Yup – always listen to your critters. They KNOW what’s best for you… they also know where you sleep… just letting you know what’s best for you. Which is why I am shutting down my computer and heading for bed as my critters are suggesting/demanding.
It’s to your benefit to obey the judges’ orders! G’night. Sleep tight!
They know of which they opine. High thee to bed oh Maharaja of the Matress, Potentate of the Pillow, Overlord of the Schlumberland.
Go to bed.
Rest your weary head.
Dream the sweetest of carefree dreams.
Corral all your creatures.
Go to bed.
For tomorrow, they’ll be reports of pr○n.
Go to bed.
My kitty Tenser also says it’s time for bed.
My evening. I’m taking Jazzy to a Therapy Dog class. Tonight we had a field trip. We went to Tractor Supply Co and PetCo. Object was to wander the store and demonstrate good behavior and sociability. Jazzy aced it! She loves attention but doesn’t jump or get unruly. She had a blast, but I’m exhausted.
Thanks for petpix.
I assume there was a bedtime snack snafu? Yes, Cole has been judged, his fault is grievous in the eyes of his lords.
Mary G
Goodnight, Sweet Lily. Steve wants moar fud.
Lily does not judge. She accepts whatever life may offer, with equanimity and aplomb.
Steve, OTOH….
wasabi gasp
There is a noticeable uptick in booty judging in my household.
That looks more like : “Yo, primate! Food bowls! Empty! Fix this!
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Steve is great, but Lily is the best.
Yup – always listen to your critters. They KNOW what’s best for you… they also know where you sleep… just letting you know what’s best for you. Which is why I am shutting down my computer and heading for bed as my critters are suggesting/demanding.
It’s to your benefit to obey the judges’ orders! G’night. Sleep tight!
Celebrity Bowling
… and found wanting.
Adam L Silverman
You know what you did.
They know of which they opine. High thee to bed oh Maharaja of the Matress, Potentate of the Pillow, Overlord of the Schlumberland.
Go to bed.
Rest your weary head.
Dream the sweetest of carefree dreams.
Corral all your creatures.
Go to bed.
For tomorrow, they’ll be reports of pr○n.
Go to bed.
My kitty Tenser also says it’s time for bed.
My evening. I’m taking Jazzy to a Therapy Dog class. Tonight we had a field trip. We went to Tractor Supply Co and PetCo. Object was to wander the store and demonstrate good behavior and sociability. Jazzy aced it! She loves attention but doesn’t jump or get unruly. She had a blast, but I’m exhausted.
Thanks for petpix.
I assume there was a bedtime snack snafu? Yes, Cole has been judged, his fault is grievous in the eyes of his lords.
Mary G
Goodnight, Sweet Lily. Steve wants moar fud.
Lily does not judge. She accepts whatever life may offer, with equanimity and aplomb.
Steve, OTOH….
wasabi gasp
There is a noticeable uptick in booty judging in my household.
That looks more like : “Yo, primate! Food bowls! Empty! Fix this!