This photo was taken under duress. I told him he had to post a picture because so many people had been rooting for him. This is his disgusted/exasperated look. I know it well.
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by John Cole| 69 Comments
This post is in: John Cole Presents "This Fucking Old House"
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TaMara (HFG)
That’s what we get for caring deeply about his surgery and recovery? LOL. We still care! You can’t stop us! Glad Papa Cole has returned home.
So he knows us.
It looks like a hostage picture, shouldn’t he be holding up today’s newspaper? Good to see Papa Cole is back home.
@Baud: We do know that Mama Cole reads this here blog.
Explains why we never see her picture.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Today’s paper is is proof of life for normal people. For denizens of this place, a pet pic is more helpful.
Patricia Kayden
So good to see him in better health. Like Father. Like Son.
I expect he looks that way at every lawyer. //
Such good news. You should make tacos to celebrate.
Sorry to displease you, Dad Cole, but welcome home! Looking good!
Welcome home, Dad Cole! So glad that you are feeling better.
PS I love the Chihuly shirt. Giant technicolor glass sculptures are good for even the most exasperated among us.
Glad he’s home.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Dad’s defiant look and the poor doggie not looking at the terrorist with the camera… yup, things are getting back to normal. :)
Glad to see it! Thanks, Terrorist. ;)
You should probably read all of our comments to him. In funny voices. Just sayin’
And it’s good to see him outta the hospital.
So glad he’s home and on the mend!
@Omnes Omnibus: The pet does not have a date on it, so it should be newspaper AND pet.
So glad to see ur dad’s doing better John.
Is he still in alot of pain?
Betty Cracker
You know it well because you see it in the mirror every day. ? Happy homecoming, Papa Cole!
Love his look. Glad he’s home.
Looking good (all things considered) Mr. Cole.
for a second i thought the shirt said “cthulhu” and i was all ah, he’s a good egg.
@TaMara (HFG):
the moral is: never care.
That’s where I’ve been for years.
Good to see your dad home. Best wishes for a great recovery.
And happy to add to the exasperation.
welcome back senor cole, glad you are doing well! :)
Ghost of Joe Lieblings Dog
@Inspectrix: … and here I thought it said ‘Cthulhu’! Ah, well, such is life…
Welcome home, Mr. Cole! Heal quickly!
Hang tough
I think we did on the Golden Wedding anniversary a few months ago.
So glad to see Dad Cole home. Continue to get better.
BCHS Class of 1980
@TaMara (HFG): He’s the Blog-grandfather. And we’re surprised that he is a touch cantankerous? Having recently had a THR myself, you are not feeling your very best in the immediate aftermath.
Hope his recovery is speedy!
Hooray Pops Cole! Dog in one hand, meds in the other. Somewhere, a remote sits, jealous.
James E Powell
It’s great to see the venerable gentleman. We definitely don’t need a DNA test to determine paternity.
@BCHS Class of 1980:
Also one hellova house-remodeler. Chez Cole has a lot of his sweat equity.
Yay dad!
Wishing you a full and speedy recovery!
Ohio Mom
Welcome home Dad!
Now do those PT exercises!
That really is a look! Good to see Dad Cole, it’s so reassuring somehow, even if he does look a bit grumpy.
Dad Cole, with the year you’ve had, I say you get to be cranky for about a year. But if you do that, I really will miss that twinkle in your eye.
And Dad Cole looks primo. John, I’m glad you
bulliedpersuaded him to let you share his photo with us. What a fine gentleman he is, to be sure.(Blows kisses ???? ? to John’s father.)
@Ghost of Joe Lieblings Dog:
Heh! So did I, at first!!
@SiubhanDuinne: When my dad died, my godmother sent a single red carnation for his lapel, with a card that read “To a fine gentleman.”
They don’t make ’em like they used to. Dad Cole is one of the good ones.
Thanks for the picture, Dad Cole. It’s good to see you and to know you have a faithful doggy companion to cheer you up.
Well, blech from all of us, in the very best meaning of the word. All the blechst? Blechings be on you? Blechst wishes?
He looks like he’s feeling the entire weight of the son’s childhood, the teen years, the 20s, the 30s, the house renovation and now it’s the damn blog.
@chopper: Same here!
So glad to see Papa Cole back home. The orneriness is a bonus; as is the obligatory dog-on-lap.
Keith P.
If it was me, just because my family liked tasteless jokes, I would have driven pops home but on the way, break it to him that we’re not going “home” but rather are going to an assisted living community because “you and I both know that, unfortunately, it’s time and is what is best.” These days, the in-car video of it would do gangbuster views on YouTube and the morning news.
Hello Mr. Cole! It is nice to see you are home now. I am sending you my best wishes for a good speedy recovery.
Best regards,
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
Glad to see Cole Pere! He looks great.
There are some who would say that there is no difference.
I see where you get it.
Glad he’s home and on the mend.
Dan B
Amazing to see a Chihuly Tee on Pater Familias. West by dog Virginia is a far long ways from Seattle, and NYC, etc. Chihuly is a bit overdone here with big permanent exhibits in Seattle and Tacoma. So it’s interesting to see him on a Tee worn by a grumpy Cole.
Can’t blame the grump. Get well soon!
@JaySinWA: Many in the PNW will say that.
Pater Familias is lookin Good !!!
Father-son conversation
J R in WV
Glad Dad Cole is home. Sorry he is miserable, I know he is, no one three days after major surgery feels anything but miserable.
Dad Cole: Do what the PT staff tell you to do, then do a tiny bit more. Get the exercise, stretches, make things in your leg work right by working things correctly.
Best of luck, I know it’s hard, I’ve been there, but give it your best shot!!
ETA typos
Hip hip hooray!
Laura Too
So happy to see your Dad home! Happy for you all.
Yay Dad!
Very glad to see you, sir.
Welcome home Dad Cole! Glad to see you back where you belong.
@NotMax: I saw what you did there.
@TomatoQueen: In your Eddie Haskell voice.
Hello, Papa Cole.
Glad to see you on the mend.????
Ginny or Guessly (sp?,)?
Orchid Moon
Glad to see Dad is on the mend. Wearing a Chihuly shirt also lifts your spirits.
Miss Bianca
Yay for Dad Cole! Glad he’s home and feeling well enough to give us all a grumpy look!
heal up fast dude! stay well!