After months of Republican delays over aid to #PuertoRico – which will ultimately receive more than $1 billion – and immigration, Democrats deliver a bipartisan win #ForThePeople as the House passes $19 billion disaster aid bill; DJT expected to sign it.
— Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) June 3, 2019
Wildfire relief bill on its way to President Trump’s desk despite Republican ‘no’ votes
— McClatchyDC (@McClatchyDC) June 4, 2019
The final disaster relief bill contains no border security funding and easily passed with broad bipartisan support in a vote of 354-58. It's heading to Trump's desk (not back to the senate as he's tweeted)
— Kate Nocera (@KateNocera) June 4, 2019
The House Oversight Committee has sent letters to AG Bill Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross informing them the panel is scheduling a vote to hold them in contempt for refusing to comply with subpoenas related to the Census citizenship question
— Axios (@axios) June 3, 2019
Too, also — per the Washington Post:
The House will vote next Tuesday on whether to hold Attorney General William P. Barr and former White House counsel Donald McGahn in contempt, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) announced.
“This Administration’s systematic refusal to provide Congress with answers and cooperate with Congressional subpoenas is the biggest cover-up in American history, and Congress has a responsibility to provide oversight on behalf of the American people,” Hoyer said in a statement Monday night.
The announcement comes amid rising frustration among Democrats at what they view as stonewalling by the White House. It also comes on the same day that Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said his panel will vote on whether to hold Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt for failing to comply with a bipartisan subpoena for documents on a Trump administration plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census…
@OzarkHillbilly: Yea. Ditto. Just started raining here. Just what we need.
Good Morning,Everyone ???
Good morning.
@Lapassionara: My son and I are going to the ballgame Thursday. Guess what the forecast is?
Amir Khalid
Sitting in a restaurant with family, waiting to have Iftar on the last day of Ramadhan.
It’s as if this entire maladministration looked at Teapot Dome and Watergate, and said “Hold our beer.”
Every last one.
@Amir Khalid: I know it’s a joyous community celebration, so have a wonderful Eid al Iftar!
@Amir Khalid: Bon appetit!
I’d almost bet he doesn’t. He can’t be seen to be helping the browns.
@rikyrah: Good morning rikyrah!
I just spent the last hour looking for miscreant Bubba, who took off after a bunny at 5:30. And then after I had walked past the spot twice was just sitting on the sidewalk of the block behind me, evidently waiting for me to come back with the car so he could ride home. The little shit.
@Amir Khalid: @satby: Eid al Fitr.
And Kindle is still fighting me on spelling it right.
@Amir Khalid:
Sounds so wonderful. Family, food, and wisdom gained.
Fire and brimstone? Plagues of locusts?
ETA: The entire stadium yelling “BLECH”?
@satby: but he was plumb tuckered out from that rabbit chase!
(Bubba certainly knows how to hide.)
But the bill helps far more of his base than it helps P.R. That’s why it is how it is, to force Trump to avoid vetoing.
@SFAW: I’m going to a ballgame, not a church.
I can’t stop laughing, thinking that anyone could control Trump. He weaseled out of that bipartisan immigration bill, and he’ll weasel out of this one.
@Amir Khalid:
Kids advocating for themselves these days. It’s good to see.
Three and a half hours of shooting pics last night and I’m going to get 2 pictures out of the exercise.
BTW: Here’s one of them.
@debbie: this is not about weasels. Trump has to sign or veto. And, Trump has tried to never veto any bill. He has vetoed only 2 – the Yemen war powers bill and the bill over turning his border emergency declaration. I will be shocked if he dares to veto relief across the nation. He just can’t do it.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Ooo. I like!
It was 30 years ago…
Highly related, from current events.
@Immanentize: Thanks, first time I’ve tried shooting star trails to not north(east this time). I should have used the fisheye.
@germy: wonderful story, thanks for sharing it.
Why are the star trails curving in different directions?
Sloppy, sloppy writing or plain old ignorance?. As Islam follows a lunar calendar, the dates of Ramadan move each year relative to the Gregorian calendar.
@germy: The world is going to hell. Oh yeah, get off my lawn while you’re at it.
shakes fist at clouds
Raising a toast to Ken Jennings. The streak lives.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Interesting.
@NotMax: High school proms also move each year relative to the Gregorian calendar.
I think the point of the article is that the prom THIS YEAR was scheduled during the holiday, and these girls advocated for themselves and their classmates so they could all enjoy something they’d been looking forward to for years. They met resistance from the school, but persisted.
Amir Khalid
“Schenectady’s prom, along with the proms of many school districts around the Capital Region, has long been scheduled during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. ”
That sounds improbable, since Ramadhan shifts around the Western calendar because a lunar year is only 354 days long.
@Baud: The stars will appear to circle(due to the earth’s rotation) each pole. This was shot to the east, so some stars will appear to circle the north pole star and some the south pole star.
@NotMax: That’s awful. At least it can’t happen here.
Good news folks: Schrödinger’s cat could be saved, say scientists
I’m sure we all will breathe a little easier knowing our friend and jackalmate SC’s fate is not necessarily sealed by the opening of a simple cardboard box.
Interesting. I would have thought you need to be closer to the equator to get that effect.
@OzarkHillbilly: Thanks.
@NotMax: for the last 4 years, and next year, Ramadan has overlapped prom season in the U.S. So for those kids, their entire high school lives. But yes, sloppy reporting.
ETA: and @Amir Khalid:
X-ray image of the sky.
@satby: For a teenager, four or five years is a long time.
In my dotage, I remember things from 20 years ago like they happened yesterday, but when I was a teenager, five years was like a life time.
@OzarkHillbilly: Do not even think about washing your car before you go.
@NotMax: I remember how shocked my Chinese exchange son (the one I was visiting in NYC) was when he saw the first pictures from the massacre. I think it was the 10th anniversary. He told me that the official news in China just said the protesters were dispersed with no injuries.
I’m so glad he stayed, and now is an American citizen!
@germy: that’s awesome!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: surreal!
@Sab: Seeing as in 60+ years I have never once washed a vehicle I own, we are safe from that particular threat. Watering the garden however…
My guess is that the only thing Ozark washes on his truck is mud off his libtard bumper stickers.
zhena gogolia
How can I catch up with all those overnight threads?????
FYI I am now eating a most amazing ham and cheese croissant from a local bakery.
Then i have to take my car to the body shop☹️
@OzarkHillbilly: For once I hope it rains today. I’d like the mulch layer of the hugelkultur bed to get a good soak before I cover it with the soil. I was working outside yesterday to plant stuff around the yard but the mosquitoes drove me inside after an hour. So if it rains enough today I can finish after the market.
All the rain has created some bumper mosquito hatchings.
@zhena gogolia
Gin & Tonic
The NY Post (I know, feh) is reporting that Paul Fucking Manafort will be moved to Rikers Island this week, since he is facing a number of charges in NYC related to mortgage fraud.
Hahahahaha. Rikers ain’t Club Fed.
And McConnell publicly gave Trump permission to veto the budget overturn bill.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: Eid Mubarak, Amir
Some might take issue with your distinguishing between the two.
Cards, Royals, or non-MLB? (I have no idea which stadium you’re near.)
@Baud: We’re at about 37 degrees so we do get some southern pole rotation.
@germy: That was on APoD a few days ago.
@satby: Thanks.
@Gin & Tonic: Sad and such a nice guy. lol I wonder if he is rethinking his policy of supporting trump at all costs.
That it helps Puerto Rico is reason enough for him to veto it.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Your pictures are amazing. When you go on a photo shoot, how long do you stay in one location?
Among the many joys of city living, is the proliferation of Aedes albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito. Plenty of empty cans, used tires, badly draining gutters, pot holes, etc etc for them to breed in. We have them out here too, but they are no where near as bad as they are in STL. They are the spawn of the devil.
(looking at the range map, there are couple of hot spots at the southern end of Lake Michigan. I’m assuming you are within one of them, I may be wrong and you are plagued by our more polite native species.)
Gin & Tonic
@JPL: Manafort has no “policy” other than the dollar. He will work for anyone who will pay him – the scorpion from the proverb.
@JPL: Thanks, it partly depends on the investment in getting there. I went to Joshua Tree on Saturday, it took 3 1/2 hours to get there, so I spent alot more time there than I did tonight when it only took a hour and change to get to Lockwood Valley.
ETA: I also had my girls(the furry variety) will me on the trip to Joshua Tree, so that made it easier to stay longer. Then again, they were antsy to get home.
@Gin & Tonic: It was nice of him to pay for the Mueller investigation though. I hope he rots at Rikers.
@SFAW: Cards (i live about 80 miles SE of STL) We wanted to go to the Sunday Cubs game but the tickets were somewhere north of $100 for crappy seats and I just can’t justify that. So instead we’re taking in a business man’s special against the Reds.for less than $40 for seats behind the 3rd base dugout. I might even be able to afford a beer or 2 at that price.
James Joyner is not optomistic: Republican Apocalypse … Now?
his base of crack-addled supporters are so bound to him, he could veto it and his numbers wouldn’t budge. unreal.
Well, if the prices there are anything like Citi Field or Fenway, you’re back up over $100 per seat.
I hope the weather holds for you, and that you have a nice time. [As an FYI — although you probably know this already — minor league games cost a lot less, and if you’re not someone who deems only The Bigs are worthy, then you might have a good time.
Semi-related: I took a 15-minute online survey re: the Mets, and the enticement was that I got two field-level seats — for FREE. So, if you’re willing to travel the 800 or 900 miles to Flushing, you could take the survey and get free tickets, too.
And even-less-related: it appears that Brady is trying to trademark the name “Tom Terrific.” As any Mets fan, and any serious baseball fan, knows, “Tom Terrific” was, is, and ever shall be Tom Seaver.
Fuck Brady.
(stifles horselaugh)
Told ya :)
The “no more overtime” complaints locally come before the reports it has slipped. Always. They’re very sensitive to overtime- they don’t want to pay it :)
The real legacy of John McCain as a senator is he chose Party over his own signature (domestic) issues. Campaign finance and immigration were his issues. He stayed in the party that destroyed campaign finance regulation, and immigration? Good God. He was his own opposition. John McCain successfully opposed John McCain’s beliefs.
@SFAW: Typo, 80 miles SW of STL. Sadly, all the minor league ball parks are even further away. Some day I hope to combine road trips to various places with visits to minor league parks.
@OzarkHillbilly: Re Joyner. Give me a break about Hillary being the most unpopular Democratic candidate in memory. Possibly the most unpopular candidate amongst disgruntled Republicans, but lots of other voters liked her fine. I really had to hold my nose to vote for Gore.
Major Major Major Major
Hmm, not sure about the new site formatting.
Pretty mavericky of him, if you ask me.
@NotMax: But he’s absolutely correct that they were the saner voices within the Republican Party. Sane enough to attempt to appear saner than they actually were, sure. And much saner than the coal-huffing, meth-detoothed hoard that sits addicted to Fox not-News all day. (And those are the employed, “functional” right wingers.)
It’s one of my litmus tests for sincerity and credibility: Can the person make his or her point without a gratuitous side swipe at Hillary (or in some cases, Dems)? It’s revealing how many rights and lefties fail that test.
@Kay: But the one time it counted he turned thumbs down on something Trump really, really wanted. His name gives that fat-fingered thief the hives. It cuts him some slack with me. Some.
Yeah, I’m petty that way. Sue me.
Gin & Tonic
WTF? Living here in the heart of Patriots Nation, I can honestly say I have never heard anyone anywhere refer to him by that sobriquet.
For Russ Feingold it’s a loss. But for McCain? He participated in killing his own “signature legislative achievement”, every step of the way. I don’t know what that is. It’s nuts. I can’t think of another example of this.
La-la-la-la I CAN’T HEAR YOU
You’re not old enough to remember that cartoon. I, on the other hand …
Be that as it may, IN THE SPORTS WORLD, “Tom Terrific” is Seaver.
Between you and Steve in WHRVR, you can start your own Pedants’R’Us chain.
Gin & Tonic
@Sab: So unpopular that nearly 66 million people voted for her.
Right, and I’m petty too so I was pleased he did it. But he didn’t do it for “health care”. He did it because he loathed Trump.
@Gin & Tonic:
I saw it on one of the news feeds/sites/whatevers in the last couple of days. It may be complete bullshit, and my gullibility meter may have gone to 11. I’ll see if I can find more info.
Noticed during a NY trip that the LIRR had changed the name of the station and its signage back to just Willets Point after Shea Stadium went bye-bye. No free advertising for Citi Field.
Gin & Tonic
Don’t bother on my account. I actually couldn’t care less.
@Gin & Tonic:
Apparently, he (or someone) has filed a request with the USPTO
Fuck him.
Gore chose Lieberman as his VP. Ugh. He doesn’t get nearly enough shit for that. Lieberman rewarded him too- by spreading that bullshit about how Gore was not counting overseas military votes. That was invented- a lie. I think he may have been an actual mole.
@Gin & Tonic:
Too late. And you WILL care, or I’ll stamp my feet.
Both were specifically designed to pacify the slave states, who even back in 1776 knew they were some retrograde motherfuckers terrified that somebody might call them on it. Both institutions continue to allow rural white supremacists exactly the outsized power they were designed to.
TBH, the fix is that most red states shouldn’t stay *states*. The only reason we *have* North & South Dakotas is to pack the Senate, so abolish them already – same for rest of the mostly-empty states.
Yes, yes I incontrovertibly am. Shown as a part of Captain Kangaroo’s program.
I still call it “Shea” if I don’t catch myself.
Are you from that area originally? I’ve never seen “Willets Point” mentioned by anyone, anywhere, unless they knew/know Queens or the LIRR. [Yes, I saw your LIRR mention. Doesn’t necessarily mean you’re familiar with it.]
OK. You seemed younger. Not sure why I formed that impression.
@Sab: Like it or not, there were more than a few nose holding Hillary voters.
@Baud: I did not think it was gratuities at all. You may not agree with his assessment, but you don’t run in the same circles he does.
@OzarkHillbilly: And for the record: Clinton: Favorable/Unfavorable
Dorothy A. Winsor
I am at a friend’s house in Iowa packing up to go home. She has the Trump/May press conference on. OMG. The look on May’s face!
how far we’ve fallen.
@Kay: Serves Gore right. Clinton treated Gore like a real VP instead of ignoring him as was the norm back then. Then Gore picked Lieberman to distance himself from the still popular Clinton. WTF. Of course he nearly lost the popular vote. What did he think would happen?
Gin & Tonic
@SFAW: Old-guy-ostentatiously-yawning-emoji.
@Gin & Tonic:
Yeah, you old guys need your frequent naps, in between episodes of yelling at kids to get offa yer lawn.
@Kay: That was a self goal. Gore could have found someone better. In the VP debate JL made Dick fucking Cheney appear cuddly and more empathetic of the two. That’s quite an achievement. IIRC Joe L was MSM’s favorite D.
@Amir Khalid:
hope you had a wonderful meal with the family :)
Near by.
He certainly got invited to all the right par…. I mean talk shows.
@Amir Khalid: Eid Mubarak.
@schrodingers_cat: Self goals were Gore’s signature. Remember the first time he ran for the Democratic presidential nomination? He for some reason decided he needed Ed Koch’s endorsement. He went to NYC and sucked up to Koch, got the endorsement. Koch then made some racist comments about Koch’s own citizens. Gore had to rush home to Tennesse to patch things up with his own Black constituents to protect his Senate seat.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I watched that presser. Trumpov started riffing about mid way through the speech, came back around, and then the questions phase… time to walk to the coffee shop to try to flush this out of the memory.
Citizen Alan
This is why I’m opposed to a Harris/Warren or a Warren/Harris ticket. The #1 consideration in picking a VP is to pick someone who can stop into the President’s shoes and carry on his/her legacy if the unthinkable happens. The #2 consideration is picking a VP who can help carry a swing state. Gore was an utter fool for choosing Lieberman of Connecticut over Ben Nelson of Florida.
Citizen Alan
While I sympathize completely, there is no mechanism I’m aware of for “abolishing a state.” We probably had the chance to with the former Confederate states during Reconstruction (and IIRC, that was Sherman’s recommendation — turn the Confederacy back into one large territory and then encourage immigrants to move their in large numbers) but we didn’t take it.
@NotMax: Glad someone else remembers the real Tom Terrific.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@Amir Khalid: Eid Mubarak!
@Sab: No I was too young to pay too much attention to politics beyond the headlines then , but his political ineptitude is not surprising.
@Amir Khalid: Ramadhan Kareem!
@japa21: I do too, but I could have done without it.
joel hanes
Shown as a part of Captain Kangaroo’s program.
I once knew a woman who named her large sheepdog “Manfred”.
He was mighty furry.
I can still sing the Crabby Appleton “rotten to the core” song.
Changing topics slightly:
Mr. Green Jeans was wonderful.
As “Uncle Lumpy”, and backed by the Fred Waring orchestra, he recorded a bunch of silly radio plays for children, all about an adventurous boy named Little Orley.
They’re still available on CD from Red Hen, and some kids will love them.
I give them as Chrismas gifts to the parents of four-year-olds.
Yup, and would strongly suspect the original Tom is still under copyright.
@OzarkHillbilly: Hey, it was something that was at just about the right level to match my art skills. Of course, there were also Crusader Rabbit, Mighty Mouse and Felix the Cat.
Chyron HR
“the most unpopular Democratic nominee in memory”
Shhhh, it’s okay, Jimmy. The bad lady is gone now. Our progressive betters destroyed human civilization to save it from her.
Another Scott
@Kay: Bonds are getting killed, the Fed is making noises about cutting interest rates, lumber prices are crashing, etc., etc. Lots of things look pretty bad for the economy at the moment, with little prospect for improvement.
Keep one’s eyes open…
James Joyner
@Chyron HR: I endorsed and voted for her. But she was incontrovertibly the most unpopular Democratic nominee in memory; indeed, in the history of polling. She was, by large margin, more unpopular than any presidential nominee, in terms of both intensity and net—with the noteworthy exception of the man she was running against.
@Citizen Alan:
Bill Nelson.
And, I seem to remember part of the calculus was that Lieberman would help with the Jewish vote in Florida. At least, that was one of the reasons speculated, because we couldn’t figure out any other reason.
and then they went ahead and voted for Buchanan!
Fortunately, Sandra Day O’Connor was there to confirm that “The Joos” voted for a noted anti-Semite.
Yeah, I saw your font. That whole episode still galls me, pretty much everything about it.
@SFAW: Yes, this nightmare started long before trump.
And I never thought of Bush or Romney or McCain as “saner voices”
@OzarkHillbilly: South Bend Cubs here, and a spare bedroom should you venture northeast ?
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: @Sab: FFS the term is own goal.
IIRC it was FL senator Bob Graham that was vetted for VP.
J R in WV
That’s so sweet, that they did that for the kids. Thanks for passing that along, some good news in with all the crummy news! Also good that the kids are learning how to be active and negotiate; easier said than done to move a big Prom party!
J R in WV
Nice star tracks, and the tiny little blinky red light that flew past, that’s cool too.
Thanks for sharing!
ETA: Flash Off the exif says… hehe. How long about was the exposure? Interesting that the lines aren’t parallel, also…
@J R in WV:
240, 30 second exposures stacked. So 2 hours.