We should tariff Mars until they give the moon back. https://t.co/ft5AoWYmIm
— Benn Steil (@BennSteil) June 7, 2019
1) Windmills
2) Self-driving cars
3) Rule of law https://t.co/IFtf0CTGPP— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) June 7, 2019
They could have blamed it on jet lag (or TBH on having to behave like some approximation of a grown-up for a whole three days in a row), but that would’ve implied their Dear Leader was susceptible to the weaknesses of mere mortals…
One Small Tweet for Trump, One Giant Question for NASA’s Moon Plans https://t.co/asGSP2DtwK
— erin mccann | (@mccanner) June 7, 2019
… At a meeting of the NASA Advisory Council last week, William H. Gerstenmaier, NASA’s associate administrator for human exploration and operations, said that it was unlikely that appropriators in Congress would agree to provide all the money needed for a 2024 moon landing, and that the agency would likely have to cut the budgets for other areas of the space agency.
Hours after the tweet was sent, a White House official attempted to clarify Mr. Trump’s meaning, saying that the administration’s space goals were unchanged. The official added that by seeking additional resources for a journey to the moon within the next five years, the Trump administration intended to accelerate a crewed American visit to Mars…
More and more people are recognizing it. pic.twitter.com/WG95VwVOt6
— Schooley (@Rschooley) June 7, 2019
Sorry, but I'm not going to get too torn up by people not decoding what President Makestuffupalot "really meant" in his tortured syntax of a tweet.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) June 7, 2019
When Trump starts tweeting about a weird thing for no apparent reason…
Left, Fox Business, 12:26 p.m.
Neil Cavuto: NASA is "refocusing on the moon, the next sort of quest, if you will, but didn't we do this moon thing quite a few decades ago?"
Right, Trump, 1:38 p.m. pic.twitter.com/oRTPu4TWEm
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) June 7, 2019
I read Trump’s tweet to one of my students and he responded with “He can’t be that stupid. Can’t he?”. I don’t know. I just don’t know.
(I’m probably going to get in trouble for exposing graduate students to Trump tweets without first clearing it with the IRB)
Only because of the title.
Yes he can, yes he can.
Though the Moon and Mars are close in the night sky right now…
Cruel and unusual punishment.
@NotMax: Well it wasn’t punishment, it’s not like the student did anything bad. This was purely a research experiment. For Science!
Major Major Major Major
Makes me think of the old Mr. Show skit.
“America can, should, must, and will blow up the moon!”
Pfft… everyone knows Mercury and Earth’s moon are the real buddies.
Storybots – Planets Song
When did science become a cruel prankster?
Science: Would you look up one of Dump’s dumbass tweets for me?
Has the US bombed the Moon yet – for freedom?
Keith P.
Electromagnetic aircraft catapults
Modern passenger jets
Doug R
Is he referring to Phobos or Deimos?
When Trump is finally out of office, who will be the first member of his administration to admit publicly that he had gone insane by August, 2017?
Most scholars cite the invention of quantum mechanics for that milestone. The discovery of the duckbill platypus is also often raised as an alternative.
No, but India has: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_Impact_Probe
Wouldn’t it take years to get to Mars? President Bonespurs should lead the mission and stay there. He’d be completely at home. There’s nothing of value on Mars that’s economically extractable. Red planet meets Orange Fart Cloud.
@Doug R: Phobos knows what it did.
Just a friendly reminder that it is possible to have two things on one’s agenda simultaneously. (Yes, she did play Lucy Moran later on.)
@Immanentize: August 2017? Are you trying to make a funny? Did you see his campaign announcement or any of his behavior over the past 40 years?
There’s a reason he lost his home state.
I’m trying to allow for face-saving…
Major Major Major Major
And then there was that ratfucker Gödel…
@dmsilev: Not technically a bombing. Sorry.
@Immanentize: You have the generosity of a saint.
Sean Spicer: Dump had the bigliest, most tremendlious inauguration crowd EVER! PERIOD!
SNL cast member playing a reporter: Sean, we can see the photos…
@dmsilev: Don’t laugh, back in 1958 the US Air Force came up with the idea to detonate a nuclear bomb on the moon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_A119
@Major Major Major Major: Eh, it’s not like he completed anything…
I don’t know if I can embed tweets but this is the most savage response to Trump’s fuckery:
Your students do get a refund for that part of the course, right?
@VOR: For absurd proposed uses of nuclear bombs, the prize still goes to the Orion Drive. Make a spaceship that consists of a big thick plate of something very strong, a really really good set of shock absorbers, and the actual ship. Drop a small nuclear bomb from the ship through a hole in the center of the plate, and detonate it. Explosion pushes ship forward. Repeat every few seconds.
@VOR: Right. It’s not funny.
Cloyd would’ve scrooched everyone on Earth.
Major Major Major Major
@dmsilev: at least that makes sense if you remember that space travel is fucking insane.
For my money Project Rulison is the most face-slappingly stupid: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Rulison
You don’t say.
@Immanentize: Involuntary mind-movie of Pence making a pious statement to the press once he’s secured within Indiana safe house. Undisclosed location.
I continue to crack up at the final paragraph from the Guard:
@scav: LOL Damn fine juxtaposition there!
OT, but the thread about the Russian ship cutting off the USS Chancellorsville is dead I think, and I have a question that is driving me crazy: when did we start naming United States Navy ships after Confederate victories ??!!?? USS Gettysburg, sure, and maybe even USS Antietam, but Chancellorsville?
Twitter brainfarts are the intertube analogue of somebody stinking up a room in realiter.
patrick II
I think he is more inarticulate here than so stupid he thinks the moon is part of mars. I think if we say what he meant it would be something like: “going to the moon is part of the process of going to mars.” Although having a president who constantly needs people to explain what they think he really meant is stupid enough.
Dude, wake up and smell the coffee. Fort Bragg? Fort Hood? Fort Benning? Fort Rucker? Confederates all.
@Major Major Major Major: National Lampoon did a parody of the “Atoms For Peace” program of the 1950s (1960s) that proved to be only a slight exaggeration of reality. My favorites: Project 1776 (light off a 200 Megaton bomb) and Project Hole (blow a big hole in the ground). It sounded like kids needing to set off the rest of their fireworks before bedtime.
Just finished watching Michael Mann’s Collateral (2004) on HBO. Holds up pretty well, despite the fact that as their careers go on I like Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx less and less, which then affects my feelings about their previous work. Something about their real-life personae bleeding into their characters.
Anyway, pretty good movie, and I had forgotten that Javier Bardem has a small but great part as a cartel kingpin.
@Steeplejack: Thanks for the link about the Army posts, but as I understand it, the posts were all named a good while ago, whereas the ship was commissioned in the 1980s. I’m still stunned. Confederate influence must still !! be much stronger in the armed forces than I realized.
@Major Major Major Major: Gas just wants to be molecules of freedom
@OzarkHillbilly: Just a bunch of hot air, balloon juice you might say.
@Steeplejack: It’s a good flick. Cruise really nailed it in that one and as a general rule I don’t like most of the stuff Cruise does. For the most part I like Jamie Foxx’s work.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Now I know how this blog got it’s name. The things I learn here.
David Evans
@dmsilev: Orion was more fully worked out than you make it sound. I think a rational society would test the idea in orbit, and then keep one or two ready to go in case we discover an asteroid about to hit us in the near future. Orion might be the only way to deflect it in time.
Viva BrisVegas
Except for Lee and maybe Hill, they were all pretty useless Confederate generals, so maybe it’s a backhanded way of celebrating their contributions to the Union victory.
After all, Hood probably killed more Confederate soldiers than Sherman.
J R in WV
They named those cruisers after battles in which gallantry stood out, not won or lost… for example, there is a ship named the USS Pearl Harbor, named for a battle decisively won by the Imperial Japanese Navy.
So in naming those cruisers, which side won the battle was probably completely irrelevant. So long as we won the war, overall…
@Immanentize: August
20171977 is probably the definitive not cray / cray line.sukabi
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Isn’t balloon juice the moisture / saliva that enters a balloon through repeated attempts to blow up the balloon? Just try to blow up a balloon after your kid has tried and tried and tried to blow up a balloon and then hands it off to you with a smile and “pleeeeease”.
smedley the uncertain
@sukabi: …ewwww…
Robert Harvey
I remember that. Even to a child, it made no sense.
How about this one? USS John C. Calhoun (SSBN 630)
I served on the SSBN 631, USS Ulysses S Grant. Go figure. 41 for freedom.