Yesterday I made a comment about wanting to participate in some type of physical action in regards to the detention camps. A friend directed me to this:
Honored to be one of the National Sponsors of Lights for Liberty:
A Vigil being held on July 12th, 2019 to end concentration camps in America.
Follow Us: @Lights4Liberty
Join Us:— Ryan Knight ? (@ProudResister) June 22, 2019
There is a group meeting at the Aurora, CO ICE facility. I’ve signed up.
Here’s the website for the national organization. Lights for Liberty. org
Let me know if there are any other events/protests/interventions you know of.
Open thread
Thanks. I posted the link on my FB page and now await abuse from my Trumpie family members.
Marked, we’ll see.
Ella in New Mexico
@debbie: I un-friended them months and months ago. Mostly because I couldn’t stop abusing THEM.
Thank you for this link TaMara. Just signed up for the El Paso vigil.
Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) Tweeted:
The answer is NO ???
Has literally any single Republican member of congress said anything about the neglected children forced to care for each other in a CBP facility? Has there been a single comment?
Video at the tweet. Would hope that a Front Pager would post this:
Soledad O’Brien (@soledadobrien) Tweeted:
This DOJ’s lawyer’s name is Sarah Fabian. She is arguing that detained children don’t need soap or toothpaste. The judges are stunned.
What kind of a human being would stand up and argue this?
That’s easy! Republicans.
Juice Box
happy Birthday, John Cole (and Elizabeth Warren and me)!
I saw her yesterday on FB. I believe the solution to her idiotic remarks would be to put her in the same position as the children and see if she still keeps the same attitude.
Almost right after reading about her, some lawyers went to the Border Patrol site and took 4 very sick children out and had them hospitalized.
As a mother of 6 and grandmother of 10 this cruelty is very hard to bear.
@Juice Box: Wow!
Trifecta! Happy Birthday!
Shaggy Dog free association —
When my son was a toddler, on WERS radio in Boston from Emerson University, they had a show every Saturday and Sunday called “The Playground” which was (upscale) kids music. Our favorite DJ was : DJ Juice Box! Everytime I see your nym it makes me happy. So Happy returns today.
TS (the original)
@rikyrah: This is why trump can’t get or retain people in his administration. Who would want to be in court arguing this nonsense.
@TS (the original): Only the “best” people, where I misspelled “worst”.
@OzarkHillbilly: She said “human beings”.
I am well on the way to dehumanizing Republicans, even as they have already dehumanized liberals. This has never ended well, historically.
For those in the Milwaukee/SE Wisconsin area, Voces de la Frontera is having a rally on Monday at the Milwaukee ICE facility in response to the raids that are starting this weekend. You can sign up here:
Here is some advice on what to do if raided by ICE,
from ThinkProgress
I admit that I am consistently able to keep my rage going when it comes to this Administration.
And, then I think about the babies. The children. And, I go into despair when I think about the lives being destroyed. Racism is destroying these children, and I feel helpless. But, I know that I can’t linger there, because I need the rage to fight.
@Juice Box:
Happy Birthday ????????
Connie Schultz (Sherrod Brown’s wife) advises us to call our representative and senators DAILY about this. They won’t know we care if we don’t tell them.
Brown is one of my senators. Tim Ryan hasn’t even mentionned this on his website. Nor has Rob Portman. We need to be as annoying as we were for the ACA vote. They need to hear more from us than from unemployed miners and steel workers who think toddlers endanger their jobs.
zhena gogolia
Any events in DC/Northern VA?
From the AFSC, the Quakers, good stuff on helping immigrants.
Our local Voice for Change group is gearing up for a protest. I’m all in. This is horrifying.
James E Powell
I signed up for San Diego. Anybody in the area wants to carpool, let me know.
Another Scott
@cliosfanboy: Lights for Liberty DC – at the Capitol
I can’t find any mention of events in Virginia or Maryland yet.
One of the local Indivisible groups was down at the Aurora facility yesterday. They saw men and boys looking out through the windows. Someone held up a sign saying they had been there for seven months.
What a great recruiting opportunity for MS 13, huh?
The whole thing is sickening (literally for the detainees.)
I’ve got to get away from the news for a while and attack some weeds. Sunny, not too warm here in western WI.
This guy was collecting information on various actions that people and groups are taking:
Ohio Mom
@Juice Box: Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating theirs today!!
Also, isn’t this the weekend Suzanne is being induced? Spawn #3 might be about to be added to this list. Sending her good thoughts.
Ohio Mom
No Lights of Liberty rallies near me, sadly. But thanks for the link, I’ll keep the link and an eye out though.
Popp pops one in for Germany. 1-0 v Nigeria. Being reviewed, because VAR.
The Grenoble stadium setting must be the prettiest I’ve ever seen.
A Ghost To Most
@Ella in New Mexico:
The lone member of my family I consider not batshit-crazy is my sister Wart, who is caught up by circumstances with the others. She started texting me about coming for a visit. She sounds like the cumulative affect of living with Nazis is starting to break her, and she’s pretty tough.
@trollhattan: It’s getting snarly there.
Felt that cleat in my knee.
Even money says Nigeria finishes the match playing ten.
@trollhattan: It was painful looking, but also weird. For a cleats-up injury I usually see someone sliding out of control from the side or back.
And now Germany gets their first yellow.
I’m becoming SO spoiled with the quality of broadcast, which seems to be even higher now that we’re in the round of 16. Tons of cameras with plenty of close-up iso on the play, plus off-play maneuvers. Mics everywhere and the first match I’m hearing the ref talking to players, even the motor drives of the photogs behind the end line.
Watching NWSL on Yahoo ain’t like this.
Fancy shot from Huth!
@trollhattan: Heh. When the NWSL were on Lifetime my wife (not a Lifetime viewer sort) used to tease me about watching that channel.
I gotta run. See you later.
Cheryl Rofer
I’m not recommending that these people be doxxed. But talking it up, particularly in the areas where there are camps, might embarrass some.
We should be talking this up everywhere. Nobody gets to say “I didn’t know.”
Shared with permission from an Immigration Attorney FB friend-of-friend, re: ICE raids:
“For everyone asking how to help, here are my suggestions:
1. Be prepared, but don’t panic. Offer your directly impacted neighbors, family and friends support but be careful not to exacerbate fear unnecessarily.
2. Use the excellent resources here to inform people in your community about their rights:
3. Use your privilege to protect the constitutional rights of your neighbors, even if it means you might get arrested. Good example of this here:
4. Record ICE enforcement actions when you see them. Good info on the legalities of this here:
5. For CA, call your local rapid response network and report actions and threats to our communities:
@Spanky: but we are smarter and more fit and we have more technological expertise so…
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster….” – Friedrich Nietzsche
When we start to notice that we are becoming similar to the people whose thoughts and actions we deplore, it’s time to do some work on our own selves, for our own physical and non-physical health.
In the brilliant words of Audre Lorde: “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”
Sending good wishes for good self-care to all of us. We’re needed in the long fight, as non-monstrous combatants.
Cheryl Rofer
@Juice Box:
Happy Birthday!!?????
Also, too THE BLOGFATHER!!!!
And my mom!!!!
Just a quick note that I am still around. The last couple of days have been difficult on multiple levels, which is why I’ve been quiet. I always read everyone’s well wishes with great gratitude and warmth, so I hope everyone that has already knows just how much they are appreciated.
The wake went well, unfortunately it was also where most of dad’s friends found out about my circumstances, and that, well, you can imagine the shock and such reactions from them. Well, again, my thanks to you all and have a good day/weekend.
James E Powell
@Cheryl Rofer:
Why not? I’m not necessarily saying they should be, but I’m curious to hear your reasons they shouldn’t.
Sending you positive thoughts that you can find some comfort these days????
@H.E.Wolf: I really appreciate that comment. Especially the “self care is self preservation” part. I am actually making that the first line of my annual self-review.
A Ghost To Most
– Carl Spackler
I was just this morning thinking of you! And what you said is exactly what I was wondering about. I hope through the shock and tears (if your clan does tears) that you got a good earful of stories about your father from his friends and your family. Wakes can be so comforting — but your circumstance is unique, I know.
I hope you are meeting the pain head on with all available resources. In my thoughts, literally.
@A Ghost To Most: Mr. Gopher, it’s your pal, Rabbit…
@gene108: Happy B-Day, Mom! Is she gene107?
TaMara (HFG)
@Scotian: Been keeping you in my thoughts. Sending much good energy and cyber hugs.
Cheryl Rofer
@James E Powell: I’m not saying they shouldn’t, just that there may be legal ramifications for those doing the doxxing.
In Houle’s thread, he says it is not illegal to picket individuals’ homes. Given limited resources, I think this is best done to the higher-ups running the camps.
On Topic — detaining kids and concentration camps….
I don’t know if anyone posted this upthread, yet; but I think this is the best thing Charles Pierce has written in a long time about the 2d Boer War and today. We are stupid beings unable to learn.
Cheryl Rofer
@Scotian: A couple of years ago, the funeral service for a very good friend was a few months after her death. Two weeks before the service, her daughter died, and the service became for both. I’m glad you could share your memories of your father with friends. Take care.
Cheryl Rofer
@Immanentize: I have been sharing that on Facebook and Twitter.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I agree, people need jobs and in many South Texas communities (hell in many communities everywhere) the prison is the only employer around with decent pay and some benefits. But it takes its toll, with more family violence and substance abuse. It’s a terrible trade off.
@Cheryl Rofer: Very moving.
@Scotian: Good to hear from you, Scotian. Hugs to you.
Cheryl Rofer
@Immanentize: I know that this is the brutal tradeoff in some places. But it has to stop.
@Scotian: So good to hear from you. Continuing to hold you and your family in light.
@Scotian: I think of you every day. I can’t even magine what the last few days have been like. I am so sorry.
A couple of days ago I stumbled on to some old threads where you had written me back but I hadn’t seen your replies in real time. I would have replied in a heartbeat had I seen them.
hugs and love
If I remember my Dominion of Canada history rightfully, Winston Churchill served in that war. There is a city not far from my hometown called Kitchener.
Thank you for sending the Charles Pierce article.
So the question lingers for today and most likely the atrocities of tomorrow with will we ever learn?
Dr. John’s memorial is being livestream broadcast now at WWOZ. 1 to 3 NOLA (Central) time. There’ll be performances.
Another Scott
@Scotian: Thank you for continuing to let us know how things are going.
I’m sure everyone was appreciative for all you have done for your dad, especially under the circumstances. And for letting them share some time with you.
It’s a beautiful, sunny day here in the other NoVA. Peace and comfort to you.
Best wishes,
J R in WV
Thinking of you and yours!
J R in WV
Listening now, thanks so much for the info, so timely ~!!~ Big Chief’s chant now…
Another Scott
@Immanentize: An excellent, and infuriating, piece. Thanks for the pointer.
Citizen Alan
Ditto. They don’t have souls.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Scotian: You’re in my thoughts. I’m holding you in the light and wishing you peace with as little pain as modern pharmacology can provide.
I’ve very much enjoyed reading your posts here through the years.
God DAMMIT. On the 12th I will be on Whidbey Island, Washington, at a multi-day workshop. I can find no Light for Liberty events on Whidbey, and the nearest event in the state is down by the airport.
Glad you are still with us.
Maybe this? (It’s Sat. 11-noon, so it may be smack in the middle of your workshop sessions.)
I very much admire your willingness to search out and attend a protest while traveling!
I’m working on yet another angry email to Rob Portman. How long until he sics his guards on me?
Glad to see your check-ins and hoping you are comfortable.
Catherine D.
I wish they’d chosen Bastille Day instead of the Glorious Twelfth. The Orange Order might show up because lots of those Messicans are Catlicks //sorta snark
@H.E.Wolf: Alas, yes: the workshop starts at 10:00. But we’ll see…and thanks much for the info!
@Scotian: Sending my best wishes to you. I don’t do the praying thing, but I do meditate (same thing? I dunno) and within my meditations, I keep you in mind(fulness).
Ohio Mom
@Scotian: In my own travails, I’ve found the “shock and reactions” from others a mixed bag.
Sometimes they are heartening and moving and moments of magical intimacy, other times I find the roles have abruptly switched and I am dealing with their anxiety, finding myself comforting them. Still I know they all mean well.
Like others here, I’m keeping you in my thoughts, and hoping your days are full of love and peace. And that all the affairs-putting-in-order proceeds apace without too many snags. Please keep keeping us posted. We care.