traitor-in-Chief has all of Homer’s failings, with none of the good parts. (Not that Homer is a role model.) And then, extending the thought, it occurred to me that Senator Warren is Lisa Simpson — smart, competent, caring, compassionate, talented, maybe the only character on the show who is. The interesting thing (to me) is that I had not heard/seen Senator Warren referred to that way until a few minutes ago.
Perhaps the only problem with Lisa Simpson is that she’s over-prepared.
Fixed. The Soviet shitpile mobster conman is currently occupying the White House.
Mike in NC
Senator Warren is great but I’m not confident that she can go one-on-one with Fat Bastard and his millions of racist, fascist asshole followers in 2020. The Republican Party has written off the 20th century and the corporate media just laps it up for $$$.
@SFAW: I’d characterize Homer as a lovable oaf who tries to do the right thing.
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Yes, something fundamentally wrong with them.
Cheryl Rofer
I was thinking today that Warren and Harris present themselves as the most presidential of the candidates.
That’s one of those very subjective judgements that customarily justifies a preference for a white man of a certain age.
But Warren and Harris are straightforward, saying what they mean and answering questions well. They both discuss things largely in terms of policy, with Warren more pronounced at that. At the same time, they genuinely enjoy people and are kind in a personal way to their supporters. They display a sense of humor.
That covers most of what I would consider “presenting as Presidential.”
Biden also has this pretty much covered, significantly less on the policy side. Klobuchar, Gillibrand, and Castro are pretty good, too, although just not as good as Warren and Harris.
Booker is a bit on the flaky side, but he presents himself well.
Wilmer? My president doesn’t yell and wag his finger at me.
Mayor Pete? A bit too cool and McKinsey-like. Not very experienced in being in the public eye. Too much about him, although not objectionably so.
Beto? My president doesn’t jump on tables and go for long drives to find himself. He might have done that years ago, but he’s gotten a bit of experience since then.
All those other white guys and Yang? Just no.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I agree — Warren and Harris are the most solid of all the candidates, and my top picks, though I would give the edge to Warren. I do however give Beto a tiny bit of attention — he’s the kind of candidate whose unconventional thinking and approach and background (from the punk band to the hacker group) might be not so great in ordinary times, but might be what the country could use in unconventional times of crisis (and I mean crisis much worse than we’re going through now). If we don’t get to that point, then Beto wouldn’t be a good choice, but it’s hard to know whether we’re headed there or not in the next couple of years.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Major Major Major Major:
Now for my final trick, I will channel your typical Reddit neckbeard:
Brie Larson bad. Captain Marvel? More like Captain Karen, amirite? She looks like she’d be asking to see the manager instead of kicking ass lol. I’m not sexist because I like Alita and Sarah Connor. Oh wait, Sarah’s a female character that has short hair now and is the sole lead? Karen Connors, amirite?
Why was there a black guy in a Star Wars movie? It just seems like forced diversity at this point. Ruin Johnson RAPED and MURDERED my childhood. Rey is a total mary sue! I remember I was literally shaking in the theatre. My friend asked me if I was having a stroke. I threw my bag of popcorn and box of Buncha Crunch into the air, candy scattering all over the place. I stormed out and cried into my pillow that night
So much for that CT.
Well, there was nothing to be offended about. Appu happens to be the most likable character in the show, and easily the least steriotyped. Should Christians be angered over Ned Flanders? Or maybe white dudes should be angry over the trope of the clueless over weight suburban father? Or Lisa, the intelligent friendless nerd? Why not just be offended over the whole show? And why stop there? You can’t say Seinfeld didn’t use tons of Jewish Steriotypes for Uncle Leo, Seinfeld himself, his parents. Some people just live to be offended by everything.
On a long awaited road trip to Yellowstone and vicinity at the moment. A number of things have made a major impression on me, but main one is that there is no way to understand or appreciate how big the country is without seeing it for yourself. Pictures don’t convey what it’s like to look from one side of the horizon to the other without interruption from anything man made. Kind of scary driving through the Bighorn Mountains. Pics to follow…..
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: come on, why you gotta go putting that stuff all over this nice comment thread.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: You’re scaring me. You do that too well.
ETA: I would totally join Liz Warren’s girl gang.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Matt Groening, is that you? Also, I love how you gloss over that the people originating the criticism are Indian-American themselves. Who’s better qualified to talk about the issue than them?
@Cheryl Rofer: One of the things that I like about Warren and Harris is that they both come across as very normal people who are Ok with who they are unlike president Bundle Of Insecurities.
@Cheryl Rofer: Thanks for sharing your take. Sens. Warren and Harris stand head and shoulders above the rest to me, obvs I pay no mind to their actual height. Warren’s policy chops are even more excellent than Sen Harris’, while it seems like Sen Harris came on the scene ahead of everyone except maybe Joe Biden in the glad handing and the chit-chat required for TV interviews.
I hope Uncle Joe will retire already, though yes of course I will campaign my feet off for whoever gets the nom.
I agree with Anne Laurie that it’s so good to know that Sen. Warren’s gonna be leading the country either way, and that applies to Sen. Harris, too. I could totally see an amazing future with Pres. Harris and Majority Leader Warren, or if she doesn’t want the hassle of keeping the others in check, just truly being the new century’s Teddy Kennedy, setting the direction for policy solutions for the whole country.
And if it’s Pres. Warren, and we can flip the Senate, Sen. Harris heading towards Judiciary chair, using her steely gaze and her jedi questions to root out corruption.
I also really think it’s great that from these two giants to the Texan long shots, the Dem candidates have been mostly sticking to getting their own messages out there. Lot of awesome out there!
Major Major Major Major
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: the South Asian-Americans I know are rather split on the matter, not that I’d pretend hold that up as a representative sample. Regardless, Groening’s more-than-seven-words on the topic are not nearly as inflammatory as your pull quote. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/18/arts/television/simpsons-matt-groening-apu.html
@Cheryl Rofer:
It’s like you read my mind.
I like Harris for the win, because she’s got the chops, she’s got the cool, and I feel just the tiniest bit like Warren is lecturing me. Not in a bad way mind you and only the tiniest bit possible, but still. OTOH I still think she’d be great at the actual job and would be glad to vote for her. Just returned from one of my daily eye drop rituals and it struck me that why I like Harris just ever so little more is that Warren sounds like a senator, a brilliant legislator. She’s got all the policies and all the concepts of how to make this a better country and a better world. She knows how to make the laws. Harris knows how to make the law work, make them meaningful.
I have traveled back and forth across this country and I can’t agree with you more. It is one of both the best and worst things about it, it’s size. It makes running the place a nightmare but at the same time the shear majestic sight of it is breathtaking. Mile after mile of farms in the middle, mountains, geysers, volcanos, miles and miles of unbelievable coastlines, counties more populated than entire states. We have to work so much any more that time to just enjoy it is limited. I’ve ridden motorcycles across it, driven 70+ foot long trucks across it, watched a coastline disappear in my mirror and 3 days later watch another one approach in my windshield. It’s a great place, well except for some of the people who continually try to ruin it.
My first choice is Harris, since I come from Team California and have been impressed over the years how she had hit the ground running in every job along the way. I was very sad to see Senator Boxer retire after many good years. Harris was a great replacement, but I didn’t expect her to have done so much so soon on taking the job. President? She can do that too. She also served the state of California through cleaning up from Republican control followed by mega-obstruction for too many years.
The more I hear from her and the others in the Democratic race, the more I’m impressed by them. I’m glad that among the currently bloated numbers of contenders in that race, so many of them are damned good and worth exposing to the nation through the only means the media seems to recognize.
I’m feeling like I would prefer a candidate who would “right the ship” without the usual “let’s move forward, look to the future, and not dwell on the wrongs of the past” centrist pablum.
Since McTurtle publicly declared that Obama would get nothing through the senate and blocked a SCOTUS nomination, playing nice doesn’t figure in (“both sides” my ass). We need to win and remember. How about some legal justice, for once? These people knew what they were doing.
@danielx: I was in a National Park last night with my girls(the furbabies), Joshua Tree.
ETA: Sunset @ Joshua Tree.
And this is why Democrats should refuse to appear on Fox News….
Not that Gillibrand has a hope in hell of being nominated anyway, but getting told to stay in her lane by Chris Wallace is hardly going to enhance her chances.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Corporate media is always nice until you become the frontrunner.
Remember how nice they were to Howard Dean until he became the frontrunner, then they dropped a house of bricks on him.
Once Obama became the frontrunner in 2008 they started attacking him with saul alinsky and william ayers. Obama was 8 years old and living in indonesia in 1969, yet they were blaming him for the weather underground.
Come this time, next year, the Vichy Times and Haberman will be smearing who ever is the nominee.
Chetan Murthy
@Major Major Major Major:
I sure don’t speak for all South-Asian-Americans, but I am one so I’ll speak for myself. I distinctly remember, when The Simpsons came out, and Apu was on it, thinking “oh, there’s an Indian character that’s not a doctor, or an engineer, not a complete nerd-brain, he’s just a normal guy”. And that was really great, to me. Because all my life, ALL MY LIFE until maybe in my early 30s, every time somebody found out I was of South Asian descent, they’d immediately say “you, you’re all smarties, you must be whip-smart” or “you must be a doctor”, etc.
It was a relief (to me) that a South Asian could just be average in America.
West of the Rockies
OT, but does anyone ever look at the comments connected to ANY Mediaite story? It’s nothing but “Obama/Hillary/all Democrats are stinky poopy poop bombs, har-har-har.” The site attracts Republicans with the intelligence of gnats. (But I repeat myself…)
Queen Elizabeth has received more elegant visitors …
The video of Warren and her dog does double duty because Trump has an aversion to dogs, and who can trust a person like that?
I watched the axios interview w/Kus. (streamed on HBO subscription). His indifference to how defective his lies are about the Palestinians and T’s bigotry and refugees is deplorable. What a crop of cold-blooded killers on display.
@Chetan Murthy: I am glad to hear that, because Apu and family have always reminded me of my actual South-Asian neighbors. Just normal nice people running a small business in the neighborhood.
@West of the Rockies:
@EM: One of my sisters is an Evangelical Christian. The rest of the siblings are wise-ass agnostics types with smatterings of catholiscm. When sis got married, her preacher was a dead ringer for Ned Flanders. During the rehearsal and the actual wedding we started whisper-laughing, “okily dokily” so frequently it was as if all became like Rain Man. Our parents and some other relatives carried smirks throughout as a result.
@BR: I think the debates will be where Beto breaks out of the mostly negative narrative the press laid on him. They’ve set Mayor Pete up for a fall cause he’s got nowhere to go but down, but Beto? all he has to do is show up and be reasonably competent and he can defy the stereotypes. If he shows up and acts and looks Presidential? look out. I’m Harris/Warren all the way, but keep your eye on this guy.
@Cheryl Rofer: Beto’s climate policy and immigration policy strike me as Presidential in the best sense of the term. They show an understanding of what can be accomplished through executive order and what needs to be handled legislatively. I’m not sure I see much difference between standing on a table to make sure people can see you in the back of the room and hopping on a Harley, as in the picture at the top of the post, for dramatic effect, but that’s a question of taste. I like Warren best when she offers targeted solutions like universal childcare. To me, that’s where her experience shows.