Candidate comfort food:
Warren: Chips and guacamole
Harris: Fries
Gabbard: Vegan cupcakes
Buttigieg: Beef jerky
Gillibrand: Whiskey
Castro: Iced tea
Booker: Veggies
Klobuchar: Baked Potato
Williamson: “I have no comfort food”(@NYtimes)
— Behind 2020 (@Behind2020) June 20, 2019
The NYTimes has an intensive ‘interactive’ video-piece — “18 Questions.
21 Democrats.” — interspersing worthy-if-anodyne questions (Would your focus be improving the Affordable Care Act or replacing it with single payer?… Do you think illegal immigration is a major problem in the United States?) with ones like “What is your comfort food on the campaign trail?”
I personally recommend skipping straight to NYMag‘s quasi-mocking “10 Takeaways From the Times’ Interview With 21 Democratic Candidates”, but I’m a cynic:
The Democratic Party’s first primary debate is still six days away. But if you can’t wait to watch Team Blue’s 2020 contenders — along with a random assortment of back-bench congressmen and rich people who got bored enough to run for president — give largely similar answers to a single set of questions, the New York Times has you covered. The paper just released a video series in which all 21 of the Democrats’ non–Joe Biden candidates answer the same 18 questions…
In any case, I misdoubt Senator Booker is doing himself any favors with the average American voter by advocating for veganism, but the man leans in…
Cory Booker on Instagram doubling down on his comfort food
— Dartunorro D. Clark (@DartDClark) June 21, 2019
Oy vey. Talk about yer ready-made late night talk show monologue material.
Omnes Omnibus
Vegan cupcakes?
@Omnes Omnibus
Her family owns a small chain of health food stores in the state.
What do you say to a sing-song?
Makes one concentrate.
Sarcastic topic title! Me likey.
I really look forward to 17 more months of hard-hitting, issues-based, policy-focused articles like this from the excellent New York Times!
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Doesn’t make it right.
Not a single one of them mentions chocolate.
I am so disappoint, I might just vote for Trump. Just to show them.
@Omnes Omnibus
If she had answered “Twinkies” she’d be written out of the will.
In fairness, they did ask for comfort, not vital.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne: Booker did. Or is my house the only place where chocolate counts as a vegetable?
Steve in the ATL
@NotMax: what if they were organic, grass-fed, free-range Twinkies?
At least no one said, “There’s nothing as satisfying as a good Ho-Ho.”
@Steve in the ATL
They’d still suck.
Speaking of culinary abominations, You can now start your day with Twinkie-flavored coffee.
@Steve in the ATL:
Are these made from all-natural ingredients and contain no preservatives?
You’d have to be a Ding Dong to say that.
Omnes Omnibus
@mrmoshpotato: FFS, it’s Ding Dong.
Patent pending NotMax standard response when people say “But it’s organic!” is “So is coal.”
@Omnes Omnibus: FFS I saw the typo (stupid keyboard) after posting and corrected it. :P
@NotMax: I like that.
@SiubhanDuinne: Dark chocolate, of course.
@mrmoshpotato: (Since it’s after Baud’s bedtime…)The New York Times is garbage.
Never let it be said we Yanks are the most absurd.
These are.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I didn’t soak the comment in enough sarcasm. Sorry.
Well, if done right, even vegan cupcakes can be good.
French fries….You can do so much with fries
I think by law, real Twinkies must be 90 percent preservatives.
@Brachiator: Are you sure they aren’t made of a bunch of expired ingredients in the bakery?
As we’re on to the topic of eating, while there are almost too many wonderful food scenes from Tampopo to mention, this is one I’ve always been partial to, as it is done entirely without a syllable of dialogue.
I believe the plan was to use them as a reverse canary in a coal mine for Yucca Mountain. If the Twinkies are stale, the stuff in the barrels has decayed to the point of non-lethality.
There’s always Abby Abinanti who makes wisdom accessible.
Major Major Major Major
That ‘whiskey’ answer sure is something.
Cage free Twinkies.
Glad to see that the NY Times has the hard-hitting journalism of Parade Magazine.
Twinkies, like diamonds, are forever.
Organic, grass-fed, free-range preservatives, so it’s okay.
Fair trade, artisanally sourced? That’s important.
As with some Cuban cigars, Twinkies hand-rolled on the thighs of nubile young things?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
OK, some genuinely vital questions: with the threat of ICE raids and mass deportation, how can I volunteer to help shelter/hide people who might be targets? Mr. Colette and I talked about this; we live in one of the cities Trump intends to focus on, have some extra room in our house, and are willing to take folks in and help with daily transport, legal aid, etc. as well. We’re rich and lucky – relatively speaking – and the sight of concentration camps in our own country has us burning with rage. BURNING. I’ve already given money to RAICES but that’s not enough. Those ICE fuckers are Nazis, and we’re ready to be the Dutch.
What kinds of legal risks will we face? What other practical considerations are there?
I did do some obvious things like searching “undocumented immigrants housing shelter help san francisco” and various other likely terms, but the results were surprisingly unhelpful – most are for people looking for help rather than offering it. I guess online guides to breaking the (stupid, evil, immoral) law are more focused on those who want to build bombs, join ISIS, etc. than those who want to punch Nazis and hide vulnerable victims of racism.
I’m probably going to ask this question in one or more additional threads in the next day or so. I’d love to see another front-page “how to help” post focused on direct action, not just donations, important as those are.
@Brachiator: A friend found a Twinkie in his trunk that had been there an indeterminate number of years. He unwrapped it and it was indeed rock hard, but the filling seemed to be unchanged. We suspect it’s a petroleum product.
Idly poking around the web, looking at recipes. A bit more involved than would usually bother with for just li’l ol’ me but damn, it looks good (except for the cilantro garnish).
@Major Major Major Major:
Gained her 5 points on my scale – and I don’t drink.
@NotMax: It jerks you back into yourself. After an hour of looking at delicious food you want that rice omelet — or at least some scrambled eggs — like nobody’s business, and you know where you can get some. Brilliant.
Recently when I fixed spaghetti/meat sauce I described the etiquette scene to my mother, between slurps. She caught on right away.
Diamonds aren’t forever. They’re a metastable state of carbon and over a long enough timespan will decay to graphite. Also, as I have seen first-hand in my work environment, sufficient abuse will break one fairly easily. We’ve had diamonds chip, crack, break in half, and once had one explode into powder. That was fun…
Yes, deBeers lied to us all.
Food comes and goes, but Twinkies are eternal.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: I asked someone the same question, and they recommended this organization for helping trans asylum seekers:
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: This is the other organization I was told about that hooks up asylum seekers with sponsors:
Both groups — Showing Up for Racial Justice & Santa Fe Dreamers Project — have experience with this and can answer your questions. Thanks for doing this!
That diamond powder is useful stuff for some occupations and can be made into many useful things. Combined with tungsten carbide powder it can be shaped with electricity and can then be used to cut intricate shapes into that graphite that it will decay into longer than most every thing else. That of course is not it’s only use, it can also be used it to lap extremely fine surfaces to extreme fine tolerances, and as a grinding compound for use on tungsten carbide.
@NotMax: I say petroleum, but we’re on the same page.
Chris Johnson
@Major Major Major Major: Whiskey and kicking ass? (or maybe, whiskey and throwing things?)
Though she is not my favorite, I’d love to see her comfort-fooding by drinking whiskey and throwing things at Mitch McConnell. That would comfort me and her both :)
@HumboldtBlue: that’s a great interview (well, first part is anyway. I’ll watch the others later). Thank you!
@Ruckus: I agree. One of the best factoids I’ve ever read about her.
J R in WV
@Major Major Major Major:
Must admit it struck a chord with me… late at night I am known to do a taste of the brown liquor before bed…
J R in WV
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice:
Find a minister who’s church is actually Christian instead of “Christian” and who is working to help immigrants. Suggest Episcopal, they seem to range between helpful and activist. Meet in person.
Syd the science kid
Gillibrand wins.