So this latest DoJ file reveals that Duncan Hunter had an affair with at least three different lobbyists, one of his own staff members, and an aide to a member of the GOP leadership team.
— Sam Stein (@samstein) June 25, 2019
And here I thought Rep. Duncan was just a California-gated-community version of Jared Kushner — the entitled scion of a successful grifter who misused campaign funds because he felt he was entitled to a nicer lifestyle than he could afford honestly. Give Jared this much credit: either he has the sense keep his pants zipped, or he picks partners who have as much to lose from exposure as he does. Duncan was using campaign funds to ‘party’ with lobbyists — and using the campaign credit card he knew his ‘campaign manager’ wife would be auditing!
Here's the story: Prosecutors say Rep. Duncan Hunter illegally used campaign funds to pay for extramarital affairs with three lobbyists, a leadership aide and one of his staffers. (Plus some other stuff.)
— Brad Heath (@bradheath) June 25, 2019
reminder that hunter at first blamed misappropriated funds on his wife. via @TPM
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) June 25, 2019
… “I’m saying when I went to Iraq in 2003 the first time I gave her power of attorney and she handled my finances throughout my entire military career and that continued on when I got to Congress since I’m gone five days and home for two,” Hunter said at the time. “She was also the campaign manager.”
“So whatever she did, that will be looked at, too, I’m sure,” he continued. “But I didn’t do it.”…
Hunter’s wife pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors, who want her testimony to be used at trial in September.
"The marital communications privilege doesn't protect statements made by spouses who are partners in crime,” the filing read
— POLITICO (@politico) June 25, 2019
Bonus ‘Party of Family Value’ points:
Quick refresher that this congressman made a video claiming Mexicans were coming to steal from Americans:
— Mike (@MKChiWriting) June 25, 2019
GOP Congressman Duncan Hunter, who committed financial crimes in the process of having extramarital affairs with five different women, thinks gay people are the ones ruining the sanctity of marriage.
— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) June 25, 2019
He was getting paid AND laid by lobbyists and that’s before the unmentionables, no wonder these GOP Reps are holding onto their last threads of power like grim death
— MisterZofter (@Zoftwarz) June 25, 2019
Paging Ollie North…
Prosecutors are also moving to block Hunter from arguing that all Congressmen misuse campaign funds, and from using his military service and patriotism to sway the jury.
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) June 25, 2019
P.S. Hunter was re-elected by his constituents last November even after news of his indictment…
Watch: Duncan Hunter’s next court date is July 1st — his wife is testifying against him!
Help me stand with my district, donate before June 30.
No corporate ???! Just people. Donate here:
Let’s make sure people can live, work and retire with dignity.
— Ammar Campa-Najjar (@ACampaNajjar) June 22, 2019
He would never have had those affairs if his wife didn’t drive him to the arms of another woman…women as a result of her thievery.
Naturally, he ain’t resigning. #Ain’tTooProudToBeRepublican
Poster boys all over the place (via bloomberg)
I can see why Trump’s chief of protocol would have a horsewhip.
One more piece of evidence that the White House Press Corps are a bunch of assholes. Sarah Sanders treated them with utter contempt and lied non-stop, but these dummies thought it was just fine to hold a farewell party for her.
West of the Rockies
Why is it that being able to consume alcohol (have a beer) with someone is some big test of authenticity or value?
Patricia Kayden
He was re-elected so it’s all good. Republicans are lucky since their constituents don’t hold them to the moral standards that they push down everyone else’s throat.
As he blamed her for stealing from the campaign funds, I’m sure he’ll blame the affairs on her for not being available enough.
@West of the Rockies:
If you can fake enjoying drinking the dog piss that passes for American beer, you can do damn near anything. //
Not just pulled off AF1 — quit-fired!!
Every single time, I think it can’t possibly get any more surreal, and every single time, it does.
Never have I wanted civilization to burn down more then at this moment.
Keith P.
@MattF: That doesn’t surprise me. Neither would a steam whistle.
The Dangerman
…and if her drink had a couple of drops of dishsoap added….
Have I mentioned lately just how much I hate this fucking godawful timeline we all seem to be eternally trapped in?
Steve in the ATL
I’m almost kinda beginning to think that republicans might be really shitty people.
But I’m in a restaurant that is showing Fox News which assures me that the gays and the coloreds and the women’s libbers are the problem.
ETA: there is another tv showing drag racing. So all you blue state people whining about your lives can shut your respective pie holes.
A Ghost To Most
I don’t know if Hunter claiming a political hit job, or Jerry Falwell jr explaining away pool boys and concentration camps, is the better example of “conservatism”.
SMH, When Pirates and the Taliban get to look down on you with contempt.
@Steve in the ATL:
Are you also ordering the salmon to truly live dangerously?
How long until we learn about the two wetsuits and the dildo? Because we all know that’s coming.
Hunter or Falwell?
A Ghost To Most
On the plus side, our preparations for any unpleasantness are way far along. Every time I shift into nuetral, they do something heinous to get me off my ass again.
Steve in the ATL
@TenguPhule: ha! There is no salmon within 20 miles of me. Seafood options here are shrimp and tilapia. I may also be the only person here who finished high school.
@Steve in the ATL:
That’s Ms. Feminazi to you, bub.
Duncan Woenuts.
@Steve in the ATL
The horror, the horror….
A Ghost To Most
@Steve in the ATL: Just for the record, some of us choose not to visit the occupied territories.
@TenguPhule: Yes.
@Steve in the ATL:
Have you considered upgrading to a Taco Bell?
@trollhattan: to be a Republican today is to be a soulless monster
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne: btw, the wine you drink at your local would be Chateau Lafite Rothschild compared to what’s available here.
I’m a flexible guy, however, and can live with Modela Especial and Negra (no offense).
@Steve in the ATL:
Let me guess. Fried and grilled or grilled and then fried.
John Revolta
@hilts: Charlie Pierce told his staffers, if they went to this party not to bother to come to work the next day.
Josh Marshall at TPM highlighted an intriguing paragraph from the Hunter Filing about Hunter’s so-call get-togethers. Apparently, there is evidence that is so sensitive that prosecutors are afraid that public disclosure could taint the jury pool. The stuff we already know about is pretty bad, so what could it be? Were goats involved? It would be irresponsible not to speculate…
my new fav women’s soccer player for this and more.
And she just also happens to be a good player! ??
So there were dildos involved.
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: there is one in this strip mall! Along with KFC and A&W and various other horrors.
So, for the remainder of the evening, do I (1) get really high and watch Jamaica v. Cameroon, or (2) smoke some brown oil heroin and watch Honduras v. El Salvador?
Anne Laurie
Speculation on twitter, at the moment, seems to revolve around using campaign funds to pay for prostitutes (gender & ages unspecified) as ‘party favors’ for his fellow Repubs. People may just be hoping Hunter will take a few of his tainted fellows down with him…
John Revolta
I gotta say, this story makes me wonder a little what exactly are the job requirements for being a “lobbyist”…………….
@Steve in the ATL:
¿Por qué no los dos?
Highlights stand up for Immigrant children
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: because I have to prep my witnesses in the morning, but, now that I think about it, how hard can it be to do lawyering in northeast Alabama? Weed and smack it is. Thanks, Mr. soon-to-be President!
Anne Laurie
@John Revolta:
Lobbyists are salespeople for “ideas”. If you’re a professional lobbyist for the GOP, either you basically agree with the GOP program… or you figure you’ve done worse things to please more repellant individuals than Rep. Hunter.
@John Revolta: I think you know the answer.
Roger Moore
@West of the Rockies:
Beer is considered to be a normal, middle/working class drink; that’s why people will sometimes describe an ordinary person as “Joe Sixpack”. Saying that a politician is somebody you could have a beer with is a way of suggesting they’re an ordinary person you could engage with the same way you do with your normal social group, rather than an elitist snob who drinks expensive wine or fancy cocktails. It’s a way the media projects its own biases about people living outside their bubble.
@Steve in the ATL:
For a lawyer who works against unions? I’ve shaved with foam harder than that.
To sum up so far:
Nazi’s and Christofacists attacked Hamilton Pride with weapons.
Hamilton Police Services did nothing because “they wern’t invited to Pride”.
Instead, they are arresting Pride Participants and LBGTQ Activists.
6 of the same Nazi’s also violently attacked Toronto Pride with weapons.
None of the Nazi’s have been arrested depite posting on social media, plans to attack Pride, video’s clearly showing them assaulting people, later tracking down and assaulting Pride stragglers, and boasting of their assaults on their social media.
SSDD Halifax with the Halifax Police Services, also protecting Nazis.
Steve in the ATL
@Roger Moore: putain de merde! Can someone strike my reference earlier to Chateau Lafite Rothschild? Merci beaucoup!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Steve in the ATL: FOX is the channel of choice here in Old People Central, so Mr DAW and I have been running this guerilla campaign in which we change the TVs in the café and on the gym machines to CNN and then hide the remotes. We do what we can.
@TenguPhule: Prostitutes or gay prostitutes. Wonkette speculation.
@lamh36: Yay.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Legally safer than euthanasia, but perhaps less humane.
Steve in the ATL
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I do that too! Couldn’t find the remote in a gym the other day in Texas, so I unplugged the tv. When I left a couple of days later, it was still off. Mission accomplished!
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: “is Gillette Foamy thick and rich enough to stop this union decertification campaign?”
My turn to show my age….
I’m glad that at least some Dems realize that the problems at the border aren’t due to funding. The federal government isn’t unable to pay for toothpaste, just as it didn’t take 3 days to get water to the Superdome because we couldn’t afford to buy water.
These things are happening either because the people running the government want them to happen, or because they’re so incompetent that they can’t actually do it. Or both. Giving them more money won’t change any of this.
Mary G
@Dorothy A. Winsor: You’re doing good. Persist in Resistance!
@TenguPhule: both? together?
Trivia: The Highlights headquarters are quite homey and demurely unobtrusive, smack in the middle of a residential street, identifiable only by an understated lawn sign about the size of a real estate agent’s for sale placard. Not too far from my old stomping grounds in NE Pennsylvania.
@Steve in the ATL:
Mike in NC
Maybe Hunter was a frequent lunch guest at the White House where he and Fat Bastard quietly spoke about their deep respect for all women.
Don’t you love it when you see karma in action? Usually we don’t. Karma doesn’t work that way. But when it does, especially in today’s world, it is quite the sight, huh?
Steve in the ATL
Perhaps I’ve been in the city too long, but why are three people sitting in the bed of a pickup truck in a strip mall parking lot, and why do the men’s shirts not have sleeves?
@Steve in the ATL
“I dreamed I settled a labor dispute in my Maidenform bra.”
(Not intended to suggest extant or former personal wardrobe.) ;)
A Ghost To Most
@Jay: I’m sorry the infection has spread to your fine country. I’d like to be surprised, but some of nastiest pieces of work I know live east of Niagara Falls.
Fucking Nazis.
@Steve in the ATL
Left the instructions for how to get out at home?
BirdLiberal watching?NotMax
One more; popped into noggin the very moment the publish button was activated.
“Hold my beer” superglue incident?
Silly TenguPhule. You forgot “breaded.”
Hunter’s wife must be pissed. She pled guilty to using campaign funds for vacations only to learn that Hunter was also using the money for his side piece.
Republican family values.
@Steve in the ATL: Northeast Alabama? Why you’re in Gadsden Mall Creeper territory! (Gadsden Mall Creeper = Roy Moore in case you’ve forgotten).
@John Revolta:
Same qualifications as a used car salesperson. But with lower standards of conduct.
Roger Moore
@Steve in the ATL:
There is literally nothing more exciting to do in that town on a Tuesday night.
A Ghost To Most
@NotMax: Waiting for a sober driver?
Jeezus, you must be old! Thought I was pretty much the only commenter here who might remember that years-long Maidenform campaign.
@Steve in the ATL:
You get judged by Roy Moore knockoffs.
TS (the original)
This is who trump is meeting at the G20 – presumably because no-one else has any desire to be anywhere near him.
@TenguPhule: Where the hell is the Meteor?! I swear to the FSM this shit cannot continue much longer. I haven’t watched a news report on television since 11/8/16. This crap oozes thru to me only in very small doses, and still, I can’t even with these people.
The best a man can get?
Plural. Fixed.
Clearly it’s more the former.
I thought all the money was supposed to be for the Wall.
Trump is a liar, and the GOP leadership love to follow Trump’s lead. The Democrats need to nail them to the Wall over this.
@Steve in the ATL: Don’t go to that restaurant or ask them to change to some less newsy channel. You’re paying for your seat FFS.
Impossible. We’ve already seen that hookers don’t budge public opinion if its a Republican.
Well played.
There appear to be at least 5.
Mai Naem mobile
@SiubhanDuinne: it’s like a bad reality show trying to hang onto ratings where the b list show stars are doing crazy stuff to get attention.
@John Revolta: I love Charles Pierce bunches!
karen marie
Yeah, I’m going to have to take the accusation that he carried a whip in the office with a GIGANTIC grain of salt.
The quote is from a Bloomberg story but because I have a thing that changes “Trump” to “Individual-1,” it’s screwing up the link address with the substitution. When I manually change “Individual-1” in the link address to “Trump” it comes back “page not found,” and of course does the same thing with the link left reading “individual-1.” Hahahaha. Trump manages to fuck up everything.
@Anne Laurie: Does the FSM love us that much?
Dunk ‘n’ Hunt ‘Er
karen marie
@hilts: If it was perfectly appropriate, why were only a handful of people willing to be mentioned by name?
Another Scott
@karen marie: :-)
Dan B
@Jay: Seattle Pride is this weekend. It’s usually 300,000+. It wouldn’t take much to cause panic with so many people jammed together. The Trans march has been threatened by Proud Boys and others and there have been sporadic assaults. The Leather community is planning to protect the trans march so we’ll see how it goes.
Pretty disturbing to hear Hamilton and Toronto police ignoring, or helping, the thugs. Seattle Police have been under federal examination for years because of racism so they may be on better behavior. Our lesbian Mayor and other LGBT higher ups may provide some buffer. Portland may be the flash point – bigger Proud Boys presence there.
@John Revolta:
Good for Mr. C. P. Pierce!
Hungry Joe
Duncan Hunter’s district is NOT gated-community-like. It’s east San Diego County, just east of my district, and a lot of it is semi-rural redneck. He was reelected 51.5-48.5, even though he’d already been indicted, largely because 1) see “redneck,” above; 2) his father, Duncan Sr., a lower-profile crook, held the seat for many years, and a lot of the locals (see “rednecks,” above, yet again) seem to think he’s the same guy; and 3) his Dem opponent’s heritage is half Hispanic and half Lebanese, and his name (Ammar Campa-Najjar) reflected that. My wife and I canvassed for Ammar, and I had three of the scariest, diciest canvassing experiences I’ve ever had. Whole lotta nasty, frightened people out there.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Let’s be honest…those 5 gals are no more “lobbyists” than I am a brain surgeon or astronaut.
Let’s see an expose’ here, WaPo…who is pimping these “lobbyists” out on the Hill, and what are they getting in return?
Heh, when’s your next flight to ISS Doctor?
Yeah, what do you think constitutes the qualifications for lobbyist? Especially for the current crop of Republicans.
Miss Bianca
@hilts: Maybe they were just really, really glad to see her go?//
@West of the Rockies:
How many of the people who use that test would you want to sit and have a drink with? In my mind a reasonable person’s concept of that answer is zero. There has to be something there to talk about that one doesn’t need alcohol to make the situation palatable. One might even think that having the test of having a drink with this person would be OK says more about the person giving the test.
Mike in NC
@TS (the original): He naturally prefers the company of dictators.
Miss Bianca
The salmon *mousse* for living dangerously, or GTFO!
That makes sense only if you’re visiting from 1989. You’re revealed time traveler!
@John Revolta:
That’s the stuff. Tire swing to the head of anybody attending.
@Marmot: We’re talking “Real Americans” here, not some coastal elitists that drink craft brews.
Another Scott
I might not be able to get anything at all done on Wednesday July 17…
(via Cheryl’s Twitter feed)
Miss Bianca
@lamh36: @NotMax: I primarily associate “Highlights” magazine with my time spent waiting in terror/dread at my dentist’s office when I was a tad, when they were the only relief available: so glad, very glad, as it turns out, that they are still around, still relevant, and kicking socio-political ass. Good on them!
The Dangerman
@Miss Bianca:
Hey, don’t be getting The Donald excited here.
/pee tape
@Another Scott:
OK that’s worth 2 points. You are finally on the board.
I will say that Steve in the where ever does know how to use a knife and a fork. Of course I ate food not fit for a dog, off a steel tray for 4 yrs so maybe I’m shouldn’t be one to talk.
Miss Bianca
@Brachiator: Surely you meant, “side pieces“?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Low-hanging fruit for any enterprising young reporter here…guaranteed headlines for at least 72 hours, which is an eternity in today’s media environment.
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
I realize ice hockey is of limited interest to many here, but the San Jose Sharks posted the schedule for their 2019/2020 season on Twitter, and listed a song for each game.
Some are vaguely connected to the team or place they’re playing, some are playful jokes—“Living in Beverly Hills” for a game against the Last s Angela’s Kings—others are connected, downright painfully.
For their first game against Boston, the losers in this year’s championship, the song selected is Whitney Houston’s “Didn’t We Almost Have it All.”
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: errr….*raises hand sheepishly*
But primarily through Mad Magazine ad parodies, does that count?
Goats have higher standards than that.
They’ll eat anything, but they have morals.
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: Jinx!
@John Revolta:
Having lower morals than a goat?
On a side note, MSNBC…you know, the liberal, thoughtful news network…actually has a ‘LIVE!’ Countdown clock going leading up to tomorrow night’s Dem debate.
Instead of, you know, a countdown clock to trumpov’s last day, or X number of days and counting since children have been getting put in cages, days since Helsinki, etc etc
@karen marie: @John Revolta: @TenguPhule: @The Dangerman:
Every individual who attended this farewell party for Sarah Sanders deserves to be fired and the ones who insisted on remaining anonymous need to burn in Hell. I refuse to call them journalists. I call them stenographers, courtiers, or bootlickers.
Miss Bianca
@The Dangerman: Ha ha ha ewww….
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Well, I believe Hunter worked at the Pentagon for a while so that part checks out…
@Ruckus: Squids bitchin about chow. . . .
Underage hookers, blow, Russians on Devin “Cowboy” Nunes yacht parties.
Mueller Time. July 17. WaPo:
glory b
Mueller subpoenad to testify in open session July 17!
As per Rachel Maddow.
@Ruckus: Hmmm, my dad loved the food in the Navy; then again, he had just lived though the Depression and maybe the food before and during WW2 was better than during your time.
So you’ve met Steve………
@a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio:
I’m a very casual hockey fan, but for my money the San Jose Sharks have the coolest,goddamn team logo in the history of professional sports.
@Dan B:
Detroit Pride,
Watch out for Patriot Prayer.
There was supposed to be a SF Pride attack, but they couldn’t get anyone to show up.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: No fucking way was the chow better in WW2.
@glory b:
Well, it’s about motherfucking time. I thought they were going to wait until December.
@Elizabelle: aww shhh guess we all gonna have to take off from work on that day
@Miss Bianca: I had no idea Highlights was still around. I remember reading it WAY back in the day. I also remember the Maidenform commercial.
@A Ghost To Most:
Sober? Nah.
Ability to drive at any stage of inebriation? Possible.
Ability to find the keys because it’s someone else’s truck, that they don’t know? Real possible.
Having a good time? Well it is a Sat in a no where town……
Wanna bet he doesn’t remember it for the same reason you do?
Hello stranger.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@glory b: I hope they’re also bringing in his deputies. From what people who know him say (Chuck Rosenberg, among others), and the fact that they had to subpoena him, Mueller will go out of his way to be an uncooperative witness. I suspect more than one of that group wants to be made to talk. Just a hunch that not everyone share Mueller’s apparently exaggerated, not to say narcissistic, sense of rectitude.
@Raven: Most of my dad’s time on a ship was prior to WW2, he got transferred to DC to be a electronics instructor relatively early during the war.
Steve in the ATL
@glory b: brb—have to cancel a day of bargaining!
A Ghost To Most
@hilts: Lifelong hockey fan. Sharks logo? Meh.
patrick II
Being a Republican lobbyist requires more repulsive duties than I had imagined.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: WWII Navy Food Remembered
Hello, BJ bud who has become one of my passwords (Baud2020; easy to remember).
Been lurking.
Villago Delenda Est
I want this foul creature to suffer.
@Patricia Kayden:
How would the party exist if they did?
“Constituents say we can’t be grifter, hypocritical, racist, sexist assholes. Guess that’s the end of the party.”
Villago Delenda Est
@hilts: It’s the White House Press Corpse.
I hope a few of our representatives ask Mueller some very pointed questions pertaining to AG Barr’s purposeful misrepresentation of his report. Really dig; set the stage for eventual impeachment hearings WRT Barr.
Better than pissing about the boat moving. Because they only serve food at certain times but the boat moves all the time. Sometimes it moves enough to do a compound fracture of a leg. This actually happened once, cook went to a food locker that was a deck below him and he stepped off the ladder just as the boat came up the face of a pretty decent sized wave, slamming the deck into him. Had to be transferred off ship to ship in a wire basket liter to a ship that a helicopter could land on to take him to a hospital.
I want them all to burn, burn, burn
Food for Fighter.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I wanna hear more about all the other lines of inquiry/investigation that Mueller was pursuing that (supposedly) Barr has now kneecapped. I want to hear more about Barr running cover for trumpov and have him exposed for the DJT book-licker that he is
@raven: I’m just going on what he said, he’d already been in the Navy for 4 years by the time Pearl Harbor was attacked.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: My father said when he went into the military it was the first time he had 3 meals a day. He actually gained weight when most people lost!
Omnes Omnibus
@Eunicecycle: Drill sergeants were still pointing out in the ’80s that Basic Training was the first time some recruits ever owned more than one pair of shoes.
The food varied a lot depending on the skill of the cooks. And some of them really, really didn’t want to be there. Like most of the crew.
A cook on a smallish ship was a crappy job. Basically you worked for about 15 hrs a day, had to listen to people complain about the crappy food, clean up after the same people, wash all the food trays, silverware and pots pans, ovens steam tables, haul garbage, etc. That’s pretty much every day of the week. In port or out to sea.
Have been watching the dramatic reading of the Mueller Report (John Lithgow has wonderful timing!), but took a short break halfway through and saw that Bobby Three Sticks will testify publicly before Nadler’s House Judiciary Committee on July 17th. That will be must see TV for sure. Hope the Dems are cocked and loaded with some devastating questions for him.
J R in WV
@Steve in the ATL:
Because they aren’t legally allowed to drive any more?
Or: Because they are all aware that they’re too high to drive?
Or: Because none of them can afford a vehicle, and the owner of the truck only lets them ride in the back, so he doesn’t have to be in the truck cab with them.
Or: All of these.
ETA: I dunno about the shirt sleeves, I like sleeves.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: @J R in WV:
Why not?
What’s it to you?
J R in WV
I was in about the same time as Ruckus, and it wasn’t terrible when I was in. I mostly ate beef jerky and drank hot tea when we were at sea, though. There was that one time when mid-rats (the meal served at midnight for people starting a mid-night watch) made everyone sick – green salami for sandwiches… those cooks got on report for that meal!!
Seriously, it wasn’t that bad, but I was in the submarine service, and rumor had it that the subs got the best food…. can’t prove it by me, tho.
That is probably the biggest difference, dad enlisted in ’37 so for most sailors it was a good job(including the cooks) that provided food.
There’s a Kingston Trio hit lurking here.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
Meh…the thing that sticks (heh) out to me is just how many corporate whores were willing to become actual whores.
Dollars to donuts that Trump was holding this info over Dunc’s squishy head.
@Jay: Maybe the Cadaver Synod is making a comeback?
Remind me – was it Balloon Juice that sometimes had classic recipe cards from the 40s and 50s? Ones that always seemed to include Spam, Jello, stuffed olives, and cream cheese, like some Chopped basket from hell?
@Steve in the ATL: LMAO!
Living it up in Talibanama, eh?
@TenguPhule: you mean besides Hunter?
In another context, I’d say FINALLY the colleague is getting it.
God, the TPM article has a picture that reminded me that Duncan Hunter is the asshole who ostentatiously vaped during a congressional hearing to make some point about something—his rights being infringed, I assume. As if I needed another reason to hate him.
Matt McIrvin
Seeing a lot of remarkably mainstream people now arguing that the Oregon GOP standoff means democracy is over and there is no hope left at all: the United States is doomed to descend into charnel-house omni-killing and totalitarianism.
(which kind of makes me wonder how we ever came back from Jim Crow)
Omnes Omnibus
@Matt McIrvin: Sounds like a day ending in y here on this blog.
@raven: My barber grew up poor in Alaska. A boat or ship broke up one year and they got cases of the dried potatoes from the wreck. He remembered the potatoes fondly.
When I reported on the ship I was on for 2 yrs the food was incredible. Everything was good, you never even asked what it was, you just ate. The guy who was the ship’s cook, the one in charge retired with his 30 before I had spent 90 days on board. Within less than 6 months we literally almost had a mutiny underway because the food was so bad. Lifers were talking about breaking into the gun locker and taking over the ship. It was serious. On lifer took his food tray up to the wardroom – where all the officers ate, and dropped his tray in front of the captain. “This is my fucking dinner, this is all the fucking dinner I get, what the fuck are you going to do about it?” (I heard this repeat twice that night from an officer that was there and one of the stewards that worked in the wardroom that I knew. I believed them, they both told me the same story word for word that night.) The end result was that no one stormed the gun locker or the wardroom. There was no mutiny. The food got marginally better. At least they made what was on the menu.
Amir Khalid
@Another Scott:
That’s so sweet of you, to plan something special for my birthday.
@hilts: I have been thinking that Bruce Cockburn’s song from 1983 is more relevant than ever.
“If I Had a Rocket Launcher
Bruce Cockburn
Here comes the helicopter, second time today
Everybody scatters and hopes it goes away
How many kids they’ve murdered only God can say, hey
If I had a rocket launcher, if I had a rocket launcher
If I had a rocket launcher, I’d make somebody pay
I don’t believe in guarded borders and I don’t believe in hate
I don’t believe in generals or their stinking torture states
And when I talk with the survivors of things too sickening to relate
If I had a rocket launcher, if I had a rocket launcher
If I had a rocket launcher, I would retaliate
On the Rio Lacantun, one hundred thousand wait
To fall down from starvation, or some less humane fate
Cry for Guatemala, with a corpse in every gate
If I had a rocket launcher, if I had a rocket launcher
If I had a rocket launcher, I would not hesitate
I want to raise every voice, at least I’ve got to try
Every time I think about it water rises to my eyes.
Situation desperate, echoes of the victims cry
If I had a rocket launcher, if I had a rocket launcher
If I had a rocket launcher, some son of a bitch would die”
I didn’t read the comments yet, so probably somebody else has already pointed this out, but
Jared is not Donald Trump’s son. He is Donald Trump’s son-in-law. He is the scion of a busted felonius grifter who was convicted in 2005 of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering. I admit this is a minor quibble.