George Stephanopoulos scored an interview with the Orange Plague, and ABC is teasing it.
EXCLUSIVE: Pres. Trump tells @GStephanopoulos he wouldn't necessarily alert the FBI if approached by foreign figures with information on his 2020 opponent: "It’s not an interference. They have information. I think I’d take it."
— ABC News (@ABC) June 12, 2019
Ask Turab Lookman about that.
Lookman has been indicted for lying about his contacts with China and accepting research grants from China. He has pleaded not guilty and could go to prison if he is found guilty.
If, um, Norway (Trump really likes those Nordic folks) offered Adam Silverman some sweet deal having to do with his military interactions and it wasn’t vetted by the proper governmental folks, Adam would be in bigtime trouble too. (Norway is a member of NATO, so it’s entirely possible for Adam to cooperate with some of their programs.) But, of course, it’s not Norway that invited the Trump folks to all those get-togethers.
So yeah, it’s an invitation, just as surely as that campaign speech in which Trump asked Russia to get him Hillary’s emails.
Roger Moore
Of course it’s also an admission he needs their help. He knows he doesn’t have a good chance in a fair election.
Orange is the new blech.
Another Scott
Not getting out of the boat, thanks.
Nixon: “The plumbers, when they broke into the DNC, it’s called ‘oppo research,’ okay? Everybody does it, okay?”
Gin & Tonic
Motherfucking traitor.
Cheryl Rofer
Here’s an interesting point.
But the information Stephanopoulos has elicited is useful only if someone in Congress will do something with it.
Should have a crawl at the bottom of the screen saying…”Foreign governments call now!!! Operators are standing by for your calls! If you call in the next twenty minutes, no tariffs for you!”
Van Buren
Why do I have a feeling that if Norway offered Warren dirt on Trump he would cry foul?
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Considering how many lies he spews on an hourly basis, it’s amazing how on “certain topics” Trump can’t help but blurt out the kind of truths that most liars would normally… well… lie about.
Trump is a totalitarian butthead who has no moral or ethical compass. He gives new meaning to the word scum.
J R in WV
I’m about decided that Trump thinks his danger is a conspiracy accusation, and that if everything is out in the open, on TV, there’s no danger of a successful conspiracy accusation.
He misses the point that working with a hostile foreign power can be done in public, if you’re dumb enough to do that. I don’t know what he’s thinking, perhaps no longer capable of it at all, other than his knee-jerk belief that whatever he does is the best thing to do. Whether he’s thought it through or not…
Can he think, now? What do you guys think? I’m thinking he’s done with that hard work!
Swordfish baking with garlic and salsa, big salad, over fried potatoes. Bubbly CA white wine with.
Another Scott
@bobbo: “Well, when the President does it, that means it is not illegal.” – R.M. Nixon.
Mike in NC
Fat Bastard’s entire sorry life was built on nobody challenging his nonstop lying, cheating, and stealing. Just another mob boss from NYC.
Fuck. This. Fucking. Traitor
PF37 +5
Ohio Mom
If you aren’t well educated in such matters, what Trump says probably sounds reasonable.
A lot of people are thinking, Yeah, that book Gore got was *stolen,* everybody knows stealing is against the law. Of course you should call the cops.
But it takes a little more thought to understand why “oppo research” provided by another government is also against the law. If this interview isn’t going to be bookended by someone carefully explaining this to the viewers…
Totally not time for an impeachment inquiry. How the other 150~ Dem House members haven’t fucking made up their mind on this matter… JFC.
This might be tacky but it appears that he was in the tanning bed today. just sayin
Selling out our country is not a game changer for the others.
O/T, but the dam is cracking….
One down, one to go. The hair sniffing blowhard is next.
Patricia Kayden
Of course, Trump would take derogatory info from a foreign entity. It worked the last time. It’s not as if he suffered any consequences for his blatant misconduct.
It’s NORMAY. You’re a Front-Pager, Cheryl. Get it right, for dog’s sake!
@Ohio Mom: Everyone they’ve had on MSNBC so far has been explained that this is against federal law. But it’s yet another example of the shitstain and his cronies breaking federal law and nothing happening. So /shrug.
Patricia Kayden
@Mandalay: Good for Senator Warren. We have a great batch with the exception of Tulsi.
Cheryl Rofer
@JPL: A lot of that is pancake makeup. When he visited a church after golf a couple of weeks back, he had sweated it all off and looked like a different person – different skin texture, many more wrinkles.
@J R in WV
Heh. At first read that as bubbly white wine meth.
Have heard of twice baked potatoes, but over fried potatoes* is a new one.
*Obvious what was meant, just couldn’t resist a gentle jibe.
Cheryl Rofer
I think we all know what the response will be.
Millard Filmore
@Another Scott:
[*] Does not apply to Democratic presidents.
Please to always include the asterisk.
@Cheryl Rofer
Apparently applied with a trowel.
This should be a campaign ad – right now. The Democrats should be trumpeting this every chance they get. On the Sunday shows they should bring this up every goddamn time. The POTUS is a traitor, and he is advertising it.
@SiubhanDuinne: As I was watching the German-Norway game today, I kept thinking “NORMAY!” I both laugh and cry at this.
Stupid fuck keeps saying the quiet bits out loud.
@Cheryl Rofer: Every Rethuglican needs to be asked, “Did you accept foreign intelligence to help you win your race/seat?” Get it on the record.
Didn’t Young Jared say something similar about not reporting a Russian approach?
Trump is practically daring the Democrats to impeach him. He’s feeling very comfortable with himself.
Also, while Democrats aren’t supposed to appear on Fox News, Trump can go anywhere he likes and also slap ABC around and call them fake news.
Patricia Kayden
@Leto: Dems will push to impeach him after he’s safely stolen the election – once again.
Traitorous mother fucker needs to be treated as what he is. Jesus fucking Christ, when is enough enough?!?!?
Jesus Fucking Christ! Stephanopoulos will probably lick Dump’s ass or be “very concerned” (FU Susan Collins).
He asked for Russia to hack his opponent’s email last time, and the fucking media went “Meh. That’s boring.” What’d he have to do? Yell out “Daddy Vladdy! Daddy Vladdy! Hack this bitch’s email, or I’m going to go down in history as a massive loser!”?
If Hillary had asked the same, you would’ve seen the mushroom clouds of rage from Pluto!
Cheryl Rofer
Is this performance art? Is it possible that Trump’s parents trained him from an early age on how to behave outrageously, and his entire life is some sort of warped reality show?
The thing is, I think a lot of folks thing “if I was running for something important and someone offered me critical info under the table, I’d sure take it. This isn’t tiddlywinks.” So, Dems also have to provide a simple explanation of why it’s a bad thing to get help from other governments.
No. Just faceplants into a tub of it. Color – Fat, Orange Fascist Trash
sesametreason. Abetted by traitorous party. Promoted by fifth columnist fourth estate. Coming soon to all over murkkka.Roger Moore
I think it’s less that people think “yeah, I’d do that” and more people thinking “fuck the rules, my guy has to win”. They know it’s wrong and illegal, but they think the consequences of losing the election are so terrible that any steps to win are justified.
Ohio Mom
@Leto: Good to hear. Maybe it will sink into a few heads.
I went to the opthamogist this morning and spent half an hour in that little alcove where they send you while the drops take effect, and had to listen to my fellow patients spout Fox talking points.
Not feeling particularly good about the average person’s grasp on reality as a result.
Gin & Tonic
@Ohio Mom:
Trump supporters know this stuff is wrong. They don’t care.
@Roger Moore:
Good take. It’s been like this for at least 40 years. The Republicans don’t want power to help people. They want power for the sake of power.
Gin & Tonic
How’d I fuck up the blockquote?
Cheryl Rofer
Jason Leopold is tweeting out documents he obtained through the Freedom of Information Act about Trump’s contacts with the FBI. Apparently in 1981 he asked them if they thought organized crime was operating in Atlantic City, where he wanted to build a casino.
Okay, folks, now lift yourselves up off the floor.
More seriously, what was that about? Was he trying to find out if someone was ratting on him?
It’s probably worth another post, but I think I’ll let someone else figure that one out.
Wow! This is as shocking for me to hear/read as finding out about my cancer was…wait, no, it is the opposite of that.
The idea that any elected official in ANY nation that uses voting as the means to creating governments in whatever system of government involved would think foreign aid for oppo research is acceptable shows just how far detached they are from the core principles that undergird said system if government. This is supposed to be one of those things that is above any kind of partisanship, it goes to the heart of the idea of self governance.
As someone that spent his life as an election worker, in my case a vote counter, who believes that civic responsibility requires such from citizens, the idea that ANY POTUS would say this is hard enough to take. The fact that the “better dead than red” party that always used to argue any foreign involvement was treason will shrug this off and worse defend it as they have all Trump’s clearly treasonous behaviour ( it may not be technical treason as dictated by law, but ethical/moral is beyond doubt, one just has to use one’s lying eyes for that proof) shows just how much the GOP needs to be destroyed and something at least loyal to AMERICAN beliefs representing conservativism replace it.
I don’t know right now which is making me feel more sick to my stomach, my cancer or this….oh who am I kidding, this.
Ohio Mom
@Brachiator: Some of the Trumpers know and don’t care (or are glad of anything that helps their side), but not those other people in the eye doctor’s office this morning. You’d have to start with basic explanations of the meanings of democracy and sovereignty and even then you might lose some of them.
@Gin & Tonic:
That wouldn’t work. People don’t care if it’s illegal. We need to frame it as only a beta needs help from others. Pelosi has been doing a good job at that framing. we need to broaden it.
You’d think that Donald Trump, of all Presidents, would understand that nothing comes without a price.
(yes, yes, I know.)
@Groucho48: “What did Donald Trump have to give to or promise the Russians in exchange for that information?”
@Patricia Kayden: I hope not but most of my hope has evaporated, or I had to shift it to my recovery so it’s lacking for everything else.
@Ohio Mom: Our average citizen is basically a walking bag of hammers. I’m surprised most can tie their own shoes.
Roger Moore
@Gin & Tonic:
There are plenty of people who don’t accept “because it’s illegal” as an argument. This is part of what you get from decades of trying to enforce stupid laws (e.g. the war on drugs); it brings the law into contempt and makes people more comfortable with violating it. People need to be shown why this kind of thing is wrong beyond it being illegal.
@Cheryl Rofer:
You left out the gray skin tones of someone who is very, very sick.
J R in WV
You know, black and crunchy! Actually another typo, quick back to the kitchen when the beeper sounds off!
Another Scott
@Cheryl Rofer: Rep. Don Beyer (VA-8):
Beyer is my Representative and he has no qualms calling out this stuff. Good, good.
Roger Moore
The Republicans want power to help people; it’s the short list of people they want to help that’s the problem.
Ohio Mom
@Scotian: I remember Oliver Sacks writing about his approaching death from cancer and saying that he felt he had done his part and that the world would be in the good hands of the next generation, with whom he was very impressed.
But — I just looked it up — he died in the summer of 2015, before this monstrosity of a presidency.
Still, I remain optimistic that eventually this country will right itself. Despite those nincompoops at the eye doctor’s.
Dear French Guiana,
Call me.
Baud! 2020!
Another Scott
@Cheryl Rofer: “… because Donnie would want a bigly piece of the action!!1”
Cheryl Rofer
@tokyokie: His color was not good, but it might just be a contrast to the orange we’re accustomed to.
Citizen Scientist
Rachel is doing a pretty good segment on this right now, including a couple of clips from the GS interview where Donnie says that he basically would never go to the FBI or say ‘no’ to a foreign agent trying to interfere in our elections. One might say that he’s admitting to criminal intent here.
@Roger Moore:
“To help those who can help themselves” as it was put in the Family Guy episode where Chris joins the Young Republicans.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Yes, it’s a dramatic contrast, but I’d contend that he has to layer on the Tang-based makeup to cover up just how unhealthy he looks.
@Cheryl Rofer: Kaitlan Collins is 27 years old, from Alabama, and used to work for the Daily Caller (Tucker Carlson’s outfit.) My dog knows more than she does about DC. Yet CNN uses her as their WhiteHouse correspondant.Sheesh.
Trumpov wouldn’t call the FBI. “Who does that,” he says. Well for example, people that aren’t crooks or traitors. Those statements have to be the final straw. Resign in digrace you bastard.
Tabula assa?
We have video!
Make Your Face Great Again
” Dear French Guiana,
Call me.
Baud! 2020! ”
Hoowuddathunk. All this time I thought Rufus T. Firefly, strongman of Freedonia, was the sugar daddy.
Seems like Stephanopoulos had to work slightly harder than Lester Holt to get the confession on national TV.
I guess that will be minor footnote in the history of news.
Chris T.
@Van Buren: China. China is unhappy with Trump trade policies; China might offer “assistance” to secure a Democratic victory…
@MomSense: LOL! …looks like a chapped anus
One of the core issues I have with the Report is the idea that the Trumpers were ignorant of the law(s) in question and that was a defence. I remember always hearing the notion that “ignorance of the law is no defence/excuse”, when exactly did that go away? This is one aspect of Mueller’s thinking I just have never gotten. If someone as straight arrow as him fails on this front, it is yet further proof you are no longer a nation of law, but raw GOP power uber alles.
I also love that privilege, that white privilege, that claims that both incompetence and/or ignorance of the law is a basis to not charge what is a clear criminal act. Sickening.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Sab: she’s not bad. Dump banned her from the WH for asking embarrassing questions.
(best attempt at a Jackie Gleason impression) Mm-how sweet it is!
zhena gogolia
zhena gogolia
OT, but I am obsessed with this Oklahoma revival. The band is unbelievable.
zhena gogolia
Why am I in moderation for Oklahoma?
Steve in the ATL
@Sab: I flew over Alabama the other day, and I could feel my IQ dropping even at 30,000 feet. Or was it the Adam Sandler movie I was watching?
j/k. I was reading The New Yorker, coastal elitist that I am.
@Scotian: Here’s my take on that (they didn’t know): it doesn’t fucking matter. Paraphrasing what my NCOs always told me, “Ignorance of the regulations (law) is no excuse.” Just because someone didn’t know it was illegal to rob a bank doesn’t mean it’s not illegal. Just because I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to put my hands in my pockets (of my uniform) didn’t stop me from getting a Letter of Counseling.
It doesn’t fucking matter. I guess I’m an outlier.
Steve in the ATL
@zhena gogolia: red state. New blog rules.
Unlike the right, the left rarely valued their vote, now the price has become too steep.
J R in WV
@Citizen Scientist:
Also pleading guilty to his actions in the 2016 election, in my book.
What a great guy! Treason? Of course!! Why not, worked well that last time!!!!
Steve in the ATL
@Leto: @Scotian: there are thousands and thousands of laws in this country, and no one can know more than a tiny percentage of them. If, however, you let people use ignorance as an excuse, then you have ceded the enforceability of all but the most obvious ones.
Steve in the ATL
@J R in WV: who was the last Republican President to get elected without committing treason? Eisenhower maybe?
zhena gogolia
@Steve in the ATL:
Imma gonna try again, because this band and this arrangement are seriously fabulous:
Omnes Omnibus
I thought you were in the Air Force.
zhena gogolia
Moderation again. Is it because I have to use the linky thing? Oklahoma, incredible band.
zhena gogolia
Okay, I give up. The blog will not let me link to “People Will Say We’re in Love,” from the fantastic revival of Oklahoma on YouTube. I tried naked link and embedded link and it won’t work.
Maybe OT is being strictly forbidden.
@Sab: Rich white privilege is a helluva a drug. Now that I’m in my mid-30s, it is quite easy to understand why the ranks of corporations are filled with mediocrity: it’s because, at some point a generation or two back, Daddy was actually one of those ‘pull yourself up by the bootstraps’ type of folks. For almost all white folks, that seems to translate into “When I’ve got mine, my kids won’t have to do dick, either because I fucked up and wasn’t there for them, or because they deserve it thanks to me.” There are so many of these types of folks – and frankly, not just limited to the Caucasian persuasion – out there nowadays.
@Steve in the ATL
Have heard that humming some Weill/Brecht acts as a counter agent.
that’s hilarious. perfectly done.
@zhena gogolia:
ETA: I assume Another Scott beneath me linked to the correct video.
Another Scott
@zhena gogolia: Playbill.
(fingers crossed…)
Steve in the ATL
@J R in WV:
I’m drinking California wine (must be a day that ends in “y”!) and eating redfish that was no doubt caught earlier today in the Gulf of Mexico near the ExxonMobil refinery. Ah, Beaumont, I’ll miss you least of all!
@Steve in the ATL: Exactly.
@Omnes Omnibus: Just because we stay in 5-star hotels while you guys live in Korean era tents doesn’t mean we don’t have standards. Ours are simply higher. :p
It is a terrible thing, but for the rest of my life, Norway will never not be Normay to me.
@zhena gogolia
Attempt to link it for you.
Steve in the ATL
Credit to this Texas restaurant: sound system is currently playing “They Don’t Know” by the deceased person I have the biggest crush on, the effervescent Kirsty MacColl.
@Steve in the ATL
No need to oil the pan!
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: demerits if hands are not on prayer position. PTL!
@SiubhanDuinne: Normay, hamburders, covfefe, oranges…
I have a Bush the lesser animatronic doll on my desk. Bought it back in, roughly, 2006. It has a base that has a button you press and it spouts some of his dumbest quotes. I don’t think there’s enough memory in the world to hold all the stupid quotes this buffoon spouts.
Steve in the ATL
@NotMax: thanks to this, I can forgo my usual daily carcinogens!
@Baud: not sure I can help you there, but if you need someone whacked in Surinam, call me. Am I joking? You hope so. But you know better.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Fucking run over by some asshole with a powerboat.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Steve in the ATL: Beaumont can’t be all bad if there’s a restaurant with California wines AND play Kirsty MacColl.
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: An unfair result that still pisses me off.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: who walked. Hispanic privilege, apparently, in Mexico. If you watch the video (yes, we are that old) for “A New England”, she’s pregnant with the child she sacrificed herself to save that day.
We don’t deserve her. She was too good for us. And I will cue up “Chip Shop” when I hit the gym in the morning.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: @Another Scott: @NotMax:
Wow, full-service blog indeed. I guess everyone can hear Oklahoma now!
But why couldn’t I link it?
Okay, so it’s open season for foreign interference in our elections. Gotcha. What I find interesting is Trump’s assumption that any foreign interference is going to be on HIS side. When in fact, aside from a few blood-drenched autocrats, the ENTIRE rest of the world HATES him. Man, wouldn’t it be neat if EVERY rational democratic nation on earth began regurgitating into the public what their intel services have on the Trumps and the Kushners? They don’t have to offer it to the Democrats, just blast it out on the news.
Yep. Also:
“Back when we had government officials who believed in the Rule of Law — ‘way back before 2016 — that kind of behavior was considered helping an adversary or even an enemy of the United States.”
Steve in the ATL
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: the Beringer was drinkable. The Mark West Pinot noir and the 19 Crimes blend I dared not try. And I won’t even mention the Barefoot “cab”.
@Leto: OMG, I got one of those dolls*.
* It was a gift.
@zhena gogolia:
You know what you did.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Steve in the ATL: The privilege of wealth is sadly universal. I always suspected the rich grocery guy was at the helm and the boathand took the fall. Which of course could be paid by fine. Sucks.
So, beginning to search for places to stuff my face that haven’t tried yet and are within reasonable driving distance of where will be for NY trip.
Take a look and scroll all the way down this dinner menu to the side dishes. As an apparently out of touch old coot, there’s a word there (three times!) I certainly didn’t expect to see.
Linky fail. Fix.
So, beginning to search for places to stuff my face that haven’t tried yet and are within reasonable driving distance of where will be for NY trip.
Take a look and scroll all the way down this dinner menu to the side dishes. As an apparently out of touch old coot, there’s a word there (three times!) I certainly didn’t expect to see.
All of the Foreign Nations that would engage in this behaviour, already have Dolt 45 in their pocket.
Welp, at 4-0, and four minutes remaining, St. Louis looks good to take the Stanley Cup.
After the Red Sox, then the Patriots, Boston fans are
of good cheer for all their late successgoing to gnash their teeth about losing game 7 and drunk ones will probably fight each other before leaving the Garden (like the last game in Boston).ThresherK
@ThresherK: …I hit “Post” and Boston scored. Maaaaaybe if I hit “Post” four more times…
Stanley Cup trivia.
@NotMax: Pshaw! All the cool kids burn their vegetables now.
@NotMax: I forgot about that. I do remember reading that it was once left in a cab, perhaps in Montreal, once.
@ThresherK: The state of Missouri can use the good news. Great job St. Louis Blues!
@NotMax: Also, didja ever notice how hard it is to tell SCTV from actual Canadian content?
@Steve in the ATL:
i am still utterly pissed as shit over what happened to her. fucking hell.
Silly NotMax.
@Steve in the ATL: Did you find Rex and punch him in the face for that fish being oily as fuck?
Why have you hated yourself since 2006?
@Jay: Yes, but the other nations ought to release whatever they know. Hey, Trump just said it was okay!
Butter emails!!!
@Cheryl Rofer:
The responses are all, but Schiff, but Warner and but Clinton.
Someone hates you.
Adam L Silverman
If Norway, or officials of any other foreign country, approached me with information, let alone to offer me something unsolicited of monetary value (I’m allowed to, for instance, apply for jobs with foreign governments and/or in foreign countries, but taking one would require me to relinquish my clearance unless it was a multinational assignment or under a US government contract), if I failed to report it to the appropriate personnel, then those I work with, should they find out about it, are required to report me as a potential counterintelligence threat.
Two weeks ago I emailed four or five of my former students from USAWC who are Muslim and are or were senior officers in their country’s Armies. I emailed them to wish them an Eid Mubarak (Blessed Eid) at the end of Ramadan. I emailed my security officer as soon as I sent the last email and provided him with a list of who I emailed and what was in the emails. I’m probably not actually required to do that, but given who one of these officers is in his country’s military, I decided it was prudent to do so. My security officer just prints the email out, time and date stamps it, and puts it in my file.
So in one fell swoop, trumpov is
– essentially admitting he/his campaign colluded back in 2016 (what happened to “NO COLLUSION!” – why did he deny it then and obstruct justice/fight the Mueller investigation every step of the way if collusion is perfectly ok?)
– outright saying that as CINC of the US Armed Forces he’s open to assistance from a hostile foreign power if it keeps him in office/out of jail
– telling the entire IC, and most especially the FBI, to eff off, now and forevermore
The Democratic Party would be entirely within its rights to run ads with excerpts from this interview non-stop for the next 18 months that just showed him saying this with the words “TRAITOR TO HIS COUNTRY” scrolling across the top. That’s actually the least of what the GOP would do if it were the reverse.
Another Scott
@zhena gogolia: The blog is broken for too many commenters. :-(
normal liberal
This chef has decided that certain vegetables are demonic. And from out here in the humble Midwest, may I just say, Holy God, the prices.
@normal liberal
In a teensy bit of defense about the prices, although it is an upscale eatery it’s one of those ‘served family style’ places where the portions are absolutely humongous.
Just because a serial sexually abusive rapist narcissistic sociopathic criminal moron serial liar says it’s okay,
Doesn’t make it okay.
Dan B
@mrmoshpotato: No need to light the burner. Just apply lit match to fish. Flambe Beaumont vraiment!
J R in WV
@Steve in the ATL:
@Dan B: LOL
@Patricia Kayden:
And Ber–er, I mean, Wilmer.
Uncle Cosmo
@ThresherK: I ran into one of those Boston “fans” in a lounge in Baltimore last night. Not satisfied with his Superb Owls & the Dread Sux. Said the Bruins’d be run out of town if they lost. The wuss demanded the barista hand him the remote so he could turn off the TV & not have to watch a team that wasn’t Boston’s hoist the Cup. (He managed it with IIRC 9.6 seconds left in regulation.)
Dunno why the rest of the USA doesn’t despise Boston “sports fans” – who whined for years about their terrible luck, Curse of the Bambino & all that, demanded that the rest of the universe validate their pity party – & about 30 milliseconds after winning the Whirled Serious in 2004 turned into instant assholes. (BTW & FTR, Cheatriots fans are so fucking obnoxious because they’re Sawx fans in winter plumage.)
Fuckem. With a rusty chainsaw.
@J R in WV:
He’s thinking the rule of law won’t hold him accountable.
Sadly, he may be right about that.
@Gin & Tonic:
FYWP is making the quote button post twice if you click too hard.
He seems to think that accepting information from foreign sources is no different than normal opposition research. There is a big difference. Foreign sources aren’t subject to US laws. The product from those sources may be from illegal hacking or other methods that are illegal in the US.