THIS is an entrance. #KHive
— Jerusalem Demsas (@JeruDemsas) June 22, 2019
Chelsea Janes, in the Washington Post:
… Throughout the weekend, she cast herself as a candidate of action, seeming to embrace the notion that the Harris brand is one built on practicality as much as any sort of sweeping vision.
“I think it’s important to have grand and broad ideas for how to fix this world,” Harris told voters at a Friday night meet-and-greet. “But it’s also important, and I believe for me it’s a priority, how can I address the things that wake people up in the middle of the night?”…
In a crowded field in which Sanders’s Democratic socialism and Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s heavily regulated capitalism are elbowing for supremacy on the far left and Biden is positioning himself as a centrist best positioned to beat President Trump, Harris is known more for her prosecutorial performance in Senate hearings than she is for advocating any particular approach to policy…
The thread that has connected her proposals is an emphasis on what she has presented as practical actions that can be put in place while long-term solutions are hammered out. Harris’s proposals for tightened controls on guns and a path to citizenship for young undocumented immigrants and their parents rely on executive action, an approach used by Trump and President Barack Obama in the face of opposition from Capitol Hill. Her proposals for rent assistance and a middle-class tax credit of up to $6,000 per year, her campaign staff argues, provide more short-term tangible benefits than, say, more dramatic moves like Warren’s pledge to break up big tech companies…
In South Carolina over the weekend, a must-win state for Harris, she maintained one of the largest and most vocal groups of supporters that was as big as Biden’s, Sanders’s and Warren’s, and thanks in part to that drum line, just as loud. The Rev. Jesse Jackson sneaked into her pre-convention rally. She sparked visible interest…
Fun fact ?? Shirley Chisholm was Barbara Lee’s mentor & helped her get her start in politics.
— Maya Harris (@mayaharris_) June 23, 2019
One of Kamala’s bigger applause lines vs Trump: “You need someone who knows how to read a rap sheet and prosecute the case.”
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) June 22, 2019
We have a president who says he wants to "make America great again." Does he want to take us back to before schools were integrated? Before the Voting Rights Act? Before the Civil Rights Act? Before Roe v. Wade?
We are not going back.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) June 22, 2019
.@KamalaHarris on Trump not attacking Iran: "I don't believe anyone should received credit for a crisis of their own making." @edokeefe @FaceTheNation
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) June 23, 2019
Yesterday's drumline performance gave me a boost that will last for months. #ForThePeople
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) June 23, 2019
I haven’t yet decided whether I’m voting for Harris or Warren, but it’s one or the other. No one else in the current field of candidates has impressed me even a tenth as much as those two have. Ideally we could combine them into a sort of Voltron with Warren’s policy chops and Harris’ political instincts, but unfortunately there isn’t yet a way to grow Democratic candidates in a lab.
David C
@(((CassandraLeo))): Yet. I have a plan for that…
Georgians were scheduled to vote on super Tuesday but the secretary of state just moved the date to later in the month.
@JPL: any reason why given?
Turks: Yes, We Can. Yes, We Did.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
This will make Kay happy.
Good morning.
Villago Delenda Est
@(((CassandraLeo))): I’m pretty much in the same boat as you. Both of them are smart, organized, and can deliver words that mean something.
And they’re both going to piss off Wilmer and his cult.
Villago Delenda Est
@plato: Good. Erdogan needs to be relegated to the dustbin.
Open Thread?
As a foodstuff can take it or leave it. Regardless, will never look at it quite the same way again now that know the backstory.
Following the North Korea model. Excellent.
Glad she had a good weekend. Obviously Super Tuesday is a long way away, but if voting were today, Harris would have my vote.
I have a problem with this approach. We have seen the shortcomings of “executive actions” in that both Obama’s and trump’s have been under sustained attack since their implementations. Obama’s have fared better because they were well thought out and they followed the rules for implementation. Even still some have since been overturned by a reactionary opposition desperate to undo everything he did no matter the consequences (JCPOA, DACA). trump’s executive actions have largely been stumped because they are idiots who have absolutely no idea wtf they are doing, even then some have, for the moment survived (Muslim travel ban, immigration and de facto denial of asylum) but as soon as trump is gone so will they be (god willing and the creek don’t rise a DEM takes his place).
“Hammering out long term solutions” sounds good but it basically means “working with our opponents”. As of right now our opponents have no desire to work with us on anything Global warming? They deny it’s existence. Gun violence? Thawts and prayers. Economic inequality? Tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Immigration reform that works? Concentration camps and the kidnapping of children, Health care? Health care? ……………. Maybe if they do nothing it will go away.
Social Security used to be the 3rd rail of politics, now healthcare is too. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid changed the politics of heathcare with the ACA. They rammed it thru and the benefits of it became so obvious to voters on both sides that whatever the shortcomings of the ACA, repeal is not the answer. If the GOP takes it away, they will pay a heavy electoral price. Just ask any Republican who has a child with leukemia.
We have to change the politics around Global warming. And gun violence. And economic inequality. And immigration. I don’t think we can do that nibbling around the edges with executive actions in the hopes of “hammering something out later.”
I love Kamala but right now I am leaning towards Warren because she is proposing big changes on these things and more. No, she can’t do it all. If elected she might succeed at one or two (given a DEM Congress), but what I see is her trying to change the politics surrounding these issues and that is what is really needed.
I have no idea if her way is the right way to go about it, I’m not a politician. I do know that if I look at the Obama years and compare the first 2 to the final 6, there is a stark difference.
@OzarkHillbilly: The problem is that permanent change has to be written into legislation, but that might be a 10+ year process. And a lot of these problems have to be worked on now. You have to claw out as much as you can from executive action until you can line up the legislative action to make it more or less permanent.
@satby: Georgia is acquiring new voting machines and they feel they need the extra time . Unfortunately, the delay could mean that the candidate already has the necessary votes to secure the nomination.
The NYT on my feed.
Given how the NYT handled 2016, I hope they are lying. But they’re not.
@OzarkHillbilly: I didn’t take “hammering out long term solutions” to mean working with Republicans. Has she said anything along those lines, like Klobuchar or Biden with their magical thinking?
@JPL: That sux…
@OzarkHillbilly: I would like to see a Warren/Harris ticket.
@eclare: Seriously asking, not snark.
@OzarkHillbilly: Off topic I just purchased Hooray for Babies for the little one. You might consider the book for when your newest grandchild arrives.
That IS my point. The politics have to change.
EA’s don’t change the politics. If you had told me a nation in which the majority supported DACA would overnight turn into a nation that separated families at the border for the sin of seeking asylum (it is NOT a crime, it is a right under treaties the US is a signatory to), put children into cages and parents into concentration camps denying them soap and toothpaste…. I’d have said you need help, they need to get you on some good drugs. And yet, here we are.
I am not arguing against the use of executive actions, that would be stupid as the President is the executive and s/he takes actions. I’m saying they are insufficient to the problems at hand, you can’t put a band aid on a severed artery and right now our planet is hemorrhaging.
And for the record, I don’t see a President Elizabeth Warren in my future, I can see a President Kamala Harris in my future. That would make me happy but I don’t think she would be a game changer.
@Baud: What are they talking about? They still haven’t faced the truth that they blew it in 2016.
@JPL: Warren and Harris would both be wasted as Vice Presidents. If not President, they should stay in the Senate, where we need all the talented legislators we can get.
Ceterum censeo Factionem Republicanam esse delendam.
Guess the dem base doesn’t share the self righteousness of the bj’ers.
At least, for now.
@(((CassandraLeo))): Yup. The traitorous turtle must not be given more power.
@eclare: I was reading between the lines when I said that. It may or may not be exactly what she means, but it’s a fair assumption that she will want to try for “bipartisan solutions” because those have a legitimacy with the pundits and talking heads that pure party line votes don’t have. We all know how that worked out for Obama.
Again, I’m talking about changing the politics around the issues. I just don’t see her approach doing it.
glory b
@eclare: I figured that this is the response she has for the inevitable question that many candidates have gotten, “With Mitch McConnell in office, how will you actually accomplish any of thise big ideas?”
She’s got to appeal strongly to AA voters, and we are a practical, pragmatic bunch. Not impressed with game changing ideas that can’t be implemented.
A Ghost To Most
I’ve been backing Harris, but my wife is working on me for Warren.
@JPL: Harris/Warren would make me happy too.
@eclare: Sorry, my mornings get interrupted by duties that must be attended to at the proper time. Another stint away coming up at 6 am.
glory b
@plato: Ha, yep, see Northam, Ralph.
@OzarkHillbilly: I don’t think she means bipartisan solutions, that is not how I took it, and I don’t think she’s that naive . It sometimes takes a lot of work just to get Democrats to agree on a long term solution. I guess we’ll see, lot of time between now and the primaries.
@glory b: Yep, someone mentioned the support for Northam on a talk show.
@OzarkHillbilly: No worries
I agree with you. Relying on executive actions has meant instability for our own citizens and the world as much of what’s accomplished by them is reversed as soon as there’s a change in executive. I understand a stymied President Obama had to resort to them to accomplish anything his last few years, but we need laws and parties who will uphold those laws. The politics has to change so that the majority of citizens are represented again and a party that has refused to represent the majority of citizens’ is punished.
Okay…I’ll do a shameless plug for my first pick. I gather Beto was on fire at the SCDP Convention this weekend:
Kamala evidently stole the show at the Clyburn Fish Fry. Kamala and Beto would make an amazing team IMO.
Immigration is a big issue for me, and Beto’s been pushing for a more humane policy since 2014. I haven’t read his Veterans Affair proposal yet, but if it’s anything like his immigration, climate change, electoral reform or LGBTQ rights proposal, it will be both specific and comprehensive. I’m glad he’s going to Homestead after the first debate. I would join if I lived anywhere in the vicinity.
I can’t find the tweet now, but Malcom Nance thinks Booker is finished because of his response to Biden’s brag about working with a segregationist.
A war tax is not the answer. Divert funds from weapons systems to veterans’ healthcare makes tons more sense.
@satby: and don’t @ me about “majority of citizens”. Elected Republicans have stopped representing anybody but themselves and their crazy billionaire funders.
Majorities of all Americans want the same things
Not BJ. Internet liberals generally. 2016 self righteousness cost us dearly. Juicers were on the right side, but we’re only a top 10000 blog.
@debbie: it’s a clever way to put more skin in the game for the people who treat the volunteer military as if they were soldiers in a game of Risk though. There’d be more pressure on legislators to not go along with a trigger happy President because everyone would feel the effects of a war, not just military families.
Oh. So that’s the problem.
Much like the “deal” that was announced where Mexico was to buy the products of the our great patriot farmers.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m a Harris supporter, but Warren has been growing on me.
@debbie: why not both? Shared sacrifice for war strikes me as a good thing. If you don’t want to pay, then don’t go to war.
Wilmer has announced that he’s going to cancel student debt. I’m not opposed to it, but people will be looking for Warren’s response.
@debbie: How would you even administer that?
Just to clarify, it is not that I see Warren as the answer, it is that I see her approach as possibly changing the politics. It is her approach I would like to see the broader Democratic party adopt. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe there is a better, different way. I know that what DEMs have been doing, the way they talk about the issues in insufficient to counter the AM radio/FOX news/GOP Axis of Evil.
This is a good article about the new policy the ravelry site announced banning all things trump from their website. This is a BFD. Ravelry is a major social media and commerce site with 8 million registered users.
the power of ravelry’s stance
@Baud: poor Wilmer. Liz stole his precious.
I mean, why keep calling it a “deal”? What does “deal” mean? Not that!
This is what it is:
The tax? I have no idea, but I’d bet there will be all kinds of exemptions.
Jesus, but Trump pollutes all sites! Most of the FB groups I belong to are always trying to get the politics out of their posts — with not too much success.
Patriotic Mountaineers are forgiving.
@MomSense: That was good, thanks. You knitters, stirring things up since Madame Defarge!
Jamie ♿️ (@BlindFury_5428) Tweeted:
Here we go again. A well known environmentalist group in my country is going after precut food. Can you not? Some disabled people need that and you’re throwing them under the bus. There needs to be more sustainable packaging but right now there isn’t.
Jamie ♿️ (@BlindFury_5428) Tweeted:
Don’t get rid of something that is the only option for some people. If you want to work towards alternatives, fair enough but don’t get rid of the one we have right now. Do that and you’ll hurt disabled people.
OT, but we have a time and place for our St Louis area meetup. McGurks In Soulard, 5 pm, Thursday, June 27. I’ll try to get the word to a front-pager.
Jamie ♿️ (@BlindFury_5428) Tweeted:
Oh and anyone Who wants to come into my replies and suggest that people can get food cut up at the supermarket, can you not do that? That’s really humiliating to ask someone to do that and I bet you wouldn’t want to ask if you were in that position.
Interesting: Arab world turns its back on religion – and its ire on the US
More at the link.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MomSense: That’s a great article. This passage struck me in particular:
WisCon, the feminist SFF con I often go to, often has a “fiber circle” going for knitters, etc. They think of knitting, crocheting, embroidery, weaving, spinning, etc as socially marked feminine art/craft. That Ravelry drew from an RPG site seems related since gamers get little mainstream respect, the way women’s crafts get little respect
@Kay: Typical trumpian ‘deal’. Wonder how much grease money he and his klan got for ‘signing’ that mockery of agreement.
@Lapassionara: That is possible for me, we’ll see how my day goes.
It’s a great lesson for the next president- announce “the deal”, 10 months later all the parties admit it doesn’t exist. I think there have been two deals since that China deal, except none of them are enforceable. My question is always how people maintain the will to pretend any of it is real for long enough to make the announcement. It’s all just complete bullshit. What Trump found out with the Mexico “deal” is he doesn’t even have to go there, which will certainly save time. More time to announce deals, with less time spent “dealmaking”. Genius.
The Chuck Todd interview is terrible, but realize that Todd had to sit thru that whole thing knowing that NONE of it is real. It’s a pack of lies. Why bother?
One of the interesting things is all the trump supporters outing themselves in the various discussions of this on instagram. Ravelry was careful to say they aren’t banning republican or conservative participation but that trump support is different because it is indistinguishable from white supremacy.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@debbie: What’s interesting about Ravelry is that they’re not trying to get politics off their site. Instead they specifically defined support for Trump as support for white supremacy and that’s what they’re banning. If someone wants to argue against gun control, that’s ok. They’re putting support for Trump in the same category as patterns that include a Confederate flag, which they also ban.
Thank you for your inspiring remarks, Justice Gorsuch.
It works for them because they’re supporters want it to be true, which is always more important to them than it being true.
OT: but wow, unrehearsed and on the first take! I never knew that about one of my favorite dance sequences.
CL Nicholson (@CalvinNicholson) Tweeted:
@Kennymack1971 Donald Trump a living power fantasy for white male rage.
His supporters love him because they want to be him -a rich powerful white man who rapes women, abuses POC & terrorizes the global south with impunity & glee. He is walking ID.
@Kay: @Baud:
When Obama raised taxes on wealthy people, Republican supporters believed that he had raised taxes on non-wealthy people. Same fabrication, except in reverse.
Betty Cracker
@tobie: I like Beto’s immigration reform plan, and the idea behind the “war tax” — that military action should involve shared sacrifice — is sound. But targeting “households without service members or veterans” [Texas Trib] to collect funds reinforces a dangerous idea that has infected our politics, particularly on the wingnut side: that there’s a special warrior class that is due civilian deference.
The US has poured north of a trillion dollars down the Iraq/Afghanistan War rat holes since 9/11. That’s tax money we all paid in. If there’s a broad shortfall in veterans healthcare (is there? or is alleging that there is just a great applause line because teh troops!), better to claw some of that money back from the corporations that have raked in gigantic profits from the endless wars. The rest of us have paid and paid already, including tens of millions of us who would dearly love to have access to VA-style socialized medicine, however imperfectly administered.
@rikyrah: We’ve been saying the same thing for three years now.
@burnspbesq: If you don’t have anything constructive to say maybe you should just go beat off in the corner.
Jonathan Swan (@jonathanvswan) Tweeted:
Nearly 100 Trump vetting documents leaked to me identify a host of “red flags” about officials who went on to get some of the most powerful jobs in the U.S. government.
Pragmatic Obots (@PragmaticObot) Tweeted:
“One heading in the document about Kris Kobach, in the running for Homeland Security Secretary, listed “white supremacy” as a vulnerability. It cited accusations from past political opponents that he had ties to white supremacist groups.”
Chris Johnson
@NotMax: Not surprised. Rich people rule and own everything and the more monstrous they are the more impact they have. We’re lucky Monterey Jack didn’t become President. Maybe his estate is getting stiffed on royalties, in which case: GOOD. Screw ’em.
Ravelry knows of what it speaks.
@satby: Wow!
Another Scott
@OzarkHillbilly: Everything is possible, of course, with enough votes. How we get enough votes is the eternal question.
(When did Executive Orders morph into Executive Actions??)
IIRC, Truman desegregated the military via an EA/EO. They have their place. And any law can be reversed if the monsters on the other side have enough votes (or allies on the courts). They’re part of the same coin.
Porque no los dos?
And tailor our message to each election contest. Firebreathing liberalism in AOCs district in NYC; compromise, patriotism, help the farmers, bootstraps, etc., in rural Iowa. As Nancy says, “Just win.”
I’m still waiting for the debates, and keeping my powder dry until after the Virginia elections this fall. There’s lots of time…
My $0.02.
@Kay: This is all down to Cole refusing permission for the mining companies to operate on his property.
@Betty Cracker: and those are great counter arguments.
@satby: That is fabulous. Thank you.
CNN (@CNN) Tweeted:
A woman and three children have been found dead near the Mexico-Texas border
@satby: One of the comments said that Gregory Hines said if they did that number today, they’d have to use CGI. No one could do what the Nicholas Brothers did.
@rikyrah: Also Trump turned down any appointment for Petraeus because he did not believe in torture.
@Another Scott:
I’m looking forward to the debates and if any of the moderators allow Trump INTO the D debates (with his real-time tweets) I will be furious. I’m sick of what is a mutually beneficial business relationship between political media and Donald Trump getting in the way of everything. The public is NOT part of this deal they made. The debates are FOR US, not Donald Trump and his bevy of social media followers.
We should raise hell if they do it. If Donald Trump manages to get a question at the D debate I will be really mad. Tell him “no”. Check him.
Can weed users be trusted with guns? A battle in America’s heartland
How does one write this myopic drivel without ever once referring to alcohol? I’ve known a lot of dope heads in my life, and more than a few who imbibe a little too frequently in their alcohol of choice. The first group contains so few of those for whom violence is a problem when smoking that the closest I can get to is one guy who suffered severe paranoia and his reaction was to not smoke it. The # of violent drunks I have had the displeasure of knowing however are innumerable.
I hadn’t thought of that. Good point.
@Betty Cracker:
Exempting families (parents?) of those who serve is of a piece with exempting police and fire unions from draconian new union restrictions. It is vote buying — separating natural allies — and sets neighbor against neighbor. Win win for Republicans.
I don’t think those actually serving should pay — we barely pay them enough to get by if they have a family. But extending it beyond actual service members is not a great plan.
They keep on voting for the people who are responsible. I am out of sympathy.
Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) Tweeted:
“Tennessee has lost 14 percent of its rural physicians and 18 percent of its rural hospitals in the past decade, leaving an estimated 2.5 million residents with insufficient access to medical care.”
In m-o-d-e-r-a-t-i-o-n please help
@satby: Gaaawwdddamn.
There is a lot of “Ass U Me” in these statements.
Tennessee has long been worried that Mississippi was winning the Shithole State Race.
@Another Scott:
And that is what I am speaking of. What I see DEMs doing is winning an election or 2 and losing the next 3. Maybe it’s the other way around. I want to see the blame for what is happening now placed squarely where it belongs: On the GOP. I feel like right now it’s all trump this, and trump that but he is symptom of a larger disease infecting our body politic.
To pick an issue, income inequality is undeniable and yet time and again 47% vote to have their pockets picked clean. Why? How do the Repubs get them to vote against their own self interest? Warren is talking about it in a different way. It might not be the right way, but our current way sure isn’t working.
eta removed a redundancy.
Good News (where is MomSense?): It looks like Susan Collins now (finally!) has a strong Democratic Opponent in Sara Gideon
@Immanentize: @eclare: I saw Fayard Nicholas live in Chicago in 1996 and at 82 he still was an amazing dancer, though obviously not doing anything as strenuous anymore.
A Ghost To Most
No shit. Pay no attention to the fact that guns and alcohol are a particularly violent combination.
@Immanentize: Our governor (I live in Memphis) wants to try some new plan to block grant Medicaid, so we’re trying our best to win the Shithole State Race. Fingers crossed!
Betty Cracker
@Immanentize: I think everyone should pay in since we’re all citizens of this country. IMO, a better approach would be to create estimates from the GAO of what a proposed military action would cost, broken down by how much will be required from the average taxpayer. The problem isn’t that non-military families aren’t paying — we are. It’s that the folks who start the wars hide the costs, like GWB signing giant tax cuts while starting a hugely expensive, deadly and wasteful war. Maybe estimates should be applied to all US military activities worldwide, even routine stuff like maintaining bases everywhere. Tell us how much it costs, and if it’s important, make the argument on why we should want to bear that expense going forward.
@satby: How much did those young men have to go through to become that type of athlete dancer? The splits on the super stairs made we wince!
@eclare: Misery has some stiff opposition, but we won’t give up until we hit bottom.
@Immanentize: yeah, if they went with something like a war tax only active duty members of the military should be exempted. Some of the most gung ho for war veterans I know never served in a war or war zone, while the ones who served in wars are more skeptical of the need for military intervention. Anecdotal only, YMMV.
But it’s not a proposal that will go anywhere.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Excellent point, and it might be worthwhile to contact the networks in advance about it. There’s going to be a huge temptation to let that cash cow crash the debates — probably the only thing that will save us from that absurdity is if he’s in a KFC food coma by the time the debates get underway.
@Immanentize: She’s got my vote, er some of my money?
Why? Just, why? Does Tenn. allow ballot initiatives?
It’s getting so bad that I hear they don’t even make tents in the State anymore….
@Immanentize: I just googled them, there is a documentary We Sing & We Dance about them. I’m going to see if I can find that, but yeah, wow.
@Betty Cracker: Absolutely! Hit the nail on the head.
@Betty Cracker:
Ok, you convinced me because many military service families make so little they qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit.
We know the cost of the military. But it’s the “actions” that go unpaid for in a open way. Fire 40 cruise missiles? How much tax money just got diverted from health care?
@Betty Cracker:
MSNBC already addressed it, which is why I thought about it. It was this boilerplate bland “hoping we have a debate of ideas” thing, but if douchebag crashes it their instinct will be to let him “make news” for their own reasons. You know it will.
He doesn’t get a question at our debates. If they allow him to manipulate this like they let him run their world I will be furious.
Money is speech, baby!
@Baud: Perfect timing! Time to make appointment for having hot needles plunged into my eyeballs.
@Betty Cracker:
Because we sure as hell aren’t going to.
@(((CassandraLeo))): @Betty Cracker: I haven’t read the policy yet and I’m in a train station right now so I won’t be able to look into the details until later. What I would say, though, is that I don’t feel like I’ve paid and paid for our endless wars. My federal taxes have not risen appreciably since we went to Iraq and Afghanistan, and the fact that these wars haven’t had much of a price tag attached to them expressly in terms of financial costs or human lives has innured us to their toll. More to come later when I read the full proposal, which, if it’s like Beto’s immigration proposal will be very long and require time to digest.
@Immanentize: This is some new idea that CMS has come out with to allow states to get block grants. Governor says he’s going to apply. Can’t remember any ballot initiatives.
Here is an article.
Whatever they can do to make poor people’s lives that much worse.
A Ghost To Most
Talk about the combination of meth and alcohol and guns. That’s where shit goes seriously off the rails.
So many liars.
@Immanentize: Sadly, I have a very small voice but they won’t shut me up.
Betty Cracker
Exactly! We (everyone) are paying and paying — even if our tax rates don’t go up.
@A Ghost To Most: But he smoked the evil weed! That’s what pushed him over the line!
@Baud: Very interesting take.I totally agree with assessment of current situation. I’m not supporting Biden in primary but I agree with everything else.
J R in WV
Georgia doesn’t need and shouldn’t want new voting MACHINES~!!~
Who wants to bet these machines are built by a Republican owned and managed company?
Who want to bet it would take a college student in CS 20 minutes to figure out how to break in and alter the code in one of these machines?
All Georgia needs is a rule that printed paper ballots are used, with NO 2 lead pencils to mark them, and that counting happens in public with interested citizens and candidates watching. If they need faster results, use more counters!
I remember when the CEO of Diebold, maker of ATMs with audit trails for the bank’s money, built voting machines with NO audit trails because your Democratic votes weren’t important. Then he told Republicans after Deomcrats won a big election, “Don’t worry, that’ll never happen again!” What do YOU think that meant??? I think it meant just what he said.
Why do the canucks hate hamberders so much?
@eclare: it’s on YouTube here:
@OzarkHillbilly: the FTFNYT did not blow it… they were in the bag for Trump then… and still are now.
@satby: Thanks! And thanks so much for the link this morning, I had never seen that.
He’s on my last nerve. ETA meant to be reply to Debbie icw Nance. Geezer Commenting (Trademark) yet again
i see you go to the same eye doctor as i do
Tips for Staying Civil while Debating Child Prisons
Agriculture Department buries studies showing dangers of climate change
The Trump administration has stopped promoting government-funded research into how higher temperatures can damage crops and pose health risks.
06/23/2019 05:04 PM EDT Updated 06/23/2019 06:02 PM EDT
thanks for the article. I was definitely interested.
Sounds vaguely fascist.
@Kay: if any of the moderators allow Trump INTO the D debates (with his real-time tweets) I will be furious.
Damn good point. Hope Tom Perez thinks of this.
Tenar Arha
Yep. I didn’t watch any of it, even the teasers I’ve avoided listening by hitting mute. I have many problems with MSNBC, including their status quo & corporate bias. I mean, I know they are not liberal TV, though everyone not actively paying attention assumes they are.
But especially someone like Chuck Todd gets no sympathy from me from sitting there through an avalanche of lies. He chose his life, and has decided how to run his show.
I heard an interview with Chuck a few years ago. Found it thru Driftglass & Blue Gal’s podcast. He knows better than any of us that he gets constantly lied to, though IIRC he called it spun, every weekend. And he basically said outright that he “lets his audience decide” what to believe because otherwise he wouldn’t have “guests” coming on his show.
I’ll admit it, I get utterly pissed off & disgusted by people who clearly know better. Someone like Chris Matthews is a repetitive, one note, clown stuck so far in the past I cannot take him seriously, but Todd is not. Because he’s smart enough to know the difference & he’s still 100% on board with letting politicians & political operatives lie to him & his viewers, as long as he gets them to come back to fill seats. I think he decided to be/become a soulless corporate hack years ago because he wants his millions & his Village membership & his seat on MTP. If that meant he had to let people lie to him without correcting them every day, okay. Chuck looking like Trump’s doormat on national television, turns any empathy I might have had into more disgust, bc he chose his role.
Peanut wants to go see Toy Story 4.
Can you believe that the first Toy Story came out in 1995
I feel so old :(
Joe Falco
Ok, a “war tax” seems to me is that it implies we, as a nation, are actually at war with another nation-state. Since when has there been an actual declaration of war for the past however many decades?
@Joe Falco: I’ve never understood this “undeclared” war is not war stupidity. Neither do the dead soldiers and their grieving families.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Wapiti: If that happens and I were on the stage, I’d say something like “X,Y, and Z are happening and the president is failing to address them. The American people want him to get off twitter and do his job.”
Trump doesn’t get to set the subject of the debate.
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
@satby: And the Nicholas Brothers and Cab Calloway also demonstrate what well-fitted formalwear is supposed to look like.
Richard Guhl
@OzarkHillbilly: The problem is the Senate. Unless we pick up four seats (to allow for the loss of Jones in Alabama ), all the proposals made by the candidates are just so much rainbows and unicorn farts.
Some people just hate freedom and want the terrorists to win.
J R in WV
THIS! My father-in-law was the sweetest man, gentle and kind, as long as he was sober. But he was a mean, nasty drunk. Because he drank enough to kill himself, it took a while for me to learn about his real kinder side. Came home many times after totaling a car, getting into a fight in a bar, etc, etc. Sad.
Dies of acute liver disease at what was an early age for his family. Pretty horrible way to go.
@OzarkHillbilly: That’s some fucking bullshit
@Richard Guhl: Yes, and I wonder why the candidates don’t reply to the question of “What about Mitch?” with “I intend to electorally remove him and as many as his stoneage colleagues as I can.” Of course that would be hyperbole, but so the fuck what? It would also be politics and signal an intent to fight on all fronts. I’ll leave it to others to decide whether or not it is smart politics.
Don’t surrender to the All Powerful All Seeing Turtle Head.
Not the point of the article, but Wyoming, not West Virginia, gave shithead his widest victory margin % wise. I don’t see why reporters make statements that are factually incorrect; if they’re not sure, just don’t write it.
@J R in WV: A many times told tale.
@raven: Yep.
Them not caring IS the point.
@rikyrah: That’s why they never look at the pictures.
Front Pager bait: Our View: Cowards will be our downfall
Betty Cracker
@OzarkHillbilly: That is brilliant — thanks for sharing it.
A Ghost To Most
@J R in WV:
My father was mean as a snake even when sober. He broke his hip, and because his liver was toast, they couldn’t fix it. He had to lay there until he kicked. Heh.
Well, shit, this’ll never work.//
Dem dere Dems gotta go. If you’re gonna take out the King of Liars you’re gonna need game.
What did Harris say that was misleading.
ETA: ok, pretty penny ante stuff.
Gin & Tonic
@chris: Huh. Seven from nine leaves two, as I recall. I don’t see Uncle Joe on Daniel Dale’s list, who else? Harris?
@Gin & Tonic:
Joe and Kamala. Both are minor things.
Gin & Tonic
@Baud: Thanks.
Miss Bianca
@(((CassandraLeo))): With you on this one. For me it’s Harris and Warren first, the rest nowhere.
btw, did you have a link to that Deathspell Omega interview you referenced in another thread? That was you, right?
Betty Cracker
@OzarkHillbilly: Just saw the video announcement for Susan Collins’ opponent (Sara Gideon), and Gideon ties McConnell and Trump around Collins’ neck very effectively, IMO. I hope she sends Collins packing and that other Dem candidates take a page from that playbook — everybody hates McConnell; even Republicans can’t stand the corrupt old wretch, though they’ll probably keep him in office until he croaks of old age.
@OzarkHillbilly: Love the whole thing but specially this:
Ever since 9/11 the GOP ,in particular, has decided the national anthem doesn’t include the line “home of the brave”.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Gin & Tonic: Yeah, I was just reading the article at CNN. Biden claimed he was part of passing a bill that banned private prisons, but there was no such bill, just executive action. He also was off on the percentage of Americans who live in poverty.
Harris claimed major responsibility for something, and Dale says that is probably an exaggeration.
The comments on twitter are amusing. People moan that he and CNN never fact check Trump.
@chris: I knew that when cnn bought him, he will go bothsidesing it. What a waste of good talent.
@Betty Cracker: A hattip to commentor Teve over at OTB who posted it in the Open Forum this AM.
Gin & Tonic
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Dude made a fucking career of doing it.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Gin & Tonic: Indeed. And I don’t object to him fact checking the Ds. I think they come out looking damn good compared to Trump.
That hurt my crotch.
@plato: Maybe, or he’s doing what he does and the job he was hired to do.
Trump’s a dumb, mean-spirited bore and his tv ratings are dropping. He shouldn’t be allowed to use the D Debates to up his ratings and the careers of the media people who have tied their careers to his. Stop foisting him on us. I’m not in this gross alliance. It benefits me not at all.
I wonder why older people are so damn reluctant to credit younger people for this. They are less reckless. They’re also less violent. They drink, smoke cigarettes and use drugs less than their elders did. They get pregnant WAY less then their elders did, particularly AA and Latino teenagers, where the drops have been HUGE. They’re also smarter, if your measure for “smart” is standardized tests, and that was always the (admittedly reductive and deceptive) measure for “smart” until young people outscored their elders.
Why are we so ungenerous towards them that we insist these things aren’t true? They are true. On all of the conventional measures they are, in fact, better. Now, one can object to the measures, but don’t move the goalposts and then say you won!
Miss Bianca
@satby: wow, always worth a rewatch, that one.
The Moar You Know
@Immanentize: 31 million dollars – and that’s for the cheapest cruise missile.
Old people have always looked down on young people.
Miss Bianca
@Kay: I can see it just in the young people I know through my community theater. They are wise, thoughtful, smart, sober, and talent is just oozing from their pores. They are *so much more together* than I was at their age, it’s unbelievable. The hope I have for the future comes from watching them in action.
I wonder if part of this is the liberal tendency not to take credit, because we have contests on how shitty we can say things are. Some of your stuff WORKED. School lunches? HUGE success. Education investment and prek? Take a bow. Pregnancy prevention in teenagers? Dear God, you improved that by 50%. Bullying prevention that every conservative made fun of? Guess what? If you raise the bar and tell them they can’t beat the shit out of each other in school they will stop doing it.
Relatedly, if you tell people in the workplace they many no longer sexually harass women they will meet that higher bar! They will bitch and moan and scream but they will fucking do it or they won’t work in these places anymore. Progress is possible. Better. They literally get better. Maybe not in their hearts, but at least they will stop harming others.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Miss Bianca: I feel particular annoyance at the way people scorn teenaged girls. What’s that about?
The Moar You Know
@Kay: Because it makes the “elders” look like the selfish shitheads they are. Was talking to a youngster about this yesterday. They’ve got both the Boomers (grandparents) and the Gen Xers (parents) shitting on them mercilessly. And they are a far more responsible and decent generation than any of their predecessors, and maintain that in spite of the fact that we (older folks) are robbing them of income and opportunities at every turn.
They know it, too. I hope they’re more kind than their parents.
@Baud: hurt mine and I have no *impediments* to landing a splits. Which I couldn’t do even as a five year old anyway.
J R in WV
This lady who woke up abandoned on a cold dark airplane could have / should have pulled an emergency slide inflater to escape from the plane — I bet that would have attracted some attention, even at midnight.
Really, she did OK for herself, not harmed or injured physically.
I might have filed a suit already, the hell with expecting the airline to make thing all well out of the goodness of their hearts. That might put you on the airline’s “can not fly” list, small loss…
But I feel like it leads to “oh, nothing works, why bother?” It Will Always Be Like This. Which is what Paul Ryan wants you to say.
I don’t know why today’s youngs are more affected by what their elders think of them than past youngs.
The only legitimate knock I have against young people is their disproportionate support for Bernie. But they’re still better than the olds when it comes to the general election.
And what a weird and horrible ideology. “People are mean and bad and that’s just the way they are”
That’s Trumpism in a nutshell. It’s permissive. It’s “we demand a lower bar!” How DARE you ask them to stop saying racist things. They will never, ever meet that bar- why, you’re guaranteeing their failure because everyone knows they couldn’t possibly stop being such assholes.
@Betty Cracker:
She’s really good but we have a long list of really outstanding politicians and good people who have lost to Collins. Collins is a tough competitor. We have to get behind Sara because she is a rock star. I would love it if she could oust Collins and not just to get rid of Collins. Gideon is someone who would do really good things in the Senate.
The Moar You Know
@J R in WV: Wouldn’t work. Those doors only function when armed, and they’re disarmed most of the time save on taxi, takeoff and landing. Those drugged-up lunatics who try to open one midflight every now and then scare the shit out of everyone and with good cause, but they won’t open.
Nor will they open when parked. She was good and stuck. Good thing she got the one phone call out before her phone died.
We had 2 Bernistas and 2 “others” (young) at a gathering over the weekend. The Bernistas are wavering. I can TELL :)
I want them to be able to save face when they switch so they won’t hear a word out of me. I was like “oh? I hadn’t realized you were backing him” Complete lie.
Matt McIrvin
@The Moar You Know: I see this disconnect all the time in which people blame the educational system for bad modern politics– the decline of civics education, critical thinking education, whatever. But if that were true, young people would be the worst, and they’re not. It’s the old people who supposedly had all this wonderful education from the old times who are getting worse.
Women’s soccer thread?
Yeah, good strategy. As much as you’d like to, you can’t just slap them.
By you, I mostly mean me.
Kathleen O'Neill
@chopper: Ha! I can also be a tad dyslexic.
@a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio: zing! ?
@Matt McIrvin:
One thing about social media is that we are focused on things that are viral rather than the average. So the average gets better, but we thing things are getting worse because the worse is what’s being seen.
cynical hipsterism really is a big reason why liberals policies don’t get the traction they should.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: Environmentalism is particularly prone to this–I know a lot of liberals who believe the environmental movement has never really accomplished anything, I think because doom and horror are better for fundraising than touting your actual accomplishments: there’s a fear of complacency if people think things have gotten better. But it’s actually had titanic successes, many of them. Pollution before the Clean Air Act, etc. was BAD. Humanity dodged an ozone-hole bullet with the Montreal Protocol. And more.
@Matt McIrvin:
There were a bunch of stories after 2016 about how many environmentalists don’t vote. So there’s the cost of that fundraising.
The Moar You Know
@Matt McIrvin: I no longer get crippling asthma attacks every year because of California’s clean air laws. So fuck those people. Those laws MATTER.
@Kay Not for nothing do I call you the Balloon Juice Chanakya!
James E Powell
You left out CNN, NYT, WaPo, and the entire nation of local radio & TV news.
But I agree with you that the Democrats’ methods are not working. I don’t think enough of them realize it.
@Matt McIrvin: @The Moar You Know: even the reduction in crime and violence is attributed to the reduction of lead exposure from leaded gas pollution. But, just like with vaccinations, people (especially younger ones), don’t realize how dramatically better their lives are because a lot of those improvements started before they were born.
James E Powell
@Richard Guhl:
No. If we fall short in the senate, the White House proposals that are passed in the house become the leverage issues for the 2022 midterms.
I was just fascinated when that came out. Wow. We were poisoning them! When we stopped poisoning them they got better!
I credit Kevin Drum for talking about it. He’s good. He contributes. Adds value.
Twelve to go.
Rut Ro
@Matt McIrvin:
There’s a practical reason to do less of it. People won’t work without hope. So, make sure and mention that while the GOP are passing voter suppression laws, 20-some states have EXPANDED voting access. They have to think they can win.
@Matt McIrvin:
L.A. Smog? It was like Beijing. The Charles River could not be fallen into. Northeastern canoing spots today were toxic plant sewage drain holes.* New England States were suing Midwestern States for acid rain. Remember that? Coming to a federal court in the Northeast soon: Acid Rain: More Acid than Rain Boogaloo.
*This one is for OldGold:
By the sewer I lived, by the sewer I died.
They said it was murder,
But it was sewerside.
@Kay: Here is a great Drum Article with one of my favorite charts evah regarding lead and crime. Chart is about half way down in the article.
@Baud: @Raven:
No Spain, no!
Go US go!
Soccer thread up.
Juice Box
Here’s a neat story about Carl Cameron, formerly of Faux News.
@Joe Falco: well, I’ve now read that the tax would only be levied if we were at war. It’s meant to discourage going to war. A well crafted proposal frim O’Rourke.
James E Powell
Big important question: Can Sara Gideon defeat Susan Collins?
I don’t know a thing about Maine politics and would love to hear a local expert’s view.
Miss Bianca
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Misogyny *and* anti-youth bias. Lose-lose!
But we’re going to keep interviewing him and asking him the same questions although there is no actual information received or transmitted, and zero actual value to our viewers. Because doing that benefits Chuck Todd and Donald Trump. One is playing journalist and the other is playing president. You must play along or you hate the First Amendment.
Wait until someone starts charting head injuries and juvenile infractions/reckless behavior. I’ve already heard murmers. “I wonder….”
Sports! Under ATTACK! :) You know how they ask you at the doctors office if your child ever had a “near drowning” at intake? They’ll be doing that for hits to the head.
@James E Powell:
Here’s her opening video. It’s very Maine- understated. In her video she stands in my favorite yarn shop, Halcyon in Bath. It’s an institution. My grandmother shopped there. Then you see her standing with the crane at Bath Iron Works in the background. That red and white crane has been a fixture in all our lives for 40+ years. It’s an important signal for union workers, navy people (they still detach active duty navy to the destroyers being built and tested), and to conservative pro defense people.
She’s a really good retail politician and speaker.
Damn forgot the link.
Sara Gideon
Omnes Omnibus
@OzarkHillbilly: Obviously, legislation should be the preferred method to effect change. Great, we got that out of the way. The question is what do you do when you don’t have the numbers in Congress to get what you want. The Harris plan to use EOs makes sense in that situation. Or should we just do fuck all about anything until we have the numbers in the Senate?
James E Powell
Thank you
Miss Bianca
@MomSense: Yay, a credible challenger to Collins! Whatever happened to that big bucket o’ crowd-funded cash to a Collins challenger? Didn’t Collins do some kind of sore-loser-in-advance thing where she tried to get a court order to block it, or something?
Omnes Omnibus
@tobie: I still think it is a bad idea. How would you define military families? And even after that, it is heading further down the road toward Starship Troopers than I care to go.
@Miss Bianca:
I think it was a pledge to contribute so I’m really not sure where it stands. I should probably check and see if I have received any notification about it.
Betty Cracker
@tobie: O’Rourke’s heart may be in the right place, but targeting civilians and exempting military families inadvertently reinforces the bullshit “warrior class” ethos that is already distressingly rampant in this country.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: Another reason is that some people do remember the old problems and worries, and without a little bit of triumphalism from those who actually made it better, they tend to assume these problems weren’t real in the first place or that they got better by themselves. I’ve heard “whatever happened to the ozone hole?” and “whatever happened to acid rain?” brought up as mockery of environmental hysteria (or just in puzzlement). What happened? There were new regulations and changes in practice, and the problems were mitigated. The ozone hole is still there but it’s not growing by leaps and bounds. Those are both really huge successes.
@Baud: Yeah, no. How about we cancel a couple pie in the sky weapons programs and re-purpose those funds to tending to the needs of our veterans?
@satby: I could support that aspect of the argument. But the current framing of it is a non-starter. There needs to be greater emphasis in increasing civic involvement and investment in our military actions going forward, rather than just calling it a “tax” of any stripe.
@Miss Bianca: Yes. It’s here. People here probably won’t agree with everything they say, but I expect most of us will agree with about 70-80% of it. It’s rather shocking.
Ceterum censeo Factionem Republicanam esse delendam.
How do you think I feel? My daughter was born in 1995.