In between the on and off rain storms, I managed to get a few things done today. First off, we basically have the construction phase of the deck finished:
Need to paint the last board, do some touch up painting, powerwash, and then stain the deck and then hang the canopy and I am done. HEY MOM AND DAD SOME WICKER FURNITURE WOULD BE A SUPER PRESENT.
Also got tired of waiting for sunny weather so I just put a tarp down in the dining room, set up the sawhorses, and put another coat of polyurethane on the shelves. Afterwards, Dom, Gerald, and I went berry picking. Went to a bunch of places I used to explore when I was a kid, and ran into just fields and fields of milkweed:
So many bees. It was a bit early to do really productive berry picking, but we did scout out a bunch of places that will be loaded with berries in a few days. We did end up with about a half gallon for 90 minutes of tromping around. I washed them all up and put them in the freezer, and will just keep adding to it until I have a couple gallons and can make jam:
I’m tired. Tomorrow I have a bunch to do in the big city, but I am picking up Tammy for the weekend because it is my birthday and her husband is going out of town, and we have a lot of projects and things planned, so I am looking forward to the weekend.
Oh yeah, you have a birthday right around now, don’t you? Every year I mean to enter it in my calendar, and every year I don’t.
Whenever it is, John, hope it’s happy AND that Ma and Pa Cole give you the present of your dreams.
Candy is dandy,
But wicker is quicker.
Cole’s birthday is Saturday, I believe.
@ John Cole:
You are probably the only person on the planet who could write this with a straight face, and your followers are just all “Aww, that’s so sweet.”
Have a great time!
Thanks, Steep. I’m sure I have it noted somewhere.
joel hanes
So many bees.
This is wonderful news.
Like many insects, bees are in trouble in many locales.
If you have bees, you probably have enough insects to keep birds fed.
(Bird populations are falling because insect populations are falling)
the Conster
Milkweed is critical to Monarchs. Don’t ever pull it.
The deck is amazing! It will be such a happy place!
Happy Early Birthday John!
A Ghost To Most
Looks great, JC. And you have the satisfaction of knowing you did the job right.
I hope the doggos and Steve helped with the shelves.
A Ghost To Most
@joel hanes: The original owners of our house live behind us , and are master gardeners, Every plant carefully chosen for a spot. Funny thing is, all the bees seem to be in our yard, gorging themselves on our large catmint holdings.
Think I’ve seen this movie, starring either Virginia Bruce or Dolores Del Rio, I forget which.
Black caps! We used to have canes of those behind Dad’s office. The most delicious wild berry.
Happy Birthday! Hope you get all the wonderful things you wish for yourself.
In other news, how is Rosie? Did she get over her deck misadventures?
Don’t automatically discount getting bamboo instead of wicker for outdoor use. Example.
Mary G
This makes me happy. It lacks only pet pictures.
Deck looks really good Cole. If you get wicker buy some cushions for it.
Nice deck. You should grow wisteria over that pergola. Took us about 3-4 years to grow it over ours, and it covers it nicely now. Especially now, as the flowers are coming out.
Looks great, Cole. I love a good pergola.
How’s Rosie doing after her misadventure?
Quaker in a Basement
I was telling my daughter about blackberry picking in Alabama when I visited my grandparents long ago. I miss those berries. I do NOT miss the chiggers.
Black raspberries are hard to find anymore.
I don’t think I’ve previously noticed the outside basement entrance (with what for some reason we used to call “bomb bay doors” when I was young). Brings back memories!
Occurs to me you already have an ice cream maker. Maybe a berry sorbet?
It’s only rained twice here. April 12-May 8 and May 10-last Monday.
The Gray Adder
Damn, I miss wild black raspberries.
Strawberries are ripe here in the Cascade foothills. The invasive but delicious and highly productive Himalayan blackberries will be ripe around early August. We’ll pick a bunch then.
The Gray Adder
@debbie: Depends on what part of the country you live in. We had then all along the fenceline when we lived in upstate NY (near Utica). If you’re in the area, try the Erie Canalway trail.
Fun times in the small city, I cannot wait! And to be honest, truly, it’s not me you want around… it’s sweet Samantha you want cuddles with for a few days.
@The Gray Adder:
I just pronounced that in my head as though it were an Italian word for an exotic and delicious pasta.
@The Gray Adder:
No such luck, but my farmers market will have them in a week or two. I just have to be sure to get there before they sell out.
J R in WV
Well, in this part of Appalachia, we’ve had a ton of rain. 1.25 inches 2 nights ago, 7/8 night before last, a quarter inch last night, more rain expected. And humid, what a surprise.
Our house is against a rock wall on the West, and a creek runs along the East side. North is the high ridge above us, and South is the driveway up to the house, which is longer north and south.
Some time after we excavated and built the house, with about 8 inches to spare between the foundation wall and the rock wall of the hillside, a wet weather spring began flowing out of the mountain side right opposite the front door, at the SW edge of the house… not a corner, that end of the house is round.
We built a little pond to catch that spring, and throw the water to the South away from the foundation… it was lined with left over roofing rubber with rocks around it, now all covered with moss. And then the pond liner sprang a leak. Oops.
So today a landscape guy came out to see about rebuilding the pond, improving it by building it with a flat bottom, so we can set water plants in pots on it. Deeper, so we can have more critters in it. And the frogs of the forest floor will return, once it holds water year around. We used to be able to tell the seasons by the sounds of the different frogs out the front door. That will resume when we get this done, probably come August. They’re going to put in a 210 foot path too. From where we park around through the woods to the front door.
While we were walking up the path, I noticed that the ramps, which came up early in spring and have been gone for weeks now, are in bloom now, spikes coming up from where the patches of ramps were thickest, with round spheres of pretty white blooms on top. So cool. Appalachian woods in early summer.
I knew that ramps bloomed, but haven’t seen them before. These are the ramps that I’ve planted along the path south of the house on the hillside. They were eaten to extinction around here back when times were really hard for the subsistence farmers had big families and not enough put back for the winter time. But now they’re back, here at least!
There’s a blue joke dating from the burlesque-era which leads up to a reveal of this newspaper headline:
5000 Men Lay Virginia Pipeline
Hah! One of my favourite jokes EVAH!
Mmm, fenceline with sausage and mushrooms . . . Nick Stellino has a very good recipe.
Drawback being that later on you still have to picket from between the teeth.
/waiter, veal, etc.
@NotMax: I want to hit you with 2 drums and a cymbal.
That potful looks my harvest from out back. A now deceased co-worker gave me a bunch of thornless blackberry starters about four years ago, and they are really just setting proper mature canes, as i control their spread. I’ll probably get another two harvests like that. I really need to move them to a better place where I can really start expansion and orcharding.
@Steeplejack: No good recipe includes fungus.
Chicken marsala. ’nuff said.
Some front-pager should put this up tomorrow morning: Why Biden Can’t Take Us Back to Normal
No going back but we WILL go forward
@NotMax: If all the Virginia women were laid end to end I’d pipeline… aw forget it.
@NotMax: Nope.
@Jeffro: Adam’s made this point.
Mic drop sinking Glendale, CA!
Everything looks great ?
I hope you inspected the entire deck and replaced all problematic support beams, given that the pergola supports are resting on old planks.