@NotMax: Amazing how quickly we legalized industrial hemp once it became astonishingly profitable for Republicans.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Welp, the final round in Humans vs Beagle played out today and it went decisively to the Beagle. It’s his house now, we’re just living in it.
Due to various unfortunate incidents when we first got Sammy at 18 months, he’s been confined to the kitchen when we’re not home. But he turned out to be an escape artist and kept defeating the gate and the extra things on the gate.
For a couple of months we’ve been successful with the gate padlocked, wired, a couple of cable ties and a double-knotted nylon rope to hold things securely together.
Today I came home after my wife had secured him and found him on the wrong side of the gate. Rope still on.
I figured there was something wrong with her knot and tied it myself this evening as we left for the airport (I’m on my way to Europe). She texted me to say he was on the other side of the gate again. And the gate still closed.
I think he’s not actually teleporting or quantum tunneling but it has sobethibg to do with how the bottom of the gate is suspiciously misaligned now. But either way, he wins. He has just been officially awarded Run Of The House.
Well, 1st floor anyway. The thing on the steps still defeats him. For now.
Kittens love the fresh laundry, especially if it’s dryer warm.
Also, can anyone tell me why I’m always in moderation now? I posted 3 comments last night that got eaten.
I will believe it’s teleporting until a photograph proving otherwise is produced. Until then don’t turn your back on him.
What is it about cats that the act of changing sheets will rouse them from even a dead sleep to come “help”? Two of mine weren’t even in the bedroom at the time, yet ended up interposing themselves in the task.
Can you put the beagle on a Hannibal Lecter gurney when you go out?
Today's political reset button is this snow leopard playing with a pumpkin and proving all cats — no matter how big — are exactly the same. ? pic.twitter.com/oNGyp7SuCK— shauna (@goldengateblond) 15 June 2019
Also, thank you to whoever linked the osprey cam this morning. Very relaxing.
It was fun! I sent a photo to Adam but apparently he doesn’t post meetup photos? I was pretty tired last night, so I may have missed some nuance or sarcasm. ?
Also, I GOT TO FEED THE SEA OTTERS AT THE ZOO! It was awesome. 15/11, would do every birthday.
I had a cat once that on bed-changing day would appear out of nowhere and demand that my girlfriend and I sproing her (the cat) up in the air a few times with one of the sheets, Beach Blanket Bingo style. Or Big Lebowski Jackie Treehorn party scene, if that’s how you roll. Then she would splay herself wild-eyed on the bed and attack any rippling motion that occurred during the changeover.
The key was to get the fitted sheet down first, because then, worst-case scenario, we could leave her as a little lump under the top sheet until she calmed down and left.
@Major Major Major Major: I thought he was trying out a new Anheuser Busch product. Which might be similar to what @NotMax: suggested, given the cannabis market these days.
I just received some new sheets yesterday from L.L. Bean. I was long overdue for a change. I use one set of sheets, wash them and put them back on the bed the same day. “Change” occurs biannually: cotton > flannel in the fall, flannel > cotton in the spring.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I once saw my escape artist labrador retriever squeeze under the backyard fence in a spot that counldn’t have been more than four inches. The fit was so tight he looked like he was being born. After romping around the neighborhood, he returned and stood by the gate looking sort of vacuous amd innocent.
@Jay: Yet another instance of Sealioning. Will this harassment never end?
@JaySinWA: SeeBeeDee is easier than keenwha or kwin-noah.
Keith P.
My little manx is very dialed into laundry time. When I carry the basket into my office, she tries to get in the basket as soon as possible to take it over. Ditto for piles of jeans coming out of the dryer. But a newly-made bed is what all the cats love. As soon as one of them discovers the bed is made, they’ll all be sleeping on it within 15 minutes.
Made crab legs on the grill with asparagus. Wild rice on the side. Early Father’s Day dinner for my John. Going to the boss’s daughter’s graduation party tomorrow, so it wasn’t going to happen tomorrow. So sick of rain!
Patricia Kayden
@Major Major Major Major: I didn’t know those quotes were song lyrics which makes sense since I don’t listen to Metal. Always loved the kitties though.
@Keith P.: As a kid, we had a black Manx – quickly named Maximillian Sebastian Cabot – who came to our house as a stray with a nasty burn on his right flank. Muscular beast. Came to a bad end with a car.
Happy Birthday @Mnemosyne!
Sounds like it’s been a great one so far!
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Sorry to mention this, but I knew somebody whose beagle hung itself that way. It was really tragic. He used them as actual hunting dogs (coupla beagles and a brittany). One of the beagles was just unstoppable. He buried the wire fence at least 18 inches down. Raised the fence 6 feet high, etc. You get the picture.
He finally tied the unruly one to a tree in the middle of the back yard before work. Sadly, when he got home he discovered that the rope was long enough for the dog to get over the fence, but not touch the ground on the other side.
This story was so sad and upsetting that it haunts me still, nearly 40 years later. So that’s my warning to you and your sweet doggy. Sorry.
zhena gogolia
Aaaah, thank you.
zhena gogolia
Any news about the Portland meetup last night?
Those cats look like they were poured onto the bed.
I wish I could relax like a cat.
My wife says I look like our cat (and I agree; I see the resemblance) but I need to take relaxation lessons from our feline.
FYI. How times have changed, chapter the next.
Kroger to sell CBD products nationwide
Major Major Major Major
This excellent twitter account combines black metal lyrics with cat pictures, if you needed another cat account to follow.
zhena gogolia
@Major Major Major Major:
I see those on Asha Rangappa’s twitter feed every once in a while. I had no idea what it was.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: Amazing how quickly we legalized industrial hemp once it became astonishingly profitable for Republicans.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Welp, the final round in Humans vs Beagle played out today and it went decisively to the Beagle. It’s his house now, we’re just living in it.
Due to various unfortunate incidents when we first got Sammy at 18 months, he’s been confined to the kitchen when we’re not home. But he turned out to be an escape artist and kept defeating the gate and the extra things on the gate.
For a couple of months we’ve been successful with the gate padlocked, wired, a couple of cable ties and a double-knotted nylon rope to hold things securely together.
Today I came home after my wife had secured him and found him on the wrong side of the gate. Rope still on.
I figured there was something wrong with her knot and tied it myself this evening as we left for the airport (I’m on my way to Europe). She texted me to say he was on the other side of the gate again. And the gate still closed.
I think he’s not actually teleporting or quantum tunneling but it has sobethibg to do with how the bottom of the gate is suspiciously misaligned now. But either way, he wins. He has just been officially awarded Run Of The House.
Well, 1st floor anyway. The thing on the steps still defeats him. For now.
Kittens love the fresh laundry, especially if it’s dryer warm.
Also, can anyone tell me why I’m always in moderation now? I posted 3 comments last night that got eaten.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym
Obvious mistake was not relocating the sofa to the kitchen.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I will believe it’s teleporting until a photograph proving otherwise is produced. Until then don’t turn your back on him.
What is it about cats that the act of changing sheets will rouse them from even a dead sleep to come “help”? Two of mine weren’t even in the bedroom at the time, yet ended up interposing themselves in the task.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Can you put the beagle on a Hannibal Lecter gurney when you go out?
Also, thank you to whoever linked the osprey cam this morning. Very relaxing.
Doh. https://explore.org/livecams/ospreys/osprey-nest
Just practicing before the big jump?
@zhena gogolia:
It was fun! I sent a photo to Adam but apparently he doesn’t post meetup photos? I was pretty tired last night, so I may have missed some nuance or sarcasm. ?
Also, I GOT TO FEED THE SEA OTTERS AT THE ZOO! It was awesome. 15/11, would do every birthday.
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: ooh, cool!! Happy belated(?) birthday, too!
There are some great videos in that thread. Especially the mother tiger.
@Mnemosyne: I got taken out to a nice pre-Father’s Day dinner at the Tam and a nice card with some cash* in it.
*Which I converted to Galaxy Buds at the Samsung store.
The know us huuman’s can’t properly fold fitted sheets,
They know how, but lack thumbs, and we won’t take their advice.
Think I may have tried smoking those around 1968.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: it… really does sound like that, now that you point it out
zhena gogolia
@Major Major Major Major:
Today is the actual day, so you’re not late at all. ?
We’re going to a fancy-schmancy steakhouse called El Gaucho. Flamenco guitar and red meat.
@Major Major Major Major:
Thanks for this. Great pictures and quotes.
@NotMax: I just put them in my ears, works much better.
Another Scott
@Jay: Folding fitted sheets is easy. DoghouseDiaries.
Another Scott
@Mnemosyne: I’m glad the meetup was fun.
Happy Birthday Capt. Mnemo!
@Mnemosyne: Happy b-day. I enjoyed the Tam, but my cut of prime rib had the big bone. The cocker spaniel will be happy about this.
For those outside LA, the Tam(Tam O’Shanter) is one of the oldest restaurants in LA(founded in 1922).
Happy Birthday. Enjoy your steak and music.
@Mnemosyne: HBM.
The otters send their thanks and birthday ? greetings too.
@aq href=”https://balloon-juice.com/2019/06/15/not-political-open-thread/#comment-7313988″>Mnemosyne
Have a sweet one.
Oopsie. Fix.
Have a sweet one.
I had a cat once that on bed-changing day would appear out of nowhere and demand that my girlfriend and I sproing her (the cat) up in the air a few times with one of the sheets, Beach Blanket Bingo style. Or Big Lebowski Jackie Treehorn party scene, if that’s how you roll. Then she would splay herself wild-eyed on the bed and attack any rippling motion that occurred during the changeover.
The key was to get the fitted sheet down first, because then, worst-case scenario, we could leave her as a little lump under the top sheet until she calmed down and left.
Was there a sign near the exit reading “So long, and thanks for all the shellfish?”
Happy Birthday,
@Major Major Major Major: I thought he was trying out a new Anheuser Busch product. Which might be similar to what @NotMax: suggested, given the cannabis market these days.
I got some donuts from Blue Star this morning and one of the choices featured CBD oil. It’s the new quinoa.
@Another Scott:
Thanks! Helpful.
I just received some new sheets yesterday from L.L. Bean. I was long overdue for a change. I use one set of sheets, wash them and put them back on the bed the same day. “Change” occurs biannually: cotton > flannel in the fall, flannel > cotton in the spring.
Happiest of birthdays!
@Mnemosyne: Hmm, quinoa donuts?
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I once saw my escape artist labrador retriever squeeze under the backyard fence in a spot that counldn’t have been more than four inches. The fit was so tight he looked like he was being born. After romping around the neighborhood, he returned and stood by the gate looking sort of vacuous amd innocent.
@Mnemosyne: A lot easier to pronounce.
@Sab: Okay how do you pronounce CBD?
Mary G
@Mnemosyne: Happy
Birthday! And congrats on the otter visit. ????????
Sea lion visits a Fish Market.
@Jay: Yet another instance of Sealioning. Will this harassment never end?
@JaySinWA: SeeBeeDee is easier than keenwha or kwin-noah.
Keith P.
My little manx is very dialed into laundry time. When I carry the basket into my office, she tries to get in the basket as soon as possible to take it over. Ditto for piles of jeans coming out of the dryer. But a newly-made bed is what all the cats love. As soon as one of them discovers the bed is made, they’ll all be sleeping on it within 15 minutes.
Sounds nautical.
Sweet kitties. ♥️
Made crab legs on the grill with asparagus. Wild rice on the side. Early Father’s Day dinner for my John. Going to the boss’s daughter’s graduation party tomorrow, so it wasn’t going to happen tomorrow. So sick of rain!
Patricia Kayden
@Major Major Major Major: I didn’t know those quotes were song lyrics which makes sense since I don’t listen to Metal. Always loved the kitties though.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Wouldn’t that be SeaBeeDee?
@Sab: Good enough for government work.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I thought you’d invite me show myself out.
@Sab: Nah, but I wouldn’t suggest giving up the day gig.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I thought See bee Dee was a line from a children’s book. On the other hand cbd sounds more Polish to me.
i’ve been nothing but polite!
@Keith P.: As a kid, we had a black Manx – quickly named Maximillian Sebastian Cabot – who came to our house as a stray with a nasty burn on his right flank. Muscular beast. Came to a bad end with a car.
Happy Birthday @Mnemosyne!
Sounds like it’s been a great one so far!
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Sorry to mention this, but I knew somebody whose beagle hung itself that way. It was really tragic. He used them as actual hunting dogs (coupla beagles and a brittany). One of the beagles was just unstoppable. He buried the wire fence at least 18 inches down. Raised the fence 6 feet high, etc. You get the picture.
He finally tied the unruly one to a tree in the middle of the back yard before work. Sadly, when he got home he discovered that the rope was long enough for the dog to get over the fence, but not touch the ground on the other side.
This story was so sad and upsetting that it haunts me still, nearly 40 years later. So that’s my warning to you and your sweet doggy. Sorry.
A couple of tranquil kitties. How nice.
something fabulous
@Mnemosyne: Happy Birthday!! To you!!!