It’s just depressing that this administration is so criminal things that would be major scandals in normal times just fly under the radar. Like the Elaine Chao scandal. How many of you even heard about it?
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zhena gogolia
I heard about it when she was getting confirmed.
Small price to pay to preserve white privilege.
Broke the story here yesterday.
I’d pay more to be rid of them all.
America first!
(raises hand) And it’s not the only swim in scandalous seas for McConnell’s spouse.
So much for all of the pundits insisting that Mitch McConnell couldn’t possibly have a financial motive behind his obstruction. ?
Speaking of scandals in motion, the head of ICE plans to target more families for deportation.
Due to increasing budget constraints, they’re limited to spending $80 per person.
What could possibly go wrong?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Hi Mnem!
OT: I was wondering if I could get your opinion on Disney’s live action remakes? Are they just cash grabs to capitalize on their classic properties?
I know the Lion King live action remake looks particularly bad because the characters can’t emote like in the original
I’m in.
@Mnemosyne: Please don’t make my drink come out my nose again.
@Mnemosyne: Mitch McConnell Feeling Emasculated By Wife Who Makes More Illicit Money Than Him.
We were just talking about this earlier tonight.
re Chao, Saudis, Kusher, Blackstone Group, China
Paste Magazine March 2019 [I don’t know much about Paste’s reliability]
Blackstone is other news this week for a investment in warehouses, related of course to ecommerce, i.e., Chinese goods and Amazon.
Schwarzman backed Trump in 2016 and iirc was withholding $ support around the midterms (?), I think he was applying pressure for some reason, don’t recall what.
James E Powell
The press/media say that Trump presents so many scandals that they can’t focus on any one and therefore he gets away with them all. They said the same thing during the campaign. That’s just bullshit. The press/media could very easily have chosen three or four of the major scandals and pounded them like they did Her Emails!!! They chose not to do so.
The constant complaints that the press/media made mistakes, failed to learn, don’t know how to deal with Trump, etc. are all just bullshit excuses. They love Trump. He is the best thing for them since 9/11 and they definitely want to keep him around. He is making careers both for his sycophantic propagandists and his supposed detractors.
Mike in NC
@James E Powell: You are quite correct. The media first saw Fat Bastard on “Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous” and decided he needed to be covered as much as possible. This goes back 35-40 years, before 24/7 cable news.
More crime by people who live forever and won’t ever die.
“Well, we could do some crimes, but, and hear me out, WHY DON’T WE DO ALL THE CRIMES!?”
What’s the over-under on hearing that Dump actually did shoot someone on Fifth Avenue back in the 80’s?
I’ve just picked up the basics of it. From what I gather, every Republican official is pretty much in the pockets of either Russia, China, or Saudi Arabia.
I had heard it mentioned yesterday or the day before; but, no one gave a reference so inquiring minds could read about it. This is first solid piece of info I have seen. Thanks.
J R in WV
Oh, come on now! You know as well as I do that every Republican office holder is in bed with at least two of those source of money, if not all three~!!~ Really~!!!~
Plus the private sector of illicit monies — business dirt done dirt cheap in the dark ~!!~
All of them, including the the UAE and Israel. No need to pick just one sponsor.
Golly, there was a gigantic story in the New York Times on Sunday—cited by the Vanity Fair article—but because we hate the New York Times we thought it better to ignore it.
@Baud: 100 years ago she would NOT be considered white.
Many Chinese Americans do not seem to realize that a true white supremacist would not consider them part of the ‘in’ group.
No way to be certain, but I expect that ol’ Yertle is on the wrong end of a very one-sided pre-nup. Family money stays in the family.
zhena gogolia
I get the dead-tree Times every day, and the front page is full of negative stories about Trump.
The swamp is an ocean. We’re gonna need a bigger hose to drain this sucker!
Thanks Mitch. Taking money from not only the Russians but also the Chinese. I won’t ask who’se side he’s on. His own.
@Ladyraxterinok: That’s okay. To the Chinese, anyone who isn’t Han is a barbarian.
As long as the ‘voters’ keep rewarding these knaves and thieves for decades, why would they even bother to stop?
Preference for rule by Han solo?
I suspected the criminality when I read a story about how the Turtle’s net worth grew over a short period of time.
joel hanes
@zhena gogolia:
I get the dead-tree Times every day, and the front page is full of negative stories about Trump.
Well, credit for good behavior.
But it’s a little late now.
They have decades of Clinton Rules to atone for. Decades.
Seeing the extensive story of Chao’s criminality just made me shrug the shoulders. They are all crooks in this Administration???
To be fair (ugh!), Mitch and Elaine’s net worth went way up with a huge bequest from her mother’s estate.
But, yeah, it’s interesting that Mitch’s net work is in the low eight figures after a career almost exclusively in [checks notes] elected office.
It’s a (sobering) lesson to future administrations: be so corrupt that the public and the media are so confused and preoccupied deciding which incident of criminality or corruption is worthy of coverage that all of it sort of becomes white noise. Seems to be working for Trump. Back in the day, treason, incompetence, and corruption would cost you substantial political capital. Now it’s just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chris Johnson
@joel hanes: I don’t think so. I think they’re Russia-owned, and what it means is ‘Trump stronger at this point doesn’t help Russia’.
It should be really obvious that Russia helping Trump does not have the end game of making the resulting corrupt rightwing USA actually POWERFUL. If it starts to look like the rightwing coup is so effective that the guys can just run amok, unchecked, then it’s time to undermine them a bit. Or a lot. But not in such a way that it gives Dems lots of power and authority and a strong position in the world.
That’s just… mechanical. There should be nothing surprising about it at all. I don’t buy for a second that the NYT is on the side of the angels if they’ve turned on Trump. There’s an ulterior motive, and it doesn’t make them our friends.
Thread is dead but ….
@Steeplejack wrote:
I can’t tell if you are snarking here. Sign of the times (or Times).
Anyway I want to confess that I am a daily reader of the NYT and WaPo. Often I visit this site and find fresh outrage about something that was published in either or both papers several days ago. A month ago I decided to pony up a buck a week to get online access to the NYT for a year. That’s my price point and I’d rather pay the Grey Lady than Josh Marshall. Because he never does long articles into non-Trump stuff like the ongoing Boeing story that appeared on Saturday. IIRC it hasn’t been mentioned here yet.