I'm afraid that @TenderHerbert doesn't know how to add music to tweets. But I had 15 seconds to spare and the theme from The A-Team handy ?? pic.twitter.com/qIac8xJT09
— Paul Bronks (@SlenderSherbet) June 16, 2019
Always gobsmacked by the hubris it took to have a bunch of Bay of Pigs vets do the break-in. Yeah, some cutout Gordo no one's ever gonna put those dots together https://t.co/Erx3sXsvij
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) June 17, 2019
There was no collusion!
Ok, Russia wanted to collude, but we didn’t do it
Ok, there may have been some collusion, but not by anyone important
Actually, everyone colludes — it’s called oppo research
Collusion is actually good! https://t.co/4ThYe3gHog
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) June 15, 2019
I think the Democrats should incorporate this pledge from the 2016 Republican platform into their 2020 platform. pic.twitter.com/qaw54xZujb
— Steve Metz (@steven_metz) June 15, 2019
Poll: Trump impeachment support increases by 10 points https://t.co/pVSjWwGve0 pic.twitter.com/45yNzCJ7pV
— The Hill (@thehill) June 16, 2019
We are focused on removing these 8 GOP Senators in 2020:
Lindsey Graham (SC)
Cory Gardner (CO)
Martha McSally (AZ)
Thom Tillis (NC)
Susan Collins (ME)
David Perdue (GA)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS)
Mitch McConnell (KY)Who else should we add to the list?
— Indivisible Network ??? (@IndivisibleNet) June 16, 2019
Interesting statistic from The Hill. It makes you think Pelosi knows what she’s doing afterall. One of the things I like about her, and what makes her an effective leader, is that she doesn’t care if people like her. She’s willing to be the punching bag for the party if that advances the party’s end. I’ve got no inside angle here whatsoever but maybe she wanted some people in the party to push for impeachment to build momentum. We’ve all got a part to play in this, and Pelosi may well have written the script.
hells littlest angel
@tobie: She is so good at her job. One reason — oh, there are so many! — that I wish for a Trump-Pence murder-suicide is to see what she could do as president.
@hells littlest angel: it would be awesome if Mme Speaker become Mme President.
@tobie: The GIFs of exploding heads on FOX would be nonstop.
@OzarkHillbilly: tee-hee!
Never! I trust Twitter!
The best way to get people to support something is to make them think it was their idea.
Steve Metz via Anne Laurie @ Top:
@OzarkHillbilly: This should help you un-Blech.
You mean Rose Twitter.
If the administration is allowed to ignore the Hatch Act, why can’t others who work for the federal government do the same?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Who is rose?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Nice but I’ve got a F-day hangover of Blech.
@JPL: Progressives* that are too cool to seen with the likes of us.
*For the record, I’m not a progressive, I’m a Liberal.
@OzarkHillbilly: This what the doctor ordered, then…
ETA: To get from the location where the first pic was taken to where the second was taken, we had to drive past Emperor Tang’s shitty golf course.
Me too!
@OzarkHillbilly: ?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Very nice but some Blechs run too deep.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Another liberal checking in?
Good morning.
I thought we were all neoliberal.
Is it possible to be progressively liberal? Or is that just another way of saying “Godless communist”?
@Baud: not us! Classics all the way.
kd bart
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Those who are more interested in maintaining constant outrage rather than getting anything accomplished
@OzarkHillbilly: “progressive” is what embarrassed liberals called themselves when the RW and Fox made “liberal” a dirty word. You know, how embarrassed Republicans call themselves Independents.
Something I was unaware of:
I sympathize, when I was a younger man I had several delusional fantasies about the ever so lovely Miss Loren myself.
ETA: Forgot the link.
@rikyrah: Good morning ?!
@satby: I thought embarrassed Republicans we’re calling themselves “true conservatives”.
@OzarkHillbilly: Balloon Juice is the place where you can be anything you want.
@JPL: In that case, I am a golden god.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The clouds make for a sinister house. Can you guarantee there’s no Hausu madness going on in there?
@mrmoshpotato: Yes, it’s Korean, not Japanese.
@satby: I actually blame Clinton for this particular brand change. She was calling herself progressive all the way back in 2008.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Excellent. Nice photo of a house that doesn’t eat people.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Dump Internal Swing State Polls — March 28
Biden — Dump
Pennsylvania…….. 55-39
Wisconsin…………. 51-41
Michigan…………… 53-40
Virginia…………….. 55-38
North Carolina……..51-43
Iowa……………….. 52-45
Biden is also up 7 points in Florida and up 6 points in Georgia
These polls are Dump’s Viet Nam
@mrmoshpotato: Thanks, it’s a bell pavilion. It was a gift from the Republic of Korea in honor of our bicentennial.
@satby: Tell us more about these rarest of lifeforms – “embarrassed Republicans.”
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
I thought that was Syphilis.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
So he’ll bone spurs his way out of them?
Amir Khalid
If it weren’t for these silly political-branding games, I would consider “progressive” (as in working toward progress) and “liberal” to be synonymous in meaning.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: It was NOT getting a STD that was his Vietnam, or some bs like that.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Biden is also winning Ohio by 1 point and only behind in Texas by 2 points.
These are Dump’s polls and therefore would be biased in his favor and he’s still getting clobbered.
@mrmoshpotato: Trump lies about everything.
@Amir Khalid:
I always have treated them as synonymous. It’s only when the Internet left started branding themselves progressive that I’ve become more inclined to liberal. Still, to me, it’s more of a cultural difference than a policy difference.
@Amir Khalid: What about “dirty hippies?”
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Didn’t he fire the pollsters after seeing those polls?
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
That’s why he’s firing his pollsters.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@?BillinGlendaleCA: he fired them after they leaked.
Patricia Kayden
@JPL: Federal workers who are Republicans probably can violate the Hatch Act. Laws are for Democrats, after all. At least under this regime
@mrmoshpotato: Do you actually believe trump never got the clap?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: So getting a STD was his Vietnam? Too early in the morning for the brain to figure out these things.
She always has. Screw the doubters.
@OzarkHillbilly: Ozark, I believe Dump IS the clap, and gonorrhea and genital warts and herpes and all forms of hepatitis and scabies and crabs and hpv and any other STDs I didn’t list.
I don’t know when he said it, but I didn’t hear about it until this morning. Trump’s response to the Chamber of Commerce’s lack of support for tariffs was to call them “unpatriotic,” which seems like a dog whistle to his more fanatic followers and is more than a little sinister.
At least you only get those diseases doing something fun.
Who said this?
@mrmoshpotato: I was gonna add, “just look at that syphilitic face” but thought it went without saying. ;-)
Amir Khalid
I’m not convinced they occupy a particular spot on the political spectrum.
@Baud: They misspelled “Lows”.
@Baud: He’s also all forms of cancer and flesh-eating virii.
@MomSense: Lindsey Graham?
@MomSense: Are you testing whose brain is awake?
His golf buddy. Another day another Dump WTF.
Amir Khalid
Trump must be upset that his fellow businessmen, as he thinks of them, don’t support him on the tariffs. He’s probably unaware that they don’t think of him as a fellow businessman.
I don’t know why that quote gobsmacks me so. I should expect it by now.
@Baud: Just trashy. Ugh!
Good morning, everyone.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@MomSense: Gary Busey?
It always amused me that she wound up married to that old man. And, they stayed married until his death.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Let’s do a reunion special at the White House with all the dumbest of the Celebrity Apprentice contestants.
Amir Khalid
To judge by the bigly helping of self-pity, it has to be der Scheißgibbon.
@debbie: Good morning ?
I had left by the time you asked what color cannas I planted yesterday. They’re an orange and a saffron yellow with bronze leaves, 3 of each. It’s supposed to get into the 80s consistently next week so I hope to see some signs of life soon after. It rained here most of yesterday until late in the afternoon, so I played hooky from yard work and went to have dinner with friends.
@MomSense: Damn, I was just about to change my guess to Mike Flynn.
I mean we have a bunch of cabinet positions to fill.
This is WITH a booming economy. They can’t make this ridiculous theory work even under the BEST scenario. Ugh, it’s going to be such a bankrupt mess even if we get them out of there in 2020. Too, they’re all full of shit and they lie constantly so we won’t know what a mess they made until they’re out – guarantee it’s worse then we know- but we’ll find out when the economy slows.
zhena gogolia
Several weeks ago, my smart colleague, a chemist, really shut me down the first time I said, “Why isn’t Pelosi DOING anything about impeachment?” And he said, “We don’t know what she’s doing or isn’t doing. Be patient. I’m pretty sure something is being done.”
@OzarkHillbilly: Haha. It does go without saying.
On a related note, Carly Fiorina should’ve walked over and slapped Dump after his “look at that face” remark. Treat the GOP debates like the shitshow they were.
I blame
It can’t be that policy wonk, body builder blue eyed hunk Paul Ryan was wrong about the tax cuts. Where is that guy now anyway?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
The only thing Dump has in common with Lincoln is the hole in his head
@rikyrah:From her Wiki page:
zhena gogolia
Thanks and top o’ the morning! Living vicariously as I do, I love knowing what you gardeners are up to.
@zhena gogolia:
Seems perfectly rational to me, considering he’s boasted of being told that he is the greatest president, possibly even in the history of the world. //
Not sure if Suzanne usually frequents the am thread, but I had some pharmaceutical info to impart, in response to her child’s mental hearth concerns in a thread from last night.
1) Abilify has a long acting injection formulation that is given (*I think) every 3 months at the doctor’s office. (might be monthly) It may or may not be covered by insurance. I know my drug insurance limits its use to members that are “non compliant” with oral medications. If the Abilify is working when Spawn the Elder takes it, i would suggest checking with the psychiatrist to see if this is an option.
2) Not sure what ADHD medication the kid takes, but most long acting meds (*not Vyvanse) have a short acting option that could be given in the afternoon. Not sure if that would make the wearing off less abrupt, but may be worth considering.
3) it was unclear from the posts I read _why_ the Abilify and Cymbalta were dosed in the evening. If one or both causes drowsiness that would make sense. However, as others suggested in the thread, it may be worth trying to dose them earlier in the day (especially if the Abilify injectable above isn’t an option for whatever reason). Not sure what Spawn’s summer plans are, but if there’s a break in school/work, it might be an opportunity to try some different dosing regimens to see if that helps at all.
I’m off to work in an hour or so (job as a pharmacist), so I won’t be in the threads all day and tend to get to threads late… Which is why I more lurk than post. Still, hope Suzanne sees this and it’s useful. :)
@zhena gogolia:
Karen Tumulty tweets the transcript
@MomSense: A whiny manchild comparing himself to an assassinated President – not even that should be expected with this barrel-scraping POS.
Another Scott
@mrmoshpotato: Or maybe said something like, “At least I’m not a moron, Donnie.”
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Way unfair to Abe.
All of ’em, Katie. Every fucking Republican. In both chambers, and the executive
In Trump’s mind, Abe had it coming for freeing the slaves.
@Amir Khalid:
@MomSense: Wingnuttopia.
@MomSense: He went back to his old job.
@Another Scott: He would’ve responded with something like, “I’m a moron because I’m smart.”
They all should’ve cursed him out when he started his slack-jawed “Uuuuuhhhh. I’m tremendous bigly, and you’re a total loser. Sad!” bullshit.
“Fuck you Donnie. You’ve been sucking the Kremlin’s ass since 1987. What are they holding over your fat, orange, fascist, pumpkin head?”
joel hanes
It makes you think Pelosi knows what she’s doing after all.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MomSense: The Onion?
@joel hanes:
Maybe there’s like a 5-second rule for penetration. He’d stay clean.
You misspelled centimeter.
@zhena gogolia:
Supposedly there are 15 House Democrats who won Trumpy districts last time and only 1 of the 15 supports impeachment.
I always felt like the impeachment argument suffered because they don’t have enough Democratic House support. 50/60 just isn’t enough. Now, AOC (and others) are saying it shouldn’t be a “political” decision and that’s defensible, although I don’t agree with it- impeachment is political- but “political” or not only 50/60 supporting is a problem. If the impeachment supporters in the US House can’t persuade their own colleagues don’t they need to try doing that?
@OzarkHillbilly: He wishes.
As long as we’re playing “Who said..”
@?BillinGlendaleCA: San Pedro
@Kay: I agree it’s a political act, which is why he should be indicted. While in office. Make them defend an OLC memo put out by a tainted administration. (TWO tainted administrations, if you add Clinton’s.)
Steve Doocy?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@OzarkHillbilly: Bozo the Smoky Eyed Clown?
A lying liar to the very end, that Sarah!
Trump says in that interview he did that health care is an issue for him and the GOP. It is, but I’m pleased he’s reacting to Democrats rather than they other way around. Democratic positions are popular. They can do this on more than health care (they did a great job running on health care). Republicans have no domestic policy and the void is bigger than I’ve ever seen it. They offer nothing. All they do all day long is defend this gross administration. I think they’re extremely vulnerable right now.
The only problem I see with indicting a sitting prez is he can’t defend. That’s a valid point- he would just carry the indictment which really isn’t fair. That’s the only part of the argument I’m sympathetic to.
The rest I think is elitist bullshit meant to cover for powerful people.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MomSense: I followed your link and am now reading that transcript. Holy crap.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@OzarkHillbilly: Kanye?
@Raven: Yes, and Palos Verdes.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: @debbie: DING DING DING, And it’s Dorothy A Winsor by a nose!
Wow. Transparency and honesty.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@OzarkHillbilly: Thank you, thank you!
@OzarkHillbilly: Sarah Liar Sanders
@?BillinGlendaleCA: My BIL is buried in the cemetery overlooking the harbor.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
She was the most honestest person ever in any administration EVAH! Except for her boss, who is like ten gazillion times more honester than any human [sic] has ever been since The Creation, or even before that. Why, he’s even more honest than God — who could learn a thing or two from Jethrene’s boss about how to create a universe.
ETA: Were Steph not worried about “losing access,” he could have asked the Traitor-in-Chief whether he thinks he’s done and doing a better job than God has. I expect that he’d answer in the affirmative, while trash-talking God.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Here’s Daniel Dale’s list and correction of Trump’s lies in the Stephanopoulos interview. I don’t think he’s done yet.
The poor man better pace himself.
@OzarkHillbilly: I call myself a Radical Incrementalist.
Tax cuts?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@OzarkHillbilly: And anything to do with people having sex they don’t approve of
coffee thee spoonie (@coffeespoonie) Tweeted:
I had a PTSD episode yesterday and someone called the cops on me and then I was surrounded by five (5) male cops standing over me. They tried to arrest me. My dad came and was able to stop it. Now I can’t stop crying. They made it so much worse. They made it so so much worse. https://twitter.com/coffeespoonie/status/1140536539665117185?s=17
My heart ?
How happy she got after receiving some Love ? from her father is everything.
Every child needs and deserves this.
Retweet ❤ pic.twitter.com/GKjWhkAvUy
— StanceGrounded (@_SJPeace_) June 17, 2019
Come on. Calling these places concentration camps would remind people we’re doing this to human beings…children. And the people who support this shit…well by golly that just hurts their feelings. And they can never have their feelings hurt.
— Wakandan War Dog (@Kennymack1971) June 15, 2019
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Which is any sex they are not personally involved in.
Gin & Tonic
@Baud: I was confused there for a minute, not remembering a recent Japanese Emancipation Proclamation.
Tis true ??
The cell camera may be one of the greatest civil rights tools ever. For decades they’ve said blacks were lying about this kind of treatment. https://t.co/XbozxWWhMc
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) June 17, 2019
Michael Cain
Joni Ernst from Iowa. Democrats won three of Iowa’s four Congressional seats in the 2018 midterms, and even Steve King (representing the most conservative of the four districts) only won by 3.4 percentage points.
Where is the lie???
No matter how intelligent, how accomplished, how decent, how diplomatic, how smart, how educated, how refined President Barack Obama was–to a certain class of white people, he’s totally unaccepted.
— Joe Madison (@MadisonSiriusXM) June 17, 2019
Betty Cracker
Here’s what Trump said about healthcare in the Stephanopoulos interview:
Lying as usual. Trump lied during the campaign about having a plan that would cover everyone with better benefits for less money. It was bullshit, and the only specifics he ever offered where lame-ass proposals like allowing insurers to sell across state lines and cutting off public funding for medical care for undocumented immigrants and redirecting the funds to “real Americans.”
The Republicans had nothing when they tried to repeal the ACA. They’re trying to shush Trump about healthcare now [NYT link] because they have nothing and they don’t want to call attention to that. Trump is either too stupid to understand the danger or, more likely, knows they’ve got nothing and thinks he can lie his way through the election again, despite having come up with nothing when the Republicans controlled both branches of Congress.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
If I ever met him in real life, I’d offer to buy him dinner. He has done a true service.
@Gin & Tonic: Heh, I keep pronouncing it Ah-bay too.
the DNC should ALREADY be running ads about Dolt45, the GOP and Healthcare. They should be running every damn day.
I think this is more accurate.
@Betty Cracker:
You’ve forgotten to include that the DOJ changed their position, and is now, in writing, officially supporting that case that would completely invalidate Obamacare.
Something else, the DNC should be running in its healthcare ads RIGHT NOW.
@Betty Cracker:
He’ has lied thru every endeavor he ever undertook and never suffered any real or lasting damage. Why change now?
This man was told his lost dog was spotted in a local field. This is what happened when he picked him up ? pic.twitter.com/gYDu5hIdaE
— laney (@misslaneym) June 14, 2019
I’m not one to throw shade. But @MayaRupert literally did a whole thread on Julian Castro’s plan when it comes to law enforcement, so people championing someone else for speaking up and saying no one else has done so are incorrect.https://t.co/mEXqUegRL2
— Lynn V (@lynnv378) June 16, 2019
Betty Cracker
@rikyrah: Good point — Trump and the GOP are lying about the effects of the ACA repeal effort they support. And the clowns Trump appointed to come up with an alternative Republican plan — including epic Medicare fraudster Rick Scott (R-FL)! — haven’t come up with jackshit. Presumably that’s the “plan” Trump is referring to, the brainchild of the three clowns he appointed. Somehow those lying, thieving hucksters are going to pull a healthcare unicorn out of their asses. No wonder the party wants Trump to STFU. They’ve got nothing.
Ohio Mom
@Mousebumples: I don’t think I’ve ever seen Suzanne on a morning thread — your comment is interesting, especially tne part about the new injectable version of Abilify. Gotta always have something under patent.
A friend of mine has four grown children, among them an internist, a psychiatrist and a pharmacist. Once when she was complaining about something medical I said, “You have two children who are doctors, ask them.” She replied, “The only one who knows anything is the pharmacist.”
“As of June 2, only 67% of the country’s estimated 92.8 million corn acres have been planted.”
“USDA’s top lawyers have confirmed that unplanted crop acreage will be ineligible for trade assistance payments.”
@Ohio Mom: Pharmacists have saved untold numbers of lives by flagging contraindicated medications that a doctor should have caught. I’m still pretty medication-free, but it happened to my mother, father, and step-mother. A high percentage in a small sample, but ….
Saw someone Saturday who I know was a Bernie Bro from last election. Wearing a new T-shirt with a pic of Bernie and some lines to the effect of 2020, our chance to get it right this time. JHC, they really don’t get it, do they? (A reminder that this is NH.) Sigh.
Happy to see Donnie’s numbers tanking. Since Joe is in the race, I’m fantasizing that maybe he’ll collect a bunch of supporters and then bow out gracefully and hand them to either Warren or Harris.
Gloria Vanderbilt has died. She was 95.
Yes, I had her jeans ‘ back in the day.’
@L85NJGT: “They knew what they were getting into when they signed up.”
– Guess Who
(No, No! Not the band.)
Is she the one that started the ripped jeans look?
(Duckin’ and runnin’)
Not ripped.
The only ‘designer jeans’ up until that point were Levis
Hers was the first name brand clothing that I ever wore.
@L85NJGT: I predict a lot of September corn and soy bean plantings.
I remember the initial postings about this. It sounded so surreal. And then, slowly, the horror that happened and why became evident :(
Four years ago on this date, these 9 people were killed by a white supremacist at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. #Emanuel9 pic.twitter.com/u9ZfEGwA6J
— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) June 17, 2019
@Spanky: That was me back in the ’70s.
Stylish Malia and Sasha Obama join dad Barack for a Michelin-starred Father’s Day meal in historic Avignon after ex-president enjoys a day of sightseeing with Michelle on their no-expense-spared French holiday
Former first family celebrated Father’s Day with tour of Palais des Papes, the biggest gothic palace in world
They then enjoyed dinner at the Michelin-starred restaurant La Mirande in Avignon on Sunday evening
Family was also joined by friends at restaurant where guest table rate is 95 euros per person, including wine
Malia and Sasha Obama spent Saturday at the L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue Market in the French region of Provence
They stepped out without their parents, former President Barack, 57, and former first lady Michelle, 55
Malia, 20, was seen sampling fresh strawberries as Sasha, 18, scoped out the wide array of antiques
The Obamas arrived in France Friday and are staying at a luxe 18th-century farmhouse on Bathelasse island
PUBLISHED: 20:01 EDT, 16 June 2019 | UPDATED: 08:04 EDT, 17 June 2019
@OzarkHillbilly: You coulda made a fortune!
Somebody did.
Gin & Tonic
@rikyrah: 95 per person is quite cheap for Michelin-starred eats.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Implications for Trump
@Spanky: OBTW, that was me back in the 60’s. But mine came with bleeding knees, which seems to keep sales low.
@rikyrah: I couldn’t wear them, but I do remember them. Jeans for curvy girls with tiny waists.
Dorothy A. Winsor
ie, the ungerrmandered districts stand
Gloria Vanderbilt dead at age 95: ‘What an extraordinary woman,’ son Anderson Cooper says
Maria Puente, USA TODAY Published 10:19 a.m. ET June 17, 2019 | Updated 10:56 a.m. ET June 17, 2019
Gloria Vanderbilt, a woman famed from birth as the last of a Gilded Age clan of millionaires, as the subject of a toxic 1934 child custody trial, as an early inventor of designer jeans, and lately as the mother of CNN’s Anderson Cooper, has died.
She was 95, Cooper confirmed in an on-air obituary Monday.
“Gloria Vanderbilt was an extraordinary woman, who loved life, and lived it on her own terms,” Cooper said in a statement. “She was a painter, a writer, and designer but also a remarkable mother, wife, and friend. She was 95 years old, but ask anyone close to her, and they’d tell you, she was the youngest person they knew, the coolest, and most modern.”
Over nine decades, most of them in the public eye and sometimes not in a good way, Vanderbilt’s storied name could have been followed by any number of epithets ranging from sad little Gloria to shy young beauty. She was, by turns and sometimes at the same time, an artist, author, actress, fashion model, designer, creative force, philanthropist, lover and socialite.
Her relationships included the late photographer and filmmaker Gordon Parks, movie star Marlon Brando and singer/actor Frank Sinatra, eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes, and writer Roald Dahl.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think you underplayed the lead here. The 5-4 majority in this decision included:
Gorsuch (!),
and Thomas (!WTF!).
No, really! First time those 5 have ever joined together to craft a majority decision.
Gin & Tonic
Not sure if Amir Khalid is still up and about this time of night, but for him, and anyone else interested, The Atlantic has published a lengthy piece on the MH-370 disappearance by William Langewiesche, an outstanding investigative reporter and long-form writer.
Something to read at lunch, I guess.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@rikyrah: Malia and Sasha look like supermodels in those photos
Oh well ? ?
He had free speech.
Keep on telling you.. they want freedom from consequences of said speech.
He wanted to party like it’s 1928.
Will Sommer (@willsommer) Tweeted:
Harvard revoked the admission of Kyle Kashuv, the anti-gun control Parkland student, after screenshots showed him using racial slurs when in high school https://t.co/fRPMETKne9 https://twitter.com/willsommer/status/1140611181616480257?s=17
Such an AMAZING omission. That it got by all these writers and editors for years, that none of the “working people” they profile are black people, even where black people make up 40% of the population! You have to WORK to omit that many people.
@Gin & Tonic: Is it 95 for the meal, or just a spot at the table? If the former, then I agree it’s actually a great price.
And it’s not like black people don’t wield political power in Ohio. They do. The mayor of Youngstown is black. Shouldn’t the black mayors be asked about the US President? Isn’t he supposedly their president too? White, rural people were asked about Obama constantly. Was he acting as their President? Why doesn’t Trump have to meet that standard? Instead we search out “Trump’s people” to grade his performance.
So old can remember when it was the other way around.
Sort of obligatory-ish.
Amir Khalid
Correction: Du hast Recht.
@Amir Khalid:
Ich habe ganz alles vergessen dass ich gelernt habe
The Lodger
@RedDirtGirl: Flaming kettle drums?
Oh, wait, that’s a Radical Instrumentalist.
Just announced, former Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi collapsed and died in court at his trial.
@Gin & Tonic:
You’d think the Daily Mail would already know that. //
She was the original “Poor Little Rich Girl.”
Gin & Tonic
@SiubhanDuinne: That’s one way to avoid a conviction.
@Gin & Tonic:
Now, if only Shitgibbon and Dense can show us they’re better at it — The BEST — than Morsi.
Gin & Tonic
Supremes rule that you can be hit in state and Federal court on the same charges and it’s not double jeopardy.
Not very good news for one of my favorite former campaign managers.
The real loss is in supply chain shifts, customer supplier relationships, consumer preference, etc. Buying(back) market share is always more expensive than retaining existing customers.
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
Any new information in it?
Uncle Cosmo
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Um, ‘taint necessarily so. Only if they’re primarily intended to be read by Agolf Twitler himself. If instead those are internal Twitler/2020 polls for the benefit of his campaign strategists, they’d be total fucking fools to run biased polling – they need to know as accurately as possible what is actually happening in the electorate. That’s how you distinguish an actual competent survey from a bogus pushyoupollyou Rasmussen-style imitation primarily intended for consumption by idiots in the MSM & the electorate.
I, of course, devoutly hope they are Total Fucking Fools…
J R in WV
I imagine the 95 Euro cost was just for the house wine and a seat at the table as guests of the Obamas, we’ve been to a couple of MIchelin-starred places to eat and 95 Euros doesn’t do much more than the appetizers…
Definitely a special occasion for folks like us, while on a trip somewhere… easy to hold back as there are not so many Michelin-starred places in WV country.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: I’ll let you know after I read it. It’s pretty long. Langewiesche (sp?) is known for research, not brevity.
Uncle Cosmo
@J R in WV: Speaking as the son of WV refugees, any association between “Michelin” and a WV
eatingpiehole-stuffing establishment most likely means their signature entree is steel-belted radial slow-simmered in axle grease.trollhattan
China-Spain no score at the half.
Uncle Cosmo
@Spanky: Super Chicken to sidekick Fred the Lion: “Well, Fred, you knew the job was dangerous when you took it!”
Omnes Omnibus
@JR: The term progressive as a substitute for liberal started as far back as the ‘90s. But, yeah, let’s blame HRC. That’s a great idea.
@Uncle Cosmo:
Careful. You’re “parlous close” to tire rims and anthrax, staples in the Bethany area, apparently.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yeah, I remember how GHWB used to say “L-l-l-l-liberal” in the same tone usually reserved for child-molesters, Nazis, and torturers. [Although since the Traitor-in-Chief has been occupying the Oval Office, he’s led by example in making those terms more acceptable.] I think “progressive” was a response to that whole bullshit framing by the RWMFs. [Of course, Steve Gilliard was having none of that shit, bless him.]
That should set a new record for fastest place bombed out of existence.
Jay C
It has to HAVE some “existence” first: which “Ramat Trump” apparently does not.
Even old Potemkin at least at least threw up some facades for his “model villages” – OTOH, “Trump Heights” seems to consist virtually entirely of its recently-unveiled sign. With some vague development plans scheduled for a later date.