I’ve been slacking on the fundraising but I just read a good article about how the Senate might really be in play and thought I should do a little fundraising. You can give here to the top targets for Dem take-overs in 2020 (ME, CO, AZ, NC, GA, IA).
I’ll do some fundraising for the House, including the special in North Carolina later.
Here is a Benny pic.
Aww cute! How old is he now?
Dan B
Bennie hair coordinated with doggie hair. Nice touch!
Did you take Elizabeth Warren’s dog?
Cute nipper is cute.
Almost 18 months. He and the dog are best friends.
Benny is really cute. I always thought they were figuring out how big they are by putting themselves under and over and in everything, because they get it wrong sometimes- they try to squeeze in too-tight places then you have to rescue them :)
Benny is soooo adorable :)
And, he’s growing like a weed :)
Benny is such an adorable noodle muffin. Babies and dogs become the best of friends.
This post is in S.C.R.E.A.M. at you with the headline. :)
zhena gogolia
Wow, I was thinking, is that from Layla? Spinal Tap, I had no idea. I’ve still never watched it all the way through.
Why are the Democrats not going after Mitch McConnell’s seat? He’s not popular in his own state.His polling is 33% favorable and 50% unfavorable. Are the Democrats unable to find a challenger?
@Doug!: He is adorable. Dog looks pretty chill and cute too.
Eid Food Trail in Mumbai, l am drooling..
@AnotherBruce: Is there a poll showing how popular the democrats are against the republicans. If there were you might have your answer.
My first golden tried to pick up my youngest when he would cry. When the second came along, the golden shrugged and seemed to say this one’s yours.
My grandson discovered my mutt a few weeks ago. Recently my son and DIL lost their pup and decided to wait until the baby was older and wanted one. Last week the little one was over and talked up a storm with my mutt. Since the little one will be four months on Thursday, even Mr Finch had trouble deciphering what he said, except it was obvious that they liked each other.
My aunt and uncle have had 3 goldens in their married life. First one (1970s) came in at about 65 pounds, second (early aughts) was 80, and the current one weighs over 100. I think the breed is getting bigger.
First one hated children. Maybe it had to do with the 1970s.
@JPL: That’s a cute story!
Uncle Cosmo
Yeah, you really have been slacking, Doogie – considering that your one & only job on this site is to hassle the clientele into ponying up. Well, maybe that & Benny pix –
(Wait a minute, did someone just post that Benny was growing weed? Already?)
@schrodingers_cat: So I did text the DIL and said he has spoken.
Patricia Kayden
Benny is a cutie pie! Good to hear that the Senate may be in play. We need to take over everything in D.C. next November.
@JPL: That logic might be true, but it also might be true that the Dems might be able to find an attractive candidate. If you don’t try you lose 100% of the time. The risk is well worth it. Challenge the guy.
@AnotherBruce: It’s still over a year and a half until the election. Races are still way too early to write off on either side at this point. Let’s see how things shake out from here.
Hate to tell you this Doug, but Benny’s sporting a weird drumpf combover.
I guess I’m impatient. I’m craving to burn a hole in my pocket throwing money against the Mitch.
The shade in this article…LOL
President Trump and Melania welcome Charles and Camilla to US Ambassador’s Winfield House residence ahead of grand ‘thank you’ dinner after last night’s state banquet
@AnotherBruce: I’m waiting to toss money at the democratic candidate for president, because trump scares the heck out of me. I do think there is a strong chance that republicans will lose three senate seats so I will toss coins there way also, but not just yet.
zhena gogolia
Here ya go. I’m on a monthly donation to them.
@JPL: I get your logic, Trump is the priority, but McConnell’s a close second.
@AnotherBruce: I sent the Ditch Mitch site a small donation. More will come when a Challenger is found.
To defeat McConnell, perhaps George Clooney might be willing to move back to his native state of Kentucky and give the ol’ tortoise a run for his money.
Mike in DC
@PST: Is he willing to burn 100 million of his own money to do it? Mitch spent 50 million last go around.
@zhena gogolia: @AnotherBruce: @PST: Vote Vets is trying to get Any McGrath to run against the turtle, and Booman thinks a guy named Matt Jones could beat McConnell. But neither has declared they’re running yet.
@Uncle Cosmo: Look at Benny’s outfit. I think he works at McDonald’s.
Ronald’s mischievous sidekick?
@Mike in DC: if Cloony ran he’d be able to raise that fairly easily I think. He knows folks.
@satby: correction, it’s Nancy LeTournaeu who thinks this guy could win.
روحا (@ItsRoohaHaghar) Tweeted:
my valedictorian speech was cut short because i said the names of black children who had become victims of police brutality. our principal signaled for my mic to be turned off as soon as i said “trayvon martin and tamir rice” and played it off as a technical difficulty. pathetic. https://t.co/9upW3dZ7Mg https://twitter.com/ItsRoohaHaghar/status/1135567852877025280?s=17
J R in WV
Does anyone know why Mitch McConnell is wearing a fresh yellow rose on his lapel today? Other fascists hanging out with him are also.
Can’t believe the rose can be that close to the guy’s face without turning black and rotten in mere moments!! I kicked in to Amy McGrath in her run for the House last election, will surely help out whoever runs against McConnell the bastard.
Get the ENTIRE Phuck Outta Here ? ?
New York Times World (@nytimesworld) Tweeted:
The Kennedys have long occupied the American political culture as the unofficial royal family. But on President Trump’s visit to Britain, a different opportunity seemed to present itself: his family as the American answer to British royalty https://t.co/95LfnG7QEq https://twitter.com/nytimesworld/status/1135958147355566081?s=17
@Mike in DC:
Don’t think much of that was his money. I believe he’s taken a lot from the same sources as drumpf, even if it was from filtered from a different direction.
Well if you consider who’s the president shows how much class the US has then sure they could be royalty. All you have to do is overlook reality.
Steve in the ATL
@rikyrah: good fucking god. NYT defenders, where are you? Good luck with this one!
Sam doberman
@AnotherBruce: Exactly!
He is truly evil. He has a halfway decent opponent.
Another possibility is Lindsay Graham. He has a good Black opponent & SC has a high percentage Black voters
@Steve in the ATL: They would appear royal in front of a guillotine awaiting execution.
@rikyrah: Much depends on the exact monachy and time-line followed. Bourbons 1792? Stuarts 1649 or 1688 (if we’re kind). Romanov 1918. lots of options to run with. The Hapsburgs in Mexico, 1867 are even on the same continent.
Love those babbling baby conversations!
Benny’s a genuine sweet pea!
@Steve in the ATL:
In a country where Walmart is King, what other kind of royalty would you expect there to be?
@J R in WV:
I noticed flags are at half mast around here. Something must be going on.
my fucking god.
Wonder if Trump will get an extra scoop?
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
You should have linked this in the post.
Mike in DC
@rikyrah: The Kennedys had class, the Trumps show their…
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: I already said “fuck that shit” in the thread below, but I am willing to say it again, Fuck that shit.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike in DC: If we are looking for a family who represents the best that this country has to offer, etc, let’s go with the Obamas.
@rikyrah: Huh. I can’t find it now. Did they delete the tweet?
The only good story out of the U.K. visit is the 10 Downing Street mouser, Larry the Cat, causing a security headache when he decided to take a nap under “the beast”. Ha! They couldn’t move it.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I want to know why the fuck Tiffany Trump was doing there. I thought she was supposed to be the good one that Marla was keeping away from her father? This is going to be like Trump’s federal judge sister who turned out to be a corrupt piece of shit isn’t it? None of them are decent people
Mike in DC
@Omnes Omnibus: Agreed.
Steve in the ATL
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Omnes Omnibus
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Going on this trip makes her a bad person?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I wonder what I think about that NYT piece.
I think the NYT is gearing up for full troll mode for the election.
Google.says it’s for the shooting victims.
Florida deputy who failed to confront Parkland shooter faces 11 charges
Social Sharing
17 people were killed and 17 wounded at school shooting last year
The Associated Press · Posted: Jun 04, 2019 4:25 PM ET | Last Updated: an hour ago
@J R in WV:
“Senators wore yellow roses Tuesday to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Senate passing the 19th amendment, which guaranteed women the right to vote. The 19th amendment was not actually added to the Constitution for another year, when Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify it.” (Somewhere on the Internet)
Splitting Image
Actually, Marie Antoinette was far more intelligent than she is usually depicted as being and even though Louis was a bit of a dope, the two of them were among the least deserving of the guillotine among the entire French aristocracy. Their worst fault is that they were surrounded by a thoroughly corrupt ruling class who deserved to be purged much more than they did…. Oh, wait. I see what you mean. Carry on.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s an inappropriate free trip on the taxpayers dime for which she has no useful purpose other than to, in violation of travel “norms”, increase the size of Needy Amin’s entourage.
So yes, it makes her another grifter.
Mike in NC
It was revealed at some point that Fat Bastard is so pathetic and insecure that he employed a couple of people whose sole job was to find flattering articles about him and put them in scrapbooks. Must be a lot of that stuff with the byline ‘Maggie Haberman’. Sad!
Thanks. I guess I threw Google off because I included McConnell in my search.
Huh. That tweet has mysteriously disappeared. Too bad, because I saved the link to enjoy the dragging in the comments that Haberman no doubt got.
Mike in NC
@Jay: The Trump women were all excited about going on a shopping spree in London and Paris.
And yet, Suffragettes’ color was white. I can’t believe those clowns care one bit about women’s right to vote.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jay: I was trying to type something about someone having paid her notional expenses and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Pretty much this.
@Omnes Omnibus:
To add to what Jay said above, she’s an adult and old enough know what an irredeemably evil POS her father is. It’s not asking much for her to not attend some circus on the taxpayer’s dime and give tacit support to her autocrat-wannabe father. That she did tells me all I need to know about her: that those migrant children that died on Trump’s watch due to neglect, all of the people the administration is trying to erase, the flagrant disregard for the rule of law, etc doesn’t matter to her. She evidently does not care about any of that and lept at the chance to wear a pretty dress on a red carpet. No inner principles
zhena gogolia
Oh, yes, it was a thing of beauty.
If you are exposed to Trump your whole life it is inevitable that you will end up as a p.o.s. Plus you are exposed to people who voluntarily associate themselves with Trump. Bad enough to be born into that family, but to be around them by your own volition says a lot about your lack of character.
Amy Klobuchar had a yellow rose on with Ari Melber. There must be some significance to it.
. . . Okay, I looked it up. It was specific to the “war of the roses” in Tennessee, which became the pivotal state in ratifying the 19th amendment in 1920.
@Mike in NC:
She’s kept herself away, distant, silent, occasionally even disapproving for much of her adult life, free of scandal, ( that we know of), which created the impression she might be a semi-decent person,
But yeah, a free ( taxpayer paid) shopping spree in London and a chance to briefly meet the Royals, all to fluff her Daddy’s ego,….
illustrates she’s just a lesser sociopath and grifter.
J R in WV
Now I’ll rant — as if these republican fascists would ever have voted for women’s right to vote — never gonna happen, would take it away in a heartbeat, a fetal heartbeat, if they thought they could get away with it.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Yup. Trump’s sister gave off the same impression. I used to imagine she was embarrassed at her brother’s antics. Ha! Only to come to find out she was dirty too. The apple didn’t fall too far from Fred Trump’s tree
zhena gogolia
This preview for The Longest Day is hilarious.
NC Soder
Thanks for NC-09 fundraiser to come. I’ve been donating to Dan McCready regularly even though I don’t live in his district (Ted Budd :( ). But what about the KY Senate? Can we start a fund to have at the ready ala Maine? And why isn’t a Democrat running against him. To me, defeating McConnell is just as important as defeating Trump. )
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Those who kept up with all the Needy Amin scandals, knew she was a wingnut Judge and grifter since before the escalator ride.
It never got Front Paged on the FTFNYT nor shouted out by the Bar, because, well you know, they protect their own.
Legal twitter and the Law Blogs covered it off.
@NC Soder:
“And why isn’t a Democrat running against him. To me, defeating McConnell is just as important as defeating Trump.”
There’s a bunch of fundraising ongoing, and recruiting. The last run at Yurtle the Turtle missed, and not so much because Yurtle was more popular,…….
The vote is 17 months away, lot’s of time to put a campaign in place, build structure, build defences and get a cantidate.
J R in WV
I dunno… about Tiff being terrible in this instance. She was no doubt invited by either her father or her siblings, to go on a fairy-tale voyage to Royalty, to the Buckingham Palace and to Paris. She;s a young person.
I went on vacations with my parents and brother. My dad wasn’t a sociopath,, though, he was a swell father who ran a toys for tots campaign that brought Xmas to kids who weren’t going to have squat, even though he wasn’t a christian at all. I saw Williamsburg, the civil war battlefield, Yorktown, Gettysberg, NYC, all with my family.
Maybe Tiff is still reaching out for that kind of relationship with her father’s side of her family? It is wrong for her to do that on the public taxpayer’s money, but she wasn’t raised to think like that. Maybe she will see people talking about the issues on the innertubes and grow up a little bit.
Or maybe she is a mean spirited sociopath too, genes do tell somewhat. I won’t dump on her like I would Ivanka and da boyz.
I think that they have deleted it
Cute kid did the trick! Don’t keep bribing us like that.
@rikyrah: Tweet’s gone, article lives on.
@J R in WV:
I was invited to go on what was a all inclusive Junket, by my Dipper Senator, to what was passed off as a “Sustainable Farming Conference”.
A). I pointed out that as it was sponsored, it was unethical, and in violation of the Parliementary Ethics rules,
B). It wasn’t about sustainable farming, it was a Big Ag/Big Chem astroturf, so it would be unethical for me to attend, no matter who was paying,
If Tiffany or Needy Amin paid for the trip, that’s one thing, because the taxpayers are footing the bill, it’s nepotism and socialism tor the Rich combined.
J R in WV
@NC Soder:
You are quite correct — there is a campaign called “Ditch Mitch” working to raise funds and make commercials opposing McConnell’s re-election. They don’t have a candidate yet, but are trying to convince Amy McGrath to run, former fighter pilot, IIRC in the Marines, could be wrong about that.
Being a female fighter pilot for any branch of the military takes a lot of grit, so who cares which?
Uncle Cosmo
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
The road apple never falls far from the horse’s ass.