Yes- the boards are uneven, so don’t waste your breath- they’re coming down so we can prime and paint them. Also, I have to go to Lowe’s because apparently I did not pay attention in school and can not count properly and am ONE FUCKING BOARD short.
We’re painting it white, fwiw. Realized today I am not sure what I am more excited about- shade, or the opportunity for more hanging plants.
Shade, hanging plants, and more nesting birds. Looking good.
The pergola is too close to the willow.
You all are warning him about the Willow??
You are going to have yourself a great hang out space, Cole???
Ya know, Mr. Cole, I have been doing some home-do-it-yourself crap around the apartment, and there’s something about my approach that is a little off. I don’t know about you, but this has been MY morning:
The unspeakable truth behind Modi’s victory
If I do a post about the parallels of caste (in India) and race here in politics would that be an interesting topic for BJers?
For better shade, consider putting the 1” square gardening posts perpendicular to the larger boards, spaced as closely as needed. They won’t come pressure treated but they are easy to replace. The hardest thing is not splitting them when nailing them on.
Looking good and you’ll be so glad you got it done even if it had to go on the charge card.
I find it equally amusing and endearing that you are one board short.
It looks like it will be beautiful when done. I have no opinion about the willow.
This is a great paragraph by Serwer
I would like to read it
Congratulations on turning a shifty situation into an opportunity.
Is that anything like “one fry short of a Happy Meal”?
@schrodingers_cat: yes, interesting!
@schrodingers_cat: Yeah, It’d be interesting. I’ve long had a vague idea that ‘higher’ castes are ‘whiter’ in some way, without any actual knowledge to support or rebut it. It’s an embarrassing gap in my understanding, and if I’m wrong or misguided about that, I’d like to know it.
@rikyrah: He has been great in the T era. That and his four Garfields make his Twitter feed a joy to read.
Don’t anybody dare call it Falklands II, futbol boogaloo, but England-Argentina are cued up for the day’s last match. This one will have a similar outcome to the original.
Roger Moore
You have encountered the fence post problem. How many fence posts do you need to build a 100 foot fence if you put a post every 5 feet? It’s 21, not 20, because you have one at each end. This is why computer scientists like to start their arrays at 0 instead of 1.
@ John up top: looks great, but I found that my similar pergola didn’t give me enough shade until I put lattice over it. Used a shade cloth over the outdoor chaise too the first year. Then I went with the grey polycarbonate only because I really wanted to be able to be outside when it rained, but that house didn’t have a front porch like yours does.
Roger Moore
I think it would be interesting. Even if I think I know the big picture, getting some of the details would be enlightening.
Fester Addams
@Roger Moore:
We also have the frequently used and universally recognized technical term “off by one error.”
@schrodingers_cat: Yes, please
Comcast really screwed Elizabeth Warren in the first debate. Apart from Cory Booker, who is she supposed to debate anything against in the half of the field?
Who’s that happy person in the center? DON’T infect him with your home improvement defeatism :)
When I see a pergola, I think immediately of bougainvillea (not in your climate) or a big ol’ grapevine (will grow anywhere).Here’s hoping for functional shade, and a breeze to waft through the willow leaves.
England England Football Football
Aww yes, the morning from
FaultyFawlty Towers.Had a boss like that car. Once. Wanted to do the same thing to him.
Also the comments are damn near as good as the clip.
Amir Khalid
Since the Falklands war, England and Argentina’s men’s teams have played matches with no attendant hostilities
A shade cloth might be the way to go in the heat of the summer. We used them on the greenhouses to keep the heat down and they worked very well. I did not know that there are different densities so that you can choose the amount of light. Anyway, they’re strong and the edges are taped and have grommets. Just a thought…
As any carpenter (or Ozark) could tell you: “count twice, cut once”. No, wait … “Measure twice, count once.” No, that doesn’t seem right either. “Buy low, sell high”? Aah, screw it.
I’m guessing Roger Moore has nailed it, however.
ETA: Ozark, if you end up reading this: I hope you know I’m kidding (re: the parenthetical jest).
Why do you think he’s smiling? He knows John. He knows that life is going to shit on John for being John. It’s the way of life, John just fights back. And life just laughs at him and throws him another line, he grabs it like every other time and life just keeps laughing. It may not be the oldest story but it’s in the top ten.
Until the bird shits on you! :D
@Humdog: If he had wanted shade he would’ve gone with a sun setter canopy shade, or an umbrella. Instead he has an ornamental piece that won’t provide the shade he’s looking for but will provide for more hilarious stories.
Roger Moore
I thought the saying was:
Measure it with a micrometer
Mark it with chalk
Cut it with an ax
File it ’til it fits
No opinions on the willow except its growing quite nicely.
Steve in the ATL
@trollhattan: I’m hoping Bravo does something good so we can shout “Brava, Bravo!”
Of course, I’ve been in Texas all week so I’m operating at reduced mental capacity.
or my motto, ‘measure twice, cut yourself’
Amir Khalid
There’s a guitar builder on YouTube, Ben Crowe of Crimson Custom Guitars, who puts it succinctly: “Measure, measure, cut.”
did you take that pic, john? cause it’s so…in focus!
David Anderson
@schrodingers_cat: YES!
@LuciaMia: And his yard is much dryer in a very wet year.
Chao sells off stock as attention on corruption allegations grows
Rachel Maddow reviews some of the recent allegations of corruption against Trump Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, wife of Mitch McConnell, and relays a report from the Wall Street Journal that Chao has sold the stock she had in an asphalt company that drew criticism for appearances of a conflict of interest.
June 13, 2019
I would be fascinated to read such a piece. Yes, please do that.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I will attempt such a post. I have been spending a lot of time on Dalit Twitter time and that has opened my eyes to the systemic oppression. I am also helping with proof reading the works of Jyotiba Phule, who was the first Indian to start a school for women and untouchables in 1847. He was inspired by the abolitionists in his work. And B. R. Ambedkar, the chair of drafting committee of the Indian Constitution was inspired by the Harlem renaissance during his time at Columbia.
Trump shows why presidents shouldn’t be part of real estate deals
Rachel Maddow reports on the sale of a Trump property at an elevated price that surprises some expert, though the multi-million dollar deal is less surprising in light of the political interests of the buyer.
June 13, 2019
Sorry. I had to crow. Go back to talking about John’s fancy pergola.
Rice: Trump shows ‘extraordinary disregard for our democracy’
Susan Rice, former national security advisor to President Obama, talks with Rachel Maddow about Donald Trump’s stated openness to receiving illegal foreign help to his campaign and the threat that poses to the United States.
@Kay: Good!
Pompeo constructs Iran narrative moving US toward war footing
Rachel Maddow reports on the speed with which Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed Iran for attacks on oil tankers, and the curious series of events he claims as context for the attacks.
@Roger Moore:
Same with the Fibonacci series:
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 …
@Roger Moore:
Various “MIL SPEC” comments/notes (or whatever) from my time working for a defense contractor (lo, these many years ago):
ROD-PMF: “Regardless of dimensions, parts must fit”
MIL-T-FPS: “Make it like the fucking print says”
“File to fit, beat (or hammer) to suit (or “in place”), paint to match”
Then there was the apocryphal story of the designer who misunderstood the “Parts not to scale” admonition in the pre-printed drawing format: He drew the enclosure at full-scale, but the interior parts at .90 or .95 scale. Hilarity ensued when they tried to build the first one.
Yours too?
Whoa, amazing save by Argentina keeper.
@MattF: Not always. There are plenty of dark Brahmins.
John, I admire your ability to get out of a mess with some swears and some pessimism, then turn around and make everything not just fixed, but improved. That’s good character.
Off topic to toot my own horn, but my rug of my middle son Michael has made the cover of Rug Hooking Magazine. Yes, there is such a thing.
One thing would strenuously suggest you consider is putting metal caps on the open ends of the rafters (the ends that are closest to the willow).
Less strong suggestion is to have the rafters installed with a slight downhill cant away from the house, so that if you do decide to have a covering or roofing later on, there will be elementary drainage for rain and a non-flat surface for snow.
Last, even though it might destroy the strict symmetry of their placement, assure that the space between the rafters in at least one instance be wide enough to easily fit a ladder in anticipation of later on needing to access the house roof.
/measure twice, cut once 101
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Kay: Trump claims not to believe those numbers. I’m afraid to believe them. They’re too good. My spirit has been crushed.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
It isn’t that your spirit has been crushed it’s that Trump and his employees lie constantly, so you don’t believe anything.
Which is entirely rational and not at all a reflection on you. It’s them. They’re liars. I don’t know why anyone bothers to ask them anything. What’s the point? They lie. All of them. Every day. They’re lying about Iran right now.
The cat and all the neighborhood squirrels will be tickled pink with the new climbing toy.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@NotMax: Ooh. We had a pergola on our back deck in Iowa. That’s how the racoons got into the attic.
Crap, guess I’m in the spam folder.
I had a friend who hung hummingbird feeders on each of the rafters on his back porch. at any time there were 20-50 hummingbirds battling out their territories at the feeders. colorful and fascinating to watch. And because he kept them filled year round, a bunch of the birds would stay thru the winter. He lived in central Virginia so the weather was fairly mild. But evidently if there is food hummingbirds can take the cold and will winter over.
Wow. Saw it, it’s amazing.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@donnah: I love that! You remember that old song “The Cover of the Rolling Stone”? This is like that only rug hooking. What does your son say?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Or you can work in reverse. If he’s at +/- 40 he’s lost ground somewhere. In that same interview he says he has the highest support he has ever had. So every single national poll is wrong except his top secret polls, which his awful employees admit aren’t match ups with actual Democrats but instead are “issue polls”, which is not even a valid comparison and yet it’s ALL they have to rebut. If they had something better they would use it.
Guess what the protest that made B. R. Ambedkar’s name as the Dalit leader to watch out for in pre-Independence India about? Don’t use Google. Use your knowledge of the Civil Rights Movement.
Breaking via the Guardian, UK’s Teresa May has decided she has no fucks left to give and thrown public support behind Trump’s accusations against Iran.
Shit storm magnitude 11 predicted.
I haven’t seen any this year and I usually get some. I don’t feed them particularly but I have a lot of the flowers they like.
Roger Moore
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I don’t have a hard time believing those numbers, but experience shows that poll numbers are rarely stable. Even if Trump looks down now, we have to keep fighting to protect against every possibility. We have to bury Trump so deep he and his Russian friends can’t cheat their way out.
mad citizen
Looking great! I once had a trumpet vine (long, tube-shaped orange flowers that hummingbirds love) growing on our brick (garage) wall. I eventually took it all down because invasive, etc. I notice my neighbor had the same issue with it climbing up his chimney after it had taked over his pergola. It really sounds right up your alley, though–you love problems! It would provide shade in 2-3 years, I’m betting.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Kay: You’re comforting me. I appreciate that.
@Roger Moore: Amen
@TenguPhule: Jesus.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I do remember that song. Thanks, Dorothy!
My son loves it and he was tickled that it made the cover. He is a good sport with a great sense of humor. He showed up at a family reunion a few summers ago sporting a muttonchop beard. I thanked him for giving me the opportunity to make a new Steampunk style rug with him as the star.
I gave him my courtesy copy and then ordered a dozen more for various family members. It’s a nice honor!
I really hoped he wouldn’t start a war. I was hoping he was too full of shit and petty to start an actual war, where people can fight back and things. His big fights are with 6 year olds seeking asylum, so easy to beat. My husband was always “oh, he’ll start a WAR. Yes he will!” But I said no. It’s awful that you always have to bet on the worst with these people.
@SFAW: Sounds like the contractor who built the closets in the new (at the time) tech school Airmen dorms. As soon as you put a clothes hangar in, the door wouldn’t close. The base commander didn’t find it funny, but the rest of us did ;)
Miss Bianca
@donnah: Cute! Both the son and the portrait! Congrats on the cover! is it too soon to say, “we knew her when”? : )
@mad citizen:
Star jasmine might be an option where zone-tolerant. For the two or so weeks in spring they’re blooming its magical and being evergreen not a source of mess and labor with fall leaf drop.
No wisteria, no way, for a structure attached to or near the house.
“You can read it again from now ’til doomsday, nowhere in the contract does it specify functional closets.”
zhena gogolia
So cool!
@Kay: He will find a way to back out, he always does.
Him being petty and full of shit is exactly why I was afraid he’d get us into another war.
Once the ball starts rolling its nearly impossible to stop.
Problem is that there’s inertia working against a pull back. And Israel and Saudi Arabia both have the ability and motive to make things much much worse.
You fancy pergola people. In my day we had to make do with gazebos.
And Mexico* will pay for it. //
*all three Mexicos, mind you
zhena gogolia
I hope you’re right!
@NotMax: Haha, basically. There were some hilarious pictures of clothes in the closet, or attempting to be, and it was just… so funny. Perfect introduction for new Airmen to the Air Force (military writ large).
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@schrodingers_cat: Echoing others with a definite Yes!
I would love to get some insight into caste and what it means to modern Indians. I remember friends in grad school treating it as a big joke, for instance pointing out with laughter that one of them was untouchable caste.
One exception, a guy who was Brahmin caste (sp?) who was a real jerk and a cheater and seemed honestly surprised at the concept that rules might apply to him. Kind of like our “President”.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Weird. I posted a comment. Went back and made a minor edit and was told it was now spam.
But I think I reposted a duplicate successfully.
Is this the upgraded version of the site?
Now flashing back on John McGiver’s contractor character in the darkish comedy movie always pronouncing it “GAYZ-boh.”
John Revolta
Up until yesterday I thought pergola was some kind of Italian coffee. Now I’m getting multiple ads for them on the Intertubes. How do I get involved in these things?!
@John Revolta:
Start keepin’ company wit shady characters and it’s all downhill from dere.
@schrodingers_cat: Yes, please do. I don’t think many of us are up on Indian politics.
@Kay: JFC! “Wah wah wah! Anything that doesn’t say I’m the bestest is fake!”
When is this asshole going to declare numbers themselves are total losers?
Fuck the 77000 purity morons and Hillary haters who foisted this reality on us all.
J. Taylor with perhaps the winning goal. 1-0.
First attempt at making potato bread in the super duper bread machine in progress. Cross yer paws, jackals.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I am glad to know that it was no big deal in their lives but it is certainly no laughing matter in today’s India. An ob-gyn resident at Mumbai hospital who was from a tribal Muslim community committed suicide because she was bullied non-stop by senior residents about her caste.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I sense foreshadowing for Casa de Cole.
@mrmoshpotato: They already declared numbers are a Muslim conspiracy. I wish I was joking…
Twice the excuse to use butter?
@Leto: Arabic numbers only.
Romans are still okay because they’re part of the Super Bowl. //s
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: FYWP won’t let me post a link or an embedded tweet.
I hope the movie was better that that trailer.
@NotMax: Our local grocery stores carry potato bread in all forms from various bakeries: sliced loaf, hamburger buns, hotdog buns… I really prefer potato buns to regular white/wheat buns. Best of luck and let us know how it comes out!
Steve in the ATL
@trollhattan: England’s goalkeeper and Argentina’s forwards should be quite well rested after this game.
Steve in the ATL
@mrmoshpotato: yeah, DAW should have posted “spoiler alert” before her post
That’s kinda like saying “You fancy Anglia people, in my day we had to make do with Jaguars.”
John Revolta
@NotMax: ?I hope it doesn’t work. I hope it doesn’t work. I hope it doesn’t work. ?
@Leto: One downside of living in paradise is they go moldy if unrefrigerated within 48 hours plus or minus 12 depending on the humidity.
@Leto: I know. Could you find my eyes for me? They rolled out of my head.
@schrodingers_cat: Yes
Yeah, the loaves of sliced potato bread make better toast than regular white bread, IMHO. One thing have noticed since becoming accustomed to cranking out bread at home is that most store bought breads now taste too sweet, too salty, or both to me now.
J R in WV
I’ve always thought caste was in large part Hindi for race… I will confess it seemed a landmine-filled field, so I have never talked about caste with Indian friends.
So I would be interested in your viewpoint on this troubling issue.
@TenguPhule: I bet. The coming summer months will see our humidity rocket up. Didn’t miss that.
If you strategically place a super fine mister up there you will thank yourself in August.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Our raccoons got in our attic by climbing the
willowlocust tree and leaping to the roof.Mart
@Roger Moore: I like making detailed sketches of projects, helps me with the maths, and how much stuff to purchase.
Did I miss the post where Cole repaired the deck structure? Does he plan on knocking down the Perinoginia when the deck needs fixed?
The Argentine goalie had a hell of a game.
@J R in WV: It is a landmine. I am not sure whether I should talk about it either but I see that it is missing or being studiously avoided in most analyses of Indian politics here or even in India. Guess why? Because most journalists are upper caste males, mostly Brahmins. How do I know? By their last names.
Caste is a Portuguese word. The Hindi or the Marathi word is jati which means nature. The Sanskrit word is varna ( which is skin color). So it has been posited that racial discrimination, played some part in caste discrimination. Caste is not just restricted to Hindus, but Indian Muslims and Christians follow their own versions of it.
Endogamy is what preserves it. Marriage outside one’s caste is rare even in today’s India.
Agree. No matter what happens to Argentina the rest of the way, we’ll be hearing about Correa in the future. She was on.
@schrodingers_cat: Yes! How similar, and how different.
J R in WV
Not Max speaks truth in both these instances. I dunno about metal caps on ends, pressure treated wood reacts to some metal in a negative way. Stainless screws and nails strongly recommended for use with pressure treated wood of all sorts.
Typical slope for drainage is 1/4 inch per running foot. Ask anyone who ever did any plumbing, .25 inch drop per foot of run.
@Amir Khalid: Regarding England and Argentina, I bet most of the players and maybe some of the coaches weren’t even born in 1981.
@donnah: Wow! That is truly marvelous. Just gorgeous.
@J R in WV: I tell this story, which happened around 25 years ago. When India still allowed foreign adoption, a friend and his wife (both European-American) adopted a baby boy. Gorgeous kid. They were at a restaurant near their house in the US when a man approached them, presumably born in India, and asked them if their son had been born in India. They said yes, and he said that by adopting him they had destroyed his karma. My friend responded that his karma was to be adopted by them. All by way of saying that I think caste encompasses more than skin tone.
@Barbara: Yes, definitely. Caste system places those who don’t work with their hands at the top, so naturally they are less tanned. But there are plenty of dark Brahmins. My eyes have been opened to my caste privilege after living in the United States. The distance has given me some objectivity.
ETA: In my own family my great grandfather was several shades darker than the former President Obama and my great grandmother was light skinned and had green eyes. They belonged to the same caste.
@J R in WV
Mucho time back, there was a choice of stainless, copper or zinc caps. Nowadays (dunno, but not unlikely) there are probably choices available in vinyl, aluminum and/or PVC.
@schrodingers_cat: Yes please! If not too complicated, as well as caste, any additional thoughts comparing US vs India racial prejudice and skin color prejudice would also be appreciated. Or about history of race/skin color treatment in India (before the British assignment of their own race/color prejudices to aid their attempt to rule).
Getting carried away now—I guess this would be asking a lot—sometime it would be interesting to watch examples of the Indian film industry’s early treatment of racial and caste prejudice. And to learn how caste (and skin color?) were represented in ancient texts/songs. (Hey that could become a class series in the film and music departments when the Balloon Juice Alumni University becomes real.)
@Amir Khalid:
This. There are certainly plenty of countries that the English feel more hostile towards than Argentina. And while Britain is hardly popular with Argentinians, I have first hand anecdotal experience that the USA is more loathed.
Apart from time healing, there have been so many highly successful Argentinian soccer players in England since the Falklands War. I suspect it’s harder to hate Argentina when the best player on your team is Argentinian.
Well this didn’t take long.
Iranian boat fired missile at US drone prior to tanker attack, US official says
So shifting through the Trumpkin bullshit, apparently US military drones were fucking around in the channel.
J R in WV
@J R in WV:
Except for one of our early Indian consultant hires, who shared a cube with me. He told me that he and his wife had to immigrate to America because they believed they would have been “honor killed” in India, he was Hindi and she was Muslim. Both had their degrees and were excellent coworkers — I got xmas cards from them for years, last I heard they were in Southern California.
What would be great would be if Biden brought up these polls at his next rally. Trump’s reaction would be very entertaining.
@J R in WV: Hindu, Hindi is the language. Endogamy is important for the caste system hence the popularity of arranged marriage. Marrying outside your religion would be a no-no for most Indians.
I would be interested. I’m also curious whether you find more parallels between caste and politics or caste and race, both in India and in the U.S.
Let’s see them release video from the drone.
Roughly, Upper caste == white, Dalit (riutally untouchable) == black people.
BJP tells the upper caste people what they want to hear. BJP’s parent organization was formed by Brahmins from my ancestral state (Maharashtra) in the 1920s, inspired by Mussolini and other fascist movements.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@schrodingers_cat: Yes, please.
[Yes, Please]^n
Tony Jay
@Kay: @schrodingers_cat:
Oh yes, that would be very intetesting.
Bill Arnold
Wisteria is another option. I like grapes (built a grape pergola once), but the vines do drop unharvested grapes.
Cool! Congratulations.
So after dropping his pants and taking a big shit in aisle 11 yesterday, Trump was in word salad cleanup mode this morning on FoxNews:
So while it’s good that our president did a complete flip flop as damage control, the NYT is hesitant to be too scathing:
“appeared to backtrack somewhat“?… WTF?
This is a textbook example of how access journalism operates.
I figured as much. Is there as much hatred and violence between castes as there is between Hindus and Muslims?
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: ‘86 World Cup had some interesting handiwork from the South American side.
@Roger Moore:
You are working my side of the aisle. Carpenters don’t know what a micrometer is. Their tools aren’t even built using them.
Wowowowowow! I can’t wait to tell my neighbors.
Well, it really isn’t much of a backtrack if he’s going to look at the information before reporting it to the authorities, is it?
Cheryl Rofer
@Mandalay: It’s not a complete flip flop. He’s still wrong.
The issue is not the relative content of dirt, sh*t, and worms. It’s the access and attempt at influence. So you don’t evaluate the message, you turn in the messenger.
Either Trump doesn’t get that, or he’s trying to turn the conversation.
Awesome honor and creation!
There’s a magazine for everything.
Thanks for the vote of confidence in tackling this difficult subject. I have to warn you that I haven’t studied these things academically. I have not lived in India as an adult, neither am I Dalit. So these are the observations of one person from a privileged vantage point. I knew people who attend Sangh’s Sunday meetings and their plans for India, their ideology. The things they say about Muslims and Christians and Dalits when they think are among like minded people.
They are true believers and they should have never been near the levers of power.
That’s right out of the navy repair manual. Just before “Six layers of paint per year is normal.”
@debbie: Its a different beast. The violence is usually only one way. Upper caste people and the state against the Dalits, just like here.
@Bill Arnold:
Only if you hate that person.
Tony Jay
That bloody woman can simply not stop being comprehensively shit at her one and only job, and she’s only got it for another couple of weeks, probably.
That assessment is utter fucking bullshit. there must be half a dozen states in the region who could have done it, and I refuse to even pretend to believe that UK Intelligence would have told the Government something so stupid.
If the Party of Boris drags us into another American President’s War of Electoral Advantage I swear to non-existent God I will be…. disgusted but unsurprised.
The Department of Injustice is now in full swing.
I would like to throw Cross Vine into the ring for the pergola. It is a native to North America, including West Virginia. It has beautiful flowers that attract native North American fauna and is overall well behaved and not toxic. They are a little slow to take off, but worth the wait.
It’s a complete flip flop. Previously he said he’d use the information he obtained against his opponent, and not contact the FBI, but now he says that he’d report the incident instead.
If Trump reports it he would be playing a very dangerous game if he decides to use the information anyway, because he’s relying on the silence of everyone who knows about the report. And those in the know are facing jail time if they stay silent, and then get caught. So as a practical matter, Trump couldn’t use the information if he reported it. And there’s no way he could plead ignorance of the law now.
@debbie: One example from May
I am a light skinned Black woman. Pass the paper bag test with flying colors.
I have run into my fair share of Indians who clearly fail it, are dark skinned, and had the nerve to try and treat me like some White folks do in America.???
Ohio Mom
@Ruckus: There is an apocryphal story on my father’s side about the retired machinist brother trying to build a deck for his adult son and getting bogged down because he couldn’t get tight enough tolerances to suit him.
Catherine Rampell (@crampell) Tweeted:
Trump declines to give Pence his endorsement for a 2024 presidential run
Congratulations ??
@rikyrah: That’s horrible and I believe it.
Some entitled males used to have the nerve to demand a fair wife in matrimonial classifieds even though they may be quite dark themselves.
As you asked, have now achieved Breadcon 1. :)
Looks and smells correct and wonderful. Gonna take at least an hour of cooling on the rack before slicing off a sliver to do taste and texture testing.
John Revolta
@rikyrah: Caucasians gonna Caucase.
Use sour cream, cheddar, and chives in your recipe to make it a loaded potato bread.
@NotMax: Pictures or it didn’t happen.
@Ohio Mom:
I’ve seen some amazing woodwork done to tolerances that would make a lot of machinists jealous. I’ve also seen machine work done that looks like a third grader’s attempt at building a bird house with only a hammer. A person has to know their subject, the materials, the tools and how to use them effectively. Talent is knowing what you are trying to accomplish, what can be accomplished, what can not be accomplished. And I’ve seen talent slide away no matter the medium. Of course to slide away there had to be talent in the first place. Like the guy said in the movie, “A man has to know his limitations.” The corollary is “A woman has to know the man’s limitations. And show him how it’s done.”
@jeffreyw: How are the kittehs?
@Roger Moore: Fucking Lua would like to have a word. A more generalized answer to the programmer convention is that algebraic rings are super handy.
Cole’s mistake is not learning the hardware buying rule – always buy more than you need or if you are unsure which item you need, buy all of them. You are guaranteed to need at least one more trip to the store, so it really doesn’t matter if it’s a trip to buy more, or a trip to return what you don’t need, but the latter doesn’t incur a time dependency. This is why home improvement stores make it so fucking easy to return things.
I’ll text my wife to pick up a new toilet flap because I just discovered it needs to be replaced. She’ll ask which one. I’ll tell her to just buy one of each and I’ll return the ones I don’t need later. Every trip to the store starts at the return counter.
Jesus. Didn’t previous governments try to end or at least minimize the caste system, or am I misremembering again?
Crap, he’s thinking about going for a permanent office.
@debbie: No, he’ll peacefully transfer power to his daughter when the right time comes.
joel hanes
I once asked my friend Prakruthi why Lord Krishna was portrayed with blue skin in paintings, and she explained that Krishna was famously very dark (and I think that “krishna” maybe has etymological roots in the word for dark or black?).
Well, I asked, why do they paint him blue instead of dark brown ?
She said that she thought that there was too much prejudice against dark skin.
Thanks for the kind words about the Michael rug. It’s a real joy to be chosen for the cover, even for a niche publication.
I still have his rug and use it as a teaching tool, but eventually I’ll give it to him to keep.
@debbie: Yes they did. Caste discrimination is against the Constitution. But mores don’t change when laws do.
Did you read the story I had put up in my earlier comments? To those that say that such incidents only happen in remote villages among the under educated.
@joel hanes: Krishna == black in Sanskrit.
The Blue Krishna is relatively new. Many temples do have statues of Hindu Gods including Krishna in black granite.
@schrodingers_cat: No change. Toby chases Homer, Homer chases Ginger Boy. Bea ain’t having that shit. Bitsy will cut you. Ollie watches, learns.
@Ruckus: One of my newer tricks is learning how to do reasonably high-end trim carpentry (crown molding, etc.). A saw blade (chop saw, table saw) generally has a kerf of ⅛”. That’s the width of the teeth, but the blade is 1/32″ narrower (1/64″ on each side) to prevent the blade from binding up/burning the wood.
So one trick when cutting wood to length is to butt it up against the blade, clamp it in place, then raise the blade and cut. You’ll reliably trim off 1/64″. Repeat that as needed. I’ve created perfect compound joints on each end of 20′ long boards by learning these little tricks. (We won’t discuss how much trial and error and shitty work I did before I learned them).
Not as precise as machinists, but considering that wood will change dimension with humidity, can flex and compress, it’s as good as you can expect. But the techniques are very different from what a machinist would rely on. Never underestimate the value and potential difficulty of acquiring domain knowledge.
@jeffreyw: They are all adorable, we need pics.
You by any chance have any experience with a product such as this one? Real sour cream goes ‘off’ so quickly here that am always reluctant to keep it in the fridge even though do use it fairly frequently in chocolate cake recipes.
Full disclosure: Bought and used one of that same company’s powdered cheddar mix for making mac ‘n’ cheese in the Instant Pot and it works like a charm (I also include some ‘normal’ cheese(s) culled from the sandwich fixin’ selections on hand). 5 tablespoons whisked into a cup of milk makes a more than passable mix for basic for mac ‘n’ cheese.
Mike in NC
Just read where Fat Bastard was tweeting about having lunch with the “Prince of Whales”, marking zero days when he’s not been an utter national embarrassment.
But…we knew this was going to happen ?
zhena gogolia
Continuing my reading of the Mueller Report. God, is Assange a blackhearted bastard.
zhena gogolia
@Mike in NC:
Stephen Colbert must-watch.
I didn’t. Link doesn’t work, but you’re right, news reports gave me the perception this only happened in the remote (read “backwards”) villages.
Depressing to think that some form of this kind of thing is pretty much everywhere. I yet again think the universe would be a better place if we were all just wiped out.
@schrodingers_cat: Culture are just rules that lack legal power. But they’re still rules that were created, respected, and passed down. It’s also why Alabama has such much fucking trouble not being Alabama.
Blame that one on Elvis.
“I’ll-I’ll have-have a-a blue Krishna
Without you”
Here are Ollie and Ginger.
@zhena gogolia:
Considering how we are assaulted every minute of the day with Trump’s bullshit, I am very grateful for Colbert’s monologues.
So… it was the victim’s fault he had asthma?
I have not used that but I have used some malt powder by those same folks. Makes killer pancakes.
@jeffreyw: When did you get Ollie?
@germy: Look, it’s your own fucking fault that you’re not The Hulk or Thor. Have you ever stopped to consider that?
zhena gogolia
I assume Ginger’s on the left? Or are you being contrarian?
zhena gogolia
Mrs J says we’ve had Ollie for 3 years. Seems like a few months ago.
@zhena gogolia:
You are correct!
Thanks. Those SOBs (via Times of India) crying like they are the victims!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go bang my head against a concrete wall.
Excuse me for saying this, but I think you might want less space in-between boards (more boards) to increase the amount of shade it provides. If they’re too far apart, it’ll increase the amount of sun reaching the deck in the middle part of the day. You might want to consider adding a fabric screen over the top.
I’ll just assume I’m on your permanent hate list now.
Steve in the ATL
@germy: that’s not a defense in tort law, as we learned in the seminal Pfalzgraf case in our first year of law school, the case of the plaintiff with an eggshell skull. You take the plaintiff as you find him.
So Garner’s condition would be considered in the amount of damages awarded, but not in the question of liability.
So is this a real case or a hypothetical for law students?
Ohio Mom
@Steve in the ATL: Garner was the Black fellow selling loose cigarettes in Staten Island. A capital crime if there ever was one.
A deep dive into the psycho felon fraudster fake General heading up the United Constitutional Patriots “ militia” kidnapping asylum seekers in New Mexico.
Steve in the ATL
@Ohio Mom: I know, was being facetious.
@Mandalay: Every word out of his mouth is a lie including and and the.
@debbie: They never thought they would have to pay a price.
@jeffreyw: Lol, it’s totally not your fault, but your comment gave me this earworm
Roger Moore
Yes, and R and a lot of data processing languages tend to start their arrays at 1 rather than 0. But it is vastly more common for computer people to start counting at zero than for the general public.
Roger Moore
If only you had the sense to have lighter skin, you’d still be alive.
@Bill Arnold: Wisteria is alleged to be troublesome.