Toronto gives an extended standing ovation to 44th US President Barack Obama
— Ben Golliver (@BenGolliver) June 3, 2019
I hope Barack Obama just shows up places in the public eye every couple of weeks through the next election just to remind people what it was like to have a decent, intelligent, compassionate president. So they know we can have that again.
— Neera Tanden (@neeratanden) June 3, 2019
And an update on Elby from his new housemate Silvery:
Elby arrived a month ago tomorrow, after he was personally flown out here by his foster mom. He is super-sweet, and very much a schedule General. He lets me know when it;s time for his medicine, time to open/close curtains, time for bed, time to get up, etc.; if it happens on a schedule, he is on it. Elby believes that human beds were made for cats, and he does not understand why anyone wouldn’t want to spend all their time there, except for his window. He’s doing great and I am super happy to have him in my life.
This is him in the middle of telling me all about the window:
May you and Elby enjoy many happy days together, Silvery!
It kills me that we took what we had for granted.
@ Silvery up top: thanks for the Elby update, glad you found each other. He looks like such a good boy.
@Baud: INORITE? But it’s human nature to take things for granted. Probably why every spiritual practice ever created tries to teach us gratitude. And mostly fails.
Another reason to hate people.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Betty Cracker
The whey-faced, noodle-armed nepotism hire not only sucks at his job but seems only dimly aware of what his job actually is:
Did he suck that much at what he did prior to running America’s Middle East policy portfolio? Apparently so, which is why he needed regional despots to bail his ass out due to bad investments. This is perhaps even more embarrassing:
Great googly-moogly! I’m torn between “this is too fucking painful — keep him off my TV!” and “let’s see even more of the Trump admin incompetents on TV!” I guess the latter is better for the country; we need to have our noses rubbed in the current quality of our “elites.”
Nikki Haley called Kushner a “hidden genius.” It’s damn well hidden, Haley!
@Baud: Yes, but sunsets can be very pleasing.
Aha, so you’ve finally settled on a campaign slogan.
@Betty Cracker: As Kay says, “low quality hires”.
@NotMax: It was that or “What could possibly go wrong”.
@Baud: Like I need another.
@Betty Cracker: Jared Kushner casts doubt on Palestinian ability to self-govern A complete lack of self awareness.
@Betty Cracker
Poster child for the Peter Principle is more like it.
That was beautiful ?
@rikyrah: Wait till ya see what I shot later…
@rikyrah: Good morning ?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: gorgeous!
@satby: Thanks.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Betty Cracker
@?BillinGlendaleCA: She’s 100% right about that! It’s kind of funny that the actual sec of state, Pompeo, is out there tamping down expectations for Kushner’s “peace talks.” The Post:
LOL! Pompeo is a nutcase, but even he can see what a massive clusterfuck this is. According the The Post, Pompeo also said “the administration never believed achieving a lasting peace agreement would be easy.”
That’s a big fat lie. I distinctly remember during the campaign Trump jeering about past presidents and secretaries of state failing to achieve peace in the Middle East and claiming a master deal maker like himself would get ‘er done in no time flat.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Very soothing.
Yes I think so.
Baud! 2020!: Because you don’t deserve any better.
Keith P.
@Betty Cracker: Jared is almost as difficult to look at as his father-in-law. In every….single….photo, Jared has that same expression on his face – shiny face, looks like an android trying to figure out how to scowl. I hope he has another face to show to his kids, because otherwise, they’re going to grow up unable to look people in the eye.
Millard Filmore
Windows, television for cats.
@Betty Cracker
They’re quite careful not to let slip which century.
“I have a cunning plan.”
– Baldrick
@Baud: Happy to help start off the morning on a good foot.
OK. I know about Young Jared, but who is this Greenblatt fellow?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Obama mobbed by ? Canadian kids ? (photo)
Pardon the Interruption! (video)
Betty Cracker
@Brachiator: Greenblatt was the lead lawyer for the Trump Org, which obviously makes him qualified to co-manage the Middle East peace process in concert with the scion of a real estate crime family who married into Trump’s real estate crime family. Seriously, you can’t make this shit up! What a shocker that they’re flailing!
Donald Trump is lashing out at Mexico but his real fight is at home
Democrats are turning a president enraged at the blocking of his border wall into an unhinged beast
No matter what happens or does it, it’s always DEM’s fault.
NYTGuardian is garbage.NotMax
@Betty Cracker
“Okay, okay. We’re prepared to throw in this beautiful set of olive forks and an autographed picture of Wendell Willkie.”
zhena gogolia
I never did, not for one nanosecond.
And that it wouldn’t last.
@Betty Cracker:
She should have called him a Good German.
@Betty Cracker:
It continues to astound me that Trump’s base, the GOP leadership, most of the media and other fools keep falling for this. It’s like a bad dream. Trump doesn’t know how to use the power of the presidency. He doesn’t know how to use the foreign policy staff and experts at his disposal, so he reverts to using his family and business cronies? Ugh!
That is all his fucking plan is going to be: You’ll still be occupied, but it will be a kinder, gentler occupation. Trust me.
I love crepuscular rays! It’s like the Universe is singing!
@Betty Cracker:
Kind of like his boss’s MO, no?
@Baud: don’t agree. Here’s the last para of the piece linked:
Imagine the FTNYT writing that.
I thought this might have been from some American right wing pundit. I was at first surprised to see that it was from the Guardian. What a load of tosh.
Their conclusion is particularly stupid
Trump ain’t gonna self-destruct. We have to get the voters to throw his ass out of office.
@Betty Cracker: Don’t forget, they are both Jewish, which obviously qualifies them as unbiased arbitrators of all issues ME.
@satby: Ok, fine. But it’s the headline that will be retweeted.
@satby: @Brachiator: From time to time the Guardian will print a RW op-ed, but usually this kind of stuff comes from a leftier than thou purist. I couldn’t bring myself to read more than the first 3 paragraphs, which weren’t as bad as I was expecting, because the subhead had left such a sour taste in my mouth.
Kind of optimistic.
I don’t think so. Name two good things about him.
It’s all just so ham-handed and lazy. They call it “deal of the century” so that way the party on the other side would be crazy not to take it! It’s so disrespectful to the Palestinian side- like they’re morons and will say “oh, the Deal of the Century? Where do I sign?” All bullshit and puffery, no substance. I bet it has Ten Points.
Betty Cracker
@satby: Yep. Even the headline makes sense in the context of the column, which says that the Dem’s strategy to defeat Trump — frustrate him at every turn so he loses his shit — is the best option and that the rest of the world should sign onto it.
Oh, there is zero good things about hiim. I was thinking of deals Trump has made and then backed out of at the last minute for some little stupid reason (ie, immigration reform).
He’s gonna die and…. gimme a minute….
Jared and Ivanka look oddly untouched to me- like big, lanky infants. Their faces are child-like. It’s unsettling in adults. I wonder if that’s taught, that weird lack of authentic facial expression. Like a mask.
Speaking of such: Britain is horribly divided – and that’s also the fault of remainers .
@Brachiator: aside from the fact he has always been an unhinged beast?
And the conclusion makes sense to me, because an ineffectual, weakened, increasingly obvious “loser” stink helps us drive him from office. And we need all the help we can get to make his deranged attempts to do anything thwarted.
@Baud: true. And the headline does suck from our perspective. But most headlines do, and we probably aren’t the audience they were pitching to.
@Betty Cracker: yep. Sometimes we lose perspective on how the rest of the world interprets what goes on here.
Is that what it is? I know she’s been taught to hold her hands under her face in photographs, because it’s a weird thing. I always expect her to say “and this watch I’m wearing? It’s a precision time piece and only available in limited quantities”
@NotMax: to within an inch of their lives. And plastic surgery too. Probably not an untouched nerve or muscle in either face.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: I didn’t. What is amazing is how Republicans picked the vilest, least decent, dumbest candidate they could find to be their President knowing that he was the opposite of the decency and class we had in the White House for two full terms. It makes you wonder who they’ll pick after the next Democratic President.
Clinton got shit for it because they hated her and she’s an older woman, but she actually did show emotion on her face. That’s why there was all that shitty carping about how she’s “unlikeable”- when she was mad she looked mad, and when she was tired or frustrated she looked it. It’s kind of shocking for someone who has been in the public eye so long and is photographed constantly- that she kept that. That it wasn’t polished away. They were able to use so many unflattering still shots of her because they exist. Her face changes, like a normal person. My personal favorite was when she’s listening and she thinks the person speaking is full of shit- it’s all over her face :)
Why does Melania always dress like one of the NAZIs from an Indiana Jones movie when she goes on a foreign visit?
We’re not sending our best people.
We’re not even sending our mediocre people.
@OzarkHillbilly: and that article shows the similarities between the clusterfk that is Brexit pro and con and the breakdown in our own country. I didn’t realize that the referendum that started it all only had a voter participation of under 40%.
The parallels to our own hardened tribal politics are striking.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Their mothers probably drilled “no facial expressions!” into them from babyhood so as to minimize wrinkles.
Can’t resist a link.
I will only point out that this is one of the reasons why the GOP hates Obamacare. They don’t mind WHITE Socialism-the deplorables,….but, socialism that helps EVERYONE has gotta go ???
I don’t understand the commercial decision behind this deal. Are there really a huge group of people who want to rewatch the 2016 election coverage? That’s a zany, madcap romp? It was dreadful and it went on forever the first time around. They’re going to trot it out again in 2020, this time as farce? Well, “this time”. Again.
God, I hope that flops.
Eric Lipton (@EricLiptonNYT) Tweeted:
THREAD: Over in China, Elaine Chao’s family has contracts to build half a dozen giant ships at a Chinese government owned shipyard in Shanghai. Here is one of those ship. So how about in USA, where Elaine Chao is head of United States Depart of Transportation? Let’s take a look
You and I disagree about the column and particularly the last paragraph. The columnist is in love with his faux Hemingway allusions and the imagery of Pelosi as a matador toying with a tiring bull.
This is lame, and the reference to Trump’s business failures are weirdly irrelevant.
But the idea that harrying Trump is somehow going to drive him from office is just dopey. It ain’t gonna happen. Nor do I see that this is going to energize voters.
Lastly, while I get the impression that the columnist is pleased with himself and all the nice metaphors he has strung together, I don’t get the sense that he understands a damn thing about the US or US politics.
Since we’re on about the Guardian today, I thought this was a good op ed when I read it last night.
My kid is going on his third year as a Kelly contract worker at the car manufacturer in Kentucky. He at least has health insurance, though no paid time off. Temp to hire used to be 60-90 days, or sometimes as long as 6 months, but not years.
@Betty Cracker:
I wonder if it’s so there are no unflattering still pictures that can be plucked from a video. If you chop Jared’s video up you will not catch an authentic (and unflattering) expression. Like how they always took clips of Clinton where she appears to be screaming in rage.
Carefully tutored and presented to avoid that. Polished, is how they look. Literally buffed with wax :)
Have you watched Midnight Diner? Series of character vignettes that takes place in a Japanese diner that opens at midnight.
Doesn’t it have a very limited shelf life? I mean, Jesus, I was sick of the coverage before the first primary. That’s why they all rush the books out. The Pocohantas books are probably already in pre-production.
He looks like Tom Riddle who doesn’t age thanks to the magic of Botox and Restylene. Probably has lots of laser treatments and chemical peels – which is why he’s so shiny. He’s so exfoliated he doesn’t have any cells older fan last week.
zhena gogolia
Wow, she did great on that.
Tried it a few years ago but for whatever reason it didn’t push any buttons for me.
By the way, speaking of character studies, found that Prime has listed John Huston’s final film, The Dead. Gem of a James Joyce adaptation.
And for the Fleabag fans, an article that captured what was so moving about the ending. But spoilers, so be warned.
The author of the Guardian piece is either being subtle, or more likely, doesn’t realize the significance of his own words.
How can Trump both be unhinged and carefully arranging anything? But the writer may have stumbled onto something.
Trump is always angry, but his unhinged beast stuff is largely an act for the benefit of his base, and maybe the gullible media. He is sticking to a plan, rolling out policy to make himself look like a strong president to the dopes.
He knows, for example, that the Brits have to give him a state visit. It is, after all, the 75th anniversary of D-Day.
But he also insulted the mayor of London, and one of the more odious Conservative party members, Jacob Rees-Mogg, backed him up. This violated all kinds of protocol, but the deliberate insult, meant to stir up nationalistic resentment, was hardly the act of an unhinged beast. It was deliberate, focused and cunning.
Add:. He doesn’t seem to sweat much for a fat man.
@satby: TBH, I have stopped reading most op-eds. I saw that yestermorn and skipped it. I find RR to be too strident, even when I agree with him which is about 90% of the time. It isn’t him, it’s me. I find that most days it’s all I can do to read the news, I don’t need my blood pressure to go up any more by reading an article focused solely on one particularly egregious insult to humanity.
He keeps people on a modest retainer to do that for him.
Another Scott
Good morning, everyone.
(via LOLGOP)
When I become benevolent despot I will abolish voter ID laws with extreme prejudice. Voting will be recognized as a right and a responsibility and anyone who interferes with that right (gerrymandering, fake news about polling locations, artificially restricted voting equipment, etc.) will be subject to severe penalties.
It’s long past time that we stopped putting up with this.
Sweat equity, eh?
Well played.
I just can’t imagine whoo the audience is. Right wingers like to hate bluntly, not subtlety. And no one on our side wants to be reminded of how Hillary was treated or the NYT’s role in it.
I just can’t imagine how it can succeed unless they completely make the candidate generic and not “Hillary.”
Thugs will be thugs.
Roseanne Barr comeback vehicle? //
Right. And the vast group of uninterested people say they hate political campaigns and political coverage- understandably, they hate it, btw. I, like you, hope it flops just because I feel the NYTimes has made enough money off savaging the Clintons. Enough. Move on to the next object of snotty derision- which unless I miss my guess will be Elizabeth Warren.
“This Buck-whatever pile could make a halfway decent hotel. Have to gut it first, of course. What’cha asking, Bessie?”
Betty Cracker
@Baud: From the excerpts I read of Chozick’s book and inferring from the reportage, the candidate could absolutely be generic. Chozick focused way too much about how the candidate made her (Chozick) feel. I can’t imagine who would find that entertaining. Aside from Chozick and possibly her friends and relatives, who gives a shit if Chozick feels validated on the job?
Ivanka chose to wear an all-white, big-shouldered, puffy-sleeved, Princess Di retro suit to Buckingham Palace.
Because, of course, she did.
@Betty Cracker:
Well, I suppose if it’s g generic enough and has a good producer, it could be a successful drama, like West Wing was or Madame Secretary. But the stories would have to be pretty removed from the reality of 2016.
Betty Cracker
@MazeDancer: Haven’t seen any photos of that nonentity yet and hope to avoid them, but the Third Lady looks exactly like a Bond villain. Even more so than usual!
This is why I think Jared and Ivanka are a bad example for young people. No regular person can gain success this way. It just doesn’t apply. At every point there’s a huge, unearned boost of pure privilege. The “opportunity” narrative only works if people believe it. They must believe it or they won’t try. I mean, I’m somewhat conventional and I use it with my kids- “work hard, play by the rules”. Jared and Ivanka stand for the idea that the game is rigged so no one should bother playing.
@Betty Cracker:
Melania’s outfit is a mashup of Belloq and Elsa from the Indiana Jones movies. I wish I were exaggerating.
O. Felix Culpa
@Kay: Gaah. What a bullshit article. Getting money from your parents is not venture capital. It’s your allowance, even if it’s at building-buying level. Jared is a dependent, not some brilliant MOTU.
Work hard, play by the rules (and here’s ten million dollars) and you too can “own” your own company (a division of your father’s) at 19. How many people does this apply to?
There’s supposedly a market for her fashion, but I think it makes women into dressed up children. I don’t understand all the bows and frou frou on a grown woman. I don’t understand ruffles on suits. I get this urge to cut all the shit off it- then it would just be a 7 year old girl Easter color suit :)
I feel sorry for all the trump grandchildren along with Baron and wonder if any of them will grow up to be normal human beings.
@NotMax: The Law of the Septic Tank. “The big chunks rise to the top.”
I used to love how Michelle Obama wore cardigans and skirts and flats. That’s a very sensible working outfit! I also got a weird kick out of it because to me it’s refusing to suck up to royalty :)
She’s like “look, I’m working. This isn’t leisure”
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Not only does Kushner demand credit for being a teenage “entrepreneur,” he wants us to excuse his shitty academic performance because he had to deal with broken toilets while classmates weren’t burdened with running a “real estate empire” on the side. The “you have to push yourself, until one or the other begins suffering” sounds an awful lot like an excuse.
In that remarkable Axios interview published today — which I hope is seen by everyone in America — Kushner uses a similar ruse to explain why it never occurred to him to call the FBI when Russians showed claiming they had dirt on Clinton and that their government wanted to help Trump. “I was getting 250 emails a day! I was trying to run three companies while serving as a campaign adviser!” Whaa-whaa-whaa!
IMO the grandchildren are attenuated enough that they often go their own way and get this own lives. That’s how it seems to work here, with our fancy families, who are obviously much less rich than east coast real estate heirs. They use the privilege to go their own way. We have one who “owns” a tattoo parlor -well, “owns”- he rents a storefront in our cheap as shit commercial space uptown. It’s probably 600 a month, overhead. Nice kid. He was always a nice kid.
O. Felix Culpa
Perhaps that’s exactly the point: the infantilizing and disempowering of women. It’s the Republican way.
@Kay: @Kay: It’s plastic surgery.
@O. Felix Culpa:
I went to Ireland with my husband 10 years ago and it hit me about halfway through the trip- these adults dress like adults. I felt I could fit in there. I also liked how stern and really dark they were. Not optimists! No sir. Things will probably be bad.
They wear belts and real shoes. No bows on their sweaters. I approved.
Seriously, how would der Trumpenführer’s self-destruction look any different from what we’re already seeing? That’d he come across as a decent, likable human being?
@NotMax: Yes, but The Dead still doesn’t appear to be available on Blu-ray in any market. But at least Under the Volcano has come out on Blu-ray in the U.K.
O. Felix Culpa
@Kay: That’s one reason I could never be an evangelical – the floral, floofy dresses that seem to be mandatory church couture. Now that I’m county party chair, I have to invest in presentable clothes again so I don’t look a disgrace at meetings, but they must be comfortable and sensible. No bows on anything (except for tying my shoes). Thank goodness the southwest dress code is fairly informal and tends towards jeans.
Jake Gibson
“Don’t it always seem to go, you don’t know what you’ve got til its gone”
True that but I think the trump family adults are especially toxic, corrupt, soulless people who believe they are supremely entitled and qualified to act as vilely as they want without consequences to themselves and they currently have that power. I really want to live long enough to see their glass houses shatter to pieces I have more hope the next generation, the great-grandkids will be more likely to break away from the trump family wrecking crew.
Let’s just play…
What if this was 44?
Trump calls for a boycott of AT&T to force ‘big changes’ at CNN – ‘It is so unfair with such bad, Fake News!’
Mike Calia
President Donald Trump on Monday called for a boycott of AT&T to force “big changes” at subsidiary CNN, which Trump often accuses of biased and negative coverage of his administration.
“I believe that if people stoped using or subscribing to @ATT, they would be forced to make big changes at @CNN, which is dying in the ratings anyway. It is so unfair with such bad, Fake News!” the president tweeted from the U.K., just as he began a state visit, misspelling “stopped.”
@Kay: I also don’t get the enhanced breasts the enhanced breasts then trying to dress high fashion. It just doesn’t work. You can’t be sleek and slim and also busty.
Queen Elizabeth and Nancy Pelosi know how to dress for full figures. Melania and Ivanka just look like their clothes don’t fit.
I normally wouldn’t be so catty about this, but they present themselves as fashion experts.
@Betty Cracker: @Kay:
Very Bond Villain.
Ivanka has zero taste in clothes. But I took her Princess Di look as a slap at Harry and Meaghan . She knows Meaghan will notice.
I wrote lots a beauty biz advertising in my youth.(Actually, of the empower women kind.) I noticed immediately. With a sharp intake of breath.
Oh, Princess Diana.
Ivanka, still scum.
OT anybody know where Paul Bronks is posting now? I am getting page doesn’t exist, and that account was one of my cheerup relief sites.
Elby looks so happy in his new abode :)
at the moment I can’t think of any outfit I’ve seen on Ivanka that I was impressed with. The plaid dress with fringe on sleeves, etc. Ivanka wore to the state of the union address stands out to me. Not attractive on her nor would that frumpy dress look good on anyone else. Just because it’s a $2,500 Oscar Del La Ranta dress doesn’t mean it’s a great design.
Utter foolishness, Kay. Absolute garbage
good op-ed.
zhena gogolia
I have the same problem.
BUT, who is the audience for such a show. I believe that I am the audience for that show. And, I will not give it one look. I am still bitter about 2016.
@Betty Cracker:
Clothes wear her, not the other way around.
You all are cracking me up
I’m not seeing any pics of Ivanka. I am seeing Melania, in an off-white dress with navy collar and belt that looks off-the-rack and not custom-fitted. Wrinkling at the waist is preventable (see Her Majesty, Diana, and Kate some of the time).
True story: I went to see Network in New York on Broadway a couple of weeks ago. At the end, after the play ended, the large screen on stage played all the presidents’ first swearing-in inaugural ceremony from Gerald Ford to Donald Trump.
The audience broke into applause when Obama’s swearing-in was shown, and then into thunderous boos (with a smattering of applause) when Trump’s aired.
She looks like the spitting image of her mother, when she was younger.
Bride Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco is stunning in a Chanel wedding dress grandmother Grace Kelly’s diamond necklace in the first photo from their glittering evening reception
Charlotte Casiraghi, 32, married Dimitri Rassam, 37, in Monaco on Saturday
Couple wed in a civil ceremony at the royal palace before a low-key luncheon
They later invited guests to a glittering black tie reception, which was outdoors
In first evening photo Charlotte wears a Chanel dress and Grace Kelly’s necklace
PUBLISHED: 06:33 EDT, 3 June 2019 | UPDATED: 09:11 EDT, 3 June 2019
I hope Dimitri appreciates what a luck, lucky man he is. ;-)
@gvg: Looks like he has been banned (yet again) for gratuitous use of fuck bombs.
The frumpiness is the point, actually. Rich people wear ugly, expensive clothes BECAUSE they’re expensive. It’s basically a “fuck you” to all of us plebes — they don’t have to look professional or adult or even good, because they can buy and sell us.
Dorothy A. Winsor
IMHO, Melania’s dress is tight enough that she looks like she’s been bound into an ace bandage.
@germy: I couldn’t read it because I was getting a whopping 250 emails a day
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Jared “We are going to movie the occupation from a Jewish occupation of Palestine to an Israeli occupation”
Reported “and what is the difference?”
Jared “Hey, we don’t have all the details worked out yet”
@germy: I liked when Axios asked about the email he got about Russia offering to help the campaign and K said “which email was that?”
The UK press are saying it’s an “80’s style”- puffy with pleats and flounces and…things. Another take on it is it’s “suffragette white”, like the Dem women wore to Trump’s state of the union. Remember AOC’s cape?
My daughter is AOC’s age and she said the hoop earrings AOC wears are popular, which she thinks is imitation. Maybe just among Lefty women :)
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Well, Melania is awful. She and Trump are a good match. Read her (infrequent) interviews. It’s all petulance and mean-spirited, self-centered victimhood. She married the right person. She is also, I must remind people once a month because it is MY JOB, a birther. Melania is a birther. Disgusting.
@Kay: While y’all are critiquing the women. Trump’s suits never fit him. The pants are too long and the legs too baggy, probably because of his fat ass (well, depends)
I will never forget that she is the Birther Trophy Wife.
My husband thinks he wears oversized suits because he’s overweight. Men talk about clothes all the time :) I have had whole discussions with men on vents in suits.
Melania is the only First Lady in my memory to make her own “initiative” about herself. She said she is the most bullied person in the world. Currently. As an adult First Lady. It’s as if Laura Bush had come out and said “I too am denied library books along with these children in this photo op – let me read!” Me, me, me.
Lie. Cheat. Rob. No wonder the racist ‘evangelicals’ worship a fellow thug.
Far too many extremely wealthy people choose trivial, empty lives in king/queen of the hill competitions with other fatcats to outrageously outspend and top each other. What a boring and worthless way to live.
glory b
@Keith P.: I think he might be over-botoxed, like Ivanka and Melania.
That’s okay. Mexico will pay for it.
glory b
@Kay: Once again, too much botox.
J R in WV
@Betty Cracker:
Their mothers probably drilled “no facial expressions!” into them to keep their father from beating them all to death, starting with mother.
These are not good folks, they are violent law breakers, from Wikipedia, Jared’s dad “pleaded guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.[13] The witness-tampering charge arose from Kushner’s act of retaliation against William Schulder, his sister Esther’s husband, who was cooperating with federal investigators after attacking his brother-in-law with blackmail…” And we know Trump attacked at least one of his wives physically and cares not for laws.
Uncle Cosmo
@Patricia Kayden: Which makes it all the more imperative that we crush the Thugs so thoroughly at the ballot box they go the way of the Whigs. I want every & anyone of those mofos who even thinks of running for office after 1 Dec 2020 to be buried under an avalanche of ridicule, invective, & sun-ripened fish guts, not necessarily in that order.
J R in WV
So. Does anyone know the significance of a 41 gun salute?
I thot it was 21 guns for honor…
Unspeakable. Oh, not them, altho’ they are, certainly. No, I’m talking about the complete lack of functionality of various keyboard and screen controls in order to post a simple post. This is technology? Well, Internet Explorer. Just now the tab key, when mashed randomly and sworn at, allowed itself to move to the comment box, instead of skipping up to the search box. Arrow keys, after working beautifully last week, just go “borky borky borky.” OTOH, Elby is adorable and has a nose meant for serious boopage. BOOP. BOOP. BOOP. So glad this worked out.
Thank you for the Elby update! He looks cute as ever, I’m glad Silvery and Elby are both doing well ;)