Shut your pudgy pie holes and sit your flabby asses down!
This includes, but is not limited to:
Megan “I know Hadassah Lieberman” McCain
Liz “Daddy’s Little Deferment” Cheney
And Erick “I’ve Got So Many Chins, They Cannot Be Fully Counted” Erickson.
Also, if you’re a Jew without Mercy, like Ben Shapiro, keep your Lashon HaRa in your mouth and sit your tuchas down with the others! And I’m not interested in debating you.
That is all.
Signed, one very pissed off Jewish American who knows damn well that they’re concentration camps.
Open thread!
Patricia Kayden
Amen to all that. They desperately want to make anti-Semitism a creature solely of the left.
Adam, plz also see link in previous thread to WaPo column by Elizabeth Breunig who’s essentially saying what you’ve been saying for quite some time: we can’t go back to normal.
(Elizabeth, are you lurking?)
Also, fuck Chuck Todd now and forevermore
Adam L Silverman
@Jeffro: I don’t see that link.
@Adam L Silverman: I believe Jeffro was referring to this WaPo link.
Don’t hold back, sir, tell us how you really feel!
Adam L Silverman
@OldDave: Thank you!
Preach, Brother Adam!
If anyone starts a GoFundMe to buy Adam a training camp in Deer Lake, Penn., (where Ali trained), let me know. I gladly throw in a few bucks for a new Rumble in the … umm … Twitter!????
Amir Khalid
Is Ben Shapiro the guy who got humiliated by a BBC interviewer?
Adam L Silverman
@justawriter: He can bring his bow and arrow and use that. Won’t do him any good.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: Yes. It turned out that facts, did not, care about his feelings.
Strangely enough the last episode of “Years and Years” aired on Tuesday. If it ever becomes available on Netflix or anywhere else you guys in the US should check it out.
Just what is it about Rep. Ocasio-Cortez? She’s a freshman representative. Republicans act like she’s an all-powerful demonic force, sent to destroy good forever.
Adam L Silverman
@justawriter: BTW: Why Joe Frazier’s gym on North Broad Street is not an official historic site, renovated, and preserved is a disgrace.
Bill Arnold
@Patricia Kayden:
They (and I especially include the Israeli right) turned support for Israel into a US partisan issue. It’s wedging apart many US Jewish organizations (dealing with this personally), and it’s deliberate.And it is stupidly bad for Israel, which will not recover (mostly) unified US support any time soon and certainly not while aggressively actively supporting the US right wing in its fascist agenda.
Adam L Silverman
@Duane: If they start now, in 15 or 20 years, they’ll have so dirtied up her reputation, half the country will automatically hate her and another quarter will just want her to go away. Same playbook they ran on Secretary Clinton. Same one they weren’t as successful with on Speaker Pelosi, largely because Speaker Pelosi never ran for anything but her House seat.
Adam L Silverman
@Bill Arnold: From the Jewish Telegraph Agency’s Washington Bureau Chief -screenshot of the deleted tweet his referring to below his tweet:
Adam L Silverman
Oh goody!
joel hanes
I love this blog. That is all.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
Just shoot me.
Adam L Silverman
He seems nice. Just for full disclosure, my shinai is named Wynona.
Adam L Silverman
I think there’s been a Trump effect among Democrats. For so long many of them were polite, unwilling to sink to the level of the Republican base. Things are more assertive now. I don’t see being polite to people trying to kill me all that fun or smart. What is funny now is you have AOC and some others with real gifts for bringing out the stupid on the other side. It works. The MSM tsks because they like portraying Democrats as meek and pliable. So you get Village Elders like Chuck Todd (I’m not a fan) trying to act like a bought ref & he gets called out for it. I am pleased. We’re fighting back and getting a message across.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this. I got into this very discussion with one of my colleagues at lunch, who is Jewish. He was insisting that the detention camps at the border are not concentration camps because they’re not set up as death camps–the deaths that have occurred were not intended, so our camps are benign. Aargh!!
@Adam L Silverman: No argument from me. Who is the Rep. from that district, maybe a BJ letter writing campaign could do a little good.
White terrorism does not exist.
@Adam L Silverman:
Con’s and the PPC are doing the same thing here.
Sadly a bunch of Nazis are also infiltrating Andrew Yang’s Campaign.
All the terrorists I’ve ever known, were white. 98% were Nazis.
Adam L Silverman
@texasdoc: There is a difference between concentration camps and extermination or death camps. What the NAZIs established started as concentration camps in the early 1930s, often including using the inmates as slave labor, and were evolved into execution or death camps when they decided that they needed an industrial solution to speed up the final solution of exterminating the Jews, as well as everyone else they’d designated an undesirable: LGBTQ*, the Rom/Romani, those with developmental and physical disabilities, political dissidents and prisoners, etc.
I did NAZI this coming. And neither did anyone else!
thought this essay by timothy snyder, who has written alot about the holocaust and the holodomor was pretty good. dont be misled by the both-sides seeming headline.
Adam L Silverman
@texasdoc: Also, I’d definitely count the Bosque Redondo as a concentration camp, even though it was largely insecure.
Viva BrisVegas
@Patricia Kayden:
That’s why anti pointlessly shooting Palestinians is the new antisemitism.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: A statue of Rocky in Joe Frazier’s city is a disgrace as well. Ask me how I fell about the statue of Fomzie in Milwaukee.
Adam L Silverman
@justawriter: I do not know. When I went to get my grandparents’ condo ready for sale, and arrange an estate sale, after my aunt who’d been living there died, I met a Navy vet from Philadelphia in the complex’s gym. We got to talking, I think I was wearing my Iron Brigade deployment ball cap to the gym, so he started by asking about where I’d been deployed. I mentioned I was then at USAWC, but had lived in the Philadephia suburbs and we talked boxing a bit – he had been shadow boxing between the machines. He’d worked on Frazier’s training team and confirmed two things for me. The first was that neither Frazier, nor his corner team realized that Ali was out on his stool and wouldn’t have been able to answer the bell for the last round. The second was that because they didn’t know that, but because Frazier was legally blind in one eye and had been hiding that from boxing officials so he could fight, his team threw in the towel instead of waiting for the bell because they were worried about the damage that Ali had done to Frazier’s good eye. They were worried that one final round of Ali’s punches to that side of his face could leave him functionally blind in both eyes.
An important thread to read all of:
Fully expect at least one of the dimmest of RWNJ dimbulbs to begin pushing the term “enhanced vacationing” any day now. //
Adam L Silverman
@Jay: It’s his anti-circumcision position. Always brings them out of the woodwork.
Omnes Omnibus
@texasdoc: Dachau wasn’t set up as an extermination camp, and yet it was a concentration camp with a snazzy Arbeit Macht Frei sign of the entrance.
I’d quibble about how we now associate “concentration camps” with Nazi genocide even though historically it also included non-genocidal usages like the British during the Boer War and the US internment of Japanese-Americans. But, hell, we all know Trump wants to mow down the brown hordes with machine guns, he’s just itching to give ICE the order, so what’s the damn difference?
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Like you want to water ski over a shark?
@Adam L Silverman:
He’s already been exposed several times. His Campaign needs to vet volenteers and photo ops a lot more closely and learn the Nazi badges like “Pinochet was right!” Tshirts,
I’m not Jewish so I don’t really have anthing biting to say here.
But Liz Cheney lecturing anyone on antisemitism strikes me as roughly the equivalent of what we saw today with Mitch McConnell lecturing Ta-Nehesi Coats on racism. It’s just a horrifying spectacle that leaves you at a loss for words.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: One of them did that on Fox last week. Mentioned the kids got to play soccer, go outside, had access to other games and snacks.
10% of the Affrikans and African population died from the combination of the scorched earth British policies and the Concentration Camps,
Ditto for Spanish Concentration Camps during the Cuban Revolution.
For the camps created for the Indiginous Peoples of Canada and the US, the numbers were closer to 40%.
@Adam L Silverman: Damn. I wish I had an adequate response to that story. I know Frazier and Ali were both great men. It sucks that that the politics of the times (not to mention the politics of today with an cheeto crusted twatwaffle in the White House) turned an athletic contest into a political one. Ali was probably on the right side of the issues, but Frazier didn’t deserve the opprobrium he received from Ali fans.
@Adam L Silverman:
Used to,
America’s Nazi Regime pulled all amenities and even basics like school, mattresses and shelter.
@Jay: Exactly. Genocide comes in many forms. The Nazi’s simply practiced the most modern industrial version of it. Just because the US Army didn’t use gas chambers against American Indians doesn’t mean they weren’t engaged in deliberate policy of genocide. Same thing for the British in their many colonial wars.
Also, historically, north of the border. Japanese Canadian Internment: Prisoners in their own Country
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Um, no.
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
I just ran out of brain bleach, so I’ll have to give the video of hübsche arische Soldaten in Frauenkleidung a miss.
And unlike in the US, post war, they were barred for over a decade after the war, from returning to the West Coast and rebuilding their local communities. Some of the Coastal towns and industries never recovered.
Adam L Silverman
@Jay: The guy’s campaign is a stunt.
@Kent: Genocide policy was very open. The common saying–‘the only good Indian is a dead Indian.’
Adam L Silverman
@justawriter: The two best documentaries on Ali and Frazier were done by HBO. Once you watch them, you’ll never look at either the same way. Especially Ali.
@Ladyraxterinok: Deliberate starvation by agents stealing food supposed to be given to tribes. Agents never held to account.
Adam L Silverman
@Jay: I’m aware that they shut down everything but the most essential services. I’m following the reporting daily.
Methinks they see trouble ahead. Someone both capable and likeable and maybe even honorable? Demonize!
@Adam L Silverman:
Stunt or not, he’s going to be tarred if his Staff doesn’t get ahead if it.
Antifia is watching and saving screenshots for the future.
On the brightside, some of the Antifia data nerds, ( and there are a crapload of them out there), are using twitter’s #Concentration Camps to make lists of twitter accounts that are Nazi, Just Good Germans and Actual Good People.
@Adam L Silverman:
I know you are, I was referencing the bozo trying to pretend they were like summer camps.
Adam L Silverman
@Jay: He most likely has almost no staff. The only candidates that have proper staffs at this point are Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Gillibrand, and Booker. All the others who are elected officials have skeleton staffs; basically a handful of the people that ran their congressional, senatorial, or gubernatorial campaigns. Yang and the self help lady don’t even have that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ladyraxterinok: Sheridan denied ever saying that or anything like it, but, based on his conduct of the Indian Wars, I would not be at all surprised if he did indeed say that or something similar. OTOH, as the military commander of the Louisiana and Texas area, he was pretty good about protecting the rights of freed slaves (including their right to vote). People are complex.
Heard, seconded, witnessed and AGREED, Adam. What more can one say but say you are absolutely correct in this.
Thank you.
Yep, and he’s caught saying it on video (at 2:50):
No doubt Liz Cheney will be demanding that Arpaio apologize for “bringing up the Holocaust”, “diminishing what happened”, “demeaning the State of Israel” and “demeaning the memory the people who are lost”.
Or perhaps IOKIYAR?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
The imprisonments at these locations are routinely and traditionally described as concentration camps. Somehow Chuck Todd doesn’t object to this usage.
@smike: AOC should start talking like Samuel Jackson, quoting Ezekiel and warning of payment for sins. The fascists would have a shit hemmorage.
This is the referenced tweet
She’s the embodiment of every woman – colored woman, no less – who stepped out of their place and back talked them. Not in a ‘focusing all their rage on the topic at her’ sense, although there’s some of that. She pushes all of those emotional buttons, and pushes them hard. Much like with Trump thinking Schumer would side with him over Pelosi, it’s baffling them that liberals don’t agree, but venting their bile at her is a Pavlovian reflex they have neither ability nor desire to stop.
On a subtly related point, I’m wondering if Warren being the only woman Democratic candidate who gets more than cursory attention from the press is because they’ve invested years in being sure she would join Bernie in shivving Democrats from inside the tent. Now the press knows she exists and it’s hard for them to overlook her. As a result, her words actually get heard by the public, a little.
Gee, what happened to those hundreds and hundreds of FEMA camps the RWNJ noise machine assured us Obama ordered built in complete secrecy, all sitting empty? //
Yup, but it’s the so called Centrist/ Liberal “pile on that’s revealing.
The Good Germans are showing their true colours.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Back in the day, even FDR called them “Concentration Camps”,
Matthew 25, 35-40 had no impact on 4 of the so called Christian Jurors in the trial of the guy who left food and water in the desert,
You assume they are religious.
Omnes Omnibus
@Frankensteinbeck: The fact that she is a very attractive woman is an issue for them. They hate that she won’t just shut up and be a sex object for them.
Amir Khalid
Not only that, I think. It seems to me that positive qualities in Those People threaten a belief system that tells them Those People are inferior; and when one of Those People is outstanding in her positive qualities, as Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is right now, they take it as an existential threat.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jay: Do you hve any evidence that the four guilty votes came from professed Christians?
Mary G
@NotMax: It’s all projection with these schmucks.
@Frankensteinbeck: The cowards really can’t help themselves. Simply ignore her and few people know or care who she is. They risk creating the monster of their nightmares, the monster they know they deserve.
Amir Khalid
She should also eat their breakfast hamburgers in a menacing way.
Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial. Concentration camps are to be distinguished from prisons interning persons lawfully convicted of civil crimes and from prisoner-of-war camps in which captured military personnel are held under the laws of war. They are also to be distinguished from refugee camps or detention and relocation centres for the temporary accommodation of large numbers of displaced persons.
Seems pretty straightforward to me that AOC is correct, we are talking about concentration camps.
I’m not sure, but the US may have originated concentration camps. people usually say that the first were for Boers in South Africa in the 1890s, but the Union corralled a lot of civilians in what they called “posts” in the second half of the Civil War. They thought it was the best way to fight Confederate partisans, but of course it created a lot of bitterness. Apparently Truman’s grandmother and her family were in one. See:
@ Amir Khalid
I think you’re right. AOC’s very existence shows the Rs the falsehood of their beliefs, so their response is outrage.
low-tech cyclist
Josh Marshall had an absolutely righteous Twitter rant about this yesterday. An excerpt:
Reading the whole thing will only take you a minute. I recommend it.
@Patricia Kayden:
Nothing like being called anti-semitic for bringing up anti-semitism.
Bill Hicks
While I agree with Adam’s overall point, what does the guy’s height have to do with it? Seriously, read what was written. It shows a very scary view of short men by Adam including threats of violence. As a short man, it saddens me how mainstream prejudice against short people is alive and well. I remember as a short youngster hearing Randy Newman’s “Short People” on the radio and realizing that a lot if not most people really thought this way. Apparently the other commenters did not notice this, or did not care, or supported the idea that Shapiro is even worse because he is short. Think about that.
Matt McIrvin
@Omnes Omnibus: I think this is a huge, huge part of it. A thing Republicans have harped on since I was a kid is this gross sexist insistence that they have all the good-looking women and liberals and feminists are unattractive. It’s even part of the pitch for Fox News, that they have all these pretty young blondes in short dresses following the party line. They’re the party of sexy women doing what they’re told.
But a woman they find attractive who openly hates them, defies them and talks back to them just seems to push some kind of button that sets them off–it is this powerful psychosexual trigger. Nothing gets them madder. I think it was originally central to their volcanic hate for Hillary Clinton, too, back in the early 90s. They thought she was hot, but she talked back and was an actual political force. Instant fury, must destroy.
J R in WV
@Jay: @low-tech cyclist:
George Takei is a national treasure !! I surely hope he is happy with his life today, being taken seriously as a historian and wise commentor by virtue of having lived so much history.
Liz Cheney and Mitch McConnell deserve each other. Neither of them is fit to polish Obama’s shoes, nor do they have a valid opinion about anything more complex than yesterday’s weather. Sometimes not even that…
As a person who read books [Uris, etc] about the heroism of the founders of modern Israel as a kid, I am totally amazed at how that situation had wound out the past 25 years.
Not to mention how American history has turned and twisted agonizingly under the watchful eyes of the Republican fascists, who have owned that party since — what? The mid 1970s? Certainly since Reagan scheduled his photo op in Philadelphia, Ms…
And this!!:
Amazing photos of … reaction to unbelievable stress over long periods of time? So strange, hard to believe, but there it is. Some Crossdressers went to the Camps, and some went to the Front.
Thanks Adam, for all the food for thought you provide. I hope to go back to sleep now…
I, for one, would pay good money to see her to say to Traitor Turtle “Say ‘what’ again! SAY ‘WHAT’ AGAIN!! I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker.”
Butter emails!!!
@low-tech cyclist:
It was good, but I came off a bit confused about his sensitivity to “never again”. Apparently, what the phrase means is to never again use the phrase unless specifically talking about the Holocaust. I mean we are at what, step 5 or 6 on the genocide checklist. Is there there some sort of body count threshold that needs to be reached before we can use it or is it just something we say after it has happened. Again.
because she’s a woman with a future. same reason they started savaging hilz back in the early 90’s and never stopped.
i love it when people like cheney suddenly care. yeah, i’m gonna be lectured to about anti-semitism and the holocaust by some dumb shiksa who’s dad killed committed fucking genocide in iraq.
Adam L Silverman
@Bill Hicks: Was not the intention and I’ve made the adjustment. Shapiro has promoted himself as a child prodigy. Accelerated somewhere between elementary and high school, attended university early, etc. While he’s not a prodigy, child or otherwise, the universe’s revenge seems to be leaving him in a perpetually physically seeming pre-pubescent state. He sounds like he’s on helium and he looks like he’s 12. And he constantly demands that people, especially women, especially women of color, debate him. So he can get the better of him.
Adam L Silverman
@Scotian: Thanks. How are you doing? Sincerest condolences on your loss.
But we did use blankets infected with smallpox which was deadly to the native population.
As for the Nazis camps, they were as others have noted for political prisoners as well as “undesirables” and set up in the 1930s. The death camps were not set up until after the Wannsee conference in early 1942 where the Final Solution was concocted.
@Bill Hicks:
You weren’t the only one; I saw it too. We all have biases, and we are all socialized from an early age to value male over female, and men are denigrated for being short because it makes them appear less “masculine.” The problem, of course, for men who value masculinity over all else is that one is never masculine “enough.” Patriarchy! Bad for everyone!
And I agree, it’s not cool to denigrate anyone for something over which they have no control, whether it’s height, weight, ethnicity, gender, how closely they conform to society’s idea of “attractive,” how physically able they are, etc. It’s. Not. Cool.
I mean hey, Donald Trump is tall and he’s a terrible, terrible human being. Height is not a reliable indicator of character and should not be used as such.
A Ghost To Most
While the vast majority of German prisoners were Jewish, many of the early prisoners were communists, homosexuals, atheists, and the disabled. The Nazis ran out of these victims early.
The Moar You Know
@Omnes Omnibus: This fails utterly to explain my Trump-worshipping mother’s obsession with her. And it’s a fucking obsession. She thinks AOC is running the entire Democratic party and that Pelosi is her de facto spokesman doing her bidding, nothing more.
She’ll call me and start fulminating about something AOC has done or said and I always ask “who?” which drives her bonkers. I make her remind me, and then remind her she’s a freshman congressperson with no power. Doesn’t matter. Fox is telling her something else, and she believes a bunch of shitty, poorly done propaganda over her own son.
Which, now that I’ve typed that out, kind of hurts, y’know? I’m her fucking firstborn kid. She trusts Fox more. Shit. Where did we go wrong?
@azlib: the blanket thing did not actually work. Not much of a defense, but the diseases that so decimated Natuve groups were spread through natural channels. Of course that had the same effect.
Ohio Mom
@low-tech cyclist: I saw that Josh Marshall thread. It deserves wide exposure.
One day, it will be included in his “greatest hits” compilation.
Adam Geffen
@Adam L Silverman:
Nazi cross-dressing? Huh.
I can’t believe the extent to which Nazis are back in the public sphere. As a gay Jewish kid growing up in metro-Detroit (in the ‘80s and 90s) I knew that white supremacists and Nazis were around but I didn’t see much evidence of theme day-to-day. Of late I see them far more regularly. An example. On a family road trip last summer I was outside a restaurant in northern Michigan giving my toddler a chance to wiggle around while we waited for food to arrive. A man waiting outside made a friendly comment about my son’s energy and we exchange a few meaningless pleasantries. As I walked back into the restaurant and passed closer to the man I was able to see the small swastika pin he had on his lapel. Out and about I see more people (usually men) sporting white supremacist tattoos, badges, pins than I ever did before.
And (you may have see the news about this) the Nazis came (open carrying) to march through the Detroit Pride festival this year. Detroit police did an amazing job keeping everyone safe. Fucking Nazis marching just 3 miles from my house.
Robert Sneddon
@cliosfanboy: By “natural channels” you mean male incomers like ranchers and traders getting jiggy-jiggy with Native Indian women. It wasn’t just smallpox (which is very easily spread during sexual intercourse) but STIs like gonorrhea and syphilis that then spread widely within their communities causing deaths, debilitation and infertility.
Smallpox serum smeared on blankets wouldn’t survive more than a couple of days before it dried out and died. The smallpox virus required quite a specific environment to remain viable. Militarising smallpox as a biological weapon is/was a PITA, anthrax was easier as sporulating forms of the disease which could endure storage and deployment could be more easily created.
she’s the embodiment of everything the GOP old white male guard fears the most. Well educated, smart, independent woman who has no reason to believe that her first and only priority in life is to make all the men in the room comfortable – by shutting up and never speaking unless spoken too – by never having an idea of her own – by letting men take credit for her work and ideas – by being ‘available’ to them at all times and in all places. She is Hillary 35 years ago without needing the Clenis to get her in the door.
40 years of Anti-Semitic dog whistles aimed at Liberals
America: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nazis infest our police/military
America: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nazis run for elected office in GOP
America: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nazi sympathizers in the White House
America: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nazis March in our streets
America: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Twitter/Facebook/Every blog comment sectioned infested by Nazis
America: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nazis shoot up/defile Synagogues
America: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Democrat rightly uses words “Concentration Camp” to refer to a place where mass numbers of babies are literally being kept in cages
America: Now ^^^THIS^^^ is unacceptable!!1!
I did not know that about smallpox’s viability. Of course the mere fact it was tried, is indictment enough.
i saw it too. between the “zip it, shorty!” attitude, and the “pudgy pie holes and flabby asses” stuff it came off pretty hardcore toxic-dude if you ask me.
TaMara (HFG)
@chopper: Bless your heart. Now if you could get as worked up about actual concentration camps…..