Jon Chait, NYMag, “Why Are Republican Small Donors So Easy to Swindle?”:
Republicans have long complained, usually in private, that their fundraising apparatus is overrun with fraudsters. National Review’s Jim Geraghty has a column, “The Right’s Grifter Problem,” saying what many of them have been whispering. Many of President Trump’s most publicly strident loyalists are in the business of raising money for political projects that spend virtually all their funds on operating expenses…
Grifters go where the marks are:
NEW: NRA money flowed to board members amid allegedly lavish spending by top officials and vendors via @bethreinhard @katiezez @thamburger @CarolLeonnig
— Felicia Sonmez (@feliciasonmez) June 9, 2019
A former pro football player who serves on the National Rifle Association board was paid $400,000 by the group in recent years for public outreach and firearms training. Another board member, a writer in New Mexico, collected more than $28,000 for articles in NRA publications. Yet another board member sold ammunition from his private company to the NRA for an undisclosed sum.
The NRA, which has been rocked by allegations of exorbitant spending by top executives, also directed money in recent years that went to board members — the very people tasked with overseeing the organization’s finances.
In all, 18 members of the NRA’s 76-member board, who are not paid as directors, collected money from the group during the past three years, according to tax filings, state charitable reports and NRA correspondence reviewed by The Washington Post.
The payments received by about one-quarter of board members, the extent of which has not previously been reported, deepen questions about the rigor of the board’s oversight as it steered the country’s largest and most powerful gun rights group, according to tax experts and some longtime members…
And Donald J. Trump is the King of Grifters!
This is the defining character of what's left of conservatism.
Petty, dick-swinging revanchism against the media.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) June 9, 2019
It's really easy to always be "winning" when you can simply declare anything a "victory" and you know your supporters will believe you.
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) June 9, 2019
Meatbags following a meat clown
— the Foz (@rtw1992) June 9, 2019
they deserve to be eaten by woodchucks. speaking of which, from the now deceased zen thread:
@Sab: No. Woodchucks are the world’s expert varmints at undermining the foundations of your dwelling by digging and nesting. Once they become established they can do a helluva lot of damage. Bastards were instrumental in the closure of Newington Children’s Hospital, Newington, CT because the woodchucks, visible in daylight with whole families taking the air, essentially made the place fall over. Cute little bastards tho’. Just don’t let it stay.
Although it is not true that all Republicans are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are Republican.
H/t John Stuart Mill
“Petty, dick-swinging revanchism against the media.”
Are the comma and hyphen in the right place?
The trash masher walls are inexorably closing in.
And R2-D2 has fled the building.
@TomatoQueen: Was that old Newington Children’s Hospital up on Russel Rd, past the CT Humane Society?
Is that meat clown supposed to be Boris Johnson?
Amir Khalid
Why does the NRA have seventy-six directors in the first place? That alone smells fishy.
Amir Khalid
So you’re saying that woodchucks can chuck a heck of a lot of wood?
Adam L Silverman
I’ll just leave this here.
From November 2012:
Much, much more at the link. Including several examples of these letters.
Tenar Arha
I always end up referring back to the article by Rick Perlstein called The Long Con from 2012.
ETA LOL or what Adam said
This is known as self-dealing. It’s a major ethics violation; and I believe it’s a rules violation as well.
Per Wikipedia:
(Yutsano, are you around? I think this is in your area of expertise.)
Are you ready for woodchuck explosive diarrhea?
Adam L Silverman
@Tenar Arha:
Words to live by.
My dad (who died in 2014) suffered from dementia in his later years. He was a lifelong Republican who always believed that Nixon had been framed by the media, so he was a natural target for these letters, sadly. He took them seriously and to heart and would send off whatever he felt he could to help the cause. It took me a long time to get him unsubscribed after he died, and he kept reappearing on new lists. It was like whack-a-mole. It made me angry that they were targeting him and so many like him, and making them feel angry and afraid just to make money off them. But at least, I thought to myself, eventually the targets would all die as my father had. But now it’s people in my age group (70s) falling for the same stuff. There apparently is an endless supply of marks.
@TomatoQueen: Thanks
Once a rw grifter has a list of marks, they sell that list on to other grifters.
I, personally, am glad that they’re a pack of grifters and swindlers because it means 1. their marks won’t have money to donate to real causes. 2. their con artist lifestyles mean they won’t have money to donate to causes.
Quaker in a Basement
Where are the member/contributor lawsuits?
@Quaker in a Basement: Cultists suing is an oxymoron.
@Jay: you’ve got that right. The bulk of his mail and email was from these scammers, and he read them so carefully and dutifully.
@Amir Khalid: I believe the woodchucks were not just chucking wood.
Terry chay
@dnfree: the question that needs to be asked is not WHY there is an endless supply of marks but HOW that endless supply has money to give to that gaping maw. On the other end of the political spectrum these same people don’t have the resources to donate and spend their time just surviving.
The HOW is supported by an economy that can’t be sustained. Being a right wing Republican mark is a luxury.
@ruemara: So they are part of the Republican Donor Liberation Front? “The RDLF is dedicated to separating Republican suckers from their money and insuring it is profligately pissed away.”
@Terry chay:
Send $1 and a self addressed , postage paid envelope to PO Box 291 @ V0E 2A0 and I’ll send you a proven path to becoming a Millionaire.
@Terry chay: Don’t fall for @Jay: ‘s Canadian treachery. Visit Super PAC’s ‘r US for a completely safe introductory offer.
ETA we will teach you the secrets of milking money from the weak and impoverished.
AKA a 2 centaire in US money.
Boom! Canadian currency slam!
You asshole, we agreed we would split the marks, you would run your con on alternate threads,
It makes me think I can’t trust you,
Proof that Obama’s Birth Certificate is fake?
Okay, $5, but this is the last time, I swear.
@H.E.Wolf: While the Tax Exempt/Government Entities division is a bit outside my wheelhouse, I can tell you this is EXACTLY why the Republicans attacked the IRS. The more I learned about what happened with the Lois Lerner mishegas, the more I’m being led to think the front line workers were making the right calls here. Yes these organisations should have faced tighter scrutiny and even outright denials regardless of conservative screeching. The result was to make the division that enforces these runes (already the smallest division of the IRS) even more toothless by defunding the IRS in whole. None of this is an accident. This was a planned attack so the grifters could keep on grifting.
@Jay: It’s about time. I still haven’t received your “Fifty ways to hide your booty (offshore)”
Have you checked your spam folder?
Ah ha caught you IRS types admitting you have inscrutably encrypted the tax code. @Jay: I think we may have a joint venture here.
Turbo Runes?
On it.
@JaySinWA: “Booty goes inside it!” -Adam Savage referring to a pirate treasure chest
@mrmoshpotato: Are you part of @Jay: ‘s check your spam folder group?
@Jay: We can split the fees.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Although one could interpret government acronyms in such a way. We actually have a crib sheet for them. Oi…
@Yutsano: Don’t equivocate, you are well and truly caught, Acronyms, runes, a rose by any name would still make me sneeze.
My experience with my late father was much like dnfree’s. I was likewise struck by how carefully and dutifully he read this stream of lies, and even complained at times about the burden of doing so. But at least the effort he put into a decision to write a check for $5 or $10 meant that he didn’t contribute as much in a lifetime as a DeVos does before breakfast. Unfortunately, most of the damage is done by these pitches themselves. Even if the take only pays for the next mailing with something left over for the grifter’s hookers and blow, they’ve helped keep a generation of old white men on the edge of madness.
@Amir Khalid:
Because many of the grifters wouldn’t leave such an easy meal ticket.
@PST: Thank you for sharing. These scammers truly are callous.
@Terry chay: at my dad’s end of the political spectrum, like PST’s dad, a $25 donation was a big deal and he had to decide which desperate cause of the many he received most needed his help.
Uncle Cosmo
@JaySinWA: Square off that loaf, make the eyes squinty, flip the grin into a snarl, voila: Trump Baloney!
Uncle Cosmo
@Amir Khalid: Seventy-six old crones led the Shit Parade
With a hundred and ten nimrods right behind…
From WaPo:
it’s a grift, Doug. A huge one. Also a manufacturer’s lobby, paid for by the end users. But mostly the former.
One can only hope that with the publicity the NRA is finally receiving, they’ll have some serious losses in membership. “If it’s correct [the money his fellow board members received], the members who pay their dues should be damn concerned, too,” NBA star and NRA board member Karl Malone said.
J R in WV
My Great Aunt Rose lived until her mid-90s has a pacemaker that would not stop. She was sweet, a widow with a tiny pension after a career as a bank teller, Her late husband, Uncle Archie made wine 40 years before that was a thing, and trained his basset hounds to do tricks.
She donated tiny pittances to make good causes, and some that were less obviously good, but with names very similar to the good causes. After donating $5 to the ASPCA, she got dunned by the APSAC, etc. Mostly kindness to animals, the local humane society, etc.
Even as Rose had faded beyond any awareness, she had a tiny dog who stayed beside her on her bed. Pup was adopted by the last caretaker lady, who was a great help to Rose.
Not long after she died we started just discarding all her mail, it was 90% con artists, and the 10% weren’t much better.
@ThresherK: Yes it was, top of that long long hill.
@Amir Khalid: They can, and they do, at the least opportune moments.
Uncle Omar
@dnfree: As Pappy Maverick said, “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time and those are pretty good odds.”