We will be paying the price for this maliciously, amoral, immoral, evil stupidity for years and years to come. Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, and the children themselves will seek vengeance for what we’re doing to them. And when they do, we’ll act surprised and plead that we’re the innocent victims of unhinged fanatics that hate us for our way of life. We’ll use their attempts to seek vengeance to justify more perpetual and forever war. And to whittle away whatever is left of our constitutional rights and liberties.
These unsafe and unsanitary living conditions are a direct violation Flores Settlement Agreement. A Temporary Restraining Order Motion was filed to bring emergency relief to children who lack basic hygiene supplies, adequate nutrition, or sleep at CBP facilities. #CloseTheCamps pic.twitter.com/GiaXT6RNmv
— Families Belong Together (@fams2gether) June 27, 2019
Children in government custody feel alone. #CloseTheCamps pic.twitter.com/sKJERzHBzk
— Families Belong Together (@fams2gether) June 27, 2019
Children in government custody are frightened and scared. #CloseTheCamps pic.twitter.com/aduQuj8GMe
— Families Belong Together (@fams2gether) June 27, 2019
Children in government custody are ridiculed. #CloseTheCamps pic.twitter.com/VGravjWzW5
— Families Belong Together (@fams2gether) June 27, 2019
Children in government custody are forced to live in unsanitary conditions. #CloseTheCamps pic.twitter.com/0tf96OgvME
— Families Belong Together (@fams2gether) June 27, 2019
Join us demanding that the Trump administration #CloseTheCamps and put an end to this madness. pic.twitter.com/O6xil5TXMj
— Families Belong Together (@fams2gether) June 27, 2019
Open thread!
zhena gogolia
Where are they going to put them? I don’t trust them to do anything!
Twitter threads are full of people saying, “This was happening under Obama too.” But ne po-russki, pochemu-to.
So Pelosi folds like a paper tent on children in cages, but she’s still standing firm against impeachment hearings. Wonderful.
zhena gogolia
Chetan Murthy
I remember what bin Laden [1] wrote about some of his youth, spent partying in Beirut. The Israelis were using F-16s to attack the city, and were knocking down apartment towers. He wrote about how someday, he’d like to see the people who sent those F-16s, having their apartment towers knocked down.
[1] doesn’t change that he’s our enemy. Understanding your enemy and his motives is necessary if you want to win by any means other than genocide.
The Thin Black Duke
@zhena gogolia: Thank you.
Adam L Silverman
@Chetan Murthy: We had this flip side problem in Iraq. Task Force 34, which handled the detainee operations for the insurgents, al Qaeda folks, al Qaeda offshoot folks, and wannabes, put everyone in the same facility. They then tried to implement an intriguing deradicalization program. Unfortunately, as far as I know, they never involved any criminologists. I think I was the first one that the 2 star in command of the facility spoke to when he briefed my brigade combat team’s command group and senior staff on their operations. What we know happened, which would have been predicted by any criminologist who’d ever read any studies of inmates and prisons, is that the detainees actually reradicalized or further radicalized each other. This is where Zarqawi became the Zarqawi we eventually had to fight. The same for his lieutenants who are now running ISIS.
And when they do, they must be labeled “Trump-inspired crimes.”
By the way, how do we go about deporting Stephen Miller? If Germany deported Trump’s grandfather back to America, certainly, we can return the favor.
Hungry Joe
Protests set for July 12 — one on the border near our home in San Diego. We’ll be there. I suspect it could get ugly. I’ll be disappointed if it doesn’t.
@zhena gogolia: Deep thought there.
tokyocali (formerly tokyo expat)
This makes me so ill. Thank you Adam and other front pagers for continuing to put this front and center. My rep is the useless, belongs-in-jail Duncan Hunter.
I am off to work. The typhoon has yet to hit. On top of that, Trump is in town. This day can’t get any better.
Malevolence is firmly in control, and the courts are on its side. I am at a complete loss as to what to do – appeal to an international tribunal? Beg someone to send a liberating army?
Calling one’s elected representatives only works if the representatives give a shit. The ones who do are outnumbered by the ones who don’t.
I wonder how many of the ‘moderate’ Democrats involved in today’s vote are hedging for a second Trump term…
The Grammar Nazis will be with you shortly.
You hit the nail on the Adam. Of course people will be angry. I am and I’m not the one suffering. Yet.
This government is an enemy of the people.
Apparently it is not the House’s job to be concerned that Trump rapes women too.
I wish I was kidding.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: The Obama administration did have to deal with a surge of asylum seekers, especially children, back in 2014. They immediately opened up additional and overflow housing, often using unused space on military bases – I think they used Ft. Hood for a lot of the kids. They got them processed, screened, and then released into custody of either relatives or immigration court or Office of Refugee Resettlement foster families as quickly as they could. And yes, some of the initial facilities used for emergency inprocessing utilized wire fencing as dividers, so it looked like cages. Emergency blankets were used – those are the silver foil looking things. But these were temporary, emergency measures. They weren’t part of a get tough so the word gets out and we can deter future waves of asylum seekers strategy and policy. Nor were they part of a strategy and policy that stripped children away from their parents and then deliberately fudged the records so no one could ever figure out how to fix the problem. The one thing they seemed to have learned from the NAZIs was to not keep good records because good records get you in trouble.
@smintheus: In one of the languages of my people, feux toi, marpon.
@Chetan Murthy: At this point, there is reason to assume genocide might just be on the agenda.
I understand the traditional method is out of a cargo plane over the open ocean.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: I don’t think the country his great grandparents emigrated from still exists. And, even if it did, most likely they had no papers as they were fleeing anti-Semitism.
@TenguPhule: Apparently not that either…or, for that matter, anything Trump has done or will do.
@Adam L Silverman: Nuremberg Trials. We can do the truth & reconciliation thing later, maybe…there’s already plenty of truth and I really don’t want to talk reconciliation with any of the scum behind this.
This is a CHOICE they’ve made, peeps. Let’s make them own it.
Poutine Trucks on every corner.
Adam L Silverman
@tokyocali (formerly tokyo expat): I did not realize that Hunter’s district was so gerrymandered that it included Tokyo. Damn you Chief Justice Roberts!!!
Chetan Murthy
@smintheus: @zhena gogolia:
At least she’s doing some thinking. The two ideas that you expressed are contradictory. Maybe think ’em thru a little more?
Why contradictory? Well, if Pelosi had been -able- to hold firm (if her caucus had held the line) you’d have had a case that maybe she should also push on impeachment. But with a caucus that can’t even hold the line on ensuring that funding goes to providing shelter for these poor immigrant children, rather than to punishing them, HOW can she possibly imagine being able to push for impeachment?
Do you see the contradiction there?
Vichy Dems?
Did they not read up on what the French did to their own collaborators?
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: WordPress actually kept pestering me to correct that from to to too and I just decided to stop fighting with the dashboard program.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Nock it off. You want to make those comments, go join the Proud Boys.
Raven Onthill
Yes. I’ve been saying that since the first reports. Doesn’t help. Sometimes one just can’t scream loud enough.
I suspect that Pelosi is caving because otherwise she would not be able to hold her caucus together. The Democratic Party is trying desperately to split in two, and she’s working hard to hold things together long enough to defeat the fascists. I don’t agree with her, but she knows the situation much better than I.
Adam L Silverman
@Jeffro: Do them both. The Truth & Reconciliation Commission feeds the Crimes Against Humanity Tribunal.
@Chetan Murthy: Perhaps the Speaker might consider a radical course of action like not passing any spending bills in the House until Trump stops committing crimes? At this point, the Federal Government deserves to be shut down.
Adam L Silverman
@Raven Onthill: Way off topic, and I apologize if I missed you mentioning it, did you ever get your fascinating history on gun laws published somewhere? I enjoyed the draft you sent me way back.
@Adam L Silverman: What? We’re two steps short of an Argentinian Banana Republic, so we might as well brush up on the classic oldies.
@Raven Onthill: Nah. It was much simpler than that. She was already ungestuppt from the Senate vote. There weren’t enough on her side to back her up in the final vote. Sometimes even the best have to eat crow. Present company excluded.
@Adam L Silverman:
Obama didn’t separate families. Most of the children came unaccompanied, riding on the tops of freight trains. Why doesn’t anyone push back when Trump lies about separation?
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: You want back in time out? I get the anger, the frustration, and the sentiment. Believe me, I do. But let’s dial it back a wee bit.
@Chetan Murthy: You’re short a clue or two. It’s not a question of Pelosi failing to push for impeachment; as I suspect you know already, she has blocked those in her own party who wish to open hearings into Trump’s crimes. Meanwhile she refuses to block the Republican-backed bill from coming up for a vote. How is it in any way unclear what my point was? Fuck you to fellow Democrats who want to open hearings, but not fuck you to Mitch McConnell who wants to give Trump a free hand to continue caging children in horrific conditions.
Uh huh. Punishing civil servants a sure path to getting them to vote D. //
Check your meds, dude.
@TenguPhule: Now you’re being shrill.
@Chetan Murthy:
“either way, i’m still outraged.”
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: That’s what this sentence was for:
So, what are you going to do about it?
Chetan Murthy
@Adam L Silverman:
If we ever make it back to the shores of decency, this will have been prescient, and will allow so many of them to escape any appointment with justice. It makes my blood boil sometimes, how the perpetrators of this horror are going to skate in the end.
Mike in NC
@tokyocali (formerly tokyo expat): So Fat Bastard lands in Tokyo and right off attacks India, Germany, and Japan. Of course. Can’t wait to hear how he gets humiliated by Putin and asks “Thank you, comrade. May I have another?”.
Plus she immediately would have been painted* as more evil than the worst proverbial step-mother imaginable for blocking a vote “to help the children.”
*Unfairly or fairly is irrelevant, we all have seen how the meme/soundbite machine works.
Adam L Silverman
@Mike in NC: His quarterly review is tomorrow morning.
I’m sure this will do wonders for Democratic voter Turnout next year. //s
All the political triangulation and moderation is going to do is tank enthusiasm. If people believe voting isn’t going to change anything, they’re not going to fight through GOP obstacles to vote.
It was the only thing Republicans did right as the minority. They never quit fighting and getting in the way of the majority. No matter how low in the mud they had to dig.
@Jeffro: firing squad is fine with me
@zhena gogolia:
Not sure he is wrong.
@Adam L Silverman:
The US Asylum system, ( BPD, ICE, “Courts”, Cops, Employers, Judicial Incarceration Industry) has been persecuting “not the right kind” of Refugees since before Reagan.
A tiny, tiny minority, less than 0.0001%, even in the heyday of Left Wing Terrorism, ever became terrorists. Most who did, became Reactionary Right Wing Terrorists.
99.999% of these refugees, if they survive the Amerikan System, will simply try to fit in, survive, and try to prosper. A moderate amount won’t make it, as they will never properly recover from the traumas inflicted on them, and will remain on the margins forever. A tiny amount, will turn to self medication, crime and violence, still, far less than the numbers of Amerikan Born wipple who embrace biolent crime.
Amerika already has a terrorism problem, and it’s not Islamicists or refugee based. It Wipple and it’s growing.
Five months and a half months and Democrats are trying mightily to show how useless they are.
At least with rampant gerrymandering about to occur Democratic politicians can be comforted to know they won’t be in power and can avoid taking responsibility for anything.
@Chetan Murthy: the Nazis thought they could cover up but big data (in its infancy) got them. The records will be there
low-tech cyclist
Everybody responsible for these atrocities, from Trump on down to the CBP guards who enforce these conditions on a day-to-day basis, should be imprisoned in one of these camps, under these conditions. For the rest of their lives.
No soap, no toothpaste, no showers, nowhere to wash, barely room to lie down on a cold concrete floor with all the people in each cage, a toilet in the corner with no privacy, the minimal food that they give these kids…the whole nine yards. For the rest of their lives.
Yeah, I saw that also.
Mo MacArbie
I’m still pissed Pelosi allowed the willow to be planted so close to the house.
@Ksmiami: ICE, HHS and CBP learned their lesson. They don’t bother to keep records of the children. Its why the judge in the last case was so pissed off at them.
Since getting pregnant with Spawn the Youngest, and even before, I have been having a really hard time coping emotionally with some of the Topics of the Day. I couldn’t bear to discuss or read about third-trimester abortion, even though I firmly believe that it should be legal, just because my own emotional state has been somewhat delicate. Same for trans issues, teen mental health and suicide, etc. But this has been next-level terrible for me. I spent much of the day taking my little noob to the pediatrician, dressing her in clean clothes, getting some good, healthful food in the house, and trying to make time for my own recovery—all the while my tax dollars and my duly elected government are TORTURING CHILDREN. For no other reason than that they weren’t born to the “right” parents.
Mr. Suzanne and I decided to make a donation to RAICES in celebration of new Spawn.
Thank you for posting this, Adam. A reporter on NPR who visited the Clint facility said the camp was clean and didn’t smell. Of course this flies in the face of everything we’ve learned in the last week. I found a transcript of the interview and here’s what the reporter said toward the end of the segment:
Where do I even begin? Trump and Pence expressed concern? That is meaningless coming from a pathological liar and his sycophantic side-kick. And for crissakes, there’s no “he said, she said” story here. You’re a reporter. Find out the facts. Did they actually let you speak with the children? No, they did not. CBP gave a highly restricted and choreographed tour to some reporters and we’re just supposed to credulously accept their word? It’s just infuriating how some in the the media keep enabling the fascists.
@celticdragonchick: I thought it was the Onion. You can imagine my horror realizing it was serious.
@Eljai: npr needs to be dissolved it’s basically a propaganda arm for the GOP lite crowd
@TenguPhule: there are numerical data files for bragging rights we’ll find them once this anti American government is thrown out
Chetan Murthy
@Ksmiami: I wish I believed you. But I remember that nobody except the lowest-level guards got punished for Abu Ghraib. Intelligence guys goin’ thru there like clockwork, and nobody ever got tagged.
Had to wait for arrival of a fresh shipment of whatever drugs are being forced on the kids to keep things quiescent.
We ‘re creating our own terrorists in this hemisphere.
Sad, but true.
The gifts from the racists in this Administration will be coming for years to come.
Adam L Silverman
@Raven Onthill: @Yutsano: @NotMax: You’re all right. She clearly wants to make sure the children are taken care of, as can be seen in the visible emotion in the video. But she also was dealt a bad hand. Schumer delivered almost his whole caucus for McConnell’s bill and that provided cover for the moderates in Pelosi’s caucus to vote for it. Despite what social media presents, the reality is that there are far more center left Democrats, especially in Congress, than left of center ones.
One account I saw, can’t remember where, said that the place had the feel of a hastily-cleaned dorm room on Parents’ Weekend.
A Ghost To Most
@TenguPhule: The first rule of Democracy Fight Club is don’t talk about Democracy Fight Club.
Conservative hard liners are fighting to make sure that immigrant children continue to be hurt.
Raven Onthill
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks for the kind words. It’s up on my blog, where it occasionally gets a few views. If it were to be more formally published, I would want to revise it; my understanding of the history changed as I worked and I would want to incorporate some of my later understandings.
I wish I could get the ideas more widely circulated, but this is a general problem with much of my writing; to be taken seriously as a political scientist I would probably had to have started an academic career 30 years ago.
Or else write books. I suppose I could still do that.
(If anyone else wants to read it, it starts at https://adviceunasked.blogspot.com/2018/02/a-well-regulated-militia-part-0.html.)
Courtesy of Squeers & Bumble Quik-Kleen, LLC.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
Thank you for that clear explanation.
@Adam L Silverman:
I know. I was expressing my frustration after seeing Trump bellowing last night that it was he who was bringing families together after Obama had torn them apart.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: Tracking.
@Adam L Silverman:
Interesting how the rage is focused on Pelosi rather than that cowardly Schumer.
Chetan Murthy
@debbie: Indeed it is.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m torn between bouts of despair and the knowledge that we can’t give in. We have to maintain our enthusiasm so we support our candidate and turn out voters. Depressing voters is part of what Russia’s campaign was meant to achieve.
zhena gogolia
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
And there are certain commenters who only show up here when they can try to depress us.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Really? I think Trump’s outrages will do everything except depress Democratic turnout.
@Dorothy A. Winsor
Voting is a dish best served piping hot.
how about we put the blame on the people who are actually putting people/children/families in cages by executive order rather than on those actively fighting on multiple fronts against this onslaught of petty cruelty and a media that has no interest in framing the story or the decisions in the stark facts that are needed to repulse those who can only spare a passing minute to glean wtf is going on in our country as they go from job to job trying to put food on the table and get the kids to soccer practice.
Sure, lets pile on Pelosi because its not as if she isn’t trying but just because we voted a Dem majority in the house doesn’t mean that they’re going to walk lockstep with her on every decision point. What do you think they are? Republicans?
zhena gogolia
The night of that election, I kept saying, “I don’t want to see what he’s going to do! I don’t want to see what he’s going to do!”
I had no idea, I just knew it would be horrible. The reality is even more horrible than what I imagined.
Dan B
Proud Boys, MAGA, and Mass Resistance showed up at a suburban Seattle library (Issaquah) and intimidated supporters of Teen Pride. They photographed sign up sheets that had supporters emails and addresses. They are doxing drag queens and taking down license plates at Prude events in suburban towns. A group of big men in MAGA hats stood on either side of the meeting room and filmed Pride supporters. One tried to bring a gun into the meeting. Another threatened people with a baseball bat in the parking lot.
It’s the same mentality that wants refugees locked up and sent back. It’s the same people who don’t want their kids to be “exposed” to diversity.
And… facebook took down posts about the Proud Boys intimidating people at Issaquah Public Library. Why?
BTW they are planning to march in opposition to Trans Pride tomorriw night.
@debbie: I want him gone as Senate minority leader. He’s been a useless dead weight.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@debbie: One would hope so. I’m in the crawl over broken glass brigade.
zhena gogolia
thank you
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: To be fair, TenguPhule does it day in and day out.
It’s the fucking Republican Secretaries of State who’ll do everything to depress Democratic turnout.
Mark my words about these turds.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh, I didn’t mean him. I give him a pass because he is truly disturbed by all this. Others are just trolling.
@debbie: He’s a domestic terrorist, he should be detained in Gitmo.
@debbie: Do you really think we were going to get something better if the Senate democrats hadn’t backed McConnell’s bill? There aren’t really any poison pills in it, it just doesn’t fix the underlying problem. But it’s more than the nothing that we’d have otherwise and McConnell would be placing the blame on the democrats in the house either way. McConnell made an offer that far too many people would view as reasonable for them to say no. It put the Senate democrats in a bad position as they’d be forced to vote against aid to the children.
Plenty of it to go around. But its hard to go past 11 on the rage meter against the Usual Culprits since once death penalties look good, there isn’t much more you can do at that point.
But the Senate minority failed us. Only 8 Senators did the right thing.
And the House Democratic majority failed us. That’s what hurts.
Dan B
@Eljai: Did the Kochs buy NPR?
That’s what I recall.
On that list of overdue things I want the US government to do, near the top is give that back to Cuba. I fucking hate everything that’s been done there.
Chetan Murthy
My understanding is that if the Senate vote hadn’t been so lopsided, Pelosi could have insisted on a conference committee. As it is, the Senate rules apparently allow Gravedigger Yertle to insist on “the Senate bill, or nothing!” So yeah, I think that if the Senate Dems had held together, they could have given Pelosi cards to play with.
Ah, well. My Senator (Feinstein) amongst the cowards.
@TenguPhule:sure, but as long as it’s there we should use it for the criminals and low lifes that are enacting nazi policies.
Is anyone else having an issue where the pie filter is blocking some but not all comments from a nym? The nym hasn’t changed as far as I can tell. The unpied comments have blue and red buttons visible at the bottom saying “Click to Edit” and “Request Deletion”. I’m on Firefox. Not critical, just mildly annoying.
@Chetan Murthy: I’m skeptical. I think McConnell would’ve simply delayed past the recess and then blamed it on the Democrats, and it would’ve given him even more ammunition to use against them.
He wasn’t willing to conceed any of the ground the house was asking for, and he doesn’t actually care about the kids, so he wouldn’t have blinked on doing nothing at all. He made a reasonableish offer for a reason. It gave him all the leverage. It’s really hard to argue against anything in that bill. It’s all the stuff that’s not in it that’s the problem.
@Dan B:
Sadly, this is how you do it.
You doxx them, you cost them friends, family, jobs, deplatform them, out them to their neighbors,
You counterprotest them. If you need to, in self defense of yourself or others, you beat them down when they attack.
You form civic alliances, and create areas where citizens protect citizens.
Because sure as hell, the Cops and Courts arn’t going to do it, as long as it’s not a mass murder.
Raven Onthill
@Adam L Silverman: Schumer is a problem but, really, most of the Senate Democrats are of the party’s conservative wing. Still haven’t found out who the eight holdouts in the Senate were, though I suppose one was Sanders.
Raven Onthill
“Bipartisan,” it seems, has become a synonym for fascist collaboration.
Instead of talking about who failed us, I wish you would consider the quote from a speech by Teddy Roosevelt.
It’s pretty easy to sit and type shit on the computer. Much more difficult to actually get in the game and keep struggling every day,
Chetan Murthy
You might be right. All I mean, is that IF the Senate Dems had held firm, Pelosi would have had much more ammo to hold her caucus in line, and thus *maybe* she could have gotten something in a negotiation with Gravedigger Yertle. You’re probably right, though. But regardless, the Senate Dems’ caving foreclosed the exploration of that timeline.
Another Scott
@CatFacts: The blog is broken and has been for a while. Apparently being able to edit other posters comments (but not really), pied people having unpied comments, etc., etc., are all manifestations of the broken-ness.
The new, shiny, faster, Balloon-Juice is coming – soon! Before the heat death of the universe!!1
But now the Republicans can use
the money for the wall, right?
If the wall is funded, this is a step in the
wrong direction
I am sure that Nancy believes every Dolt45 Accuser. Just as I do. We are not the problem. And, what is the House supposed to do about the women he has attacked?
Another Scott
@Eolirin: +1
Plus, as I understand it, there’s only so much policy stuff that can be put in an appropriations bill (and that’s what this was).
We had a weak hand, here. Getting greater visibility for the problems (that Donnie and his monsters have created) is the best way to end the abuses – even though it won’t be quick.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Raven Onthill: how hard is it to look up the vote on the senate web page?
and no, Sanders wasn’t one of the no votes. After all, he voted for Dump’s racist wall (Senate vote #25 and #26).
Another Scott
Only the best people… PoliticalFlare:
(via LOLGOP)
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Chetan Murthy
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Glad you asked the question. Here’s the page: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=116&session=1&vote=00185
Sanders was not voting. As I understand it, all the Senators who are running in the presidential primary, are all in Miami, and …. well, we can’t really hold it against them, if they’re busy preparing for their first major job interview.
So I give him a pass on this, just as I do Harris/Klobuchar/Warren/Gillibrand/Booker (all of them in the same boat).
@Another Scott: Thanks! Eagerly waiting for shiny new blog.
To stay on topic, “Fuckem” pretty much sums up my opinion of the day’s major political developments.
@smintheus: Considerably deeper than yours, sweet pea.
A Ghost To Most
The good news is that most of the wingnuts are too gutless or out of shape to form the uprising these assholes were fomenting. Instead, they just outed themselves.
@Another Scott
Not quite.
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
Have a link on the rôle climate change is playing in this migration from Central America.
Then ask yourselves how much of a dress rehearsal for the progressive calamities of global climate change the current administration’s policies are. One of the few parts of the US government that’s taken planning for the effects of massive climate change us the DoD; what’s in those plans?
Give them air time with investigative panels?
Its not like Republicans didn’t do the same thing against Bill Clinton.
Hirono was one of the Nays.
Yay team HI.
Schatz was a yes.
Bad Schatz. No treat for you.
Yeah, sure. It may have also lead to effective lines of attack that could potentially take some of the heat off the administration for a few news cycles, and it had a fairly high risk of resulting in even less being done to improve things.
It was safer to do this, not just as a political calculation, but also as a policy one. Maybe, maybe, being able to get to conference would’ve given us more. But just as if not more likely, it gives us even less.
The problem the Democrats face is that they’re interested in policy outcomes too. They’re forced to negotiate from an inherent position of weakness because there’s always hostages, and the Republicans know we won’t let them shoot them. We’re only going to draw a line in the sand if the situation is extreme and they’re being unreasonable, like with the shut down. So McConnell went for reasonable but insufficient. It’s really hard to say no to that.
I’m sure the house will continue to try to take action on this, including investigations. The senate knows that too.
@Dan B:
Shane, who was asked to escort Drag Queen Readings Supporters to their cars, because they didn’t feel safe with Nazi’s in the parking lot, , was arrested by the cops and can use some support,
Issaquah Public Library has now realized that they need an armed police presence for public meetings.
@A Ghost To Most:
They have killed or wounded over 3,600 people since 9/11, comprise 98% of all terrorist acts in the US since 9/11, and have massive political support in the Cops, Courts and amongst the Deplorables and their Politicians.
Chetan Murthy
This was discussed in a number of places recently:
(1) so sure, let’s ask these women to stuck their heads in a wood-chipper. Yeah, that sounds good.
(2) we know that the GrOPers on these panels will derail things massively
(3) and for what? It’s not like there’s a procedural outcome. It’s just for the public exposure. And look at how well the media has ignored things so far …..
Yeah, let’s air the controversy. B/c that’s worked so far. And if one of these women gets hurt or worse, hey, she’s a martyr for our cause.
@GideonAB: the wall is a useless piece of crap that won’t do anything. It’s symbolic and the reason not to fund it is that it is a shiny object to hold out to get something else. In the scheme of the immigration policy debate, it’s not all that relevant.
Right now throwing money at detention centers and hoping Trump will buy toothbrushes was about all that was going to happen. The GOP xenophobic extremists also didn’t get what they wanted, which is the end of asylum and due process for assylees or the undocumented in general.
The treatment of the apprehended sucks, but despite all the cruelty, Trump hasn’t gotten much of what he wanted or promised to do done. There’s no “100,000” deportation shock force, the Syrian refugees are still here legally and haven’t been rounded up, he hasn’t been able to more than slow walk naturalization, his “extreme vetting” and family migration still happens, there’s still a diversity lottery…the list goes on. I was worried that they’d be able to leverage the children to get some of these other items. They haven’t.
Dan B
@Jay: Thanks for the link. I’m concerned that we have some white suburban folks who believe that homophobes went away or they won’t bother their “nice, safe” communities. The other concern is the Trans march tomorrow evening. A coalition of Proud Boys and affiliates are marching from City Hall. Trans Pride is small so it makes a vulnerable target. Will there be enough security and a helpful police presence? The Proud Boys have been attacking randomly in the gayborhood, mostly aroind the remaining bars.
@Chetan Murthy: Its a Morton’s fork either way.
Omnes Omnibus
@Chetan Murthy: It’s always easy to ask others to be brave.
.@Josie: Agreed.
@GideonAB: They could shift that money around, yeah, but that would, when exposed, make their refusal to spend the money on things like soap and toothpaste when that’s what the money was ostensibly requested for look even more awful. They may still do it because they’re dumb, but this is already galvanizing opposition and turning public opinion against them.
On the flip side, not appropriating the funds let’s them both sides the lack of concern for the kids in those camps.
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you for that, very helpful. I think my Rep. is pretty solid, but not sure I trust my Dem. senators right now. I will call their offices to find out how they voted, and why. What’s deeply discouraging is the lack of response from any friends I try to engage in these issues, who might otherwise call their elected officials and work to engage others and thus help build the critical mass that seems to be eluding Pelosi. I guess it’s just keep trying unless someone actively tells me to -eff off.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: Yep.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: And all will look upon it and despair.
@Dan B:
Emerald City Antifia and other groups, are not yet well organized in Seattle, compared to Portland. They could use some help.
Back in the day, ‘80’s and ‘90’s, the Nazis organized in private clubs and by phone. They were driven back into obscurity by counterprotests by a broad range of antifacists, civic foot patrols tried to keep the West End safe, Companies that rented them space were sued, and “flying squads” of Skins/Punks/Anarchists followed the old 1930’s tactics of hunting them down in the streets, at their homes, work and trashing their private club gatherings.
In Hamilton a storm is brewing. City Council and the Hamilton Police Department has been caught playing footsie with Nazis, ( dating back at least 15 years). Lots of people are going to lose their jobs, careers and pensions in the next few years.
It helps that the Canadian Government has started adding Nazis to the Terrorism Lists.
$775 a day, per detained refugee child. There is no shortage of funds, beds, (550 empty beds yesterday at ICPS), or profits.
@Kattails: Poor Nancy, she can’t survive the criticism even of a flowering Lathyrus without the aid of an on-line fan boi.
@Chetan Murthy: because unbeknownst to Nancy Pelosi Rt al and the sclerotic Dem leadership I think our country is pretty much on verge of a breaking point
@Suzanne: You done good. Be well.
@zhena gogolia: Super late to this thread, but : THANK YOU!!!